All your secrets are coming to light. You can't escape it.

"Are you sure?" beautiful face, hot body and sharp eyebrows that raised high until heavens plunged down.

His hot assistant was hot as ever, but now her sexiness toned down a lot as she was the only one wearing a black cloth. The long dress barely showed her curves and the black veil and hat covering her face was just too dramatic and shielded her beauty from shining.

If Eric was honest, he was a bit surprised that his assistant was mourning over him. She always seemed like a hard-working, aloof employee who only wanted to do her job and not have to do with anything else.

Well, Eric didn't mind. At least someone in the office was caring about his death and not fucking make a damn party out of it! But contrary to Eric's expectations, the assistant gave him a judging look that even through the veil was vibrant and stinging, "What are you here for? Aren't you the lunatic on that broadcast?"

Dammit, Eric made some mistakes in life but this wasn't the one he wanted to go down with! To be fair, this was just like any other internet sensation, it would get the spotlight for a hot minute before completely disappearing into the unknown being forgotten by everyone.

The worst nightmare for all internet celebrities becoming famous overnight and fearing to become less relevant after putting out content for a few weeks, not being able to keep up their popularity.

"Ahem, let's disregard that, that was the only way for me to reel in two new writers."

At this, the assistant only cocked her eyebrow and tilted her head. Eric could already read her mind, who does he think he is to scout writers for the company? And the hell does he have to publicly shame authors to reel them in, but then a lightbulb went on over the assistant's head.

Well, if it was regarding Eric, all writers would love nothing more than to run away from him, so the assistant could understand why that lunatic had to go so far.

But then again, these writers were also not sane in their heads if they reacted to such a bad provocation. Goodness, was she really the only sane and normal one on this floor? Probably yes.

Ever since Eric's death, the assistant has had a hard time finding a new good editor who could take Eric's spot. There were countless other editors from the lower floors trying to claim his spot and she had to fight heaven and hell to keep them away.

After all, the reputation of the company couldn't go down, there was a reason why they were editors of their own floors and authors and not of Eric's because they could never match the talent Eric had. Who could?

But the assistant didn't want to give up, because someone out there was brimming with potential like Eric did and she was hell-bent on finding thm. The assistant was tired and exhausted. She should've long quit before Eric went and died, and flown to the Bahamas like she wanted prior.

Now she was stuck here with the future of the company on her shoulder, after all, Eric was quite fond of her and satisfied with her work, so he wrote a statement in case that if he's gone the next one to bear the responsibility of the company was her!

Well, she appreciated the sentiment but who told him to go and load more work onto her shoulders! She was still young and attractive but still hasn't been able to find a partner, and why? Because ever since she started working for this company, since Eric created it, all she did was to fucking overwork!

How was that fair? She was to forever rot in this company and grow older and not have the chance to live out her wild youth! While all she could do here was to rot under weird and blackened writers, who were nothing but nerdy and unattractive.

The only good thing working here was her handsome boss, Eric! But now he went and bit the grass, leaving her all alone to fend! Who asked him to make her the new per-se CEO if he's gone! Fuck!

But none of it showed on the assistant's face, but all of it could be read by Eric, whose skill conveniently activated on its own. Welp, Eric never knew his assistant felt like that. He thought it would be an honour for her to work here. But of course, no one likes overworking and not being able to keep a work-life balance. Eric could understand.

He also almost forgot that he did indeed make her the new head if anything happened. If he remembered it correctly he was half drunk when he did that. That evening, after reading a few manuscripts while enjoying his usual red wine under the beautiful sunset, Eric suddenly got a bad premonition and out of impulse, wrote a will-like document declaring his assistant as the new lifeline of the company if ever something were to happen to him.

It was a good choice, after all, his assistant was truly hard-working and knew what was best for the company. But in the end, she was only an assistant and no matter how hard she excelled at her own job, being a CEO was still something different. Well, Eric also didn't know what possessed him that night, maybe foreboding? But he was still glad he could leave everything to his assistant.

At least she still cared about the company and didn't quietly leave this nest of jewels to decay. Eric appreciated it, he should've raised her salary while he had the chance, although he was already quite generous with her.

And now that she was the pseudo head, her salary wouldn't be small, but then again, Eric knew that she had to defend herself against many of the higher-ups and greedy people, trying to pry the company from her fangs, as she was only a woman with no experience and skills in their eyes. It wasn't easy at all for her, but for her to be able to hold onto the company for so long, Eric was truly convinced she had what it took to lead the company.

