Disclaimer: I own nothing
"I too often see people killing caterpillars and then complaining there are not enough butterflies."
Chapter 25: "Clockwork"
(Sunday-May 18, 2014)
Clockwork groaned as he stumbled out of the medical tube. He crashed onto the ground causing a splash of the medical liquid. With a grunt, he shakily floated up and looked around to the frozen ghosts in the medical facility. He then closed his eyes and forced himself to remember what had happened. Why was he here…
Oh right. Nekron was attacking. He freed Dark Dan. Then there was darkness. What happened in the time of his sleep? Using his ability to read time, Clockwork took in the information of what had occurred in the eight months that he had been under. He saw le Fey's attack, the Sorcerer Initiative, Trigon's invasion, and everything that happened in between those events.
"It's worse than I thought it would be…" Clockwork mumbled as he gently rubbed his temples in order to lessen the headache that now plagued him.
"Of course it is," A rip in the space in front of Clockwork opened to allow Poindexter to step back into reality, "Did you really think that releasing Dark Dan would fix everything?"
"No, but I thought he would do more…" Clockwork eyed Poindexter, "It's good to see that you've stepped up in my absence."
"Someone had to. But I made sure to keep an eye on you so you can take the place back. I hate it," Poindexter let out a sigh, "But considering the coincidence of the timing, I'm guessing that I won't be able to step into the background any time soon."
"And you call completely disappearing after the Sorcerer Initiative being in the spotlight?" Clockwork gained an amused look.
"I was prepared to step in if necessary. Luckily, Trigon's invasion went without any big casualties that could have been avoided," Poindexter gained a sad look, "As for Robin and Joker…It's cruel of me to say, but it wasn't big enough to justify revealing myself to Nekron's wrath."
"Such is the burden of power and knowledge. Some sacrifices are meant to happen," Clockwork paused, "If it does cheer you up, I do believe that some bit of good will come out of the death of Robin. Two heroes can possibly rise from those ashes."
"I know, but that's in another timeline," Poindexter fixed his classes, "We must focus on this one. Neither of those heroes can rise if Nekron gets his way. Because I cannot not see the possible branching storylines anymore."
"Neither can I," Clockwork nodded, "That means that either our ends are near or the end of everything is near."
"Or both," Poindexter's voice was filled with anything but hope.
"Indeed," Clockwork's adult image shifted for the first time since he was awoken. He now appeared as a young child, "But do not despair, young scholar. We still have one last ace. Danny Phantom has been made into the key to saving everything. But he won't be able to do it alone."
"I have taken the methods needed to get some help that Nekron won't be expecting…but it may take some time that we don't have," Poindexter looked Clockwork over as he reached into his pocket and gently gripped the mirror of memories, "You were in the coma for so long because Nekron had a hold on you. Why let go now?"
"I…I don't know…" Clockwork's face scrunched up in thought, "All I remember is releasing Daniel. Then, there's nothing. Even reading the timeline proves useless. The time between the darkness and my body being found is a dead space."
"He wants you to interfere," Poindexter noted, "Perhaps the best course of action for us would be to stay out of this."
"If we do that, then we know everyone will die. The end will happen regardless. The only possibility for change lies in what we do now," Clockwork argued.
"Fair enough, but what if Nekron somehow influenced your decisions about what to do?" Poindexter questioned, "We can't chance the possibility of just doing what he wants us to do."
"I'm glad you thought of that. It justifies my decision to put you in charge of our mission."
"Say what now?"
"You have studied these people. You know them and the best course of action it will be to take with them. I trust your judgement."
Poindexter gave Clockwork an exasperated look, "You might change your mind when I tell you what first comes to mind."
"Try me."
(Monday-April 24, 1995)
Clockwork floated above the simple crib that held a rather silent and exhausted babe. Even though the baby was now in a lot better shape than it had been a few hours ago, he was still being watched closely to make sure that nothing else went wrong. By the crib, two new parents slept. The mother lie in a simple cot while the father sat rather awkwardly on a chair. Their obvious love and care for the child warmed Clockwork's heart and reminded him why he still believed so strongly in the good of humanity.
Looking back to the babe, Clockwork still amazed about how small and weak it looked. The small tuff of black hair on top of its head held a deep contrast of his nearly deathly pale skin. If it weren't for the small movements of the baby's chest, Clockwork would have sworn that he was looking at a corpse.
It was so strange that such a weak baby would grow into one of the most powerful beings to ever live. Whether that power would be used for good or evil was still up for debate. Hell, there was even the possibility that he would refuse to use his powers at all. Such was the babe's greatest strength. The power to change fate…
"Does it have to be this way?" Clockwork questioned to seemingly no one. What he was actually addressing quickly revealed itself. In the space next to the ghost, an elderly man in a dark cloak took the place of the nothingness that one existed in that spot. The giant book in his hand showed that the new figure respected knowledge, but the obvious blindness of his unfocused eyes revealed that he would never be able to gaze upon the content of any book.
"In a world without the Phantom, no," Destiny mentioned to his favored ghost, "But the First Prophecy exists. The universe knows of his coming. He will be necessary."
Clockwork's eyes snapped to the ghost, "We were the one that created the Phantom in the first place."
"If I recalled correctly, you had once readily agreed with the decision to go back in time and place that false prophecy," Destiny stroked his beard, "What has caused you to change your mind?"
"Look," Clockwork peered down at the sleeping babe, "That is the face of innocence. Of potential. Of pure love. Why must we cause so much pain to someone so naturally filled with good. If we leave him be…If don't alter the machine to put that button on the inside…He will live a normal life."
"He can never live a normal life," Destiny argued, "He has been touched by both the Life Entity and my sister Death. He is the physical embodiment of the balance between those two forces. No matter what he does, he will be drawn to the conflict between the living and dead in some capacity. We can only provide him with the right tools to do so."
"You only can say that so easily because you won't have to face him when he suffers. You won't have to see his eyes as he accuses me of the wrong doing that I have done. His family…the ones that guard over him as we speak and the ones he will protect in the future…" Clockwork clenched his fists, "He will lose so much and gain nothing. In the end, he's just another sacrifice so that this universe can keep living on."
