
Kyle's POV

la la lalala🎶🎶🎶lalala,hmm where should I go ?..... WAAAAAA I can't think of anything (pout) .

"Young master" -huh? Ah! My Butler, I'm really dead.

"hHehehehe hi butler " I greeted him and waved my hand.

"The young lady has been looking for you and she's mad " oh no! I'm really dead for sure.

"Let's go young master" I thought she have a meeting that's why I wandered outside the house and got a little lost, my guardian angles help meeeee!

''Ahm, can we go home later? hehehe'' - I asked my butler with fear. I'm sure she's very mad, I just sneaked out when she told me not to.

WAAAAA I can already see the house, I hope she's in her room not in the living room waiting for me to open the door. I'm gonna die for real.

"Where have you been ?"- her voice was cold, it almost gave me goosebumps. She always wear a straight face, I wonder what she will look like if she smil -------

"I'm asking you"-waaaaaaa mommy help me 

"Hehehe u-uhm there t-there in, ther ------

"Where?" ACK! I can feel the wind even though, I'm sweating, she's really scary when she's mad huhuhu tooth fairy where are you?

"I just want to go out that's why I wandered for a little while. " - I pouted because mommy said I'm cute when I'm pouting. Maybe she'll let this one slide.

"I told you if you want to go somewhere just tell me "- Why is she always cold?

" And I almost forgot  no lollipop for the whole week "- I got speechless when I heard that, I can hear my world tearing apart.

"Waaaaaa wife, have mercy not my babies "  I cried so she could pity me and take that back, I know she's just kidding me, wait did she made a joke even once? She might doesn't know what joke is. Waaaaa my lollipops.

"Tsk, stop your  drama " She's really cruel, no. My lollipops.

I'm gonna miss my lollipops huhuhu, how could I live without them? My lolli--- wait I still have backups, I have chocolate.

I walked towards the refrigerator and opened it. I almost drop my jaw when I saw my sweets are all gone. My cake, my chocolate and my life. She took everything, she's meanie but I love her.


Mclaire's POV:

That childish, he could just tell me if he wanted to go somewhere. Why is he so stubborn? He always makes my head hurt.

After our little conversation I went in my office and do some of my work. After a two hours of meeting I talked to someone for investment and for the whole day I can't forget what happened earlier, maybe I can take him outside? Eat a dinner in a fancy restaurant? Watch a movie? Or maybe shopping?

"kring, Kring, Kring " My phone rings, disturbing my plan.

"Hija, it's me" tsk this old man, he always calls at the wrong time.

"What do you want?"- I simply asked, I gotta do some plan for Kyle.

"Let's meet" - he ended the call after he said that, as if I'll go.


"He's here so be here"- I recieved a text saying that with Kyle's photo. I hurriedly run to my ducati and drove as fast as possible until I got there. I didn't parked my motorcycle properly and run in his office in his house, as I opened the door a knife flew near my face. I'm fortunate to dodged it. He always do this nonsense, I'm thankful to my good reflexes for surviving.

"You're here"- he has the guts to smile at me, wow! He's really unbelievable man. Read the sarcasm.

"So, what do you want?"- I don't need to waste more time talking to him.  

" Okay, go back to Philippines, manage the school, and go there with your husband"- He continuously said, now he's irritating me.

"What did you said? I think I heard it wrong?" I know I sounded dumb but why is he saying that suddenly? Is his brain not working properly? Why would I go back there?

" You're not a deaf, right?"- I'm speechless by his words, wow!

"Tsk, no, so why are you sending me there?"

"I know that you'll not agree, hmmmm"- he said while his hand is on his chin like he's thinking.

"Tsk! Don't act like you're thinking, as if ."- Why don't he just go straight to the point? He already wasted my time.

"Sorry, I already sent him there"- I can't believe that he has a time to smirk at me!

"W-what?!"- This old man, if he's not my dad? I'll throw him to the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean.

" I'll repeat, you're not a deaf right?"- This damn old crazy man.

"Annoying"- I whispered and hurriedly ride my ducati and headed straight to the airport.

As soon as I got at the airport I bought a ticket and rode it.

As time flew by, and I reached the Philippines I hurriedly walked out of the airport, and not to my surprise the butler is already there. Of course they will be here, that damn geezer planned everything.

"Welcome back, young lady"- he greeted me with a bow while he's just with us earlier this morning.

I hopped in the car. " Drive faster as you can"- I said to the driver.

"Yes, young lady"

As soon as we reached the house I walked out of the car and opened the door, the maids are all in their uniform while lined up as if they are all waiting for me.

"Welcome back young lady- They greeted in unison.

I looked around to see if Kyle is here but I didn't saw him. I walked a little further from the door and I saw him lying at the couch sleeping uncomfortably.

" He said he'll wait for you to come even if he fell asleep here"- the butler talked.

"Bring him in his room"- I said, I want to rest. I'm exhausted from the trip because of that old man. I didn't even get to pack my things.