The campus was big and covered in green. Trees, flowers and grass, literally everywhere. It must be so beautiful in the summer when the flowers were blooming in their full colours and the sun would shine brightly from above, Harry thought as he and the other lads made their way across the main lawn towards the second building.

To be honest the first one, (where the apartments were) was pretty. Comfortable and cute, the rooms had enough space and a beautiful view. There were also not one, but two huge bathrooms and a common room with a huge screen and multiple sofas, perfect for a movie night. All in one it would be a good place for Niall.

Once they reach the building a small group of students crossed their way. "You must be the visitors, I am William, but you can call me will." He greeted them each before he went on. "This are Tristan, Mitch, Sabrina and Judie. We are each going to show you around."

Great, now he had to really take a tour. Harry thought, well hoped, he could just stay in the back and do something else while the others got led around. "Niall-"

"Just go with him." He whispered back and followed Tristan.

Ugh, perfect now Harry was stuck with a guy named Mitch. And he didn't even need a tour. "So, you are?"

"Harry." He forced a smile.

"Is that your first time visiting a college?" Mitch asked as he jogged up the stairs that looked like in a palace almost. "No, uh we have had a lot of visits already. Actually, I lost count."

"Which ones have you been at?"



"That's all."

Mitch turned around giving him a weird look. "So you went there every tour?" Harry shrugged "Yeah."

"Looks like you've already made up your mind." He took the last few steps and stopped in front of a long corridor that ended with a huge glass front, revealing such a beautiful view over the town. "Wow."

"Impressing right? I think you should give me the chance to show you that our college is much better than at Harvard."

The others would probably take a long time anyway. "Fine. But don't put your hopes too high."


One and a half hours later they were finally done. It was pretty, not gonna lie, and there were so many opportunities, so much space and it was technically closer to home than Harvard so Niall could probably be at home at some weekends and holidays. Anne would agree.

After a while of waiting, the boys gradually came along. Niall, with such a big smile on his face it made Harry happy. "This is it. I think I found my place to stay."

"And it's so beautiful," Zayn added. It was, it really was, Harry had to admit. And he even forgot Harvard for a couple of hours. Speaking of, he was always so focused on just that one college that he didn't give another one even a chance. Harvard was his big dream, but he just couldn't picture himself in those halls without Niall next to him.

It was so stupid but true. He didn't want to be at a school without the people he loved. "What do you think?"

Harry shrugged lost in his thoughts "I don't know."


Since the weekend Harry's mind was racing over what Mitch had said, 'looks like you've already made up your mind'. It just messed with him, making him doubt if it really was the right decision, he even did a pro- and cons-list for each college, currently, he was stuck at the pro-list of Harvard. Usually, there were so many pros but not even one thing came into his mind at the moment.

Speaking of, he noticed he left in class. "I will be right back." Niall was busy talking to Liam so he didn't hear it anyways. He wished he had listened to his instinct that told him not to enter the room. As soon as he opened the door he found Luke, his back facing him, he turned around. Not again. Louis was standing right behind him, his hands settled on Luke's shoulders.

His gut took a turn. Harry was still so mad at him and now he was kissing Luke again?! Harry didn't want to be responsible for him anymore, he turned on his heels and made his path straight into the office. One thing was for sure, he was about to do something impulsive and totally stupid.

"I won't care for Louis anymore and I don't give a shit about our deal!" He burst out as he opened the door. Mister Johnson looked up from his paper, his eyebrows drawn in confusion. Understandable. "Language, Mister Styles."

"I'm sorry."

"Did I understand that right? No Harvard?"

"Uh," Harry wasn't that sure anymore. But he thought about Gemma's words, Nialls words and even Louis words. Get yourself together. "Yes."

"Are you sure?"

No, actually he wasn't sure at all. "Yes"

"Okay." Okay. Okay?? That was all? Okay?! The bell rang and Harry had to go to class. Then when he fell into his chair he realised what he had just done. Fuck. He would probably end up without any college he could go to and just work at a bakery until the end of his life. Groaning, Harry dropped his head onto his crossed arms placed on the table.

But hey, atleast he got the job at the bakery and had been there multiple times already. Speaking off he had a shift after school.

Louis entered the class and made Harry's heart drop as he looked up and met his blue eyes. He hated when this happened, hopefully, it would be over soon. He had changed seats in every class he had together with Harry except for this one, they were still partners and they had to sit next to each other.

His expression told, that he hated it just as much as Harry himself. He looked tired, with dark circles under his eyes and heavy eyelids. "Continue the work you've started last time, and get prepared for a presentation." Mrs Jones said before she left the room.

"So, uh, did you bring your stuff?" Someone had to break the silence and because Louis didn't do it Harry had to, even though he would prefer the silence between them. Louis just opened his bag took out a notebook and slammed it into the table, not even looking at Harry once.

"O-okay." That was accurate.

He only spoke if he really had to and it was just one or two words. Harry didn't get it, he was the one to be angry. "What the fuck is your problem? I didn't do anything to you." As an answer Louis just took out his phone and texted someone, blowing a bubble out of gum.

