Insane test and trial

Eric slightly trembled but this time Fil was oozing with confidence and his usual vigour was back.

"I'm the second demon prince!" and SLAM put his hand on the orb. It shone golden. Eric anticipatingly looked at the knights' expressions.

"Indeed," the demon one spoke up, "A demon. Good pass. Now you," his eyes moved to Eric. Oh gosh, Fil could be explained but Eric was through and through human!

"Hurry up! See the line behind you?" the demon knight groped and forced Eric to put his hand on the orb. Eric closed his eyes and waited for the doom coming-

"Pass, off with you!"

W-What just happened? Eric was handed a number to stick on his clothes just as Fil. Fil gave Eric a weird look before he pulled the dazed Eric with him.

"I'm human, right," Eric whispered to Fil.

"As far as I know," Fil answered.

"Then why?" Eric was confused. Was the orb broken? Or did Fil do something?

"You used your power?"

"I can't influence something like this," Fil shrugged and they stopped before another line. This time it was for an arena. Each of the five arenas were for the test.

Eric couldn't talk about this world wonder of him passing as a demon but a thought appeared. Could it be.?

"Aspiration?" another demon knight was making his way through the line and questioned everyone.

"What you mean?" Fil asked.

"What knight do you want to be? Battlefield, palace or-"

"Palace!" Eric immediately answered. They had to be close to the demon king.

Seeing the stare the knight gave Eric, Eric widened his eyes with admiration and respectfully said, "To protect the demon king is our sole purpose in life."

Yes, Eric said 'we'.

"Ok, whatever,'' the knight couldn't be bothered. It seemed like he had to deal with more fanatics like Eric.

"Just stay in this line. You only need to pass this arena. Once you've passed, you'll get further instructions, here," the knight stuck a yellow circle onto Eric' and Fil's number before moving to the person behind them.

"Teach you mean that?"

"Mean what?" Eric stared at Fil who looked to be in deep troughs, "you wanna serve the demon king?"

"Of course," then Eric whispered into Fil's ears, his hot breath causing Fil to tense up, "It's our mission. Did you forget?"

"So, you don't mean you wanna actually serve the Demon Lord?" Fil turned to Eric and whispered.

Their faces were so close only a paper-thin gap was between them. Eric stumbled back and coughed, "Why would I?"

But in his haste he forgot to catch that Fil said Demon Lord instead of Demon King. Although even if Eric caught it, he would just shrug it off. For him, Demon King was just Demon Lord. It was the same but for Fil, they were two matters.

The line slowly moved forwards, all the while Eric was pondering about the demon identity and Fil was trying to keep it in his pants. Both were quite distracted yet arrived.

"Enter," a knight said and the arena opened. The inside was just like a colosseum. Sandy ground and all around rows and rows and rows of cheering audience.

Since Eric was so lost in thoughts, he only noticed now how ear-tearing the audience was. It drove one insane or Eric glanced at Fil and sighed, pumped one up. Listening to the crowd, fired Fil up and he totally forgot about the problem his organ had, which heavily reacted to Eric lately, brought him. Fil basked in the shouts and the environment that seemed to be made just for him.

Eric only shook his head at this. What Eric was curious about was the test. He saw at least 50 other contestants and a panel of what seemed to be judges on an alleviate platform. There was also a host who was describing whatever seemed to be of interest. A new knight greeted Eric and Fil and brought them to a designated spot in the hot arena.

"Wow! We got two fresh aspiring knights! Yellow! It's yellow! They want to become palace knights! Ya, what amazing dedication! Let's bet if they can make it!"

Eric wished he could throw that host down and trample on him. Once the host mentioned new targets to bet on, the crowd got even crazier.

Alright, this was a way to win the lottery. They weren't here to watch in awe and respect their new protectors but to make a fortune and use them as betting material.

The knight leading Eric and Fil stopped and started to explain, "The test for the palace knight is a bit different from the normal physical ones that you see here at stage one. Palace knights basically guard the palace. It seems like a lax job but in case of an attack, the guards have to be ready and act quick.''

Yes, yes, Eric understood all of it and it all made sense, however!

"This doesn't seem right?" Eric commented as he wriggled his body with Fil's.

"Teach, you're fragile, too small and short."

Not everyone can have that kind of muscular body you do!

"Focus! Don't let the balloon drop!"

Yes, balloon.

Eric was saying the right word. After the knight explained everything to Eric and Fil, he told them to wait for other aspiring palace knights and once the quota was filled the intense competition between them began.

Yes, it was this ultra-super-mega insane test-that determined what qualified a palace knight to be worthy of protecting the palace, and the Demon King!

Yes, the 'don't-let-the-demon-balloon drop!' game- cough, test.

Basically, two demons have to make sure the balloon between their bodies won't drop to the floor. For this, they would move their body and not hands. On top of that, they had to walk in a uniform circle with others. The couple whose balloon drops last to the floor wins!

Oh, and once the balloon falls to the floor a Kaboom happens but for demons it was fine. Of course, it's deadly for humans.

Fuck! Eric wanted to roar. This stupid game used to be played as a kid at other kids' birthday party. Why the fuck do they have to make love to a balloon with their bodies to determine if they were worth it?

Wasn't this just taking the piss out of them? Eric had to make sure Fil would rewrite this test as something more intense! Which reader would want to read this shit? Dammit!

"Fil, don't use too much force!" the biggest problem was that this demon prince's normal strength was that of a fucking nuclear bomb!

Eric had to constantly remind Fil to be gentle because if not, the balloon would explode between them and with it, all of Eric's intestines and body fluid.

"Teach, this balloon is as fragile as you," then a long sigh followed.

The fuck? Eric had no idea what fucking bullshit Fil was yapping about but alright. The competition was indeed fierce. Out of the 10 couples, only 5 remained in a circle they had to walk. The radius got shorter and their walking speed faster.

Eric grit his teeth while his legs and upper body moved. Shit!

Screw this useless shit! Most of at all, Eric actually got tired and was so close to giving up! Damn all of this!!