(Thursday-October 28, 2010)
Tim Drake had a look of contemplation as he watched to footage. He saw it the first time, but he wanted to make sure. He watched as Robin the Boy Wonder flipped and turned in mid-air.
"It's the same." Tim mentioned to himself and his computer. "Just like the Flying Graysons…"
With those moves, the boy under that mask had to be the only survivor of the Flying Grayson family. Richard Grayson was Robin. Not only that, Grayson was the ward of Bruce Wayne. That meant…Bruce Wayne is the Batman.
'Did I really just figure that out?' Tim questioned.
It did make sense after all. Who else but someone with a ridiculous amount of wealth, free time, and solitude could possibly be Batman? No one really.
The only question was what to do now. Tim knew their secrets. He could easily do something with it, but if he did anything, then it would threaten the Dynamic Duo's lives. Gotham needed Batman and Robin, so Tim couldn't risk their lives like that.
"I guess I'll just keep it to myself." Tim shrugged and closed the video on his computer. "Not like I'll ever need to use the info after all."
(Sunday-October 31, 2010)
"You are a cold man, Z." Psimon mentioned as he led Grundy down the walls of the bloodied and silent Ghoul Project.
"Whatever…" Agent Z grunted. He carried Joel over his shoulder.
"You just prove my point." Psimon chuckled.
"Just take Grundy back to his cage." Agent Z rolled his eyes. "I'll take care of the kid."
"Whatever you say…" Psimon just smiled. "Alright, Grundy, Psimon says, go to your cell."
Grundy grunted and obeyed the telepath.
Agent Z ignored them as they wen the opposite direction. Instead, he went to the area where both he and Joel were kept during their stay in the Ghoul Project. The man paused when he saw their cages. He remembered his past discussions with the boy. 'I told this kid more about my life than I ever told anyone…'
And he betrayed Joel without a second thought.
"I'm such a heartless bastard." Agent Z muttered and put Joel back in his cage. "I betray the only person who showed me kindness in a long time…"
Phantom didn't count. There were days that Agent Z wished the ghost just killed him. The sweet embrace of Death would be kinder than this. This boy, on the other hand, stuck his neck out for Agent Z. His reward was decapitation.
"For what it's worth…I am sorry." Agent Z looked at the unconscious boy. "But this is the path that I have chosen. I must finish this. Even if it costs me my soul, I must have vengeance. I must kill Danny Phantom."
Turning, Agent Z began to walk away from Joel. "Forgive this old fool, Trever...Ellie. I have failed you once again."
(Tuesday-October 31, 2010)
"You called for me?" Jinx bowed before the members of the Light.
"Ah, Jinx." Queen Bee smiled down at the girl. "How wonderful to see you."
Jinx frowned at Queen Bee's sweet tone. "Is there something wrong, your majesty?"
"She is angry. Just like the rest of us…" Ra's had a prominent scowl. He did not like how today went. First what happened with Joel, and now this…
"What did I do to anger you?" Jinx questioned.
"Kekekekekekekekekekeke!" Klarion laughed madly. "She asks like she doesn't know."
"Perhaps, zhis will clear up your memory." The Brain played back an audio tape they received from their mole Red Arrow.
"…And there's still the problem of Phantom." Red Arrow mentioned.
"Problem? I don't believe that there is a problem." Kaldur frowned.
"That's because you've blinded yourself to the fact that he has mixed loyalties." Red Arrow glared. "Did you forget that he's part of that ghost Council just as much if not more than his membership in Young Justice? He's probably feeding them info daily."
"Red Arrow does have a point." Batman acknowledged. "Phantom cares a great deal about the fate of the ghosts, and we do not know what the plans of the ghosts are at this time."
"Are you kidding me?" Robin seemed insulted by all this. "Danny has taken down every villain we've come across. He's stuck by us. Hell, he even sacrificed himself by becoming Doctor Fate for us! How can you even consider being suspicious."
"That's the thing…" Red Arrow's eyes narrowed. "How do we not know that he didn't plan that from the beginning? We have no way of knowing of how ghosts influence Nabu. For all we know, that Dora is more in control than Nabu."
"That…is a possibility. I doubt it, though." Batman acknowledged. "Plus, there's the fact that Phantom has some…questionable contacts on the other side of justice."
"Who? Red X?" Kaldur questioned. "That much was obvious from the beginning when you invited Danny to the Hall on the fourth."
"No…It's not Red X. It's Jinx."
Jinx was frozen in her spot. Cold beads of sweat rolled down her face. Her secret was found out. 'Damn it…'
"Jinx…" Vandal Savage stared down at his daughter. "Explain. Now."
(Friday-November 5, 2010)
Klarion smiled in glee. It had been the most wonderful of days. For once, his friends let him use his powers for something fun and useful. He got to separate the world into two. One for the adults, and one for the children.
That would be good enough fun on its own, but the day was far more profitable than that. Because of his distraction, the Light had managed to recover the remains of Starro. Now they were close to constructing Starro Tech. The mind control devices that would allow them to completely control the League.
But that wasn't even the best part of the day. No, the best part was when he met with Nyx. For the first time since her creation, Nyx got a glimpse of her father. She was even more perfect than Klarion thought. He could see the beginnings of madness in her eyes. That spark would only be strengthened as Nyx grew more curious about chaos.
"I may have to jumpstart that spark a bit more, though, if Pandora manages to intervene too much…" Klarion mumbled as black sparks of magical energy danced around his fingers.
Of course, things weren't all good. It turns out that the Gem was in Amity Park. Who would have thought that Trigon's spawn would be hiding there? It was a smart thing to do. Klarion was actually impressed by the cunning the girl showed by hiding in such a place. From the outside, she just looked like a normal magic user.
"Too bad the demon girl needs to die. She has potential."
(Friday-November 5, 2010)
Cassandra sighed as she sneaked back into her room. She did not get the chance to speak with Phantom like she wanted. It was a silly desire, but she thought that she might have a chance with her mother gone. It turned out to be useless, though. Phantom didn't even show up in Amity Park once.
"I wish that Spirit would have listened…" Cassandra whispered to herself.
