
Kyle's POV

Argh... Where am I? I'm still dizzy and my vision is not yet clear so my surrounding is blurry but I can see the people around me. " ....wake?"- huh? I can't understand them, what are they saying? "Are you okay now?"- It's Brent's voice. What happened? "Ahh!"- I suddenly remember, there's a shadow that hit me then I fell unconscious, after that I don't know what happened and here I am in .... my room? How did I get here? I remember I'm in the comfort room.


"Are you okay?"

"How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm fine, what happened?"- I confusedly asked them. Though my back still hurts but I'm glad my head didn't took a lot of damage that might make wifey worried if I ever rushed into the hospital again. Where is she anyway? She's not here. Did she not know what happened to me?

"Are you sure? Are you feeling a pain anywhere?"- They all look worried, how long am I unconscious? "My back hurts a little that's all"- I sat properly but I groaned a little when I felt an electric like pain in my back crawling up to my nape. That made them rushed around me. " Does it hurt a lot? Let's go to the hospital"- Cike is panicking like crazy, this is the first time I saw him act like this. " No no no, I'm totally fine. I just need a rest".

"Then let us know if you feel anything wrong okay? "- They are all really worried about me. "Okay"- I wonder what happened? I don't recall anything of having an enemy and I'm always with them. "Are you hungry? Want to eat something?"- (Growl) Oh, hehehe that's why my stomach don't feel comfortable.

"That's it, we'll order porridge, pizza, do--"

"Rice and fried chicken, barbecue and tempura"

"I want takoyaki and rice with barbecue"

"I'll have pizza and tempura"

"U-uhm, I'll have porridge and tempura"- Did they not eat the whole day? It's nearly 6:30 pm at my clock. "You didn't ate lunch?"- they all nods their heads at the same time. Did they all waited for me to wake up? They really are that worried?


Queenie's POV

They are all stubborn just like what the information I got. After we gave Kyle to them my team also departed from that filthy place. We have another team to do the cleaning anyway and we have our own job to do while the boss is away with some busy and important matters.

"I'll go ahead first"- I said to Red, I met these three: Red, Terrence, and Dark because the boss made a contract with them, well it's more like a blackmail and the contents of the contract is not really fair for their sides.

I walked through the building down to the underground where Terrence and Dark puts the culprit. I worked as a secretary at this building as my other identity. I reached the blue room in no time and walked infront of the culprit.

The other team are here too, I guess they have heard about the situation. I grabbed the bucket of water and throw the water to her aggressively that lead her to gain consciousness. "AHHHHH!"- Geez! Why is she so loud? She doesn't even have a nice voice. I whipped her once to grab her attention and so she did looked at me pathetically.

"Who are you!?"- She's crying while asking me a stupid question. Who's person in their right mind would tell who they are while committing something wrong but she deserves? "You don't have to know, you won't be able to use your tongue after this anyway"- She looks more scared now. I like those kind of expression, the people's vain, suffering and despair look while they are infront of me, begging.

"I didn't do anything to you, why are you doing this?!"- I see, she still have the guts to shouts at me. I grabbed my golf club and swing it on the air making a magnificent sound then I hit her hands with it. She shouted loudly and uselessly well I'll let her savor the moment that she still have her tongue.

"M-my dad is a v-very powerful m-man, he can g-give you a l-lot of money."- Ha! Does she really think that her dad is powerful? Dang! She doesn't even know that her dad is falling down like a bridge today! Money isn't necessary because I don't need it, I didn't get into this organization because I need money, there's a different story.

"P-please I'm begging y-you, spare my life"- This poor little thing, tsk tsk tsk she isn't even realizing what her crime is but she's already begging this little, no fun! I hit her constantly with the golf club in arm, legs, stomach and her face. I poured alcohol on her wounds, oh those cries are melodies in my ears. I want more, more, more and more of it give me more.

"S-stop, Im b--begging y-you. P-please"- that's right, beg. Beg until the audience is satisfied with my performance. I can see the other groups watching me intently with grins on their lips as if they are all enjoying this entertainment I'm giving to them. Ohh! It's giving me butterflies.

Her blood is giving me fragrance, the blue room is now at mess because of the constant hits she's receiving. I started pulling each of her nails that made her body moves aggressively. Is she in a lot of pain? Of course, I know that feeling very well. Everything has a reason for happening and becoming like what you are now. After her nails I broke her fingers one by one in the most painful way I know, hammering.

I joined this group because of my obsession in people's expressions when they are being tortured by me. Those despair I see in their eyes are the pleasure that makes me sane this whole time. What do you call this type of people? Psychopath? Yes, I am. Queenie Bañadera the main torturer of the whole organization, that's who I am. It's nice meeting you all.