"Clockwork…" Destiny shook his head, "That's what we all are in the end."
"But we had a choice," Clockwork looked incredibly guilty, "Daniel never had a choice. That damned prophecy lied. It is not his choices that will shape things. It was ours."
"Now, you're underestimating him," Destiny noted, "In the end, he has the power to change everything. We cannot control him from now on."
"But I will need to prevent that dark future."
"That you will. And that won't be the only future that will need to be changed," Destiny stated, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have siblings to calm down. They are quite upset that Death and I have chosens when they do not. I must prevent their jealousy from causing them to pick people who will not fit their domains. Goodbye, Clockwork."
"Goodbye, Destiny."
With Destiny now completely gone, Clockwork just silently watched as young Daniel continued to sleep. Truth be told, it was probably just the raw innocence in front of him that caused him to waiver. The child will grow up. Perhaps then, it will be easier to face him. Right now, though…
Clockwork reached down to gently pat the baby's head, "I'm so sorry, young one. For your suffering. For loss. For your future…and for your death."
Clockwork floated on the abandoned ground of the Sorcerer Initiative. Much of the area and rubble of the buildings was not starting to get overgrown by the grass and weeds popping up from the rubble. Oddly enough, a small bit of land was well kept with flowers planted on the bit of land. The ghost of time recognized the area as the spot where Cujo had passed. It seemed like someone returned to show respect.
As Clockwork stared at the small pack of flowers, a portal opened up behind him. The magical rift in reality shifted and allowed a single figure to step out the open area. The space around them immediately became tense and heavy.
"So, Clockwork, you're finally awake," Dark Dan crossed his arms and stared at the Master of Time, "About damn time."
"Yes, my coma lasted longer than it should have, but I'm just grateful to still be alive," Clockwork turned to address the other ghost, "Thank you for coming, Daniel. I hoped that your standing as a being out of time would allow you to sense the time fluctuations I've been using."
"Yeah, felt it as soon as you woke up. There was no way I was going to the Ghost Zone, though. If Nekron didn't immediately come after me, then my alternate self would," Dark Dan noted.
"Indeed. Speaking of which, we should probably keep this as short as possible," Clockwork suggested, "Nekron's forces are probably scattered, but he won't want either of us interacting like this. He'll send a group to come kill us. I can only shield our location for a few minutes."
"That should be enough," Dark Dan uncrossed his arms and gave Clockwork a steady look, "It's not like I'm going to question why you let me out. That's obvious at this point. I'm sure you have a complaint or two, though."
"Yes, I did expect you to do more," Clockwork frowned.
"It wasn't like I could fight beside the heroes. That would only divide their attention and get more of the dumbasses killed," Dark Dan explained, "I did try to give a subtle warning to the youngest half-ghost. Subtle enough so that Nekron wouldn't outright kill the kid, but heavy enough to get his attention. Little shit didn't do anything after le Fey's attack, though. He even killed Klarion's stupid cat."
"You placed a heavy burden on a child."
"Oh, like you're one to talk."
Clockwork nodded, "Yes…I have placed more on this timeline's Daniel than I should have. That is something that I will regret forever. But any apologies I might give won't go to you. Now tell me, besides the stunt with Dusk, did you get anything accomplished?"
"I did. I found a way to fight Nekron. I got it at a time when everyone was blind to the picture except for Trigon, but he was a little preoccupied at the time," Dark Dan gained a massive grin, "Do you want to know what it is."
Dark Dan told Clockwork causing the Master of Time to gain wide eyed look, "No…you can't…"
"I can," Dark Dan's grin never left, "As of right now, I think I can fight Nekron evenly, but I'd be stupid to just rush in. He does have those Black Lanterns of his."
"Indeed," Clockwork nodded, "That's why I have a plan."
Clockwork revealed the plan.
Dark Dan didn't look convinced, "Really? Do you think anyone would go for that?"
"No. But it was not my plan. It came from Poindexter," Clockwork explained, "He, like his master, loves a good plot twist. It may seem like it is an impossible plan to pull off, but think about it. If it works for even a few minutes, Nekron wouldn't stand a chance. In fact, no one in this universe would stand a chance."
"Well…" Dark Dan stroked his chin, "I'd be willing to go for it just because I want Nekron out of the way. As for my other self, though, I don't think that will work. He doesn't know Nekron well enough to let the fear overtake his pride."
"Don't worry. I will convince him."
"Yes," Clockwork nodded. His childlike appearance shifted for the second time that day. He was now in his adult form, "Besides, I need to tell him everything. He deserves to know the whole truth."
"The whole truth?"
"Yes, now go get ready. Rendezvous when you convince le Fey that the investment is worth the entertainment," Clockwork ordered, "By that time, Danny Phantom will be ready to fulfill the destiny we have set up for him."
(Thursday-November 5, 2009)
Clockwork floated over a scene frozen in time. He stared at a horror stricken Danny Fenton. The fourteen year old boy lie exhausted and beaten on the asphalt. The boy was reaching out screaming out a loud no as the Nasty Burger's core overheated to extreme proportions and was about to explode. That wasn't what was causing the boy's massive amounts of panic and despair. No, it was the people who were about to be consumed by the explosion that was causing the halfa's breakdown.
For the first time since the boy's birth, Clockwork felt guilt. Even when he watched the boy's accident, these feelings of guilt didn't pop up at all. If anyone deserved the power of half-ghost, it was Danny Phantom. This, though, was entirely different. People were about to die, and he couldn't do anything to save them.
His ability to manipulate the time stream had long since stretched too far. The little tweaks he changed were one thing, but this…securing the change from Dark Dan into the Catalyst for the Life Entity? It was the maximum amount he ever could do without the certainty of a paradox and the time stream rebelling to set everything back the way it was before his manipulation.
As such, these people were now meant to die. Such was the price for securing the future of everything. Sometimes the few had to suffer. It was a bitter but very real truth. One that Danny would learn unfortunately.
Staring at the crying boy, Clockwork felt his own eyes mist up as well. Oh, what he wouldn't give to just save Daniel's family. Daniel had learned his lesson. Undoing this wouldn't lead to trouble. In fact, he would still do good deeds in this world. He would never reach his full potential, but he would live a far happier life.