Fine, if he wanted to play this game. Louis phone suddenly started ringing. "You should probably turn that off before Misses Jones confines it." But it kept ringing, Harry turned, he thought Louis was just letting it ring to provoke him but he was eyeing the screen paralyzed.

"What is wrong?" Deep down Harry still cared about him. Pathetic, yes, but he couldn't change it, even though he tried. Louis just got up and walked out of class, picking up as he reached the door. After a while Misses Jones entered the room, his eyes gliding searching over the whole class until they stopped at Harry. She gave him a sign to follow.

"And bring Mister Tomlinson's stuff." She added. Harry quickly packed everything together and exited the classroom. "What happened?"

"Mister Tomlinson told me he had to leave, it seemed urgent." The class got louder. "I want you to go and look after him."


"No buts. He's your partner, and I have to calm the class now." And with that she closed the classroom door, leaving Harry open-mouthed in the empty hallway. Thanks.


He wasn't at home, and not at the diner. Even Luke couldn't help him. It was like Louis just disappeared. Harry was going through everything he had ever told him, hoping to find a clue where he could be, as it suddenly hit him.

"Rose, did you see Louis?"

"You mean Louis as in Jay's son?"

Harry nodded, she seemed to see that he was worried, (what he would never admit.) "He came in like an hour ago to visit her, but I don't know if he's still here, I haven't seen him in a while. Did something happen?"

"No, no don't worry I just have to bring him his bag, he left it at school."

"Her room is on the second floor, number 28."

"Thanks." Harry was already halfway upstairs, his heart beating faster than usual. He was at this hospital almost every week and didn't get nervous anymore, like at the start. But he was just anxious about what he would see entering the door, or how Louis would react. Somehow it was important to him.

He took a deep breath before he pushed down the door handle and quietly opened the door. Well, it was his goal to do it quietly but the door cracked. Jay looked up from her bed, "I'm sorry to disturb, I- I'm Harry," He watched a smile appear on her face, it was the exact same as Louis'. "I'm just bringing Louis' bag, he left at school," Harry whispered, his eyes glued on the boy on a chair next to the bed. His head was resting on his arm while his hand was holding Jay's.

He was asleep, looking so tiny and peaceful like he did on Harry's chest. Ugh, stop thinking about it. "Thank you." Her voice was soft and made Harry immediately feel safe. "He told me a lot about you." She added as Harry was already on his way back, he turned around to face her, his look was confused.

She drove her fingers through Louis' hair gently, with a proud and loving look on her face. "He did?"

"Yes," She chuckled turning back to Harry. "He likes you. And he will probably hate me for telling you this but he just can't swallow his pride." Harry stopped moving, did she really just say that? "He always tries to hide his soft side, he can be a jerk sometimes, I know, but deep down in his heart, he is just such a loving and kind person."

Like at the traffic jam, Harry thought. "He just has a Problem to show it." Her honest tone did something to Harry that he couldn't figure out. He was breaking his head over those words, even hours later, while he was packing some buns into a paper bag and handed it to the nice, old woman that came to the bakery every Wednesday to exact the same time.

She was Harry's secret highlight when he was at work, she radiated joy and made him smile every time. "Harry would you please help me back here?" Cary asked, she was Harry's superior. "Sure with what?"

"Can you reach the box for me please I'm not tall enough?" Harry wasn't either so he went and got a ladder while Cary got back to the till until Harry was done. He placed the box onto a counter and brought the ladder back into the storeroom. As he came back he heard a familiar voice from out the vestibule. "Thanks, sweetie, customers are waiting." She made clear when she pushed past him into the back again.

What a coincidence that it was Louis and his sisters. "How can I help you?"

"I want one of those." The oldest girl said pointing at a piece of pie, then she turned around to the twins asking them what they wanted. "Then it's three of those, what about you boo?"  Louis was clearly embarrassed by her calling him that. He looked into Harry's eyes, making his heart race. "I'll take one too." That was the first time he had actually talked more than just one word to Harry since the trip, and it felt weird.

Usually, he would appreciate it when Louis would shut up once. But after what Jay told him he just couldn't understand why Louis was like that. He had a problem showing off his soft side?? Well, at the moment it seemed more like the 'soft side' was an imagination. And it made Harry so angry.

The girls had been nice and Louis had been nice to them, it seemed like he just hated Harry. Jay was probably wrong.

Back home Harry went through his journal crossing off the things from the last weeks, he had gotten tired of this thing lately. He didn't even need it anymore. He had no plan for his future and nothing to work for anyway. While he flicked through the pages one specific caught his eye, it was one of the last ones.

What if...?

Was written on it, in sharp thick handwriting that Harry knew too well. His mind was overwhelmed by questions and trying to put the pieces together. Louis mood swings, the bruises, the freakouts and parties with alcohol, a lot of alcohol. But why was he acting like that when Jay said he could be different? What was he trying to hide?

Harry turned in his bed from one side to the other, over and over again but he couldn't fall asleep. He needed answers and if Louis wasn't willing to give them, then Harry had no other choice than to get them himself.