Who's this pure demon? Get him out of here!

"Teacher's done a great job. Very good."

Eric wanted to cry! What has he become, needing to be coaxed by his student?

Eric finally decided to tell Lav about everything and even the fact, he might've changed the plot and cause a war, but Lav was very understanding and even assured Eric.

So, for a good while, he was showering Eric with care and attention to the point, Eric felt very helpless about it. Alright, it felt good to be treated like this.

"It's fine, I have planned anyways to have the war take place in Murim."

You mean your clusterfuck? But then again who was Eric to judge? As an editor, he failed but as a person, he realised Lav really wasn't as two-faced as Eric thought.

Lav was actually a genuinely good person and Eric read too much into his kindness. His skill also told him Lav had no ulterior motives and his stupid food analogies were finally gone as well!

Well, it was Lav's fault for being way too kind and benevolent, in fact, it was too much and made people think something like that couldn't be real! He had to be scheming and two-faced like Eric. Ok, Eric admitted defeat.

Lav was truly a good demon. There you go. Eric could trust Lav not to mess up or mess Eric up. Yep, definitely. Lav would never do what his other two students did! Eric was so sure of it!

But now Eric wondered if he still had to complete and edit the story, based on the last two stories, wasn't his goal getting further and further away? The genre has changed and Eric was sure those two stories were at best average.

How could that make Fil and Leon successful? By the way, Eric did anything he could to first get out of these 'stories reality' and then whip the editing of the stories on paper to the best shit there was, catapulting these demons to the top of the world!

"Teacher, is something worrying you?"Lav's pleasant voice gently pulled Eric out of his thoughts and felt soft fingers tapping his nose.

Eric narrowed his eyes and chose to ignore these cheeky actions. Alright, he allowed Lav to indulge him. He was a damn pet and should be showered with love and affection. Ok, Eric admitted defeat once again. So, letting Lav spoil him rotten, Eric said, "I was thinking about how to edit the story so that it's successful and we can leave here."

"Oh," Lav seemed to remember something, "By the way, teacher, you haven't heard of the magic word right?"

"Magic word? What's that?" only the sound of it gave Eric a bad foreboding.

"What pulls you into the stories. You need to say 'edit' and the story's title to be teleported into the stories."

"What?" Eric perked up his ears and was about to explode. How come none of you fucking useless outer species told me of this earlier? I really was bloody stupid enough to think that it was automatically but there was actually a choice? And my stupid ass used it myself? To be fair, I fucking didn't know there were requirements! Tell me important shit like this sooner!

So, all this time Eric could've avoided being sucked into the stories if only he shut his fake mouth! Dammit! So many grievances and development could've been spared! And all those experiences? Void! Never happened! But here Eric was, as a fucking dragon. Well-

"Wait," suddenly Eric realised a crucial point. Need to say 'Edit' the story's title, but this time, he said neither of it and was still sucked into Lav's clusterfuck!

Was this bugged, no, in the first place how did teleporting work?

Was it the power of a demon? An ancient thing?

"I'm not sure, teacher. It has always been there," even Lav had no idea about this when Eric asked him, and Del was also clueless at first. Is something insane like this possible? What force was there to have people teleport into a story, being able to edit it and after they came out, the whole plot stabilised in the author's mind-

"Then it just needs to be written down and can be edited again," Lav continued to explain how it worked," at least this was what Lyna said since she experienced it.

"Before teacher came, this was a myth because demons rarely write or read. So we were also surprised when teacher first teleported. It was like we were witnessing a legend!"

Fuck, so I was a poor guinea pig? Then was it the systme's doing? Wait, how did the system exist? Were it from a power, a demon's? Or was there some other force in this universe, Eric didn't know of? After all, while Eric was on earth, he never thought demons existed and now Eric had the suspicion that the whole universe was full of things he didn't know. It was scary if the universe wasn't as empty as humans thought it was.

Did the system then exist outside the story? Because Eric had a strong feeling it was the system that pulled him into the stories. Just what was this system?

"Teacher?" Lav noticed that the little dragon he held in his arms was shaking and got worried about what the teacher was thinking about.

"Teacher?" gently Lav called out again and stroked Eric's back. Lav wondered if Eric was satisfied with the story and quickly said, "Teacher if it puts you at ease, I'll tell you the whole plot."

To be honest, Lav was excited and happy to be with Eric in this story.

After all, he could see the great editor live and up close and hopefully learn a lot about how an editor's mind worked, as well as how to improve his stories.

"The plot?" Slowly Eric's trembling stopped and he focused all of his attention on Lav. Right, Eric should stop questioning the universe's existence and the truth. There was enough time to figure it out later. For now, Eric needed to survive this story first.

"Tell me," of course Eric also noticed Lav's audacious hands but chose not to comment on it. Even if Eric said anything, did anyone listen to him? No. So, what was the point of it? And it wasn't because Eric enjoyed the feeling? Ok? Ok?

"I suppose teacher has already heard about the war between new earth and magic, right? These two planets are at war while Murim is the only one who remains neutral. All the others have either sided with new earth or magic. However, despite Murim being neutral, the final fight will take place here."

That's because you wanted to mix everything together, right? Fuck, listening to you explain so causally this sprayed out diarrhoea of a plot makes me question myself! Am I wrong for trashing and calling out your work? Am I? Am flipping I?

"But there's actually something else. Hans is the hero and MC, so for sure there's an arch-villain as well."

Wow, thanks Lav, at least you got more brains than Fil!

"The magic people manage to find the archvillain and use him to unleash his power and wipe out new earth."

"So, we have to stop the war?"

"If teachers say so. I'm the hero, so it's a given I have to be the one to stop the war."

Obviously, as the MC, Hans played the biggest role and naturally has to do what others can't. However, Eric was a bit perplexed. Did Lav intend for magic to win the war?

No, no, since the arch villain's with magic and Hans with new earth, obviously Hans will stop the archvillain, defeat him and lead new earth to victory.

Very well. Then there was the question surrounding Hans' identity. Just why was this kid a hero and someone even the king made an effort to find?

So, Eric asked, "Whoare you?"

Which made Lav puzzled but he gave Eric a beautiful smile, befitting the prince charming he was, even in his Hans' identity, "I'm your precious student, teacher."

Kuah! A straight hit into Eric's heart! Cough Cough.

"That's not what I meant! I meant Hans' backstory!"

"Oh...'' Lav felt a bit embarrassed and so did Eric.