Lap pillow, isn't that nice?

"Onee-chan!!!!!" Puffing her face, Suisei putted both her hands on her hips, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Again, somehow getting into Anemachi's house, Suisei who was before the corridor confronted Anemachi directly. Not saying anything, she demanded an answer for the disappearance of her last night, apparently just to finish some work in the office, and the hanging of her phone this morning.

Suisei was furious.

'Ah, here it is again, a life and death situation.' Anemachi, uneasy, began to choose her words carefully.

She wondered if she was the only person in this world who had to report all of her activity to her little sister, and what's more, avoiding getting stabbed by her.

"Sorry sorry, I was working alright, I can't possibly be entertaining you at that time." Starting with a careful apology to not trigger Suisei's anger, Anemachi continues. "And you can't possibly control my time...I'm working now after all."

"For not coming back home yesterday...Yeah, sorry about that, but my current job will require it to be done sometimes though."

Glancing towards Suisei to observe her reaction, hoping that she wouldn't pull up a knife like last time. Meanwhile, cold sweat began coming out from her back, as Anemachi got nervous from Suisei who hasn't given much reactions back.

"...Nevermind, welcome back.." And as Anemachi was wondering if she should run now, Suisei shows a face of acceptance and defeat.

Suisei is well aware that things like these can't be avoided, it's just that the worry in her heart sometimes made her over react just a bit.

"You must be tired already, sleeping at the office. Come on in." Taking off the bag from Anemachi, Suisei let Anemachi come in. "Go take a shower, I will heat the dinner for you."

"...Ah? Oh, oh, alright." In the meantime, Anemachi didn't expect this kind of understanding from Suisei. "T-thanks for it."

Dumbfounded slightly, Anemachi with a confused face eventually entered the bathroom as Suisei had asked.

And as Anemachi entered inside, Suisei after a minute of silence sighed.

"Ha...Is the impression of me being a spoiled little sister that deep inside her mind?" Murmuring to herself, Suisei proceeded to prepare dinner.

'I just wanted you to take care of yourself alright. I wouldn't need to worry much if you can do it by yourself…'

And soon, Anemachi with the towel wrapped around her hair comes out, cheeks red from the hot shower she had.

"Ah, a hot shower is the best~" Saying it subconsciously , Suisei hearing it couldn't help but blurted out a giggle from her cute response.

"Glad you have a great time. Here, your fried pork rice, Onee-chan." Handing the bowl of rice to Anemachi, it certainly smells good.

"Ah, thanks Suisei."

With that, the two siblings had their dinner together, filled with happiness from having each other. Both similar faces, noticed or not, are in a good mood today.

"So what's the work that makes you stay overnight there huh, Onee-chan?" Digging into the rice, Suisei asked curiously. "Aren't you supposed to be a manager? Why are you involved in so much office work anyway…"

"Well, it's not like there is a lot of talent that is under me right now, so my superior just asks me to help around especially because I have some knowledge in finance and accounting." Responding, Anemachi admitted that she isn't actually briefed about her actual job scope.

"I just help out with everything right now, and everything seems to be in a mess."

"That doesn't sound good." Thinking while her chopstick was raised, Suisei thought for a while. "It's like your company is just using you at their will, especially with the workload you have right now. You're sure you want to continue working there?"

"I signed the contract after all, I can't back down now." Remembering A-chan's evil smile on that day, Anemachi has a headache.

"And the company isn't as bad as it seems...Most of the workload isn't given to me, just that I decided to take them in and help out after seeing the states they are in right now." Not noticing Suisei's worried look, Anemachi continues to dig into her dinner. "The people there are nice too, I enjoy the work so far at least."

"Jeez...Onee-chan you really are a workaholic huh?"

'Can you take care of yourself more?' Swallowing the word down her throat, Suisei looked at Anemachi with grumbling eyes.

"Ahaha. W-well, it's not like I'm busy, and they did pay me for the overtime." Explaining, Anemachi eventually stopped when Suisei's face turned even darker. "O-ok, I will stop."

"Hmph!" Suisei wasn't happy.

"Hueh…" Anemachi was scared.

Looking back at her sister who was sitting awkwardly, Suisei's anger flooded up again, wanting something to compensate for her feeling.

"Onee-chan, come here." Ordering Anemachi around, Suisei gestured to her.

"W-what is it?" Anemachi meanwhile has no choice but to follow, nervously moving there, and with another order from Suisei again to sit down on the tatami.

And under Anemachi's surprising eyes, Suisei lays her head upon Anemachi's lap.

"Hehe, your lap is comfortable." As if to make herself closer to Anemachi, Suisei moved her head around a bit, tingling Anemachi. "This is your punishment for not coming home last night~

Anemachi's smell entered her nose, feeling her soft, cool thighs touching her face, Suisei felt her whole body getting warm.

She may have acted like it, but she was still embarrassed to do things like this.