There were plenty of whispers and rumors going on. But that wasn't what caught Cassandra's attention. No, what really caught her attention was when her mother, the ever calm Lady Shiva, began shouting at her superior. She yelled how she didn't care if Savage was going to confront Phantom soon and how she didn't want Cassandra to even be considered for a future project.
Cassandra didn't know what the second thing meant. After all, it seemed like her mother got her way. The odd thing was some of the words that were thrown around.
What did 'genetic superiority' have to do with anything?
(Sunday-November 7, 2010)
"Hey, Billy!" Mary Bromfield shouted to her friend.
"Huh?" Billy Batson blinked as he saw his friends run up to him. "What's up?"
"We were trying to find you all weekend." Freddie Freemen mentioned. "We were worried. I mean, come on, the adults disappeared."
"The heroes handled it." Billy mentioned.
"Yeah, but still…" Mary gave him a worried glanced. "You look pale. Is something wrong?"
"No," Billy lied as his thoughts turned to how his secret was revealed to the League. They weren't exactly happy. "I'm just tired. I didn't sleep at all while all that was going on."
"I bet." Freddie nodded. "I was freaking out, man."
"You should go get some rest." Mary encouraged. "It might make you feel better."
"Right…Feel better."
(Thursday-November 11, 2010)
"It is done." Savage addressed his colleges.
"Are you sure zhis is wise?" The Brain questioned. "To give Phantom such information…"
"It is all part of the plan." Ra's noted. "He will 'rescue' Joel and Grundy, but that won't matter. With the ultimatums we have given Phantom, we will either have control over them through Phantom's acceptance or through force."
"Are you not worried about this, Ra's?" Klarion questioned. "What if Joel doesn't do what you want? What if he runs away?"
"Joel does not have a chaotic mind like you, Klarion." Queen Bee stated. "He is logical. Amity Park is his best bet of stability for now…Until he realizes that the Lazarus Pit is his best bet."
Ra's grinned in agreement. "But I do believe that Talia has a plan to speed things up if need be…"
"I do have a question, though." Ocean Master spoke up. "Not about Joel, but Phantom. Even if he submits to our threats, will he really accept all of our plans for him?"
"We do not need him to agree immediately." Savage answered. "Just give it a few years for him to mature. Once he gets older, his wants in life will change, and he's already so close to Jinx as it is…"
(Thursday-November 11, 2010)
"Are you allowed to do that?" Dream questioned. "You talked to someone who wasn't dead or going to die…"
"Joel and Dani are exceptions to the rules. Just like Danny." Death mentioned.
"That much?" Despair blinked.
"Well…Not that much, but a little bit." Death smiled. "I can meet with them under the right connection. They lack Danny's natural connection to us, though."
"Why though?" Destruction questioned. "Why can you talk with them?"
"It's a complicated thing!" Delirium spoke up. "Hope! Joy! Endurance! The components of life!"
"Your outlook always astounds me." Destiny chuckled. "But remember, while those three things are the requirements to live, there are things that make life easier and sometimes worth living. Things like Knowledge and Love…"
(Saturday-November 13, 2010)
"Ha!" Donna Troy flipped her opponent and pointed a sword to the down Amazon's neck. "Do you yield?"
"Y-yes…" Alexa trembled. "I yield."
Donna raised his hand in triumph. She looked around the arena she was in and raised her sword into the air. She was met with roars from her fellow Amazonian women.
"Well, done, Donna…" Queen Hippolyta approached her daughter. "Thou did excellent."
"Yet I have not yet bested my elder sister yet. Where is Diana, by the way? I thought that she would be visiting today." Donna noted.
"Thy sister is busy in Man's World." Hippolyta stated. "There was a large attack on the States United. She said something about a massive snow storm. I believe she wanted to help ease the burdens of that the storm caused."
"Tsk…" Donna rolled her eyes. "If she keeps breaking her promises like this, then I might have to go after her in Man's World."
(Monday-November 22, 2010)
M'gann couldn't sleep. Her thoughts were consumed by her most recent exploits with her Team. She was beginning to hate Bialya. It was a country that seemed to cause her most difficult of hardships. First, Psimon wiped the minds of all of her teammates. Now, she was being blackmailed by Queen Bee because of her true Martian form.
The Martian girl thought that it would be settled when she put Psimon in a coma and destroyed all the cameras. He was the one with the knowledge of her true appearance after all, but that wasn't enough. Queen Bee knew too. M'gann thought about wiping the queen's mind, but the Bialyan leader threatened to have Garfield kill himself if she was harmed in any way.
Now, she was under the thumb of Queen Bee, and there was nothing she could do about it.
M'gann looked into one of the spare rooms to see Phantom, Spirit, and the new boy Joel sleeping. It was a really sweet sight. In any other circumstance, M'gann would have gushed at the scene. Right now, though, her mind was too focused on the difficulties she faced.
The heroine thought about telling Danny. Out of anyone, he was the one who was most likely to accept her monstrous true form. He understood discrimination after all.
'No…' M'gann shook her head. 'I can't let anyone know. Not even Conner or Danny…'
(Monday-November 22, 2010)
"It is one thing to see footage," Queen Bee mentioned. "But it is another to be in the presence of ascended ectoplasm. I was awed."
"I'm glad you finally see what I was talking about." Savage grinned.
"Even I'm impressed by the energy." Klarion mentioned. He actually looked serious for once. "I thought it was just a rumor until the Nocturne thing…"
"Where did that rumor even start?" Ocean Master questioned.
"Hmm…" Klarion paused. "Pariah Dark had those Observant guys look for the possibility of any powers that could rival his own. They said Nekron, anyone that steals his ring and crown, and an ascended form ectoplasm. I dismissed it at first. I mean, come on, they were basically describing a freaking angel…"
"It's strange how some things turn out like they do." Ra's chuckled. His words referred to more than just Danny's hidden powers, though.
(Monday-November 22, 2010)
"It is the second time that he reached that level of power." Destiny mentioned.
"It is." Death smiled.
"Hmm…" Destiny and Death walked through the abandoned facility of the Ghoul Project. Of course, nothing could see or touch them, but they could observe the fallout.
"How many more times will he have to use that power?" Death questioned.
