1st Anniversary and Q&A

Well, here is the not long-awaited anniversary of mine. Been a long journey of writing until now, since I'm sure no one was interested in the life of mine, so let's talk about each individual book of mine as a start, shall we? You can skip to the Q&A instead if you aren't interested.

(My Imouto is a Vtuber + Regarding why my imouto is acting strange lately)

Probably the most popular one in Wattpad so far. How should I word this? Definitely a newbie work. Grammar is basically nonexistent here, the plot doesn't make much sense, and the pacing is all over the place. Hence, it's the reason why I decided to discontinue it in the end. But overall, it's a reminder to me of how far I have gone until now. Not something I'm proud of, but something that I will remember.

The plot all around was just a wholesome scenario which had been in my mind for a while that I want to write out. With the protagonist being the father/brother figure to guide the separate talents into their future. Pure wholesomeness you can say. I still think the concept isn't all bad compared to 50% of the reader insert Wattpad has, but not too exciting still I will say.

And for the new book, urgh, it's a complicated story. In reality, I actually already have a new cover that a friend commission for me already in preparation. But I'm not satisfied with how the original plan I have for the book is. Thus, the delay. Combining with the slow update schedule I have, and another reason that I will mention later, thus come to the hiatus for it. Though I promise one thing is that I will eventually update it. (Because I already have the expensive cover art huehhh)

(Youjo Senki: Valhalla)

Well, this is an awkward one. The book's grammar was much better than my first book, and I actually like how the whole book's plot turn up. (For your information, despite it not gaining many readers in Wattpad, it did surprisingly well in webnovel.) However, the things that make me put it on hiatus are one, I want to focus on updating one book which is manager, and second, I realize I'm not 'qualified' to make a historical fantasy book. Let's just say I put an ungodly amount of time into researching maps, battlefields, politics, cultural unrest, general's personality, and so forth.

In the end, the larger the scale, the harder it is for me to handle it. Of course, this is also due to me handling too much details, but I did determined that I'm not well informed enough in WW1 for me to make a book out of it, and thus the discontinuation. Though, I might update it again one day with some change in plot.

(Manager-san is trying to stay sane today)

The main book I'm focusing on now. Well, the spark of this story originated from a few friends I have here and there (Of course none of my friends is a genderbend so far) But it's just a story I wanna tell, a story about relation, struggle, self doubt, and salvation for all. The only thing I can promise is that I want to give everyone a satisfying ending, whether it's happy or not. Though, I'm surprised at the number of readers it got as I didn't expect people to read this at all. In the end, I wanted to focus on finishing this if possible. Also, this book is long from being completed. I can assure you that.

Also, here are many thanks to the friend that have been helping me along the way, readers who have consistently been sticking with me despite the slow update I have. I'm really thankful for you all, truly. And the cat here will try its best to continue to provide what they could for everyone~


Q: So, author, why do you update so slowly!?

A: Ahhh gomenasai! Some fact about me, I'm currently a university student who is still studying. And occasionally, I work some part time in a few areas. Thus, my life can get busy at times. Moreover, I always have the issue of procrastination especially when the day wasn't going well for me. So, sorry for the lack of update! I do try to keep at least weekly updates if possible. And I will try to update as much as possible in the future.

Q: Author, why did you rarely reply to any of our comments?

A: Huehh, sorry about this too. To clarify, I really look through all of your comments. But I'm not someone who is good at replying to people. So most of the time, I just silently go through it without saying much. Sorry for it really! I just don't know what to answer you most of the time. But I appreciate your comment truly!

Q: Author, you doing well?

A: Yes. I'm mostly healthy. Stressful, but still good overall. I'm someone who look after themselves mostly, so I will say I'm still in a good spot still.

(Now some actual question that wasn't ask by myself)

Q: How many chapters do you plan for this novel?

A: For manager, most likely around 100-200+ of this amount. So yeah, this the reason why I said it's still in the beginning phase.

Q: FBK when?

A: Urgh, it depend, but I would probably prioritize other chapter over her first since I already have Fubuki in my last book. But I will give it some thinking.

Q: Boobs, thighs, or ass?

A: Eh….(Boo- ahem)

Q: Why are you a cat?

A: Ehh, cause me cat

Q: 69 or 34?

A: …What?

Q: What brought you to writing in general?

A: Mmh, reading a lot of book I guess, until eventually I wanted to write my own stuff

Q: Who drag you to hololive hole?

A: Rushia actually. It's a clip about her breaking a charger.

Q: Who's your oshi?

A: Suisei! Suisei is my favourite so far I will say

Q: Who's your favourite duo/ships in hololive? have you thought about writing any of them?

A: Believe it or not, I don't actually ship a lot. But for now, I quite enjoy Kroni and Munei's interaction. It's quite wholesome I will say. But no plan of writing them for now.

And with that, this conclude the anniversary special! Thank you all for joining me in this journey, and I hope that I can continue to provide you all with writing that I'm capable of coming up with! All the best.

Also, mah friend made a discord server for reader and a few writer. If you hope to interact with me more then feel free to join in humu.
