That was it. The last official day of school. Well, you can't call it a school day, no actual lessons or school stuff, it was more like a clean up day. Harry was cleaning out his locker at the moment when Louis passed him and giving him a brief smile, nothing more. It has been like this at school lately, since that one footie game where they appeared together, not even holding hands or something but ever after it they barely interacted in school, only when the other lads were there as well.

It was okay. He had a lot of practice and even though Harry understood that, it hurt every time they met in the hallways. Harry took his eyes off of Louis' back and pulled the books out of his locker and he then closed it for one last time. "...So?" Zayn asked from the side also carrying his books. "What?" Harry hadn't listened to what Zayn had said before, he was too busy watching a boy asking a girl out for prom.

"Can you get my stuff from the locker room on the way?"

"Sure," Zayn took some of Harry's books. He had to get his own stuff from the locker rooms anyways.

The room smelled just as disgusting as the last time he had been in there, like sweat and alcohol. Probably from the last match they won. He hated this room when he was alone, it was kinda scary since there were so many weird noises. Harry walked straight up to his locker and took his bag, after a while of searching for the message Zayn had sent him ages ago with the number of his locker, he unlocked the turn lock and grabbed the black-haired boy's back.

Just as he was about to leave he heard voices coming out of the very back of the coaches dressing room. It was Louis', Harry could distinguish his accent from millions, "I just need to make sure." The coach said in a deep warning voice. "No, I swear there is nothing. We are just friends... if even that," Louis assured in a secure tone, leaving Harry confused. He knew it wasn't right to listen, but he had to.

He sneaked over to the door, as quiet as possible. As he risked a look through the door gap it was just Louis and the coach, no one else. "So you are not gay?"


"Good, because..."

Harry frowned, not understanding what the hell was going on. He needed a second before he turned and left the room heading straight through the halls downstairs, over the parking space to Zayn's car and threw the bags onto the backseat. "Drive," Zayn looked up from his phone, "Woha you can't wait huh?" he joked until he saw Harry turning away from him, looking outside the window. "H, are you okay?"

"Just drive," he repeated turning away even more so Zayn wouldn't see his teared up eyes. Harry couldn't wrap his mind around those words. Why would Louis say that? He had tried to call Harry a few times but Harry always declined and then turned his phone off.


Harry had spent the rest of the day in his room watching movies, he didn't feel any emotions, couldn't even cry. He had a long talk with Liam on the phone, he had tried to convince Harry to talk to Louis. "It must be a misunderstanding," He said, "I can't believe Louis would say something like that."

A night and two seasons of Friends later, someone knocked on his door. Harry hummed and Niall stepped in. "Hey, uhm, I know you want to be alone, but we need you to set up the prom hall." Harry sighed and got out of bed. He didn't want to go, he really didn't, he could picture a thousand things which were better than that, but he couldn't let his friends down. "Give me a few minutes," Niall nodded and left the room.

Skipping through his clothes Harry found one of Louis' jumpers. He took it with the will to just throw it out of the window, but instead, he buried his face in it, smelling the bittersweet scent of Louis' perfume mixed with his natural body smell. Fuck. He hated Louis, for what he had said, for the way he betrayed him... but he still loved him, all of his little features, the way he always made the worst situations funny, how his eyes shone when he listened to things Harry said or the way he played with his hair, almost every evening.

God, what was he even doing? Harry threw the jumper onto his bed and chose some skinnies and a hoodie for himself to wear, then he went into the bathroom, brushed his teeth, combed his hair and applied some perfume to get rid of Louis' scent. Since he had barely slept, he had circles under his eyes. Whatever. He went downstairs into the kitchen, where Niall was already waiting, smiling at his phone.

He offered Harry a coffee and some breakfast before they left. "Just to be clear, I don't want any interaction with Louis,"

Niall nodded. "But I can't imagine that he was playing. Maybe you misunderstood something,"

"Niall, I didn't tell you everything so that you would be on his side!"

"I'm not on his side, I'm only trying to-"

"Stop trying." Those were the last words they exchanged for the rest of the ride. The hall was huge, Liam and Zayn were already there hanging up some paper chains. "Thank god you are here, we are already late." Liam got off the ladder he was standing on and jogged towards him and Niall. Harry looked around unconsciously hoping not to see Louis and his brown fringe, he didn't seem to be there. Luckily.

Liam gave him some paper chains and tinsel to hang around the hallways. As he was alone he couldn't stop thinking about Louis' words. 'Just friends, if even that' and it hurt. Harry bit his lip and he stretched to attach some of the blue-white coloured paper strings to the wall right above the lockers. His breathing got fragile the more he thought about what he must have done wrong to deserve that. Was this all just a game?

A hot tear ran down his cheek and he wiped it away as quickly as possible, his skin desired Louis' touch, his arms around him, comforting him. But he was the reason he felt that way. He walked further, hanging up more and more garlands. He could leave if he was done with them, so he hurried into the next corridor. It took like half an hour to decorate it.