"That's a spoiler." Destiny mentioned.
"Oh, right…My bad…" Death chuckled. "I guess…I want to interact with him again. It's nice to talk to people other than the dead and my siblings."
"Speaking of the dead…" Destiny paused at the arena where Agent Z and Phantom fought. "Agent Z…"
"Yes…" Death nodded. "Someone took his soul before I could get it. Do you know who? I don't care about spoilers this time."
"That's the thing…I don't know."
(Thursday-November 25, 2010)
"Okay, so you went back to Cadmus…why?" Phantom's voice rang through Superboy's phone.
"Because I found out that there was another Superman clone…his name is Match." Conner explained. He was flying the Supercycle from D.C. back to Rhode Island.
"What happened?"
"I found him…fought him…put him back on ice…" Superboy grunted.
"I see…." Phantom hummed. "This…is a lot to take in Conner. Are you okay with what happened?"
"Yeah…I just needed to talk about it. I'm heading back to the Cave. I'm sure M'gann's worried." Superboy sighed and patted Wolf who was at his side.
"Are you going to tell her?" Phantom questioned.
"No, not yet. I just…I know that you wouldn't make a big deal about this or try to tell anyone." Superboy's voice answered.
"Alright. I'll talk to you later. Happy Thanksgiving." Phantom noted.
"Yeah…Happy Thanksgiving." Superboy ended the call.
"Grr…" Wolf leg out a small whine. He sniffed the case of shields in Superboy's hands.
"I couldn't tell him…Not about these or Luthor." Conner frowned. "I just couldn't…
(Sunday-December 5, 2010)
Artemis sighed and crashed onto her bed. Today completely sucked. First she found out that she was only on the Team because her mom begged. Then, she found out that Red Arrow was trying to replace. And then…she messed up the mission completely.
"I'm such an idiot…" Artemis placed her hands over her face in shame. Why did she have to try and do everything herself? If she just did everything like they planned, then they wouldn't have failed. They would have won and might have captured Sportsmaster and Cheshire.
Rolling over, the blonde archer frowned at the thought of her family. Her father came by earlier. He was trying to pressure her into switching sides. Of course, she would never do that. Young Justice was more like family than her father ever was.
Still, she wished that she could talk to someone about this…
(Sunday-December 5, 2010)
"I did as you asked…" Jinx bowed before her bosses. "I told Phantom to warn Fenton."
"Excellent." Savage nodded. "He will need to be prepared for the day he is attacked."
"What if he cancels the conference?" Ocean Master questioned. "Isn't he fearful for his life?"
"There is only so much a man can take before he can't stand being pushed around anymore." Savage noted.
"Fenton has an extremely strong will. He won't take this threat lying down." Queen Bee agreed.
"It is likely zhat he will bring in Red X. Zhen, he will carry some weapons himself." The Brain mentioned.
"He'll probably have a few ghosts and heroes helping him discretely." Klarion scratched his chin. "But will that be enough if Freakshow really is behind this?"
"Good point." Ra's nodded. "Perhaps we should sent a few soldiers ourselves."
(Sunday-December 5, 2010)
"Look at me, Daddy!" Cissie King-Jones shouted as she jumped on her bed. "I'm like the archer girl!"
"Yes you are…" Bernell Jones chuckled. He remembered vividly how Green Arrow and his female companion saved him yesterday.
"Do you think that I can be that cool when I get older?" Cissie stopped bounced and looked at the Nerf bow and arrow in her hands.
"Oh…I'm sure you will be, Cissie." Cissie's mother, Bonnie King, grinned as she watched her daughter work with the bow. "I'm sure you will be…"
(Saturday-December 18, 2010)
"Who would have thought…The Tome of the Ancients." Freakshow grinned widely. "The key to our future."
"It is definitely the most plausible option." Lydia admitted. "A quick sneak attack on Scribe, and we have the book. The problem is that we will be in the middle of the Ghost Zone. If we can't access the true power of the Reality Gauntlet fast enough, we'll get cornered."
"True…" Freakshow nodded. "Well, we've waited this long. I'm sure that waiting a bit more won't hurt."
"Wait? For what?"
"Amity Park is a magnet for trouble. Eventually, something will happen to distract everyone enough to ignore the Ghost Zone."
(Saturday-December 18, 2010)
"Fenton did agree to a small partnership to capture Freakshow." Ra's noted.
"Just like that?" Ocean Master didn't seem convinced. "You did kidnap him before."
"He is a smart child." Savage noted. "He realizes the threat Freakshow posses to everyone. Pride is a small sacrifice for the greater good."
"Do you think that he will continue to work with us afterward, though?" Queen Bee questioned. "The Light could still benefit in a partnership with him."
"I suppose only time will tell."
(Saturday-December 18, 2010)
Nocturne trembled before his master. He disobeyed a direct order. Both Aragon and Hotep Ra stood a good distance away. They had not pity in their eyes. They were just glad that they weren't the recipient of the waves of rage being sent at their ally.
"Please forgive me, Master Nekron."
Forgiveness? You are a Black Lantern. There is no such as forgiveness. The closest thing we have is punishment.
"No, please. I will never disobey you again, Master." Nocturne begged.
No, you won't.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Nocturne shouted out when a wave of black energy hit his chest and cut into it deeply.
Hotep Ra. Aragon. Take note. This will happen to you if you ever go against my will. Do not harm or kill the half-ghosts. We still need them. Especially Phantom…
"Yes, Master."
(Saturday-December 18, 2010)
"Did you hear?" Tula looked to her boyfriend Garth.
"Hear what?" Garth looked over at the red haired Atlantian. As they swam, the waved to their younger classmate La'gaan, who was working on his ability to increase his mass like a puffer fish.
"His Majesty is thinking about taking another protégé." Tula stated excitedly. "Apparently, because Kaldur is so busy with his Team, King Orion would like some more help in protecting the oceans. Not only that, he is thinking about taking more than one protégé."
"Really? Now that is interesting…" Garth eyed his girlfriend. "What are you thinking, Tula?"
"Oh, nothing." Tula smiled. "Just wondering how good Aquagirl sounds to the ear."
"Well, I think that it is very pleasing."