Now, another idea popped up in Eric's mind. He should hide somewhere another will that says he will make the assistant the true CEO of the company.

Yes, after this matter was done, he would immediately write one, sign it and put it somewhere that was then accidentally, or not so accidentally, found soon enough. Then Eric could rest assured to know he left the company in good hands, and this assistant had full control to fend off these greedy bastards who knew nothing about the sweat and tears Eric put into his company!

Yes, his assistant as the new CEO, Eric didn't mind. This woman was more than capable, Eric truly believed in it. The only thing she needed was to find a good editor like he was. Wait, if Eric returned to the human world, couldn't he become this new editor? But wouldn't he be in his original body? No, then he had no chance of coming back, but if he was in another body like now, he could start a new life, maybe even more successful than his last, after all, he became more decent.

"So?" the assistant interrupted his thoughts as she saw that he hadn't said anything for a while.

"Ah yes, like I said, these are two new writers, I assure you they have the talent that Ecric was seeking."

Hearing her former boss' name spoken so casually, the assistant became tense. She seized Eric up, "I'm sorry, but please leave. This is not a free charity."

"But you don't understand, these were Eric's two hidden disciples."


"I man writer," dammit Eric, get your head out of the stories you'vE been forcefully teleported in.

"Why don't I believe you?"

Eric couldn't fight her, she has been dealing with these exact things prior. People claiming to be Eric's long lost students or whatever to just get in, what hasn't the assistant witnessed and given the bat to score a homerun to send them flying back home?

"It's true, no one was more closer to Eric than these two!"

"Really?" the assistant was more sceptical than ever.

"If you don't believe, then just question them."

At this Van and Timo turned to Eric with eyes that conveyed if he didn't want to kill them. Since the beginning, they had no idea what was going on. Why did their human teacher want to market them as writers at his company? What use was this? Wasn't it obvious that the best teacher to learn from was Eric and not any of his company?

"Test them?" the assistant couldn't deal with this, how should she know how to test him? Sure she was almost 24/7 with her boss but she wanted nothing to do with him, except for work and stare at his handsome face because once his mouth opened only a river of white and yellow sticky liquid poured out, she would never even dream of wiping away!

But if they were so confident, she should at least give them a fair chance. Eric also gave aspiring writers a fair chance before completely tearing them apart and shredding their hopes and dreams into mincemeat to truffle their hatred and anger against Eric prompting them to become serial killers. All of this, the assistant has prevented many times pulling a lot of strings.

"Alright," the assistant turned to Van and Timo, "Tell me three misdeeds Eric did to you."

Erm, excuse me? Why are you asking them that? How does that prove any-

"He farted in my face, made me pass out and left me to rot on the floor."

"Passed. I believe you. Welcome, new writers."

What the hell? Wait, wait, this development was too fast and not right! How can you believe them so quickly-

"Oh, he farted in your face too?''

In an instant, all the other writers came flocking to Van and Timo eager to share their own experiences!

"I remember the first trip he invited us to go on. It was a boat trip. It was on a small boat and who knows what incarnation possessed him, but then again he was always a satan spawn, he suddenly got up, walked around the boat, and stood on the ceiling just to fart into my eyes. Can you believe that!"

"That's all? You don't know the time he came into my toilet cubicle and didn't care I was sitting on the bowl trying to shit, so what did he do? He casually tried to shit on my lap!"

"Eww, what the hell? That's still nothing compared to min-"

STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! I never did any of that! Did I? No, I didn't! Don't make things up! Don't teach my filial students such bad things about me! Don't-

"I think we'll get along very well," Van instantly spoke with a straight face and was welcomed by the group of writers heartedly.

"I see, so, you weren't lying when you said they were Eric's hidden students. This confirms it," the assistant nodded satisfied. Then she shuddered. Who knew Eric had the perverted hobby of misusing and abusing authors even in his free time? Wasn't Eric almost 24/7 in the office?

The assistant felt her soul leave her body. What if Eric kept more writers prisoner in his home? Day and night forcing them to-

No No. The assistant quickly shook her head. Her boss might have been a narcissistic ass but he was still a good human.

Meanwhile this narcissistic good human ass:

What the fuck confirms what? That they are acknowledged as one of the sect's members?

Dammit, stop doing this to him! Why do all bad and embarrassing things about him pop up in the human world? Was this a sign he should just stay in the demon world? Fuck! I swear, I've never done any of that!