In another world, perhaps that would have been the case. If Daniel lived in a world where meta-humans were rare, then this would be a completely different story. Unfortunately, this world…this universe needed Danny Phantom in the spotlight. Not just for his power, but for those that he would inspire and build up. If Danny Phantom did not go down the path that would allow him to reach his full potential, then the world would lose some of its greatest protectors.
Dani would always be in the background trying to keep herself from dying.
Joel would waste away beneath the weight of the League of Shadows.
Vlad would forever remain in his darkness and corruption.
Vision, Colossus, and Torch would never gain their spotlight.
Nyx…Raven…Youngblood…And many more youngsters would never reach their potential.
So many ghosts would just waste away.
The Phantom Family would never be created.
And the girl…The one Destiny spoke of…The one that existed beyond even his sight…Luna Fenton. She would never exist.
He couldn't let that happen. The universe needed them, and for the universe to receive them, this tragedy must occur. There was no question about it. This was necessary. Why did it have to hurt so much, though? He was about to cause the boy so much pain.
"I'm sorry, Daniel," Clockwork whipped his misty eyes, "You are going to suffer a lot in the next year and a half. I could have stopped it, but the future needs you to become the person that can change fate. Not just for Nekron…For so much more. Please forgive me."
Clockwork gave the boy one last look of pity before turning away and disappearing.
"Time in."
The explosion continued unchanged. Six people were consumed by the flames, and one boy's future was forever altered.
Clockwork floated in a giant white hallway. Different paintings hang from the wall. The people in those paintings were also currently sitting around the large round at the center of the hall. All the people at the table were staring right at the ghost. Even with all of his power and knowledge, Clockwork had to fight not to falter under their gaze. This strange group of people were beyond even him.
"Clockwork, old friend, please sit," Destiny gestured to the open chair at the end of the table.
"Thank you," Clockwork slid into the seat.
A pale, tired looking man with dark ring rings around his eyes and hair that could only be described as what a person would have after just waking up eyed the ghost, "Another visitor? Jeeze, we've been getting a lot of them lately."
"Please, Dream," The palest woman Clockwork had ever seen spoke. She had her black hair pulled up into a pony tail. Her red lips and eyes basically jumped out at him in contrast to her flawless pale skin. Her beauty and body were something that men fantasized about and woman envied, "Danny Phantom was here years ago. That's a pretty decent gap."
"Considering that we usually only have a visitor once every couple of centuries, this is pretty often, Desire," Dream argued.
A rather chubby woman with a thick face and dark eyes let out a laugh. Oddly enough, this woman had red tattoos running all along her body, "He's got you there, Desire."
Desire glared at the larger woman, "Shut it, Despair. No one asked you."
"Oh, God," Destruction rubbed his forehead tiredly, "Do we have to go through this again? Jesus…"
"Destruction has a point," Death nodded. A calm smile covered her features, "We shouldn't argue right now. This should be serious."
"We're always serious, but none of us are constellations!" Delirium giggled, "Our seriousness is because the stars are in so much danger. If Earth's life sun goes out, then all the stars blink out."
Dream gave Delirium a confused look, "What?"
"Just go with it, Dream. Her words are far truer than any of you realize," Destiny noted, "After all, Nekron's overall target has been obvious from the start. He is obsessed with death. To him, everyone must die, and what's the fastest way to do that?"
"Kill the Life Entity," Death answered calmly.
"Indeed," Destiny nodded, "Not even we would survive that."
Despair seemed to revel in that realization, "Oh goodness…The thought of that hopelessness…It's glorious."
"Temptation always sounds good when you hear it," Desire argued, "But that doesn't mean that it will be good for you."
"I know, but the thought of it gives me a high alone. If it actually happened…"
"It won't," Death gained a conflicted look, "The Life Entity made sure of it. Danny has already been made into the Catalyst."
"So that was what that whole conversation was about…" Dream tiredly rubbed his eyes, "I could barely hear it when the kid was asleep. And if I had trouble, then he probably doesn't remember a thing of it."
"And that is the greatest down side," Clockwork spoke up again, "He was never given the choice."
"Considering what's at stake, it's not like the Entity could just ask," Destruction rolled his eyes.
"Danny would have accepted," Death glared at him, "Don't take anything away from him like that. He's proven himself."
"You let your affection for the boy cloud your judgement."
"Oh, like you're one to talk. Did you have to visit Joel? And did Delirium need to watch over Dani? You both get the chance to see them, and you can't contain yourselves. So don't you criticize me," Death looked borderline angry. This caused all the sane members at the table to shift uncomfortably. Death rarely got angry. When she did, no sane person wanted to get in her way.
No one ever called Delirium sane, though, "Maybe we can. You've met with our chosen as well. You treated Joel like the mother he lost, and Dani like the older sister she always wanted. Can you blame us for wanting to be something more than unknown sponsors in their lives when you already played pretend with them?"
"I only met with them when it involved my element," Death argued, "You two just abused the weakened dimensional barrier. You can't compare those instances."
"I think we can. Because we just have an interest in them. You, however, love him,"
"Excuse me?"
"Not as a lover…or a mother…or a sibling…" Delirium tapped her finger to her lips in thought, "But it is love. Perhaps it's because he's the only one that both denies and accepts you. I can't think of anything to compare it too, though. Maybe…self-love?"
Death's face was completely blank, "Perhaps…I have grown too attached to him. I argued his life over the lives of an entire universe. That is something he would do…"
"He influences those around him," Clockwork nodded, "That's what he does."
"In both a good and bad way," Destiny noted, "He has indeed softened you both over time. Remember our duties are not to him."
"But it won't make this easier," Clockwork mentioned, "I should go to him now. Seeing as you are all here, I'm guessing that you are prepared for your part as well?"
"We are."
"Good," Clockwork rose from his chair, "That was all I needed."
"Yeah, it should have only took like five minutes but you all wouldn't shut up," Destruction grunted.
"I will take my leave," Clockwork's form began to disappear, "Goodbye, Destiny."
"Goodbye, my old friend. Thank you."
When he was gone, the Endless fell into silence once more. None of them felt like talking. Especially considering how upset Death looked in that moment. Delirium once again found herself the only exception to the silence.