(Thursday-December 30, 2010)
Jinx could only watch in silence as Young Justice flew off. She told them everything about the attack on Amity Park, but she remained silent on the more important matter. The Light probably already took control of the League. And when Young Justice got there, they would face the same fate.
'Forgive me, Danny.' Jinx stated. 'But I couldn't tell you about that. I couldn't betray my father completely.'
At least both of them would safe after this. Savage would be free, and Phantom would be under the control of the Light. They would be safe, and that's all that mattered to Jinx.
(Friday-December 31, 2010)
Klarion frowned down at Savage. "Okay...I get the purpose of your mission for Phantom, but I have to say...It's a little creepy. Are you seriously going to have him do that for the whole time the other Leaguers are gone?"
"No." Savage shook his head. "He will return soon. When he does, I will make sure to delete the surveillance footage from the Watchtower."
"Why? Do you expect something to happen?" Klarion questioned.
"Old friend, if there is one thing I have learned in life, it is that anything than can go wrong." Savage noted. "It is always best to prepare for the worst situation."
"So is that what you call the task you gave Phantom." Klarion shuddered. "Preparing for the worst situation?"
"Yes. Yes it is..."
(Friday-December 31, 2010)
Freakshow held up Scribe by the throat. "Where's the Tome of the Ancients?"
Scribe just glared at him. "I won't tell you…"
"Yes, you will!" Freakshow shouted. He sent a surge of electricity through the Ghost Writer.
"No! Master Scribe!" Poindexter shouted.
"Shh…" Lydia was holding Poindexter down with her foot.
"Don't hurt him, you bully!"
Freakshow scoffed. "I'll stop hurting him when he tells me what I want to know."
"Fine! I'll tell you where the Tome is!"
"No…" Scribe pleaded from Freakshow's grasp. "You can't…AAAHHH!"
"Be quiet. Poindexter, right? Do go on."
(Saturday-January 1, 2011)
"I can't believe we left!" King shouted.
"The Light is so going to kill us." Jack shuddered at the thought.
"And we'll be on the run from the Justice League too…" Queen mentioned.
"Dude! We won't be able to participate in any extreme sports tournaments!" Ten looked horrified.
"Shut up. Everything will be fine." Ace looked back at the other members of the Royal Flush Gang. "The League is no threat if they don't come after me with the intent to kill, and if the Light comes after us, I'll kill those bastards. I always planned to kill them anyway. I'll rip the flesh from their bones…"
"Damn, Ace…" King paled in fear as he saw that the spark of anger from Ace caused the air to shift and the ground to shake. "What did the Light do to you to make you hate them so much?"
"You don't want to know."
(Saturday-January 1, 2011)
Ra's Al Ghul stared at the tube in front of him. "What is this? I don't remember this being in the reports."
"Oh that?" Lex Luther, who had been freed from League custody a few hours ago with the help of Savage, turned to face what Ra's was staring at. "That was dug up a few years ago. It's ancient, but for some reason some life still seems to be in it. It's quite fascinating."
"Oh?" Ocean Master questioned as he instructed their men to drag the Kryptonian clone Match and the original Roy Harper away. "That's strange. Where did you find it?"
"Metropolis." Lex Luther explained. "I was having my scientists examine it, but most are too afraid to get close."
"I can zee why." The Brain noted as he rolled over to the being. "It lookz az if ze is ready it kill anyzing that lookz at it."
"Shall we take that as well?" Ocean Master questioned.
"Yes…" Luther stared at perhaps one of the largest beings he has ever seen. The grey skinned giant seemed to be just a giant mass of muscles and rocky spikes. "Perhaps he will be useful one day."
Thus, the tube was dragged out. As it was moved, dust flew off the front to reveal two words.
Subject: Doomsday
(Monday-January 3, 2011)
Destiny watched as Phantom disappeared. "It is done…"
"Was it smart to give him so much advice?" Despair questioned. "This does borderline knowledge about the future."
"It was just a warning to prepare for the future." Delirium mentioned. "Nothing more, nothing less. He has no knowledge of the who, the what, they why, or the when."
"Or the absolute destruction that will soon come." Destruction nodded. "The kid really doesn't have a clue…"
"Then do you really think our warning is enough?" Dream questioned.
"We can only hope."
(Monday-January 3, 2011)
Walker groaned as he returned to the land of consciousness. His body ached, and he felt weaker than he ever felt before. That shouldn't be right. He took the modified Kobra Venom. He should be an unstoppable force…
"The girl!" Walker sat up rapidly. This caused pain to shoot across the right side of his face. He tried to reach for it with his left hand, but he found that it was gone.
"No…That bitch!" Walker jumped to his feet. He then tried to flare his energy, but he found that was impossible. In fear, Walker reached up and grasped at Inhibitor Collar around his neck. "No…"
Looking around, Walker finally realized that he was in a cell. He was locked up just like all the prisoners he kept before he abandoned the Ghost Zone. The warden was now the prisoner.
"No." Walker fell to his knees in defeat. "No…I refuse. I am the warden, not the prisoner. I swear, I don't care what I have to do...what I have to sacrifice. No matter what, I will kill everyone wearing that goddamn Phantom symbol!"
(Monday-January 3, 2011)
"So we get to stay?" Victor Stone questioned.
Silas Stone sighed. "Yes, we are going to stay. Your mother and I discussed it, and we think that it would be best to stay in Amity Park. In reality, it's safer than most locations we could stay, and we love our work here too much to leave, despite the…oddities."
"Yes! I can't wait to tell my friends!" Victor cheered.
"Be careful, though, Victor." Silas warned. "Your friends have the potential to be dangerous, and I don't want you to get hurt."
"Don't worry, Dad. I'm sure nothing will happen to me. The ghosts got our backs after all."
(Tuesday-January 4, 2011)
"Damn, I'm tired." Nyx mentioned to Raven after their training was done.
"Yeah…I feel like I'm going to die…" Raven sighed tiredly.
"And to think…" Nyx groaned. "We have to do this three times a week."
"Do you want to get stronger or not?" Raven glared.
"I do…" Nyx nodded.
"Then shut up."
