Out Of Town 3

Kyle's POV

I woke up early today  and without wifey again by my side. I hope she come back quickly. I turned my gaze on the glass door of the veranda because of the sunlight, it's so bright and beautiful, no negative thoughts for today. I want to enjoy the whole trip to ease my thoughts about wifey but it is really not helping.

I stood up and started preparing clothes for today, I also fixed the bed. After all of that I took a bath then fixed myself. I went downstairs to eat breakfast. The three of them is also at the kitchen. "Good morning"- I cheerfully greeted them with a smile. "Good morning"- They all greeted me at the same time. I sat beside Cike and beside me is Brent then at my front is Evan.

Did I not mention about the other three people who are with us with this trip? The one sitting beside Evan is Red then beside him is Dark and beside Brent is Terrence. I still don't know why they are here with us because Cike and the others are not telling me anything. They had arrived last night just before I went upstairs. Are they friends?

Nevermind, I'll just wait for them to tell me what's going on. Those three are the one whom I met on my first day of school. Today is Monday but we're on a break, classes will start next week.

I started eating my breakfast and force myself to forget my thoughts. After we ate  breakfast they told me that we are going to have tour around the place. There's also a lot of beautiful spot to see. I'll have to agree with that, just seeing the front of this rest house is already amazingly beautiful. The road is clean, not even one trash in the road. There's no cars and just tricycle, motorcycle and a few jeepneys.


Dark's POV

We know that Kyle is having a suspicion on us and we know he's wondering why we're here despite of our first meeting. Our connection with that woman is all sudden, she blackmailed us at first to join her organization but we refused before the blackmail because we're not that kind of poeple, we're just a normal delinquent students whose rebelling for fun but then of course she blackmailed us using our weaknesses.

She said that, she will reveal everything we have done to our family and to the public and we can't have that humiliation because all our family have big name in society. Smashing the old dean's car, vandalism in a comfort room, skipping classes, smoking on the rooftop, even making out in one of the empty classroom, dang! She has evidences for everything. 

"Still not calling?"-I shaked my head at Cike who asked the question. Meeting them is also part of her plan, of course they also agreed because it is for Kyle's sake. Demonise called us all in our last meeting for the plan and if you're wondering if why Damon is not here it's because he's with her. He want to make sure that, that woman will be coming back because we all know that Kyle will be sad if something bad happened to her. Though there's still a lot of secret to discover.

" Kyle seems to enjoying but he often spaced out"- Brent said, no one know when will they come back or are they still coming back. Of course they will, I trust those people and I got to enjoy this work and the hang out with the other members.

"I'm more worried about Kyle's memories, it's a bad thing to wish but I hope it doesn't come back yet."- Evan said after puffing his cigarette.

" If his memories happen to come back while Demonise is not yet here, who knows what will happen. "- he added. Yeah, because I heard some bad rumors about Kyle back then as he is one of the bosses of the bosses in the organization. That's why there's a lot of people who wants him dead and they're taking advantage of his situation.

If the situation is really bad and we happen to fail our mission and Demonise died in that fight she will literally pull us all into hell with her.


Kyle's POV

I'm exhausted from what we all did today but it's all worth it because I definitely enjoyed every places we went to, they all have a magnificent view that only here can be view and  we ate all the famous foods around here. We even bought souvenirs, I bought a lot for wifey, I hope she will like them because they are all cute.

Thy decided to drink even though it's near midnight, looks like they are enjoying to the fullest this trip and I'm glad to see them enjoying. I refused to join them because wifey might get mad if she knew this but they said it's just for tonight so that's certainly okay so I agreed.

In the first drink, I didn't like it because it's bitter I still love sweets but when I drink again my throat feels like this is nothing new that I'm used to drinking liquor even the smell is nice. I continuously drank the liquor they gave me. I'm still sober after two hours of drinking unlike Brent, Evan and Red they are all drunk.

Brent started dancing in front of us with Terrence who's singing while Cike and Dark is both quiet. Red and Evan is both laughing so hard.

And another hour passed, I'm a little bit tipsy now, Brent is now sleeping on the floor with Terrence beside him. Cike and Dark are both cleaning the mess. Red and Evan are both sleeping on the couch. I'm drowsy too but I'm forcing myself not to sleep then I found myself laying now on the couch too.