
*This is Flashback to Mia's past*

"Do you want to be my friend, big sister?" A young boy around 13 years asked a 23 years old girl.

The young girl and boy were sitting on bench under the big tree. The wind blew slightly in the park.

"Yes sure"

They two smiled at each other. They became the best friends.

3 years later

"Mia, can you go and bring my little brother back home?" A girl with short hair begged her friend who named Mia.

"I am working" Mia looked at her friend with hopeless eyes. "I will work for you then. Just please go bring my brother back home"

"Did you two fight again?" A girl nodded.

"That boy is getting on my nerves. Why would he go away from home when he is still 16?!" Mia complained as she grabbed her phone and left the grocery store.

"Henry!" She shouted loudly as the rain kept pouring harder and harder. "Henry!!" She shouted loudly.

There was no one in the street.

Mia was soaked in rain. But she couldn't care about herself. Her friend's little brother was missing.

That little brother of Mia's friend was also her friend too. She didn't have any relatives. Mia treated her friend and that little boy as her relatives.

Mia kept calling the boy's phone but only got 'the phone number you are calling is unavailable'.

"Gosh! That boy is giving me headache!!" Mia tightened her grip on phone and ran in the rain to find him.

She started to lose breath.

"sister Mia?"  A boy's voice was heard from her behind. She recognized that voice quickly and turned back to the boy.

"You little!" Mia ran to the boy and hit him on arms. "Ah! It hurts big sister!" "So what?! You left your sister and me just for a small argument!"

Mia shouted to the boy with wine red hair. His hair was soaked in heavy rain.

"I am sorry" he apologized.

"I swear if you dare to run away like this again, I will come find you and kill you" Henry laughed at the girl shouting in anger.

"What are you laughing at?! Let's go back! I am completely soaking wet because of you!"

Mia rubbed Henry's soaked wine red hair. The boy in t-shirt and knee length shorts only smiled at her.

They two walked back to the grocery store.

"Don't come near!!!" A shout of a little girl from the other side of street made Mia and Henry looked at the direction where she was pointing.

A car which was driving towards the little girl and the cat without stopping. The honking sounds of car took over the street.

Mia ran to the girl and picked up the kid but the car seemed to be out of control of brake. "MIA!!!!!" Henry ran towards her and pushed her and the girl to the side.

"Ah.." Mia fell onto the ground with the cat in her hands and the little girl on the side. "Thank you big sister" a girl thanked Mia and took the cat.

Mia felt like she was missing something. Then she turned around and saw a body laying on the ground with blood.

"No! No no no no! HENRY!!" Mia ran to the dead body of a boy and cried in pain. She shouted loudly.

"Henry!!! Henry!!! No no!! Henry!!! Talk to me!!! You can't leave me like this!!!"

The more she shouted the more her throat shattered.

Henry laid with eyes closed in her hands. Mia blamed herself. "I said wake up! If you leave like this, what am I supposed to tell your sister?!"

She cried loudly as the rain only getting heavier.

"It's all my fault! My fault, all my fault..." The tears dropped from her eyes along with the rain drops.

Mia's friend left her alone when she found out about the death of her brother. She called Mia 'killer'.

She left Mia alone in pain.


*Back to present*

Mia tears didn't stop till she arrived to the villa back. George also didn't say anything and let her cry.

"Welcome back Miss and Sir" everyone in villa greeted the couple. The old woman who named Maki eyes widened when she saw her Miss crying.

"What happened?" She held Mia softly. Mia treated her with kindness, she changed the way of talking to the people worked in villa in a week.

Which maids and workers couldn't admire the girl who treated them with full kindness?

George sighed with a frown and walked up to his room, left his wife.

Mia couldn't stop her tears.

"Miss, let's go to your room" Maki said as Mia only followed her without disagreeing.

"You want me to shower you?" Maki said worriedly. Mia looked at the old woman and shook her head.

"Can you leave me alone?"

Maki understood her Miss and quietly left the room. Mia fell onto the queen sized bed. "Why him?"

She said in pain. Not only the face of Henry and Dean were the same but also the voices of them were the same.

Mia didn't understand. "Is this the punishment?" She curled into a ball and cried in pain.

After an hour, the sobbing sounds in the room stopped. Mia fell asleep tiredly. She didn't have no more energy to lift her eyes.

George who was eating at the dining room alone, finally couldn't wait anymore and walked up to Mia's room.

He opened the door with thoughts to scold his wife.

But the young woman in black strap dress was already fell asleep on the bed. She was back facing the door.

George walked near to his wife and saw the young woman with burning red cheeks from freezing.

He tucked her in warm soft blanket. Her legs were freezing as an ice. He placed his hand on Mia's forhead.

"No fever"

George sighed to himself. How could she sleep like that in rainy season with strap dress? Then he turned off the light of room and left.

"Don't disturb her sleep. Feed her when she is awake" George ordered Maki as he ate his dinner alone.

"Yes Sir" Maki was one of the most trusted in the villa.

George went back to his room after he finished eating. He sat on couch and started working with files and his laptop.

His fingers stopped typing when the scene of Mia hugging the stranger man and calling 'Henry' many times.

"Who is Henry? Her lover?"

When he thought it might be her lover, his blood started boiling and wanted to punch someone. But why? He should be happy.

If she had lover then he could easily divorce her. George nodded to himself. It would be the best if she had a lover.

At the time, his phone started ringing. George picked up the phone "What's wrong, Escort?". The one who called him was his friend.

"Seriously? Your woman was crying in another man's arms and yet you can still ask me what's wrong as if nothing happened?"

"I said I don't like that woman"

"Gosh, I can't believe you. Mia is a beauty and she is graceful though but why do you hate her so much?" Escort mocked his friend.

"Shut up. Why did you call?" George laid back on the couch with eyes closed. "I just wanna know if Mia is ok or not"  Escort's worried tone made George gritted his teeth without noticing himself.

"She is fine. Who is that man she hugged?"

"I knew that you are gonna ask! His name is Dean Silas and younger brother of Roman Silas" Escort found out about Dean from his secretary.

"Roman Silas? The CEO of N.G company?" George knew that company so well. They two were not in good relationship. You could say their two companies were rivals.

"Mmmh, you are right" "OK then thanks" George said as about to hung up the phone. "Wait! Are you sure that you can watch me flirting with your beautiful wife?" George laughed.

"I told you that I don't care"

Escort sighed. He didn't want to make things turn into chao. "Well, then I'm gonna play with her" "Do whatever you want"

Then the two hung up the phone. George shut his files and laptop since he couldn't focus anymore. He threw himself on his king sized bed.

He felt as if he did something wrong. The feeling that telling him to stop. But stop what? What was that feeling? He didn't understand. The feeling was new for him.

George had never felt that weird feeling before. "Ugh!" He groaned and closed his eyes tightly, wanted to fall asleep and stop the weird feelings inside him.

"Why am I feeling like this?"