"Whatever, Gloom and Doom." Nyx grunted. "As long as I can start using my magic, I guess it will be alright."
She held up her hand and sent a surge of magical energy through her fingers. Black electricity danced around them.
"Awesome." She grinned as the black electricity traveled across her body. Even her eyes began to spark as well, and the white eyes of her eyes flashed black.
(Tuesday-January 4, 2011)
"Nicolai?" A blond woman questioned as she walked into the laboratory. It was filled with blinking machines and equipment.
"Agatha?" Nicolai Tillman looked up from his work. "What are you doing here?"
"We were supposed to meet an hour ago." Agatha Tillman sighed. "I figured you'd be here."
"OH NO!" Nicolai yelled. "I can't believe I did this…again…I'm so sorry, Agy! I was just so into my work. I'm almost about to make a breakthrough. I think I will soon manage to combine my, Fenton's, and Dr. Roquette's work to make an artificial limb that can act like real ones."
"Oh? That young blond woman?" Agathat frowned. "Is that what you were thinking about?"
"Hahahahahahaha!" Agatha laughed. "I know, Nic. Calm down. You know I like to tease you."
"Oh…" Nicolai blushed. "Sorry…for everything."
"It's fine. This is just who you are. Technology is one of your greatest loves after all." Agatha smiled. "Do you need some help?"
"Eh?" Nicolai blinked. "I thought you were taking the week off?"
"So were you, until you were struck by inspiration." Agatha giggled as she rolled up her sleeves.
"Yes, well um…"
"Come on, my airhead husband." Agatha smiled. "We have work to do."
"Yes…" Nicolai smiled. His wife was wrong about one thing, though. He loved her far more than he did technology.
And to think, he used to hate emotions.
(Wednesday-January 5, 2011)
"Spectra!" Bertrand hurried to his wife's side. "I came as soon as I got your message! What happened?!"
"Silly man…" The red haired woman chuckled. She was clearing aging, but it seemed to be a graceful and slow process. "I merely asked you to come over to my office for lunch. It didn't mean that there was an emergency."
"I'm sorry, but you never gave a reason…" Bertrand muttered.
"It's fine." Penelope smiled. "I love that you care enough to come running like that. Come let's eat."
"Woah…this is fancy…" Bertrand whistled at what could only be defined as fine dining. "What's the occasion?"
"I managed to convince a young woman to continue on even though her child passed away." Penelope explained.
"Eh? You do things like that all the time." Bertrand noted as he sat down. "Why celebrate this one?"
"I don't think we need a reason to celebrate life." Penelope smiled brightly. "Life is beautiful after all."
Bertrand chuckled. "You were always one to love beauty."
"Yes…but outside beauty is different than what I care about now…" Penelope sighed. After surviving the car accident, the woman who once obsessed with her own appearance quickly changed. After the group of random people she didn't even know pulled her from the wreckage, she realized that beauty wasn't was shown on the skin, but in the heart. "Tell me, Bertrand…I'm getting older now. Do you find me less attractive as I am now? Would you prefer a younger looking woman?"
Bertrand took her hand. "No. I've always loved you for more than your appearance. I always saw the beauty that was hidden deep within you. I'm just glad you found it, because now you're more beautiful than you've ever been, and even when we are old and worn, I will love you unconditionally."
"…Foolish man. Saying things like that." Penelope smiled as her eyes watered. "Actually, there was one more reason I wanted to talk to you. You see, I managed to convince the woman to live on because life always finds a way of continuing. New life always finds a way…"
"Bertrand…" She took his hand and placed it on her stomach. "I'm pregnant."
Life truly is beautiful, especially when there is such joy in the world.
(Thursday-January 6, 2011)
"Are you sure you don't want to join the Council?" Vision questioned the ghost in front of her.
"No, I don't think that's where I'm needed." Undergrowth grinned. "I have other places to be. More people and environments need to help them."
"I can respect that." Vision nodded. "But the offer will always be open."
"Thank you. I will keep that in mind." Undergrowth bowed in respect. "Now if you will excuse me, Lady Vision, I have a river that I need clean."
"Of course." Vision watched as the plant ghost left. He was completely different now. Not only was he polite and humble now, Undergrowth also cares about everything on the planet, not just the plants.
It just goes to show how much a change in circumstances can influence things.
(Thursday-January 6, 2011)
Lydia watched the City of New York from above. She saw as they went about their everyday lives. They didn't even seem to question what they were doing. None of them realized that they looked like ants from this spot.
"…" Lydia looked up as lighting cracked across the sky. Rain began to pour down. The woman ghost was soaked in seconds.
She could turn intangible, but she didn't see the point. The water did not hurt her.
Sighing, Lydia finally began to question what she would do with her life. She had spent so much time with Frederich. The woman strived constantly to redeem him. That never worked out, though. Fred…Freakshow eventually betrayed her and brought about his own destruction.
Lydia was not strong enough to save him.
She should feel terrible about that. After all, he was the reason she even became a ghost. But she couldn't bring herself to care. Freakshow had thrown her aside like she was nothing. Thus, she now knew that the man she loved so long ago had long since died. All that was left was Freakshow, and even that was gone now.
Yet, she was still here. Despite not having…or not knowing about her obsession, Lydia was still here. That meant that she had some purpose that she needed to fulfill. There was a reason for her continued existence.
That sounded familiar. Danny Phantom was in that same situation a little over a year ago. Nevertheless, he continued on. He fought on and tried to live life.
But how did he do that?
…He found new love in the form of his family…
Lydia looked down at the city once again. There were billions of people on the planet. Not to mention the ghosts, Atlantians, and other special beings. So many people on one planet…
Perhaps at least one of them could provide her with the love she needed.
Lowering herself to the ground, Lydia began to change her appearance. It was one of the many new abilities that Freakshow had provided her with during his time with the Reality Gauntlet. Oddly enough, Phantom did not remove those powers. Lydia did not know the reason, but she was grateful.
Now appearing as dark haired woman with fair skin, Lydia stepped out into the world. It was time to start her new life.