"Death…I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"No. You were right. I've done my job wrong again. Letting my personal feelings influence how I care for the dead is unfair. I have grown to love him. The comparison you were looking for was pretty simple, though. I love him like that of my favorite character in a story. One who I don't want to die no matter what. And that is very selfish of me. Sometimes for the story to continue, a character must die, even the fan favorites."
(Wednesday-May 26, 2010)
Clockwork stood in his domain. His largest clock showed the images of Danny Phantom and Agent Z fighting. That battle had happened several hours ago, yet Clockwork had replayed it over one hundred times by now. It never ceased to amaze him. Danny Phantom never ceased to amaze him.
Even though he knew it would happen…It was just awe inspiring. For once in a long time, Clockwork felt justified in the pat they were taking. They had given the power of godhood to a fifteen year old boy, and he had moved past his own problems to let it go. Part of Clockwork felt that he wouldn't have even been able to do that.
Despite the greatness of the conclusion of the war between the Guys in White and the ghosts, Clockwork felt the worry return with a vengeance as the high eventually died down. Unfortunately, things were only going to get harder for the half-ghost. With the Light and Freakshow now free to run wild, who knew what Danny would do? Clockwork could predict all the possible outcomes, but that didn't mean that he knew for certain. With every choice Danny Phantom made, his vision of the future became dimmer and dimmer. Most likely, everything would accumulate into Freakshow's final breakdown of reality. There was a high chance based on what he saw from alternate worlds.
In the end, he believed that story would end fine. The next one, though…That was what troubled him most of all. By that time, his entire vision of the future would fade to black. There were be nothing left besides what Destiny had hinted at in their talks. Nekron. The Endless. The Entity. Dark future.
That was the thing that had drawn most of Clockwork's attention. What was this Legacy that he and Danny Phantom would leave behind?
Danny let out a sigh of content as he stepped out of the beach house onto the patio. The gentle breeze brushed up against his skin and drifted a bit of the sand across the beach. Leaning his shirtless form onto the railing of the patio, he watched as the sun began to rise over the ocean. It was such a beautiful sight. He was so glad that he agreed to come here with Jen. This was the most relaxed he felt in a long time.
Danny's eyes widened at the familiar voice. He instantly turned around to see Clockwork staring at him, "Clockwork?"
"You've grown, Danny Phantom. It's good to see you."
"You're awake?" Danny reached into his pocket and checked on his phone, "But no one notified me…"
"No one knows. I froze the ghosts that had been taking care of me. They will be fine. I made sure that they're safe. Safer than most of us actually," Clockwork noted.
"Jeeze…" Danny gave Clockwork a fond smile, "I still don't understand anything you say, but it's damn good to feel confused by you again. We should head back to Amity Park. I'm sure that everyone will want to see you."
"No. You can't go back there. Nekron has set a trap there."
Danny's eyebrows shot up, "Excuse me?"
"Sorry. That was a bit too abrupt," Clockwork apologized, "I meant to say that Nekron reconstructed a body a long time ago, he's created an army, and he's now ready to destroy the world."
Danny gave Clockwork a steady look before turning back to the ocean and sighing, "Damn it. Can't I get one damn month without this type of shit happening. Alright, so Amity Park is out. I'll call the people there, and we'll meet up at the Cave."
"No, you don't understand. Nekron is already prepared to attack everywhere."
"Oh for the love of…" Danny face palmed, "I am way too used to these kinds of situations. What do we need to do?"
"I need you to wake Jenifer and get her prepped for battle," Clockwork noted, "I have already assembled a team. Wait here for them to arrive, and they will tell you everything."
"Really? You still have to do this vague talk? I'm not fourteen years old anymore, Clockwork," Danny gained an annoyed look, "Could you please treat me like an adult?"
Clock's face twisted with guilt, "It's not that Daniel. I just…It's more guilt than anything."
"Guilt?" Danny shook his head, "Clockwork, I get that you're limited in what you can do. I don't blame you for anything anymore."
"You should," Clockwork clenched his staff. His adult form shifted for the final time that day into that of an old man, "I am to blame for so much."
"Excuse me?"
"Everything that has happened occurred because of the little things that I've done through your life. Your birth. Your childhood. Your transformation. Your alternate self. Your struggles to find yourself. You should blame them all on me. I set you on this long path," Clockwork suddenly looked incredibly tired for a person that had just woken up.
"Clockwork…" Danny scoffed, "You only directly interfered twice in my life. You shouldn't—"
"Was it really only two?" Clockwork questioned, "Who was it that went back to establish the First Prophecy?"
Danny was silent.
"Do you really think that brilliant inventors would place the on button to their interdimensional portal on the inside?"
Danny was still silent.
"And the situation around your birth…Do you really think that it all happened on coincidence?"
"Alright, so maybe you did a few more things, but my choices are my choices," Danny argued, "You can't take them from me."
"True. Every choice was your own. But I did set up the circumstances where you needed to make choices. Destiny and I tried to manipulate everything for the best possible outcome. Especially when we directed so many young heroes to your city. It was all for the greater good. Never once was it for your best as an individual," Clockwork argued back, "And for that…for that…"
"What, Clock—" Danny paused his sentence for a moment when Clockwork pulled him into a hug, "Work?"
"I'm deeply sorry, Danny. For everything," Clockwork pulled back, "I just want you to know that I've always believed in you. Now get ready. The final battle approaches."
"Wait," Danny reached out as Clockwork drifted away, "I don't understand."
"You will soon. Goodbye, Danny Phantom, it was an honor to know you," Clockwork's form drifted away leaving Danny to ponder the conversation that just transpired.
(Friday-January 7, 2011)
It was over. That was Clockwork realized as he cleaned up his table. The Light was pushed back, and Freakshow was defeated. Danny Phantom had found himself at last, and peace was finally attained for the Phantom Family. For once, things seemed to be bright, but Clockwork knew better. Darkness was hiding in the horizon.
Danny Phantom had just left after their conversation about the events of the past few days involving the Light, Freakshow, and the Endless. Through it all, Clockwork tried to tell as much of the truth as he could, but he couldn't reveal what the next trial would be. Not that he even really knew. His sight to the future had reached its limit. There was no way of predicting the future at this point.
