Louis dug his nails into Harry's bicep which made him whine a little, breathing out heavily. Louis seemed to notice that it turned Harry on even more as the grip got stronger.
Harry couldn't believe what they were doing again, lately they didn't have much control over themselves. Every situation turned into sex. Maybe it was because of the stress they had, caused by the finals or because of the spring season. Let's blame it on the stress of the final.
And there he was, sitting on the kitchen counter with Louis' tongue deep in his mouth.
"This movie is boring," Louis complained, growling bored. He was right, Harry almost fell asleep, his head was settled onto Louis' lap, the older boy had played with Harry's hair the whole time and he still was. Harry looked up. "Then let's watch a different movie?"
"Mhm," Louis murmured, busily kissing along Harry's hairline, then moved on to his lips. "Or, let's go upstairs," Harry whispered against Louis lips that instantly turned into a smirk, he pulled Harry on top of him. "We're alone, Haz," right, Anne was working a night shift and Niall was with Amilia.
Louis' eyes skipped darzyly between Harry's green eyes and rosy lips before they smashed their lips together.
Harry woke up with the same feeling in his crotch as he has had in his dream, god, how he hated those dirty dreams. And it didn't help that Louis was holding him tight from behind. Harry shifted his body so that he was facing Louis who was starting to wake up as he placed kisses all along Louis' neck.
"What are you doing? " he muttered in a sleepy voice. Harry just carried on what he was doing, letting his hands wander all along Louis bare skin, recently, he was sleeping in his boxers only, maybe that was a reason of why Harry had a boner or why he even dreamed about him that way.
"Don't you like it?" Harry breathed placing another kiss on Louis warm neck. He giggled, lifting Harry's face so he was looking right into his eyes. "Of course I do", then his eyes flicked down to Harry's crotch and he raised his eyebrows. "It's not funny."
"A little bit," Louis laughed.
"Shut up and kiss me you fool."
"Don't you ever do that ever again," Harry muttered at Louis giggling as he closed the car's door. He had been close to jerking himself off in the school bathroom,
only close after Louis had sent him that stupid dirty text during math class. "Naw," Louis stopped stroking Harry's curls and lifted his head to make eye contact. "Let's go home," He whispered into Harry's mouth.
Harry clasped Louis wrist before he could turn the key, "No," he needed him, now. They looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Louis smashed his soft lips against Harry's. He climbed over the centre console settling down on Harry's lap rocking his hips slightly back and forth, against the younger boy's crotch.
He pushed Harry deeper into the seat, his hands ruffling through his curls while Harry's fingers grabbed Louis' bum cheeks through his tight skinnies. He pulled away gasping for air, "You sure? " Harry nodded quickly flicking the button of Louis denims and pulled down the zip. Louis did the same to Harry.
He started kissing down Harry's bare chest until he was kneeling between his legs, pushing them further apart. Well as much as it was possible since the footwell was small anyway. Then he pulled the black skinnies down to Harry's knees, and then his briefs. Harry clasped the sides of the seat as Louis took him in his mouth, slowly sucking up and down his length.
Once in a while, he let out little moans. Louis knew that Harry was close, as he could tell from his shaking legs, so he started searching for the condom in the pocket of Harry's jacket, replacing his mouth with his hand. He found it and quickly rolled it over his cock.
Then he finally got out of his skinnies and boxers, then changed positions with Harry (which was harder than he thought) who took place on Louis' lap again. "Where is the lube?" Harry opened the first part of his backpack and fished the little bottle out, Louis flicked it open and squeezed a few drops onto his hand. Then he slicked it around his cock.
Harry kissed around Louis' neck breathing heavily at the tight grip at his bum cheeks, spreading them apart. He felt his hole ponding in pleasure. Louis lubricated his hole, playfully letting his finger slide around it, making Harry exhale intensely right next to the olders ear.
A shiver went down his spine at the raspy tone. Louis carefully pushed one finger into Harry's hot and tight walls, working him open. Louis waited a few seconds before he started moving it, Harry rocked his hips back and forth, so close their chests were touching, skin to skin. "Good?"
"Yes," the younger breathed.
Louis got up to three fingers swirling inside of Harry after he had begged for it. He was basically riding his fingers by now. "Ready?" After Louis had nodded Harry lifted himself above Louis' dick, pacing it between his cheeks. He took a deep breath in before he slowly sunk down.
The boy hissed squeezing his eyes shut in pain, but he didn't stop until he had the full length inside of him sitting in Louis' lap. He buried his face in the blue-eyed boy's neck, "Take your time." He mumbled sucking a hickey behind Harry's ear. His hands were grabbing his bum cheeks again.