(Friday-January 7, 2011)
The children didn't understand. Humans did not live long. Their time on this planet was very short and all they left was a memory. That was why quality reproduction was so important. Not only did it continue the prosperity of the human race, it also made sure that a part of you continued to keep on living. Passing your genes to the next generation ensured that not all of you died.
That was very important to Vandal Savage. So many of his children had died. He had buried hundreds of them. It was always painful. Only a parent that lost their child could ever possibly understand the anguish. And Savage experienced more times than he cared to think about. That was the single greatest burden of immortality.
Through everything, though, Savage took solace in knowing that a part of his children would always live on. His descendants were their legacy, so they must live. Savage did everything he could, but no one could control everything in this universe. Eventually, his bloodlines died off, and the memory of his children were gone forever.
There was still one descendant left, though. He only had one piece of his children still alive in the world. That was why he would do anything to make sure that descendant lived. Not that he ever thought of Jennifer like that. He always treated her like his daughter. That was why she called him Dad even though he was her ancestor from several millenia ago. They both knew that she wasn't really his daughter, but they never cared. The loved each other like a parent and child should, and Savage would make sure that Jinx lived a long and prosperous life.
Not only that, he would do everything he could to make sure that the legacy of his children continued not only to live, but to thrive. To do that, though, he had to make sure good genes were used in the process. There was no other way to ensure that his children lived on and that humanity would continue to grow. That was why he wanted Jinx with Phantom. He knew both instinctively and logically that any child they had together would be unbeatable.
Many would argue that the gap between humans and ghost would make such a process impossible, but that wasn't a problem to begin with. After all, considering her strange ectoplasmic and magical powers...
Jinx was the proof that ghosts and humans could reproduce.
(Friday-January 7, 2011)
"Now that everyone knows…" Polly questioned from Youngblood's shoulder. "What will you do?"
"Nothing." Youngblood shrugged.
"Nothing? But now people will begin to push you to use your full powers." Polly noted.
"So? It doesn't mean that I will." Youngblood stated.
"There will surely be even greater threats. You can't just pretend that you don't have power anymore." Polly mentioned. "What happens when Dani is in danger again?"
"I…don't know…" Youngblood sighed.
"You can't keep releasing the seal." Polly flew in front of the pirate ghost's face. "If you do, she will return."
"I know…" Youngblood frowned. "But I may not have a choice."
"You do have a choice." Polly stated. "Fun time in Amity Park is over, Charles. It's time to find another playground."
"But Dani…"
"Is over a decade younger than you." Polly glared. "Just because you trapped yourself in the mind and body of a boy won't change that. She won't care for you like that."
"You already hold onto one fantasy, Charlie." Polly sighed. "That is enough."
"…Fine, we'll leave." Youngblood did not look happy, though.
"Good…" Polly landed on the pirate's shoulder once again. "This is for the best. Because if you release the seals too often, or if you die…Then Bloody Thorn will return, and if that happens, a lot of people will die."
(Friday-January 7, 2011)
"Ghosts…" Harm growled as he peered into the book in his hands. Most of the other inmates in Belle Reve scoffed at him for reading, but they didn't understand. They couldn't comprehend what he was after.
He was pure. He was perfect. He was unstoppable. Until the ghosts came into the picture that is. After he saw his sister, Harm was no longer pure. He lost the purity and was forced back into disgusting humanity. It was sinful.
Thus, he had to fix this if he ever wanted to be pure again. Harm had to destroy them if he ever wanted to become pure. Not just Greta, though. No, he had to put an end to all the ghosts. To do that, though, he would need a plan, and he would need help.
Luckily, Harm had the perfect plan. After all, the only thing that could kill the tainted ghosts was something as equally tainted. As for the partner...no...master, there was only one woman that could ever control him. The woman that enchanted the Sword of Beowulf, Morgaine le Fey.
"One day, Harm shall be pure again." Harm smirked as he peered down at the picture of the jewel in the book. "And on that day, the world shall be forever stained with ghost blood."
(Saturday-January 8, 2011)
"You want to do something similar to the Ghoul Project?" Savage questioned his old friend.
"Kekekekekekeke! Of course! After all, why should the ghosts get all the attention?" Klarion laughed. "Magic is just as powerful."
"I know, but it will be hard to pull off…" Savage stroked his chin. "It took a whole war to get the energy for the Ghoul Project."
"Don't worry, leave everything to me." Klarion's features became demonic. "It won't be all that hard. In fact, I think I can easily convince Ocean Master to help me."
"Yeah. I mean, he always goes on and on about wanting the Atlantian thrown." Klarion smiled demonically and rubbed his hands together. "By the end of all this, I will kill two birds with one stone."
"What are you planning?" Savage questioned.
"Oh nothing much. Just drain all the magic in the world for us to use." Klarion laughed. "But before I can do that, I'll need a helper. It may take a few years to grow, but I planted a few seeds that will come be my loyal lapdog in due time. Because I do think that Nyx has taken after me a lot more than stupid Pandora."
(Monday-January 10, 2011)
"So we're going to be training together, right?" Rose Wilson stood in front of Cassandra Cain and extended a hand. "Then I offer a truce from our fight in New York. We'll need to cooperate if we ever want to accomplish anything."
Cassandra was in wonder that the other girl couldn't remember their conflict in Amity Park. That Reality Guantlet really was something powerful. "Yes, New York…No harm, no foul."
"Fair enough." Rose shook the girl's hand. "You show a lot of potential. I look forward to working with you."
"Same here." Cassnadra nodded. "So, I suppose this means Deathstroke is now working for the Shadows."
"The Light, really, but same difference." Rose shrugged. "Whatever's most profitable."
"And you're okay with this?" Cassandra questioned.
"It's not like I have a choice." Rose mentioned. "My brother Jericho rebelled against Father, and I haven't seen him in years."
"I see…So once again, a child is forced into this life against his or her will. The adults seem to dictate everything about our lives." Cassandra nodded. "Did Deathstroke decide on your call name too?"
"Raveger? No, that was my idea. I love how it sounds." Rose grinned. "What about you, you come up with a name yet?"
"Actually, yes. I wanted a name that people would fear and would cause anger to my enemies for stealing one of their symbols."
"Oh, really? What's the name?"
"Black Bat."