That meant only one thing for him. His end was imminent. Clockwork had long since pondered what death would be like for him. After all, he had never really been alive in the first place. Could ghosts that were created by ideas even go into the afterlife? Clockwork wasn't sure. Oddly enough, though, he wasn't scared. He was more fascinated by the thought of going into a situation with no knowledge of what happened.
It would be almost like he actually was human. That was a nice thought.
Still, part of him wished that he would be able to see the end of everything. If they actually managed to survive Nekron, there were still cogs in the machine still plotting in the background. He had to wonder how they would be dealt with if what Destiny had hinted at came true.
The Light. The Reach. Apocalypse. The different Lanterns. The Tameranean Empire. Brainiac. Zod. Starbreaker. And…
…Dark Dan…
It always came down to Dark Dan. All roads always ended with him as the Ultimate Enemy, and if there was no Danny Phantom to fight the darker Phantom, then there would only be destruction. It was for that reason that Clockwork was reluctant to release Dark Dan. In the end, though, if he didn't release Dark Dan then life wouldn't continue for that problem to even arise.
Pausing in his work, Clockwork looked up and sighed, "I hope you enjoy these next few years, Danny Phantom. Treasure them, because the peace will end soon enough, and the empire you have built up will fall leaving behind only a single Legacy to fix things. I wonder what type of person this Legacy will be."
Clockwork floated at the end of a large hall with torches lining both sides providing light to the dark hall. Different weapons hang from the walls giving the room a more medieval look. At the end of the hall where Clockwork floated there were a few steps leading up to where a throne should be. Instead of a throne, though, there was a large coffin with a keyhole at the chest.
It had been such a long time since he had last been in the throne room of the Ghost King. So many memories rushed through him as the stared the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep. He remembered everything from his creation to his previous conversation with Danny Phantom. Part of him felt filled with comfort by the memories while the other part was filled with dread.
So it was true. One's life does flash before someone's eyes as death approaches.
"Hello, Clockwork," Nekron spoke as he strode into the room. Black smoke rolled off the skeleton as he stepped towards the Master of Time, "I hope you enjoyed your rest."
"It was actually quite peaceful until I woke up," Clockwork turned to face the other ghost, "Part of me wishes I was still asleep. The land of dreams seems a lot better than having to look at you."
"Yet you still come to block my way," Nekron noted, "I won't even ask how you knew that I would come for the Ghost King first. It was obvious that the ones that defeated be before would be my first targets."
"So you admit that you're after the King's Council as well," Clockwork gripped his staff tightly.
"There would be no point in denying it. The way I see it, you won't run off to warn everyone because that would let me kill the Ghost King. So, I'll just kill you and be done with it," Nekron let out a chuckle.
"You act like you've already won," Clockwork snarled.
Nekron just grinned, "Death…is the single most powerful force there is. Not even time can compete with it. Your powers will do nothing against me. Besides, I've been watching you, Clockwork. You have already dealt with the loose threads you left behind during your sleep. You already know that I'm going to kill you. Your form gives it away."
Clockwork denied nothing. His form had remained that of an old man for the entire conversation. He couldn't change even if he wanted to at this point.
"So…" Black energy poured from Nekron's hands to form a large scythe, "Are you ready to die, older brother?"
"Just because I formed right before you doesn't make us siblings," Clockwork readied his time staff.
"I'll take that as a yes. Don't worry, you won't be alone in death. I'll be sending a lot more with you."
Clockwork gained a smug look, "That's assuming that you can get past Danny Phantom. He is your greatest enemy in all this you and your Lanterns only increase his power. There is no way you can kill him."
Nekron tilted his head to the side, "HeheheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So I was right! Not even you and Destiny know the truth! HAHAHAHA! That's hilarious! I don't want to kill Danny Phantom!"
Nekron rushed forward with his scythe raised high, "I HAVE SOMETHING MORE INTERESTING PLANNED THAN THAT!"
(Friday-September 13, 2013)
The shaking continued to the point that the various clocks and mirrors began to crack and fall. Dark energy began to surge all around Clockwork and the ghost contained in the Thermos. With a wave of his hand, the Master of Time created a shield around them. The green energy bubble stopped the dark energy from getting to them, but explosions began to push against the shield. Their protection would quickly fall against the force of the blows.
"Answer me, Clockwork!" The voice shouted. "What is happening?!"
"Remember, Daniel, your existence is in the balance as well." Clockwork grabbed the thermos and lifted it up.
"My existence?"
"I can only hope that I'm not creating an even bigger threat…" Clockwork mentioned. "If this fails…"
"Goodbye, Daniel. It is time." Clockwork raised his heads and looked at the explosions that were all around him. They had come for him. If he waited too long, then he would never have a chance. "And it begins…Beware the Phantom…"
With that, Clockwork removed the cap from the thermos and pressed the release button to free one of the most dangerous ghosts in existence.
Dark Dan burst from the Thermos. He had a look with a strange combination of angry and confused. Just as he was about to demand more answers, the shield around them shattered. Black energy slammed into them, forcing them down. With a spark of rage, Dark Dan shot his head up and unleashed a Ghostly Wail. The sound of death carried through the hall as the physical sound waves pushed the black energy back and burned it away.
Once the wave of black energy was gone, Dark Dan stood back up and looked around Clockwork's domain. He recognized the three ghosts around them, "Nocturne and Aragon. You're still alive in this timeline? The alternate me must have a lot more patience than I do. You two annoyed me so much that I had to kill you right off the bat. The rants about nightmares and divine royalty gave me such a bad headache."
The three Black Lanterns just calmly looked down on him.
"And Hotep Ra. I remember you too. You swore loyalty to me. Of course, you tried to betray me once, so I tore off your arm and beat you with it for a few hours. Good times," Dark Dan's sharp grin, "How about we repeat those parts of my timeline right now?"
"Idiot," Clockwork hissed at Dan, "Run. You have to run. Why else would I say goodbye?"
"Please. The two of us can take them," Dark Dan noted, "Then, I'll beat the answers out of you."