After a while staying like this so Harry could adjust, he started moving his hips in circular motions, trying to find his prostate, he slowly lifted his hip and let himself drop again, a moan leaving his mouth with every time he lifted just to sink down again, slamming onto Louis' thighs.
Harry felt him hissing into his neck interrupting the kisses he placed there. Then he started thrusting up his hips and fucking Harry even harder. His nails dug deep into Harry's skin making him moan loudly as he thrust again. They shared an intense kiss, moaning into each other's mouths for a while.
Harrys cock was rubbing between their bellies, his pre-come had left a stain on both of their abs so Louis took care of it and took Harry in his hand. He started moving his palm up and down. First slowly but then faster and faster. "F-fuck L-ou I'm s-so close." He choked out.
Good. Louis thought, it only needed a few more pushes to make Harry spill his cum all over their chests, crying out his orgasm as he let go of Louis' hair and rested his forehead on his collarbone. "God," he breathed and looked down into the blue eyes of Louis' eyes.
"Finish," Harry ordered, Louis only nodded thrusting deeply into Harry a few more times, he hit the boy's prostate making him moan loudly as he trusted one last time coming into the condom screaming out Harrys' name.
Harry blew a curl out of his sweaty forehead giving Louis a smirk before he leaned down for a kiss. "You are so good," he whispered in between, then he got up, regretting it instantly as a pain rushed through his whole body at the sudden emptiness. But it was definitely worth it.
A "Good morning" formed out of Louis soft voice, woke Harry up, oh and also the warm smell of pancakes on a plate right next to him on the mattress. "What?" he growled tired and tried to pull the blanket above his head but it was stuck under Louis' weight.
"Give it back," Harry pulled back the corner of the blanket what made Louis chuckle, his lips were slightly kissing along his jaw, then along his neck whispering a "Happy birthday" in between. Harry let his hands slide down the older boys waist and hold him close.
They stayed like this for a while. "I made breakfast for you," Louis whispered into Harry's neck causing a shiver over his body, he forced his eyes open to look at his boyfriend who carried a wide smile. God, the light was so bright, it burned in Harry's eyes, he needed a few seconds to process that he was now awake and had to get up, mentally he was still in his dream, sleeping peacefully and deep.
He eyed the boy now sitting on his belly, one leg on each side. He wore one of Harry's jumpers just like every day since he lived with him. Louis looked so cute in them because they were way too big on him and even cuter was when he had put the hood up just like now.
Harry smiled at the view, he loved waking up like this. He sat up making Louis slide onto his lap as he kissed him. "Thank you, sun."
"Sun?" He asked trying to suppress his smile so it wouldn't be too wide, his hair fell messy into his forehead, Harry shrugged and smiled shyly. " It just came into my mind."
"I like it," Louis placed a last quick kiss onto Harry's lips, then he bent to the side to get the tray and placed it in between them. It consisted of two plates, each with a stack of pancakes that even had berries and syrup on top.
And they were as delicious as they loved like. As both boys ate up they agreed on driving into the town.
Harry licked at the ice cream they had bought at some new ice cafe as they walked down the street.
"I mean, my grades are better so..."
He was right, but Harry had quit the deal and Mister Johnson had warned him so there was probably no chance to get into it again. And about Louis, he wasn't stupid he was smart enough to easily get a B, but he was so stubborn, although, something had changed his mind. Harry never cared what it was, he was just happy to be a step closer to his goal, but now he was curious.
"Speaking of, what made you focus on school so suddenly?" Lately, he had been actually pretty good with his grades.
"You remember the tour Niall forced us to do?" Harry nodded- yes, of course, he did, "I think I want to go there so I needed to keep up."
"Oh really?" Louis turned to look at him confused, "I sent an application there too."
"Yeah," Harry got distracted by a crowd of people standing around street musicians. Some people were dancing and others just watched. Suddenly Louis pulled him over, then he let go of Harry's hand and slipped through the people until he reached the guitarist, he smiled and nodded at something Louis had said, then he started playing one of Harry's favourite songs. A few seconds later Louis appeared in front of him reaching out to grab his hand. That was the moment when Harry realised what Louis was about to do.
"No way," Harry shook his head, he definitely wouldn't dance in front of everyone, nope. "Come on," Louis pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket and folded it open, "I require it. And also, you don't want to be boring so…," he waited for Harry to take his hand.