(Tuesday-January 11, 2011)
"Mom!" Garfield Logan shouted. He ran to where he heard the crashing noise. "Mom!"
He found the origin of the sound crash. The boy stood at a waterfall. At the bottom of the waterfall was a smoking and scratched car. Despite this, there was something else that caught the boy's attention.
Red hair. His mother…was there. He could see her. She wasn't blinking. There was a shard of glass in her…
"Oh God…" Gar trembled in grief. Tears began to fall down his face. "Mom…Mom!"
He wanted to run up to her, but his legs had collapsed underneath him. Garfield fought to keep the bile down his throat. It was a battle he lost. "Bleck!"
On his hands and knees, Garfield looked up at the sight again. It was still just as horrifying, but he couldn't look away. The boy began to sob uncontrollably. "Mommy! Waaaaaaahhhhhhh! Mommy!"
Garfield rolled to the side away from the pile of vomit that had just exited him. The boy instantly curled up into a ball and continued to sob uncontrollably. He held himself tightly and imagined that it was his mom that was holding him.
In his grief and despair, he never noticed as his skin and hair began to turn green.
(Wednesday-January 12, 2011)
"Komand'r!" The red haired, orange skinned Koriand'r yelled as she ran to her sister. "Hey! Do you want to play with me?"
"I'm sorry, sister." The dark haired Komand'r smiled at her little sister as she walked through the massive halls of their royal palace. "I have my studies. I cannot play with you right now."
"Aw…" The eleven year old Koriand'r whined. "But you promised!"
"I did, but I will have to keep my promise later." The sixteen year old Komand'r noted.
"You always say that!" Koriand'r countered.
"That's because I'm always busy." Komand'r sighed. "Trust me when I say that I would prefer to play with you, but I need to study. As the next in line for the Tameranian crown, I need to be prepared for anything."
"Oh…Okay." Koriand'r's frowned.
"But do not worry. I will play with you later." Komand'r patted her little sister's head. "Now run along. Go have fun while you can."
"Okay!" Koriand'r ran off.
Komand'r's smile dropped as she watched her sister leave. In its place was a deep frown. Then, to herself, the girl whose name could be translated as Blackfire muttered. "Yes…go play while you can, little sister…"
(Wednesday-January 12, 2011)
"…And what are you supposed to be?" Batman questioned the other vigilante across the rooftop.
"Batgirl! Isn't is obvious?" The red haired girl noted. She was dressed in a self-made vigilante costume. On her chest was a familiar bat symbol.
Batman was not amused. "No, you're not. You're Barbara Gordon, daughter of the Commisionor."
"How did you figure it out?" Barbara questioned.
"It's obvious." Batman rolled his eyes. "What are you doing Barbara?"
"I want to help you. I want to make a difference like Robin does." Barbara noted.
"Sorry, but that's different." Batman stated.
"How?" Barbara questioned.
"He's…" Batman didn't know how to explain the difference without revealing their secret identities. "Never mind. Just go home, Barbara. I don't need any more help."
"What? Sure you do." Barbara glared. "Gotham is full of crime."
"We can handle it just find." Batman turned and began to walk away.
"Fine. Who needs you? I can fight crime on my own."
"Not if I tell your father on you…"
"Say what now?"
(Thursday-January 13, 2011)
"Interesting…" The Reach Ambassador to other worlds examined the footage. "These Earthlings have the ability to evolve and survive under the most trying of circumstances. Some of them might even be able to face off against the stronger threats in the universe. Not only that…they can live on after death. Ghosts…How fascinating."
"I thought you would say that." Black Beetle chuckled. "The ghost Danny Phantom and the ones around him are especially interesting. These four…Phantom, Plasmius, Spirit, and the new one Dusk have strange energy signals."
"Yes…Our new friends in the Light say that Dusk is a ghoul. Part human, part ghost." The Ambassador thought. "He was the most successful part of their Ghoul Project. But even then, he's very unstable."
"Then what of the other three?" Black Beetle questioned. "None of them have shown signs of being unstable."
"Perhaps they are ghosts that have gained a bit of humanity back…" The Ambassador noted. "It is impossible say. It was once thought that a certain family in Amity Park was the ghouls, but there is an enourmous amount of truth in the contrary. The only way to know for sure is to dissect them."
"Hahahahahahahahahaha!" Black Beetle laughed. "I think that can be arranged, but I don't think that they will go down without a fight."
"I'm sure you can manage." The Ambassador stated. "But…just in case. We should probably try to put the blue beetle scarab back on mode."
"No, no…" The Ambassador sighed. "We must wait for the opportune moment. The Light has laid a plan to get the Green Lanterns off Earth. We will have to wait for then."
"And then…" Black Beetle smirked. "The Earthlings…or more importantly the meta-Earthlings and ghosts will be ours for the taking."
(Saturday-January 8, 2011)
"…Where…where am I?" Agent Z groaned as he pushed himself off the ground to a standing position. "Am I in hell?"
It appeared as so. Fire was everywhere. Steam was rising off the earth below Agent Z. Despite this, darkness seemed to cover everything. This was truly what Agent Z thought that hell would look like.
"Hell…That's a very appropriate way to describe my domain, mortal." A huge demonic voice boomed around Agent Z.
"W-what?" Agent was filled with fear. "What the hell was that?!"
"Be careful how you speak, human." The demonic voice boomed. "You are only alive because of me. Be grateful."
"I…don't understand."
"When you died, I recreated your body. It took a bit of time because I needed you to be perfect." The voice explained.
"Who are you, and…why did you save me?" Agent Z questioned.
"I am your new master and the reason that I revived you is simple. You will be my avatar on Earth. I have some tasks that need to be finished, but I can't do them here. It will be your job to accomplish my will." Four giant eyes appeared in the darkness.
"And if I refuse-AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Agent Z screamed in pain as his body felt like it was on fire.
"Then I shall kill you." The voice chuckled.
"Ah…" Agent Z panted out. "I see…"
"But if you follow me, then I shall give you what you want most." The voice noted.
"Yes, I shall give you your life back. Your family shall be returned to you. And most importantly, you will have your revenge on Danny Phantom." The voice explained.
