The next week wasn't different (as Harry had already expected) Louis kept on being a total ass and Harry started hating him. But he was still curious why Louis had been at the hospital. He had no new wounds so it didn't look like another fight. No. Harry shook his head. Get out. It wasn't in his business. He took his books out of the locker as someone suddenly shut it.
Harry flinched "God!" it was Louis carrying his provocative smirk. It made his eyes crinkled that they almost disappeared and his diples show up. "What do you want?" Harry snapped giving the shorter boy a mad glance. He didn't deserve otherwise, he had been a dickhead.
"Whoa calm down Haz. When is the next lesson?" The next lesson? The next lesson?! Seriously? Louis hadn't been to a single lesson this whole last week he was just there while breaks to make out with Eleanor or annoying him and now, now when Harry gave up on babysitting him he wats to go to the lesson?
Anger built up in him, he clenched his jaw and looked down at Louis "First, my name is Harry and second stop doing that."
"Doing what?"
"Being a jerk and then act like you weren't." That wasn't supposed to come out as loud as it did. Harry was never the person of yelling but when Louis was like he was then Harry had no control over it he was just so full of rage.
"When was I a jerk?" Harry was ready to punch him right in the face at the moment. What should he start with? The times Louis said he would go to his class but decided to go home or where ever instead? That he as Harry snapped the cigarette out of his hand in the washrooms just blew the smoke into Harry's face or that he keeps smacking his god damn locker door shut so Harry would be scared to death.
"Why can't you just go to your lessons like everyone else huh? Do you think it's funny? Or do you want to go to boarding school so bad that you disappoint your parents just to go there?" Harry instantly regretted his words as he saw Louis expression change. "You." Louis pressed his index finger against Harry's chest so hard it hurt "Don't you dare talking about my parents ever again." He spat.
"I'm sorry," Harry said in confusion. There was something in Louis eyes mixed with pure anger but Harry couldn't tell what it was. He saw Louis jaw getting sharper and the creases between his eyebrows becoming deeper. Then the boy growled and gave him a last fumed glance before he turned around and left school, once again. Harry watched him kick the heavy door and disappear.
"What was that?"
Zayn walked towards him a wondering look on his face. "I have no idea." He answered, still starring at the door. "Is he always like that?" Harry took a deep breath and shook his head. Well he was moody all the time but he never acted like he just did before usually, he was sassy and unpredictable. He was so full of fury that it kind of scared Harry.
"Let's go to class."
Louis didn't show up at school the last few days. It was better like that so Harry could focus on his classes and his stuff to do. At the end of the day, his whole journal page was completely covered in different coloured highlighter ticks. Everything was done. Harry closed it smiling proudly at himself. But something was still stuck in his mind. The picture of Louis glaring at him, he looked really mad not like usual it was...different.
"Good luck with your project" Harry called behind Niall, who was about to enter the classroom. He had to say that he loved teasing Niall, especially with girls. Harry smiled at himself, the hallway was filled up with teens getting their stuff out of the lockers. Everything was fine until Hary spotted Louis standing together with Eleanor and that other new guy. What was his name again?
He couldn't remember but he was staring at him while Louis gestured with his hands, looked like he was trying to explain something to the other boy. And wow he was at school. "You look like you're trying to kill him with stares." Zayn who was walking next to him noticed. Harry ripped his eyes off of Louis.
"I'm not."
"Just tell Mr Johnson you don't want to babysit him anymore."
"I was thinking about talking to him after school." He couldn't bring Louis to do at least one thing right anyways so he would just waste his time.
"See you after school H" Zayn smiled, their ways parted. Right, Harry had totally forgotten that Niall and he would go over to Zayn's today. He was kinda excited about it, he hadn't been over in a long time and it was their last year it was supposed to be the best. Right?
Lessons went on slowly and Harry kept staring on his phone hoping time would go by faster. It suddenly buzzed. It was his mom. Why was she calling? She knew he was in school. The feeling of concern overwashed him "Can I go to the washroom please?" Harry asked quickly and rushed down the halls after he got permission.
She never calls when they were in school, it must be urgent. As soon as the door behind him closed Harry called her back. She picked up after a few seconds.
"Hey hun" her voice sounded soft and tired.
"What's wrong, why are you calling, are you okay?"
"Yes, yes I'm fine it's just, uhm.... your application-" She started her voice tone worried Harry somehow.
"What is with my application?"