"They aren't why you should run…" Clockwork looked to a hole in the wall. He couldn't see through the darkness beyond the hole, but he knew what was there, "He is."
A dark presence fell over them. For the first time in years, Dark Dan felt fear creep up his spin. This Haunting Aura was insane. It was like death was holding a knife to his neck. Now sweating from the pressure, Dark Dan watched as a skeletal figure stepped into the barely still standing hall.
"Hello, Clockwork, Dan Phantom," The skeleton gave a smile that made Dark Dan even more fearful, "My name is Nekron, and I have a proposition that you can't refuse."
"Oh?" Dark Dan tried to put on a brave front, "And what's that?"
Nekron chuckled, "It's simple really. Serve me or die."
For some reason, Dark Dan felt like those really were the only options he had at the moment. If he tried to move, he would die. His instincts were screaming that at him. Before he could think of what he should do, a single note of paper appeared in front of the alternate Phantom.
"That is all the knowledge I have of his plans," Clockwork noted, "Use that the best way you can. Remember that he's the real enemy. If you let him take Earth, then you will die to. You must find a way to combat him. Now go!"
Clockwork stabbed his staff into the ground. Green energy blasted out in a massive wave all around him. The Black Lanterns and Nekron quickly blocked it with shield of dark energy, but it did not protect them. While his power to stop time would be useless against users of death energy, he could slow them down. Literally.
Dark Dan watched as they moved in slow motion. Their shields slowly dropping as they realized what had happened. His first thought was to try to kill Nekron while he was slowed down, but his gut told him that was a bad idea.
"Run!" Clockwork ordered, "Nekron cannot get you under his control! You may not have Life within you like your alternate version, but you're still too powerful for Nekron to have. Go now!"
For once, Dan decided to obey. Turning, he rocketed out of the area. None of the enemy had been near fast enough to stop him thanks to Clockwork. Even as Dark Dan disappeared, though, Clockwork held the slow down as long as he could until finally, he had to let go out of exhaustion. In a mere second, Nekron was in front of the sweating and exhausted Clockwork.
"Little pest," Nekron grabbed Clockwork by the neck, "In the end, he might not have the key to Life like I thought he would, but that doesn't mean you can interfere."
"Master," Nocturne looked to the ghost of death, "Should we go after the alternate Phantom?"
"No. That would draw too much attention. Besides, he's probably gone by now," Nekron let out a sigh, "Oh well. There will be others."
"What do you want us do?" Aragon questioned.
"Head back to my domain. I will finish up here," Nekron ordered. Bowing, the three ghosts disappeared in a blast of black energy leaving Nekron and Clockwork alone, "Now…what to do with you? I still need you alive for now, but I can't leave you unpunished."
"Alive? Why…Why keep me alive?" Clockwork clawed at the hand holding his throat.
Nekron smiled, "That would be telling. Don't you want at least one surprise in your life? And what a surprise it will be. It will be a while, though. We still have so much to go through. Morgan le Fey…the Light…Trigon…I will let them hold the spotlight for now. When they're inevitably defeated, then I'll step in."
Clockwork just glared at Nekron.
"Don't worry, though. You won't have to wait for the finale," Nekron formed a massive ball of black energy in his free hand, "To you, it will be just like skipping to the climax. Your awakening will signal the beginning of the end."
The giant ball of death exploded in a massive blast of black energy. Clockwork's entire domain fell beneath the force of the attack. Everything Clockwork owned and used to manipulate time was destroyed. As for the ghost himself, he slipped out of the land of consciousness and into a blissful rest beneath the rubble of his home.
Nekron calmly floated up from the wreckage and smiled, "Because you, Clockwork, will be the first person to die by my hand since my defeat at the hands of the Ghost King."
Clockwork decided to try his most use power to try and get an edge for a few seconds. Pressing the timer on top of his staff, Clockwork shouted, "Time out!"
"That won't work on me!" Nekron brought his scythe down in an attempt to cut Clockwork into two separate pieces.
Cursing, Clockwork brought his staff up to stop the blade of the skeletal scythe from cutting him. While his block did manage to protect himself from damage, it didn't completely stop Nekron's power. Black energy poured from the weapon, around the Master of Time, and to the floor where it immediately began to decay to ground beneath Clockwork, showing that death and decay had influence over even the stone.
Laughing at Clockwork's failure to stop time, Nekron brought his leg up from his robe to reveal a skeletal foot. He smashed his leg into Clockwork's side sending the time ghost flying into the far wall. As soon as he made contact, Clockwork was forced to lunge to the side to avoid a black ball of energy from hitting him. He was instantly grateful that he did so. The black ball of death didn't explode when it made contact. Instead, it sunk further into the stone and continued forward as if the stone wasn't even then.
Frowning, Clockwork watched as the stone continued to decay away even as the ball had long since dug deep through the wall. That would have definitely killed him. It would be best to not let Nekron's energy touch him.
With that in mind, Clockwork flung himself up just in time to avoid Nekron's next attack. With his scythe raised above his head, the ghost of death swung his weapon around rapidly between his fingers. As the scythe spun, black energy extended from the blade to create a trail of energy that followed the weapon. Said trail managed to cut deeply through the stone wall leaving a continuous mark of destruction. This path only became wilder as Nekron twisted the path of his weapon.
By the time that the attack ceased, almost every piece of the wall was carved up except for the pieces of wall behind the Ghost King's coffin. Clockwork had managed to avoid the attack but was now sweating from the constant movement. He wasn't going to let that stop him from using the opening that Nekron's attack created. With a swing of his staff, Clockwork created a massive arc of ectoplasm that expanded to the size of the hall leaving Nekron no room to dodge.
Nekron didn't seem to care about that, though. With his free hand, he grabbed onto the arc of ectoplasm. He held the energy attack firmly in place while pumping it full of his own energy. Black threads spread through the arc. When the threads spread all the way through the arc, the attack shattered like a class plate.
Clockwork knew that type of attack wouldn't work, though. That was why he used it only as a distraction. While Nekron dealt with the arc of ectoplasm, Clockwork spread out his energy to create alternate versions of himself. He used his power of the timeline to create as many alternate versions of himself that he could. These different versions of Clockwork ranged from cavemen to space adventurers and everything in between, and Nekron could only look on in amusement at all the different cosplay Clockworks that filled the room.
