Misfortune is part of fortune, it's just... misdirected...

"Your highness!" feeling death creeping up on Nol's back, Nol instantly jumped off the bed and tried to brush over the very intimate stance he had with Eric.

Del narrowed his eyes and only said, "You can go."

"Yes," Nol quickly left, although very reluctant, not even being able to wish Eric goodnight.

Meanwhile, Eric sighed having another demon with crazy intentions to deal with.

Obviously Del's 'What is he doing with my lover?' didn't sit well with Eric!

For fuck's sake, did this Demon Lord have these thoughts all the time when Eric's skill didn't work? Fuck you! We aren't lovers! Where the hell are we lovers?

Just because I touched your weapon a few times? Rubbed it a bit, even licked it a bit and then boom we're lovers? Fuck, were demons this coy and pure? Like, oh we held hands now we gotta marry type of stupid bullshit? Fuck off!

"Del," yet Eric swallowed down all his curses and nicely said while yawning.

'Very seductive'

FUCK OFF! Eric couldn't turn the skill off even if he wanted.

A refund! Eric wanted a refund! What refund? Obviously teleporting him back to earth! Give him back his old life! Who needed to be able to read other people's thoughts? It was better without it!

"I'm tired, please let me rest."

According to Del's thoughts and desires, Eric wouldn't be able to rest until the next night or even morning after that!

Wasn't this too frightening? Eric wanted to have none of it up his ass nor would he ever want to do it with a demon and die from being widened and roughened up.

Eric cherished his life dearly, so he tried to plead with Del and showcase his own weakness. These lustful demons... Eric finally truly realised what real hell he was in. Hell of an unbelievably charming and handsome human like him able to attract even the Demon Lord!

Cough. Eric should learn some modesty, this was nothing to be proud of. It was actually hell for Eric and his downfall. Eric just hoped the other demons wouldn't magically fall for him too. Eric scooted slightly away as Del stopped at Eric's bed and narrowed his eyes.

Del's crystal clear and piercing eyes seemed like they were sizing up Eric to see if he really was exhausted or just pretended to be. Eric instantly knew that if Del deemed Eric wasn't tired enough, Del would make sure Eric was glued to the bed for two weeks straight.

Eric gulped, "Del?"

Eric softly asked and Del flinched. Wait, Eric also came to a realisation. Why the fuck did he take it so naturally that Del wanted to do him? Why, hey, this wasn't something that just could be accepted so easily, yet for some weird-ass reason Eric got used to it and didn't mind the fact demons wanted to deflower his chrysanthemum.

All Eric thought about was to protect his very tiny hole and his life to not be torn into bits!

"I'm sorry, you should rest," Del reluctantly said and wished Eric a good night before finally leaving and Eric breathed out a sigh of relief.

Eric read Del's inner tumult and got very scared for a second but good that this Demon Lord knew what restraining oneself meant and that he was self-aware his weapon could blow humans up from the inside. Fuck! If even Del knew it, there was no way Eric could actually survive!

How unscien- wait, forget it. Eric quickly got ready for bed and instantly fell asleep. The next day was a complete struggle of deciding to act or not. Basically, Nol who was reinforced by his undying loyalty for Eric now constantly wanted to barge into Eric's room to see his idol, however, each time, no matter how sneaky, hidden or cunning Nol was, Del always was able to stop Nol and reprimand him.

Eric sitting on his bed, watching TV, had a stone blank face like what are you two doing? You're the Demon Lord, you can't be this idle right? Go and take care of the Demon World matters! And you bad student promised to study, go and study! Don't let me see a single bad story again!

In the end, the theatre went on until Eric fell asleep again. When Eric woke up the next morning he realised he had to go teach that demon lot again. Not even a second too late, Eric arrived at the classroom, seeing a very excited Nol, reprimanding everyone to properly listen.

"Everyone morning," Eric greeted them and surprisingly got a unified, "Good morning teacher," with Nol being the loudest.

Eric glanced at Nol and saw the demon puppy giving the thumbs up and awaiting praise.

Since Eric couldn't afford to disappoint Nol again, he said, "I hope everyone has been studying as well as Nol did."

"Yes, teacher!" Nol excitedly said and stared at Eric with big eyes, 'Praise me! Praise me more! Praise me more! More! More!'

Nol's thoughts hurt Eric's brain. It was even worse since Nol sat right next to Eric and his stare was more burning than a stone melting in lava.

Eric now desperately wished for the old Nol back who wanted to set traps for him. Eric brushed Nol aside, pretending not to see him.

"Last lesson we learnt about structure. Everyone please bring out the work you're supposed to do. We will all take a look at your structure, give feedback on it and edit accordingly."

"Teacher, mine first!" Nol jumped up but before he could hand his paper to Eric, Fil shouted, "I should be the first to challenge the teacher. I haven't forgotten-"

"Fil," all of a sudden the room turned cold as Nol's dark gaze and icy voice made Fil flinch, "Did you just interrupt me?"

Oh no, Fil gulped. Since Nol acted all buddy, Fil thought he could-

"I'm sorry, bro, I didn't mean it," Fil quietly sat back on his seat.

The lion was tamed by the puppy.

However, Eric was also frozen. He finally got to know why Nol was the first prince. If Nol wanted, this brat could be very, very scary. Eric gulped and tried to lighten the atmosphere, "Everyone give me your papers. I'll blindly pick one. This is fairer. Nol, be good."

Gasp. Slight gasps sounded through the room. Eric actually dared to talk to Nol as if he was a dog when Nol was this frightening.

"Ok teacher!" Nol instantly reverted to a trembling and excited puppy and Fil had to acknowledge Eric. What force! This human was truly formidable but the truth was this human was very very unlucky.

"Ok, I'll randomly pull one paper out," as Eric said that he put the papers in front of him, "It's... Slasherman... well, looks like we'll edit Lyna's story first and –"

WOOSH. The cue words have been spoken. Eric's true misfortune began.


FUCK! Where am I?

Heavy breathing and loud footsteps sounded behind Eric in this dark and ominous hallway.