I won't hurt you. I'm just the wolf in red riding hood.

Eric couldn't waste his time thinking about this owner's body. The good thing was Eric was a normal male adult. The body's frame was built almost like Eric's. After Eric put on trousers, he looked around.

Sure enough, the window was sealed the same way. Eric's assumptions seemed to be true. This building might really be completely locked, giving no one the chance to escape.

But this nutcase found the time of his life with this perverted activity. Several porn magazines laid around the ground making Eric realise he didn't even know the time period.

There was no internet, phone or computer but that might be a given since the residents most probably shouldn't have any contact with the outside world.

Eric sighed. The sad or maybe good thing was he was long used to not rely on such electronic and convenient inventions. Mankind nowadays was too dependent on such discoveries. Back then during stone age, humans have used wit and basic instinct to survive.

Well, it didn't matter if it was true or not, what mattered was Eric coming up with excuses to make himself feel better.

The only thing Eric wanted to scream right now was to fuck that fucking bloody murderer! Now, Eric had to figure out which floor he was on. The upside was- no Slasherman and no other potential murderer.

"Wait, if I'm a typical protagonist, do I have to talk to myself to make the readers understand what's going on?" Eric had read several authors using this method and gagged each time at the very obvious exposition and lazy convention use. If you want the readers to find, then you should do it properly and not through bloody self-talking!

"So, in order to make this novel successful on earth. I shouldn't talk to myself,'' well what irony, Eric talked to himself.

Eric walked around the small apartment but apart from the most basic necessities and an abundance of porn magazines, there was no clue for Eric to solve the situation.

So, the only logical action for Eric to take was to obviously go and look for a new resident to talk to. Since Eric was in a proper adult body defending himself was much easier. Eric waited for a bit longer before he cautiously opened the door a bit.

The hallway was dark. There was no one. Eric breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. Now that I'm more or less safe, I can check if someone else lives on this floor."

Fuck, was this now a new feature? Eric had to talk to himself? He somehow felt it was most definitely the system's doing.

It really did as it said. Not helping Eric at all and properly enjoying Eric being tortured like this. Eric took a deep breath before he stepped into the daunting hallway, perking his ears to see if there were any sounds indicating Slasherman or anyone approaching.

Eric used the same method of looking under the door to see if the lights were on. Indeed at the very end of the hallway, the first door, Eric's room was the third, there was someone. For a good minute, he hesitated and prepped himself, "I need to find out how many residents here are and what's the purpose of this building, so I have to take a gamble."

FUCK. He was literally courting death by talking out loud in this creepy and silent hallway. What the hell was this? Why couldn't he stop?

"Calm down, calm down-" please shut up. Oh Eric, control your urge to fall into a very bad plot device.

Getting himself together, Eric gently knocked on the door. Very slowly after a few minutes, a hesitant male voice appeared, "W-Who?"

Eric felt like he should tell him the truth and pretend to be a lost lamb.

"I saw your light, so I figured someone lives here. Actually I- I don't know where this is and why I'm here and-"

Eric's acting was perfect. Muah. Chef's kiss. The resident seemed to have let his guard down and opened the door slightly. It was a boy in his teens. Although Eric knew to be wary of the people here, he felt like his boy couldn't harm him.

Well, Eric might be uno reversed and this innocent boy turned out to be a psycho killer. For now, once again, Eric had to achieve his goal. Figure out the details and get information.

"Please come in," the teen was very timid looking. He looked a bit on the frailer side but he was as tall as Eric and his features were quite defined and masculine. Basically, his manly appearance didn't fit with his attitude.

"Thank you,'' Eric nodded shyly and cautiously entered. Like he thought the window was sealed and the apartment looked exactly like the other two.

Eric's act was so convincing the teen really seemed to have let down his guards.

"P-Please sit," the teen's room was very tidy and clean. Eric didn't hesitate to sit down, "Can you please tell me about this place? How many residents are here?"

At the mention of the word 'resident' the teen flinched.

So there was indeed something about the people here.

"There should be 100 residents. But you've to be careful! Most... most of them are insane murderers!" the teen looked very scared when he said that.

Yeah, Eric should've known but hearing this perplexed him. Who would put all these maniacs together in one building? Most of all, what was wrong with Lyna's fucking brain? This gotta be somewhere hidden in her mind for it to turn into this story. So this wasn't a simple Slasherman killing Timmy on loop story.

It seemed there was something deeper here.

"I also don't know why we are here. One day I woke up and... and found myself in this room," well typical start of a story, "It's impossible to get out because we're locked in."

The teen was about to cry, "It's so scary."

Eric still had his doubts and suspicions about he teen but this was his best lead.