"I see. That sounds perfect." Agent Z smiled. "I agree to your terms. Not like I have much a choice anyway. So…What is the name of my new master?"
"I have been known by many names. The Devil. The Destroyer. The Terrible. But, you mortal, can call me Master Trigon. The being that shall soon conquer Earth."
(Friday-January 14, 2011)
"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Darksied laughed. "The happenings on Earth are truly amusing."
"Master?" G. Gordon Godfrey questioned his master as the god sat on his throne.
"Even when he is weakened, Phantom managed to come back and defeats his enemies." Darksied chuckled. "He truly is impressive. Not to mention his family. They will make excellent allies."
"If I may, Master…." Desaad meekly spoke up. "Can I point out to you that the Phantom Family does not exactly agree with your methods?"
"Not right now they don't…" Darkseid nodded. "But give it time. Power corrupts. One day they will figure out that they are above the foolish mortals they try to protect. Right now, I look forward to watching them grow. It shall be an amusing show."
"Of course, Master." Desaad bowed.
"I feel like celebrating." Darkseid suddenly stated. "Prepare a feast and have my most beautiful slaves prepped for tonight."
"At once…" Desaad nodded and went to fulfill his master's will.
"I have never seen you so…joyful, Master." Granny Goodness noted.
"Of course, I just learned that I struck gold and oil at the same time." Darkseid explained. "Who would have thought that such a backwater planet could have such promise…"
"What do you mean?"
"The Phantoms…The Kryptonians…The Meta-Earthlings…And even…The Anti-Life Formula." Darkseid grinned. "By controlling that one planet, I shall conquer the entire universe at once."
(Monday-January 1, 2046)
"Hi, Grandma!" Luna Fenton shouted as she entered the little cave in the ground they called home.
"You know I hate being called that…" Despite being called Grandma, this woman couldn't possibly be past her mid-thirties physically. Not that people would notice this, considering that the missing limbs and scars across her face hid a lot of her features.
"I know, but I do it because I wuv you~" Luna cheered. Her neon green eyes and heart shaped face lit up with joy.
"Don't act like such a child." The woman sighed and turned back to her work. "You no longer have the privilege of that, Luna."
"Don't lecture me." Luna gained a dark look. "A has-been that never leaves that desk doesn't have the right to tell me to stop acting like a child."
"You act all high and mighty, but all you do is paint old symbols one walls, even though the symbols have long since lost their meanings."
"Not the symbol for hope! Not the symbol of my father! And at least I'm trying to do something to give people something to fight for." Luna glared. Her long white hair with pink highlights was pulled up into a pony tail. Her slited eyes flashed from green to pink. "What are you even doing, huh?!"
"Writing a message…" Danielle Masters turned back to her book and continued writing. On one side of the desk were three books. Obsession, Absolution, and Conviction. On the other side was a large stack of papers that read...
The Memoirs of Danielle Masters
(Saturday-January 15, 2011)
"The Reality Gauntlet fiasco…really pushed it over the edge." The skeleton being wearing black robes noted.
"Lord Reaper…" Nocturne, Aragon, and Hotep Ra bowed before Nekron.
"I finally managed to reform a body." Nekron smiled in delight. His skull head looked positively wicked as it moved into a grin.
"Are we going to being our assault soon?" Aragon questioned.
"No. Not yet, at least." Nekron sat on a throne made of skulls. "I used a lot of energy to create this new body. After all, I used the GIW War energy to create those rings for you, and I used the Reality Gauntlet energy to create my new body. If we want to plan to succeed, we need even more."
"What about the objects that we destroyed?" Hotep Ra questioned.
"That's only a little bit of power compared to my true potential." Nekron explained. "At first, I just thought that they would be enough for my new body, but now…I have had a glimpse of a way to make me all powerful."
"What do you want us to do, Lord Reaper?" Nocturne questioned.
"We can do nothing for now. Right now, we stay low." The Reaper noted. "In a few years, we will act. I will need to create one more ring for my newest minion on the inside of the foolish Light, but that can wait. Right now, let's wait. Earth's chaotic nature will give us the energy we need."
"But what of the halfas?" Aragon questioned. "You wanted us to kill them at first, but now…you want us to leave them alone? What if they interfere?"
"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Don't worry! I shall deal with the Phantom Family myself. I have a plan. After all, if you take away Danny Phantom, then the others will lose hope."
(Friday-September 13, 2013)
Clockwork sighed as he approached the Thermos. "Hello there, Daniel."
"Oh? The great Clockwork decides to visit me. I am so honored…"
"I figured that I should talk to you now." Clockwork noted as he changed from a child to an adult. "It feels like a good time to explain a lot. Like why I haven't just killed you yet."
"Oh really?"
"Yes. I should have just thrown this Thermos into the abyss with you in it. That way, the threat that you pose won't exist. But I couldn't do it because I knew that it wouldn't end well." Clockwork sighed. "All these years…and your part in the story shall finally come to pass."
"You make no sense, old man. You always talked about everything like it's all one big story to tell."
"No, life is made up of a bunch of small stories. Yours. Danny's. Spirit's. Dusk's…"
"Some of those names are meaningless to me. Did I kill them in my timeline?"
"In a way, yes. But their stories got extended. Mine, however, is coming to its end." Clockwork changed to his elderly form.
"Oh? Do I get to kill you in the future? I've been dreaming of it for years. And now that I exist outside the timeline, your powers have no influence on me. Killing you will be so easy…I can picture your blood stained face as I beat it to a pulp."
"No, it won't be you that ends my story." Clockwork chuckled. "That honor belongs to another Phantom."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I can't see anything else that happens after today. The future is now a mystery, even to me." Clockwork explained. "But…I'm still smart enough to know what might happen. I need you to be prepared."
"You're not making sense."
"When you get out…you will see. Remember this, if you flee from this world immediately, you will die." Clockwork stated. "I know that is all you care about. If you run away from Earth before the time is right, then not only will this world perish, you will die painfully along with it."
"Why should I believe you?"
"I'll tell you." Clockwork sighed. "It's a long story, but you must hear it all. I shall tell you the history of ghosts…"
"I don't care about that."
"But you will, because it will show you just how much danger we all are in."