
Kyle's POV

After they left I went to my room but couldn't sleep, I even rolled all over my bed and ate my snacks that I snuck out earlier. I want to see if wifey's sleeping already. Hmmm, should I? or not? It's not a bad thing right? To sleep beside her? But what if she get mad? She'll confiscate my babies again for sure.

Whatever, I stood up and went out of my room and headed to her room, I opened her door silently and carefully not to wake her up. She really have a bad temper when her sleep got interrupted. I walked towards her bed and laid carefully beside her, the room is not that dark because of the lampshade. The curtains are covering the whole window that the moonlight can't get through, her room is not as lively as the night sky. You can only see a dark vibe. Her furnitures are all simple looking even her bed is not as grand as the other bed of rich people out there.

Finally I'm getting sleepy.

"Good night wifey I love you "

Mcleir's POV

I felt the bed bounce a little and someone laid beside me, I already know who is it because of his smell. Then afterwards I felt a hand hug me around my waist.

"Good night wifey I love you"

Sh*t! This brat, whispering in my ears with his warm breath is tickling me, I wonder why he's sleeping here when he have his own room and I clearly told him not to enter my room without my permission. He's quite stubborn sometimes.


I didn't slept enough, I woke up at 5 am and can't back to sleep, I carefully stood up so that he won't wake up and I decided to go downstairs and prepare some breakfast. It's still early but I can't help it, there's nothing to do anyway so why not kill some time right?

I rested a bit after I prepared the breakfast and suddenly remembers the past that makes me dizzy. Just thinking about it is like killing me right now, well every problem has a reason, yeah, everything has a reason. Even lying has. If that time came I do hope he forgive me.

Kyle's POV

I feel refreshed right at the moment I opened my eyes with a smile, who wouldn't be? When their love one is sleeping beside them. Eh? She's not beside me. Where is she? Is she already having a breakfast? I stood up and walked toward the door but I noticed a picture on a small table so I grabbed it and look at it. Hmmm? It's our picture but I don't remember when was this taken. She's wearing a school uniform? But I thought she said we met after graduation in high school? She's an advanced student. But why? I got distracted by what I noticed, she's smiling in this photo, her smile is pretty I wish she smile often. I put it back to where I got it and continue to walk out of the room and headed to the kitchen.

"Good morning wifey " - I greeted her with a wide smile but she just looked at me and continue to sip her coffee, no good morning too? Should I smack her on the head? ...Kidding she might strangle if I do that hehehe.

"Just eat and stop staring at me, you still have a class "- ah! I still have a class how could I forgot that? Oohh! I'll be able to see those four again and maybe I can get them to play with me. I ate my food hurriedly and after that I run towards my room to fix myself like brushing my teeth then taking bath and putting on my uniform. After all that I hurriedly went downstairs and I saw my wifey sitting in the car so I entered too and sat tight, I'm excited to see them. It didn't take too long to reached the school, after she parked the car I wave my goodbye to her and headed to my classroom.

"Kyle, come"- there's not a lot of people inside the classroom. Cike that is sleeping when I got here woke up and Damon looked at me then smiled while the two are busy playing something in there phones.

"You're early"- Cike said. He looks sleepy I wonder if he didn't get to sleep last night? Should I recommend him to find a girlfriend and sleep beside her? It's quite comfortable too.

"Yeah, we're waiting for you"- Why would they wait? Well I'm sure it's nothing serious. Today I'm sitting beside Damon and at my back is Cike alone and in my front is Brent and Evan.

"Kyle, you want to come with us later? We'll go in this famous cafe"- Hmm, I should tell wifey first but I think there's no harm right? Since I'm with the four of them so I think it's totally fine.

"Sure but let's get back quickly, my wifey will be mad if I take too long"

"Of course, don't worry you're safe with us"- They're reliable somehow. I'm glad I have friends like them.

"Kyle, how long are you two married?"- Brent

"Hmm..... I'm not quite sure but I think almost two years?"- I'm not really sure, I didn't get the chance to talk things like that with wifey because she's always busy with work and I don't want to disturb her.

"Were you married before you lost your memories?"-Evan

"Yes, that's what my wifey told me"

"Don't you have pictures when you got married?"- I don't see anything at home..... I'm not sure, I don't know.

"I don't know, maybe it's in other rooms at the house"

"Okay but where is your parents?"- Why it seem like I don't know everything?

"I'm not sure..... I don't know"- Should I ask wifey later? Is it okay?

"Better ask you wife later about everything"-Damon

"Yeah, ask her I'm sure there's no harm with that"- that's right. I should ask.

"Or do you want us to get you information? We can hire private investigator"-Cike

" Maybe I should just ask her first and I think she'll tell it to me"

" I hope so"- Huh? What does that mean?

"If she didn't tell you, give us the word and we'll dig it up for you"- Brent said while giving me thumbs up.

"Okaaayyyy, thank you"- I'm sure she'll tell me everything because there's no reason for her to lie, right?