
Kyle's POV

WAAAAA!! My heart is beating loudly, I'm pretty sure she's mad at me. W-well it is my fault so I should accept my punishment. I didn't listen to her when she clearly told me not to go somewhere without permission or without her. But I'm with them so I think it's okay, I didn't know that it will make her worry.

I'm already holding the doorknob, without wasting any seconds I opened the door. As I entered the house I can already see her looking at me like she'll eat me anytime, literally, I'm scared of her eyes. She's just sitting on the couch and staring at me, no, she's glaring at me. I'm scared for my babies. She will confiscate them again or for the worst she will forbid me to eat them again and that's my worst nightmare, might as well kill me.

I walked towards and stop in front of her with my head down. I don't want to look at her.


"You should've told me"- I knew she is mad but it's scarier to hear her say a word. I'm very nervous at this moment that I want to run for my life now or else I'll be devour by her any moment. I always had this feeling whenever I'm with her, like she is distant to me yet I can always feel her. It makes me feel weird sometimes or I'm just imagining things.

" Sorry wifey, Brent and the others told me to hangout with them in a bar but it is not an actual bar, It's different with other bar, we didn't do anything except that they drank a little bit and I only drank a juice. I told them that i don't drink liquor. "- I explained every details to her but she looks like she doesn't care about what we did inside the bar. It is kind of what she always do, I don't know, maybe she is just lazy to care that it is none of here business?

" I told you not to go anywhere without me, you're disobeying me "- I was surprised by the sudden raise of her voice, she never did this before. She always scold me but she never yelled at me. I can feel that my tears are about to fall but I held it back because that might worsen the situation. I want to run in my room now but I can't move my feet.


"From now on you're not allowed to go somewhere after school "- Her voice raise again that made me flinch. I turned around because my tears are going to fall any moment and I hurriedly run towards my room. My tears fell down on my cheeks as I went to my bed and laid onto it slowly. I'm not feeling well tonight.


Mcleir's POV

Fu*k! I think I'm  so harsh to him arrghh those eyes, hell I hurt him again. I can't help it, I'm worried to death that he is still not home. It makes me anxious every minute that is passing by, I know that I'm being over protective but this is what I must do and I can't let anything happen to him again. Not again.

I decided to go to his room to apologize for earlier (sigh) I knock twice but he didn't open his door so I opened it myself and saw him laying on his bed, I walked near to his bed and bend my knees to see his face, he's sleeping. I murmured my apology to him and kiss his forehead and I walked out in his room.

I need to see a client today.


Evan's POV

After we drop off Kyle at his house we decided to go to Cike's bar the Cycle Bar. I can't turn my thoughts into a good one, I'm still very worried about Kyle. I hope his wife didn't said something harsh to him. Thinking about that makes me furious.

" You're thinking way to deep, your brain cell will die. Well it's not like you have one "- Sometimes I don't really want to pay attention to him because he's an idiot. Way too dumb than Kyle, well it's not like I'm saying Kyle is dumb just, some circumstances happened so yeah.

" I'm just thinking about Kyle "- I sip my black label after I admitted my thoughts to Brent.

" I'm also thinking about that"- I can feel the nervousness in Damon's voice as he said that. Of course we're all worried about him since he turned into a..... something a little dumb? Sorry Kyle, forgive me.

" I do hope he's fine, if not I'll have to break that woman's neck"- This is why I don't talk back to Cike, he always says things like this.

I look around the bar and saw a familiar figure of a woman, looks like she just got here. What is she even doing here? She should be with Kyle but why is she here instead? Are they done talking things out? She's not cheating on Kyle right?

"Is that demonise? "- I got their attention as they looked at my finger pointing somewhere. They all looked at what I'm pointing to.

"What is she doing here?"- Brent asked, that's what I want to know too.

"She's with some people, maybe clients? "- clients? In a bar? Specially this bar?

"Why here? Its loud and not very appropriate for meetings. "- Loud place, lot of drunk people everywhere and not very suitable for meetings and clients well if its really a legal one. Oh! Is it something not related to a clean business?

As we observed them our another order came, Glenfiddich 50 year old single malt scotch whisky ...$ 16,000

This will be paid by Cike, he owns this bar anyway. Must be great to have him as a friend, better not tell him or he'll kick my ass.

I looked at her again and now she's drinking when earlier she's not drinking anything. She continue to drink her shots, wow her tolerance in alcohol is good. She could drink that many? Unbelievable, well I'm also good but I can't drink continuosly like that. Hmmm we're going home after we finished this round. I think she will not going to do anything considering having a husband at home.