'Onee-chan, won't think that I'm a weird person right?' Slightly regretting her decision, but she can't back down now. 'Damn it, I should have thought things through."

But, it's comfortable being this close with her.

"Ah! S-suisei!" Watching her sister lying down on her lap, Anemachi was surprised, "What are you doing-"

"Just stay there, don't move without my permission." Liking the feeling, Suisei became more daring.

"O-okay." Thus, the two stayed silent, remaining in this intimate position.

'I wonder what is wrong with Suisei today...Acting all childlike." With Suisei in her lap closing her eyes and dwelling in, Anemachi took in a sigh. "Can't you at least let me know in advance? Let me prepare myself at the very least."

Hearing the word, Suisei responded with a small sound of "Hmph".

'Do this girl hate me so much?' Not taking in the clue, Anemach took a look at Suisei on her lap.

'This reminded me, I used to clean her ears a lot huh?' Suisei's cute, round face entered her eyes, eventually merging with the small Suisei in the past.

"Onee-chan! Onee-chan! Can you help me clean my ears?" Small Suisei said with a pair of excited eyes, asking for Anemachi who was still busy with school work.

"Didn't I just clean your ears last week? It won't accumulate that fast, Suisei." Hearing it, Anemachi responded.

Still in her school uniform, she was finishing some school work so that she could lay back at night later.

""Onee-channn"!" Not caring, Suisei swung one of Anemachi's arms around, eyes about to burst into tears.

"Alright, alright, let me get the ear pick first…" Having a bitter smile on her face, Anemachi gave in to her request.

She likes to pamper her sister after all.

And suddenly, Anemachi realized she was already holding an ear pick in hand, cleaning Suisei's ear.

'Wait, when did I start cleaning her ears?" Upon the realization, Anemachi panicked. 'S-should I stop now? But she seems like she is enjoying it though…"

Stopping for a while, Anemachi though hesitated eventually continued her action, since Suisei doesn't seem to mind it.

"O-onee-chan...?" Realizing that Anemachi somehow got an ear pick from somewhere and is about to clean her ears..." Suisei blushed. "Y-you don't need to do tha-"

Without the consent of Suisei, the cold, metal ear pick came into contact with her soft skin and eventually her inner ear.

"Ah…" Moaning in a small voice that can't be heard by people around, Suisei's still closed eyes moved slightly.

Her ear has always been the sensitive type, that's why she has always made Anemachi clean it for her. She likes the soft touch and the sensation of it. But even more, was the closeness she felt when it's Anemachi who is doing it.

"En-ennn…" Producing cute voices that are perhaps slightly lewd, Anemachi was glad that no one else was around.

Focusing on cleaning the ears, Anemachi dwelled into her job, the atmosphere silent, yet serene.

"Eh, Onee-chan" After this being continued for a while, the Suisei on her lap says something. "You…."

"Won't leave me again, right?" Not continuing, but Anemachi could feel Suisui's small body shaking, afraid of the answers she would receive.

"I'm scared...Scared that you will leave the house again, like last time, without me knowing. '' As Suisei continued, Anemachi catched a glimpse of the tears at the corner of Suisei's eyelids. "I don't know if I can trust you again, to trust you that you won't again leave me alone. But I realize, there's nothing I can do if you decide to do that.

"I'm afraid that one day, it will be the last time that I will ever see you again. That one day, I won't be able to touch your face, to talk with you, to hug you…" Talking and talking, Suisei grabbed Anemachi's skirt thightly. "Please tell me...Will you leave me?"

Suddenly, Suisei felt a pat on her head, warm and soft.

"I won't leave you again, unless I die of course, so don't worry." The voice entered into her ears, her heart subsequently left off a burden. "So don't worry alright?"

"...Really?" Opening her eyes, Suisei looked into Anemachi's eyes. "Really really?"

"Really." With a smile on her face, Anemachi patted the sister again. "I won't leave you, I promise."

"Alright." And thus, Suisei closed her eyes again, returning to Anemachi's lap, wanting to be pampered more. "Continue again, please? I still have another side left."

"Turn around then, Suisei." And as Suisei flipped her body, Anemachi couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

She replied in an instant just now, but to be honest, she isn't sure. She wants to be with Suisei, but who knows what could happen in the future? That fate is inevitable, she can't escape it, but she also knows that she can't cut off from everyone close to her.

Or could she? Anemachi stopped for a while, and continued cleaning Suisei's ear.

Her thoughts conflicted, she wasn't sure what she should actually do. But for now, she will enjoy the life she has.

Suddenly, Anemachi felt as if something was inside her throat. Knowing what it is, Anemachi swallowed it back down. It tasted a bit salty, and rusty.

She can't possibly cough it out while Suisei is still here.

It will be fine, Anemachi hoped, as she stared at the cute Suisei.

She will cherish the time she has now.