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Drawing on the beach

"MOM... I am home" said Genghis.

"How was your work today?"

"That went well. Now I have to do the final drawings in two weeks to show the board. And Yìchén is going to be the architect. So we three will be working together."

"That's good to hear. You need some friends too."

I saw how happy my mother was feeling to see me enjoying time with my aged peers. It's been a long time that I have felt out of place, but here I feel I do belong. I had a shower and put on my t-shirt and shorts before going to see Little Nuo.

She was asleep curled up into a ball. I softly placed a piece of hair behind her hair.

"My little bunny..."

She didn't even move. I kissed her forehead to stir her up a bit. That time she opened her eyes.

"Come on... let's go have dinner. If you have dinner I will give you something I bought."

Her expression changed, looked happy. How I wish she would speak at least one word.

When I took her downstairs, I saw Mom had prepared her favorite - chicken dumplings.

"Thanks, Mom. You and Dad have some sweets I bought. I'll take Nuo to the beach so she will get some fresh air and finish her food."

"Is Lan also going to come?" asked Mom.

"I guess so. He said he wanted to help look after Nuo. And I think it's good."

"He's already there waiting for you. Here take some extra dumplings so you can share with him."

I went to the beach with Nuo. After a bit of chit-chat, we strolled on the beach before settling in to have dinner.

"Zhou, can you come here a little," said Genghis's mom to his dad.

"You sound cheerful, what's up?"

She pointed to the beach, to show all three kids together.

"Like old days. I hope this will help Nuo speak and Genghis enjoy life. Let him take off the load from his shoulder."


"Nuo.... come here... have some dumplings mom made," said Genghis, while taking them out.

"Lan, here's some for you." He started to feed Nuo little by little.

"WOW, these tastes do good.. Tell your mother I am going to visit her every weekend just for this," said Lan laughing. "Here take this. Little Nuo, do you like egg noodles?"

"Little Bunny, Brother Lan asked a question, don't you want to answer?" asked Genghis.

To my surprise, she nodded as to say yes. So I gave Genghis a bowl of egg noodles I had bought with me.

"Nuo, will you have some?" She nodded her head and Genghis fed her some noodles. "Did you make it?"

"Yes, I was used to cooking myself. Does it taste good?" I asked.

"Impressive, I love the taste. You should have been a chef." Genghis said jokingly.

"But do you think she likes it?" I asked as she didn't give any response.

"She didn't refuse a single spoonful, that means she loves it. Nuo, do you want brother Lan to make it for you again?" asked Genghis.

She looked at me for the second time and blinked. And I guess she said yes.

"Can you look after her little, I will answer this call" said Genghis.

While he was answering the call. I got a stick and started to draw things on the beach. At first, she didn't show any interest, but after a while, she started watching what I was doing.

"Here why don't you draw something, and see the waves will wash it off," I said to her.

"Little Bunny, why don't you draw your favorite teddy bear," said Genghis, who was coming towards us.

He came close to me and hugged me while watching her draw. Even though it's not a perfect drawing, but some improvement.

"Are you ok?" I asked Genghis.

"Yes.. I am seeing her drawing after a long time." I looked at Genghis, he had tears in his eyes, that were strolling down his cheeks.

"Hi, don't worry she will recover soon. Let's all get together and help her."

"Nuo, what did you draw? Is this something you like sweetie?" asked Genghis.

She just looked at Genghis. And what she wrote next on the sand surprised us both.


"Nuo, did Andy do something to you?" asked Genghis, looking so worried.

"Who is Andy?" I asked all confused.

Genghis looked at Nuo who was going on drawing things on the beach and watching the waves clear them off. We went a bit far from her,

"Hmmm..... Andy was my ex- finacee. She was there when they bullied her."

"What?" I looked surprised.

"She used to be a very gentle and loving person. And she was so good to Nuo, I thought I found a big sister to look after her. But just after our engagement Andy turned into another person. I got to know from other sources that she has personally paid some students to harass Nuo."

"But why?"

"Because she was loved and appreciated because of her talents and gentle manners. Andy was feeling jealous because the attention was not on her."

"Then why didn't you?"

"I didn't have proof to accuse her. But I had a feeling Andy might be behind what happened to Nuo that day. So I called off the wedding"

"Don't mind me asking, do you have a photo of Andy" I asked.


Genghis showed me the photo of Andy, so I can have an idea how she looks like.

"Nuo, did you ask your brother for the sweets he bought for you?" I said in loud voice to lighten up the mood.

She held her hand and this bought a smile on Genghis's face. He took out a parcel from his pocket and gave it to Nuo. From what I had observed I thought she will have them all herself, but instead, she shared them with us.

"Let's go to home sweety, it's almost bed time." He said, holding her hand.

"Sweet dreams Little Nuo" I said with a pat on her head. "We'll meet tomorrow night, I will ask Yin to come along. So you guys won't design things that I cannot build."

"Ok sure.. at what time?"

"After ten. I will see you then."

"On the dot. Good Night Lan."