"We don't have a deal anymo-," the boy wasn't even able to end his sentence since Louis had already had pulled him into the centre of the crowd. Harry hated to have all the attention on him and now he was standing in the 'spotlight' where everyone was looking at him. Louis was dancing silly along with the beat.
How could he be so easy for him with all those eyes staring? "Come on," He smiled reaching for Harry his hand, he stared at it for a few seconds. Harry looked up, a few people around him started dancing too and they got more and more. As he turned his head back to Louis he was doing a pouty mouth, he knew he would get him with it.
"Fine," Harry took his hand and let the older boy drag Harry towards him. Harry still couldn't believe he just danced on the streets with a bunch of strangers, and it had been so much fun. Now they were on their way back to the house. Anne would come home soon to celebrate with them, just like the lads.
"I will kick your ass."
"You wish," Liam laughed aggressively clicking the buttons on his controller.
"You're cheating Niall!"
"I'm not!"
"First, ha ha, I'm gonna win y'all are losers!"
"Okay guys, I know that Mario cart is something really serious to you, but it's getting a little too serious, don't you think?"
"Er, no?" Zayn answered keeping his eyes focused on the screen. But wait, he turned around to see his sister in the doorframe. "Gems?" Harry got up and jumped into her arms, "Happy birthday," she laughed. God, they hadn't seen each other for too long, Harry tightened their hug. "I didn't think you would come."
"Well, here I am."
It was just perfect, not only she was there but so was Anne. Harry was surrounded by the people he loved the most. They all had a slice of cake and talked about the silliest topics, laughing until they couldn't breathe.
Gemma and he had some time to catch up while Louis drove the other lads back to their houses. And of course, that one topic had to come up, she loved talking about crushes, relationships and stuff like that.
"So, what?" Harry asked focused on the shelf filled with all of his movies when Gemma came in. "Is that the Louis Tomlinson you talked about? Your 'mortal enemy'? Are you two a couple or still in the figuring-out-phase?"
"How- how did you notice?", Harry wasn't sure if she knew that he was gay, so he and Louis tried not to be all over each other the whole time. "Please, he looks at you like you were the only person in the room."
"He did?"
"Yes, and not just once," She chuckled. Harry hadn't noticed him staring a single time, but the thought of it made him slightly blush. The last time they talked about Louis was in the hospital where she told him to be nice, but there was a lot that had changed since then.
It took a few minutes to tell her everything that had happened between Louis and him, so she just sat there on her armchair with a wide white smile on her face. When she still lived with them, Harry and her always had argued about who got to sit in the chair when they did a family movie night. Harry smiled at the thought.
"Uh," Harry looked nervously down at his hands, "Do you have, uhm, do you have a problem with me being gay? " he asked quietly, looking up to meet his sister's eyes. He was worried that she would find it disgusting or something like that.
"No, of course not, Harold." She took him into a tight hug. "I don't care about if you date a boy or a girl as long as you are happy."
"Thank you," Harry whispered and a whole bunch of weight and uncertainty lifted off of his shoulders.
Harry traced his finger along the stack of the DVD's Louis had brought from downstairs. He chose one and waited for Louis to come back in bed, every single muscle in his body was tired, it had been a really long day.
"I'm so exhausted." He whispered, snuggling into Louis's arms while he began to play with his curls, something Harry loved, just as much as falling asleep in his arms. "Did you have a good birthday? " asked softly.
Not just that, it had been the best birthday he had ever have. "Yes," he nodded not able to hide his smile. Harry's eyelids got heavier as the movie carried on and he felt himself slowly drift off to sleep as Louis slight giggle pulled him back to reality.
He flinched slightly and opened his eyes again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, Haz," Louis whispered and gently traced his finger along the younger's cheek. Harry felt how he slowly got drowsy again, he loved the way Louis played with his curls (one of the reasons he still hadn't cut them), it always made him so tired and Louis knew that exactly.
Louis always knew what Harry needed and he never failed. It was one of those things that made him so special, no matter what happened Louis was always there, knowing exactly what to do.
Harry never understood all those books and movies where people would associate a person to home, it never made sense to him. Until now, here in Louis's arms, he felt safe and comfortable. He felt home when Louis was around.
"Good night," the older boy whispered and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Good night," he whispered back and without thinking he added an "I love you," Louis froze and Harry realized what he just said. "You-," he stopped and let his hand track down to Harry's chin to lift his head to make eye contact.
In his eyes swum surprise and something else, Harry couldn't read. There was a moment of silence where Louis just looked softly into Harry's eyes and it was so silent that Harry could hear his own heartbeat. Then Louis pulled him close and kissed him.
"I love you too."