With a shout of battle, each Clockwork aimed his staff at Nekron and fired a large beam of energy at the ghost of death. Once again, Nekron didn't even try to move. His energy seeped out of his body and shrouded him in a dark halo shield. Unfortunately for Clockwork, this was not a normal shield. Like all of the energy that came straight from Nekron, it was filled with energy that brought decay to everything it touched. As soon as the beams touched the shield, they were too weak to do anything but tickled the Reaper.
As Nekron calmly endured the attacks, black hands popped out from the halo around him and began to skater around the room. As soon as the hands made contact with the alternate Clockworks, the different Masters of Time from realms that could have been began to disappear into the nothingness in which they were created. This continued until only one Clockwork remained.
The original Clockwork groaned as he felt his body try to give into the fatigue. The coma and his elderly from had severely drained his reserves. There was no way he could keep this up. Nekron had all the energy he could ever want. Trying to outlast him was stupid, but he had to stall for as much time as possible. Unfortunately, it seemed like every one of his bigger moves could be stopped by the Reaper. Perhaps death really did trump time in power…but…
…But even death could be slowed down…
Filled with a new determination of what he had to do, Clockwork rushed forward to Nekron. With a massive battle cry, the Master of Time swung his staff towards his enemy. Still laughing, Nekron swung his own weapon to meet the staff. This time, though, black energy extended from the blade like when the Reaper swung his staff around like a pencil.
As the two weapons swung towards each other, Clockwork smiled, "Slow motion!"
A bubble of warped time burst from Clockwork and around the Reaper. This bubble was not meant to freeze death like Clockwork's previous endears. After all, trying to completely freeze death was impossible. Instead, he decided to slow it down as much as possible. In what could only be described as a slow motion replay, the two ghosts continued to swing their weapons at each other.
To the ghosts, the attacks were going at a completely normal pace. Everyone outside the bubble, though, would see that the attacks were only crawling to each other. In the space of a few hours, the two weapons had inched close enough to make contact. Clockwork's staff was instantly cut into two, sending the top of the staff slowly flying away. Nekron's scythe then continued until it made contact with Clockwork. As soon as the hit touched Clockwork, time returned to normal.
"GAH!" Clockwork shouted out in agony. Green blood sprayed from the open wound on his chest. Nekron's blade hat cut deep into his body, nearly cleaving it in two. To prevent himself from falling apart, Clockwork dropped his staff and used his now free hands to try and hold his body together.
"Nope. I want to see you bleed." Throwing his weapon into the far wall, Nekron reached down and grabbed Clockwork by his shoulders. His skeletal hands instantly tore through the skin and the bone. Once again, Clockwork screamed in agony. Luckily, Nekron's decay powers had closed the wounds on his shoulders but that didn't stop the pain of losing both of his arms in a single motion.
Clockwork could only watch in horror as Nekron held his now dismembered arms in front of his face. Black energy soon covered the limbs. The energy of death quickly ate away at the masses of flesh. Soon all that was left of Clockwork's arms was ash, and that quickly disappeared as well.
With no arms to hold himself together, Clockwork collapsed forward onto the ground. He met the crumbling stone with a sickening splat that only served to open his wound even more to the point that he was only being held together by his spine. Now laying in a pile of his own blood and innards, Clockwork knew for certain that his time was officially up.
"Well, that's it then, isn't it?" Nekron peered down at his defeated foe, "I'm officially the oldest ghost in exist. Strange, because I've never felt better. I could probably fight like that a few hundred times and not get tired. I guess I just aged more gracefully than you."
"B-bastard…" Clockwork coughed out. Blood trickled out of his mouth and onto the ever growing puddle of ooze below him.
Nekron let out a dark chuckle, "Don't be so petty, older brother. Can't you take your loss without such venom?"
"You…think you won?" Clockwork grinned, "Wrong."
Nekron paused as the building began to shake, "What?"
"I…put us…in a time bubble…Hours passed…during that last attack…" Clockwork felt incredibly satisfied with himself, "I couldn't win…so I delayed you…unto someone that could…showed up."
Nekron tilted his head, "At the cost of your own life? As a creature with life, shouldn't you want to live?"
"My era…has come and gone…" Clockwork wheezed, "I was…on borrowed time…anyway…At least now…I can…go to death…knowing that I beat you."
"I see…" Nekron reached down and gently patted Clockwork's head, "Thank you."
"I was just going to stand here and wait for them to show up. You just saved me a lot of waiting, so thank you, older brother," Nekron's grin stretched wide to the point that his jaw twisted at a weird angle, "After all, I think I've waited long enough to fulfill my obsession."
"He…will stop…you…" Clockwork hissed.
"Oh I'm counting on it. You see…" Nekron whispered directly into Clockwork's ear. A look of pure terror stretched across the Master of Time's face.
"Yes. You see, le Fey's attack and the Sorcerer Initiative released more than enough energy for me to prepare for my attack. So why did I let Trigon attack? Why did I have Walker pump Etrigan full of magical power so he could be the final catalyst for the Banishing Box the Black Hand told me about. The reason is simple. I needed more energy for this exact moment. For the moment that I met Danny Phantom."
"D-Danny...I-I didn't know…" Clockwork groaned out, "I…I'm so sorry…"
"You should be," Nekron raised a hand. Black energy covered the appendage and then fire down at the form of Clockwork. The blaze of darkness immediately disintegrated the Master of Time leaving no evidence that he ever existed in the first place, "You and Destiny doomed the entire universe from the start."
Nekron stood after watching the last bit of Clockwork disappear. With a wave of his hand, he summoned his scythe back to him. The weapon immediately jumped from the stone it was imbedded in and sailing lovingly into its master's hands. With his weapon now back in his possession, the Reaper tapped the blunt end of the weapon onto the ground, "To me, my Lanterns."
Seven holograms popped up in a large circle around the massive skeleton. They were all bowing to show respect to their master. Nekron could only smile at this seven followers. Seven was one of the most significant numbers in existence. Whether it be by coincidence or some divine understanding of the universe, seven was an agreed upon number to dictate life itself.
