This 180-degree turn... too unscientific!

While Nol threw away all rationality and became an obedient lapdog to Eric instantly, the demons all quickly scurried away seeing the bonding moment between the prince and his teacher. This was the perfect opportunity for them to go unnoticed.

"Teacher, I'm sorry! All this time I thought you were two-faced but you aren't! You even treasure me so much!" with trembling hands Nol, who was still kneeling, pulled on Eric's clothes shyly and looked at him with sparkling eyes.

Eric instantly cursed. What the hell was with this 180-degree turn? Huh? But Eric already knew why. Why? Because of his fucking skill that activated out of nowhere!

If Eric didn't have that skill, Eric would've been incredibly suspicious of Nol acting like his but it turned out Nol really converted to Eric's loyal student and sincerely believed Eric was giving his all, even his life to save Nol.

Like fuck he would. But this was also ok. At least, Eric had one less demon, and the biggest pain out of them all, to worry about wanting him to bite dust.

Now that Nol stopped harassing Eric, Eric could breathe easier. However, Eric's skill told Eric something else. That was when Eric looked at the confused demon he elbowed to the ground and read his mind.

'Why- Why is this happening to me? I only carry a knife to peel and cut fruits while flying. Flying for too long is boring and I get hungry easily. So why is something as harmless as this now trying to frame me as someone who wants to murder the prince? I better scram!' The instant the demon finished his thoughts, he jumped and ran for his life.

Eric sighed and turned to Nol who still looked at Eric with sparkling eyes. Well, this actually was another new pain in the butt.


"Yes, teacher!" Nol was eager to hear Eric say his name. To be honest, Nol has always admired Eric, even while he hated Eric for being scummy, Eric has always been Nol's idol, so it wasn't hard for Nol to instantly like Eric again. Nol realised he misread and misjudged Eric. Eric wasn't too-faced but Eric was really an angel!

Eric wasn't lying and saying empty promises! Eric really cared about Nol and his students! Nol witnessed this! Nol would forever remain loyal to Eric and never distrust Eric again!

Honestly, Eric felt a bit burdened by Nol's thoughts. Now he was truly deceiving Nol and this Nol was too... unfamiliar. Eric wasn't used to this. Nol was literally behaving like a dog, a puppy!

Eric swore he could see Nol's tails wagging and his ears twitching! Eric wanted the old Nol back. Fuck, was it really this easy to gain Nol as a pet? Wasn't this unscientific? If this was a novel, Eric as an editor would never let it pass! What a shitty plot! Shitty twist of turn and character change or development whatever!

Eric cleared his throat and patted Nol's head. Now would you look at this? This handsome dipshit actually had a cute side to him. Nol rubbed against Eric's hand! Ok, new nickname for Nol. Puppy.

Eric glanced at Nol again who wore an innocent and satisfied smile. Yes. Puppy definitely fit. Eric sighed but then very gently said, "Nol, the bet from the beg-"

"Forgive me teacher!" Nol instantly panicked and hugged Eric's thigh, afraid Eric would abandon him.

"I was stupid and dumb and couldn't see teacher's goodwill towards me. Please punish me."

"It's ok as long as you understand," Eric nodded and was like a benevolent overlord. He rubbed Nol's head a bit more and Nol's egyptian blue eyes blinked with relief.

This eccentrically handsome tall male was clinging on the leg of a shorter and less handsome male, like a baby.

"Hah," Eric's sigh made Nol finch.

"Teacher, please don't be mad!"

Oh no, Eric sensed it coming. Nol was way too sensitive!

"I wasn't and I was just tired."

"This student deserves to die! I harmed my exhausted teacher with my foolish desire!" Nol wanted to slap himself when Eric quickly stopped him.

Dammit, now more than ever Eric wanted the old Nol back. Who was this crybaby here? Eric didn't want anything to do with him!

But if Eric said this out loud, Nol would probably chase himself and slap his face a 1000 times and then sulk because of a broken heart.

To be fair, Eric already destroyed Nol's hopes and admiration once back on earth, so Eric didn't want to do it again. Eric wasn't that much of scum.

"Stop beating yourself up. Everything went fine, didn't it?" Eric needed to get Nol onto the right path, "You regret it and promised to change, right? So instead of blaming yourself for your past actions, put your focus on the future and fulfil what you've promised."

Eric felt like he was giving out wise words. He should charge others for sharing his wisdom with them hehe.

"I've also promised to be a better teacher to you and I hope you've seen my sincerity."

"Yes, yes!" Nol's 180 degree change was literally him licking the bullshit off Eric's fingers even though he should know what a liar and two-faced scum Eric actually was but Nol wanted to believe in this wonderful human. Although a knife couldn't hurt a demon at all. But! It was the thought that counts right?

"I promise, I will become your best student and dutifully learn as well as faithfully serve you," Nol said earnestly with glistening eyes.

"You don't need to faithfully serve me."

Please don't! I'll die having a demon 24/7 around me and be subservient!

"But teacher!" Nol now started to whine very quietly while still hugging Eric's thigh. This sight was a huge disgrace to the demon prince! Was this puppy brat not worried about his reputation?

Eric couldn't help but laugh lightly which made Nol widen his eyes and secretly happy whisper, "I made teacher laugh!"

Since Eric could read Nol's thoughts, Eric was surprised at how innocent and pure Nol could be.

It was really Eric's fault for making Nol blacken briefly.

"Teacher, do you want to go back?"

Look at him speaking so politely and adorable now.

Eric thought for a second but then shook his head. Since he wanted to explore the Demon World anyways why not use this opportunity? There weren't any lessons tomorrow, so Eric could stay the night.

"No, I want to explore a bit more."

"Then let's go stargazing!" excited at the thought of Eric and him alone watching stars, Nol jumped up and pulled Eric with him.