"It got send back and please stay calm I'm sure there is an explanation for it." No, no, no that can't be happening. If it came back that meant Harvard didn't even receive it.
"What?" Harry bit his lip so he wouldn't freak out now "I need to go to the hospital again but I will be home tomorrow then we can take care of it. Everything will be fine. You will get into Harward." A sharp pain spread in Harry's chest, following the lump in his throat. He wanted to protest but he couldn't talk to her any longer at the moment so he just said "Okay." and hung up.
He put the phone down next to the sink and brushed his hands through his hair harshly. Fuck. What was he supposed to do now the last chance to send applications was yesterday. Yesterday! Tears burned in his eyes but he swallowed them. No, he wouldn't cry. Not here, not now. Harry's whole body filled with anger.
It was all too much. His last chance to get into Harward was Louis but he was unpredictable Harry had no chance. He would never get into Harward. His whole dream everything he worked so hard for just vanished.
His grip around the sink edges got stronger and stronger. He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes shut to keep calm. But he needed to punch something right now so bad. Before he could even think his fist smashed against the wall right next to him. He let out a whine of pain. It was a stinging pain that reached up into his arm.
Then he went and kicked in the first four cubicle doors, which slammed loudly against the walls next to them. It was relieving to let it all out "Fuck!" He yelled letting himself fall against a wall sliding down to the ground. Just because Louis thinks he is the boss Harry couldn't get into his dream college.
A tear rolled down his cheek everything he did was for that college as if it had always been sure that he would go there, and now it was all in vain. "Fuck" He whispered spinning the rings around his fingers. The year had started so well and now that? He wiped the tear away,
and because it was all for nothing anyways Harry decided to skip the rest of his lessons and drove Home. Anne wasn't there anymore as expected. Since his dad left Anne worked her ass off to pay the bills, all Harry wanted was to help her with it so she could be home more often again. But the job at the Bakery was a fail too.
His head was pounding. The letter with his application was stuck under a cup on the kitchen table, Harry didn't even pay attention to it. He just threw his car keys on the counter, took some leftovers out of the fridge and warmed them up. They tasted bad. The TV program was boring and his phone wouldn't shut up.
Every little thing made him even angrier. He took his phone to turn it completely off, it showed 24 messages and 3 missed calls from Niall and Zayn.
Where are you?
Zayn and I are looking for you
Are you still alive?
The lesson has started!
Harry couldn't leave him on read.
I wasn't feeling well.
That was all he texted before the screen turned black. Harry turned the TV off and brought his still full plate back to the kitchen. Then he went upstairs to his room, it was right next to Niall's They shared the same bathroom which was why there was a second door at Harry's right wall that leads straight to Niall's room.
When they were younger and Niall was afraid to sleep alone in the dark they kept it open and talked until Niall fell asleep. Now it was Harry's 'dream wall' that's what he named it when he created it five years ago. The whole door was covered by pictures of him Niall and Zayn and tons of Harvard merch Harry had collected from every tour his class had taken each year.
It was Harry's favourite event, every student git to pick one university they wanted to visit and Harry always chose Harvard. He knew every room every hallway and even the way to the best nearby diner. And now he had to go to some random college he didn't even know. Anger built up again and Harry ripped all the handouts, buttons, pictures and brochures off of the door and stuffed them aggressively into a trash bin next to his desk.
But he stopped as a sharp pain rushed through his right hand. He didn't look at it since he had punched the wall, his knuckles were dark red and his fingers were covered with already dry blood. What the hell? Why hadn't he seen it earlier?
The cold water on the wound hurt almost as bad as punching the wall. How was he supposed to hide this from Niall and his mom? Well, his mom should be easy when she would come home he had to leave for a couple of hours. But Niall, he would see it and wouldn't stop asking until Harry would tell the truth. But he didn't want Niall to worry. He was always worried so easily and he didn't want him to know that he wouldn't go to Harvard with him.
Maybe Harry could stay at Zayn's for the next two nights or so... Fuck. Zayn. He and Niall were already waiting for him. It was almost 10 past 3. Harry hurried to dry his hand, it looked better the blood was gone but it was still dark red and a little blue too. His mom had some makeup in her room. It was his only chance to cover it, and surprisingly it worked pretty well.
After he stuffed his bag with some new clothes into the trunk he fell into the driver's seat and drove over to Zayn's house which was only about 10 min away from his.