Seven days in a week.
Seven deadly sins.
Seven directions one could go.
Seven colors in a spectrum.
Seven advisers to the Ghost King.
Many considered the number lucky. The religious considered it holy. Even those without beliefs would recognize it as the number in the first ten that was the most prime. Without a doubt, seven was the number of nature and life. And it would be his seven followers that brought an end to it all. Seven would be the number of the beginning, and it would be the number of the end.
"It is time," Nekron spoke to them, "Go. I will signal you when to start.
"Yes, Master Nekron!" They all shouted and disappeared.
With his minions gone, Nekron turned his attention to the only thing left untouched in the room. He silently strode up to the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep. The Reaper reached out almost lovingly with his free hand and stoked the coffin, "Hello, little brother. I want to thank you too. If you never defeated me, then I would have never learned about the only way to really kill the Life Entity. To show my gratitude, I should let you live until the end…But we both know that I'm not so kind or generous."
Reaching his hand to the key hole onto the chest of the coffin, Nekron began to pour energy out of his palm right into the coffin's only opening. For a solid minute, Nekron continued to pump energy out of his hand. He only stopped when the black energy overflowed the sarcophagus and caused the edges of it to pop free.
Stepping back, the Reaper allowed the front of the coffin to fall forward and slid down the steps leading to the broken floor of the hall. A figure soon stepped after the lid. He was a massive man covered in black armor with a green sash and belt which held a giant green broadsword. His ashen face was a deep contrast to his wild green hair. The ghost's single eye that was not covered by an eye patched drifted over to the Reaper before the Ghost King collapsed onto his hands and knees.
"You…" Pariah Dark gasped as his body began to disintegrate.
"Hello, Pariah. I'm glad to see that you woke up before you died," Nekron reached down to the Ghost King's waist and unsheathed his broadsword, "I believe that when you 'killed' me, you stabbed your sword through my skull, no?"
"Wait…" Pariah groaned as his form began to fade into a black abyss of darkness.
"First, I corrupted you," Nekron taunted, "I turned your followers against you by infusing my ectoplasm into your crown and ring. The more you used the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage, the more like me you became, ensuring that even the people that loved you most wouldn't be able to justify your actions. They locked you away for the rest of your life."
"And now the second part of my revenge…" Nekron raised Pariah's blade and pointed it down at the Ghost King's head, "Your jail sentence is over. Welcome to the electric chair, Pariah!"
Pariah Dark never got to finish that sentence.
Stepping away from what was now a puddle of ectoplasm, Nekron made his way to the center of the room. The shaking had increased. It seemed like whoever was coming had managed to fight through most of the monsters he left behind to guard the entrance.
"Come, Danny Phantom. Your true destiny awaits."
(A few hours earlier…)
Phantom stood directly beside Jinx outside the beach house. Neither of them looked happy. Jinx was most upset that her vacation time was being cut short. Phantom, though, was more upset over the person who stood before him, "You have to be kidding me. You? Clockwork wants me to work with you?"
Dark Dan did not look pleased by the idea either, "It seems so."
"Oh my…" Morgaine le Fey had to cover her mouth to hide her amusement, "This is amazingly entertaining. This is worth all the trouble you've been over the months, Dan."
Phantom's eyes snapped to the witch, "So that's how you've been hiding from us so easily. Have you been working with her since your escape?"
"No. I managed to get to her right before the Sorcerer Initiative," Dark Dan admitted, "Before that, I just kept moving."
Jinx suddenly nudged Phantom before he could speak again, "Danny, why is the knight with them?"
"It is not by my wishes," Fright Knight grumbled as he stepped out from le Fey's portal, "The witch dragged me in."
"Same here, mate," Constantine hopped out of the portal as well, "Bloody witch popped out of nowhere and dragged us here."
"Why them?" Jinx questioned.
"They were the only ones not under surveillance," Morgan le Fey had a light smile gracing her lips, "Have you ever heard the expression, 'Party's over. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here'? Well, these two are the ones that actually decided to go home after the little wedding."
"She means that we went to Masters Mansion," Fright Knight clarified, "I went because I had nowhere else to really be, and I dragged him along because he was drunk off his ass and making a fool of himself."
"Still got a f'n hangover the size of Big Ben," Constantine groaned as he massaged his temples, "Oi! Please tell me that Zatanna didn't dump me for the boozing, yeah?"
"She seemed distracted by something, so I wouldn't think so."
"So everyone else…" Phantom's eyes narrowed.
"Yep~" le Fey sang out, "Under the watching eye of Nekron's forces. We go to them, everything goes to hell and Nekron disappears before we can get to him. Only reason we even got to these two is because of how much your presence has influenced that mansion from years of sleeping in it. No Black Lantern can get close~"
"What does that—"
"So to actually save your precious little family, you have to stop Nekron directly," Dark Dan interrupted, "And to do that, you'll need a team. This is the best you got."
"Well, I'm fine with three of them," Phantom clenched his fists in anger, "But you and le Fey? I don't think so."
"Don't be stupid," Dark Dan snarled, "I've seen Nekron personally. He's not an enemy that you can beat without being willing to break some of your principle. You want an example? I haven't killed a single person since I got free."
"It's true," Morgan le Fey giggled, "He's been so antsy about it too."
"So we all have to make sacrifices. I'm not asking you to be my friend, associate, or ally. I'm the enemy of your biggest enemy right now. If we want to live to accomplish any of our goals, we have to work together. Then, after that, we can have our fight to death. Until then, though…" Dark Dan held out a hand.
Phantom stared at the hand. He didn't move to shake it.
"My Liege," Fright Knight spoke up, "I hate to say this, but your alternate self might be right. If Clockwork told you the truth, and Nekron is back, we will need help. Trust me, Lord Phantom. I have fought Nekron before."
Phantom turned his attention to Fright Knight, "I can't trust him."
"Then don't. Trust Clockwork," The Fright Knight, "And trust me, my Liege."
"I…I trust you, Fright Knight," Phantom reached out and shook Dark Dan's hand, "Alright, Dan. I'll team up with you this one time. But after this, I'm taking care of you personally. No more running."
Dark Dan grinned, "Agreed."