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The Hotel Project

On our way home, we discussed the project at hand. This project was a big one for Genghis, the first major project he got after coming here.

"I will have to rely on you guys help for this project." He said.

"We'll help. Don't worry.." said Yìchén.

"But what did he mean by a special person will oversee the progress?" I asked as I couldn't think of anyone.

"Yes it's a mystery to me too," said Yìchén.

"Well, we'll get to know after we start this project. " I said. "What are your thoughts on how this project should be?"

"Just give me a day or two to think and I will let you know the basic idea," said Genghis.

Meanwhile, my mom called.

"HI mom"

"How was your meeting and how is Genghis?" asked mom.

"He's ok now and the meeting went well. We'll be working together on this because this is a bit of a big project."

"Ok... Lan, all of you come home for lunch... don't eat from outside."

"Ok, mom.. How is Nuo?"

"She's still the same but much calmer now."

"That's good to hear. We will be home in about an hour."

While we were on the way home we talked about the new project and about the upcoming investor meeting for the new construction. We all discussed having a talk with my dad, who can give us some helpful hints on how to take this project to the next level.

"Mom, Dad we are home.." I screamed as I entered the house with others.

"Lan be quiet. Lunch will be served in half an hour," said my mom.

"Aunt smells heavenly... Hmm.. why don't you start a little neighborhood restaurant?" said Yin.

"So you can make my business go bankrupt, is it?" asked my mom.

"Hmm.... why?" asked Genghis. While Lu and I laughed.

"Gin, you know this guy has a bottomless tank when it comes to yummy food." said my mom.

My mom made us all laugh more and I went looking for my dad who was talking with uncle Zhou.

"How was the meeting?" asked my dad.

"That went really well. But we will need your help when coming up with a plan for this project," said Gin.

"hmm... " said my dad and Uncle Zhou.

"We need to get the old and new joined together. " I said.

"Wu, you are good at ancient art. Why don't you help them?" asked Uncle Zhou.

"My dad?" I was surprised.

"Yes.. He was one of the best students those days who learned ancient art."

"And dad, can you help us with selecting designs?" asked Genghis from his dad.

We all went on talking and trying to get our elders to help us with the project. Because their experience and thoughts are a necessity for this project to create a timeless look. After much debate and after a bribe of their favorite dessert they agreed to help us.

Because we had two major projects in hand I asked Lu to stay with me, while Genghis asked Yin to stay with him. So we all can get together and work on both projects and properly enjoy some old missed time together. With the situation now at home, we all guys being together is an extra shield of protection.

"Hi Genghis, do you have any idea who that other person is, who's going to be overlooking the project?" asked Lu.

"No idea. It's going to be a mystery if that person doesn't have the same ideas as we do," said Genghis.

This was some worry I also had in my mind. If that person doesn't like it we will have to go through the plan again. Well, I guess I have to be positive as the other guys.

While having lunch we discussed how we need things to be and our dads gave us some helpful insight on the design theme we have selected. Finding inspiration was not hard as my dad knew about the hotel's history we thought of incorporating it with the design.

Meanwhile, Little Nuo was sent back to Genghis's home and she had woken up after three days. We all tried our best to keep her happy.

"Gin... did you notice little Nuo smiles a lot when we are with her," said Yìchén one day.

"I have seemed to notice that too." I said as I also noticed a bit of interaction with the work we were doing. I have seen that when Genghis brings her to our evening work gatherings at home, she used to look at the reference images with eager eyes.

I had gathered a basket with watercolors, paintbrushes, and canvas paper, which I gave to Little Nuo to see her reaction. She took them and went and sat near Genghis. While Genghis took out everything in the basket and laid them out on the floor.

"Little Nuo, do you like to see your brother paint?" he asked.

She just nodded her head. While Genghis drew a small thing on the paper.

"Will you help brother paint this?"

Still, she agreed with a nod. And took the paintbrush from him and started to paint, but she was sure Genghis was right beside her.

"Hi.. why did you draw an open window?" asked Yìchén.

"Just to give her a hint that there is a better world over there and she needs to explore it." said Genghis.

"Can you guess what she will draw?" challenged Lu.

"I know what she will draw," I said while others looked at me as I had suddenly got two horns on my head.