Harry checked the time and some messages from Anne and even one from Luke while he walked over to the last hallway. "Haz?" Those words, spoken in that accent made him freeze on the spot. It was Louis, also hanging up some decoration stuff. Harry's heart was jumping like crazy. "Where have you been? I've been trying to call you."

"My phone was dead,"

"Well, it doesn't look dead now," He said in a curious tone. Harry decided to get back to hanging the garlands onto the wall. As sooner he was done as sooner he could be back at home. "Are you alright?"


"Okay," Louis said getting the signal Harry had sent, to leave him alone. Well, he tried, but he couldn't last long. His eyes lying heavily on Harry. He tried to ignore it.

"You sure? You're acting so strange."

"Me?" Was he fucking serious?? The anger was rioting inside his body as he clenched his jaw.

"Yeah, you. You are not answering my calls or messages, I don't know what I did to you."

"Of course you don't," Harry chuckled to himself. "So then tell me, why aren't you answering my calls?"

"Why should I? I mean we aren't boyfriends." Harry spat trying to keep his tone emotionless because otherwise, he might start crying. He watched the crease between Louis' eyebrows get deeper. "What are you talking about, Haz? Of course, we are."

"No, we're friends," he took a break to breathe hoping for the tears to stay in even a few more seconds, at least until he was alone. "If even that." Harry needed to bite the inside of his cheek to stop the tears from falling. Louis' face shifted when he realised that Harry had heard him, so he took a few steps closer reaching his hand out, "Haz, let me explain-" Harry took a step back with each Louis took forward. "No,"

He wiped a tear away, so stupid. "I let you explain your games. Over and over again! I dont understand why-" The tears tasted salty in his mouth, all this trouble over the past year, for what? Harry was filled up with things he wanted to say to Louis, just yell at him- but all he could build was, "I'm so done with you." and those words were only a whimper.

"Harry! Wait!" Louis called behind him as he ran through the hallway through the ballroom where Liam Niall and Zayn were still doing their job and got into his car. At the faces that the other lads had made he could tell they had heard everything. He started the engine, driving away, leaving Louis behind, watching him bust outside through the rearview mirror.


As soon as he was home he jogged upstairs, ignoring anything his mom said and fell into bed, crying and sobbing and questioning himself. Louis' jumper was still there and because of it, the whole bed smelled like him, making it all even worse. "Hun?" Anne's sweet voice sounded through the door "I'm fine," he replied, holding the black hoodie tight in his arms. "Do you want to talk?" She asked sneaking her head through the door gap.

Harry shook his head, "Maybe later."

"Tell me if you need anything," She said carefully and closed the door quietly. The only thing he needed was to be alone, and as soon as she left he nuzzled his face into the jumper and cried until he fell asleep.


The ceremony was boring, emotionless and just not what Harry thought. He and Niall had already gotten their certificates, now it was Louis' turn. His robe looked a little big on him, like every other piece of clothing. When he turned, their eyes met for a few seconds, Harry was the first to look away. He looked different, his eyes, red and dark circles under them, almost like- "Good work," a deep voice suddenly said next to him. It was Mister Johnson, sporting a wide smile as he watched Louis take his certificate.

Harry turned to face him, as "Tomlinson got good grades," the teacher explained as he noticed Harry's confusion. "Welcome to Harvard." The man said patting Harry's shoulder proudly just before he walked back behind the stage. Harry's jaw dropped slightly. But he thought the deal was over? He felt like he would be happy but to his surprise, he wasn't happy at all. The crowd applauding pulled him out of his trance, out of a habit he started clapping too.


"Showtime," Niall said in a dark voice as if he was some sort of actor, he put on a model face and dramatically buttoned his blazer jacket. Harry just watched him from out of his bed, "You sure you do not want to come?" His eyes skipped to Harry's suit and back to him. "Yes,"

"Then I won't go either."

"No, Niall, you will. You love prom night."

"Yes, and you do too." Harry got up and started fixing his brother's tie. "This was supposed to be the best night of our life."

"And it will be," Harry assured. "Just without me."

And he didn't mind that he wouldn't be there. He just wasn't in the mood to go. "Do me a favour." Harry started as he was done fixing Nialls tie "Go and have fun." Niall nodded "I will. If..."

"If what?"

"If you give Louis a chance."

"No." Harry turned around and walked downstairs followed by Niall. He had been fooled by him too often, he didn't want to hear another excuse. "I talked to him."

"You did what?" Harry abruptly stopped as he reached the kitchen, making Niall bump into him, there was not enough time to talk about it. Niall was already late and Amilia waiting. "Remember the way you felt around him and go TALK to him for goodness sake!" he said before the door closed behind his back and it was still again.

Niall was just trying to help, he was always trying to help and Harry appreciated that, but this time he couldn't. Harry went back upstairs, not even twenty minutes later the bell rang. Harry didn't think something about it, Gemma to Anne would answer. Then it rang a second time, he got up growling, leaving his comfy bed behind.

He walked upstairs, looking around to see where Gemma or his mom were, they didn't seem to be there. It rang again, maybe it was them or Niall who forgot something. It was neither Niall nor Anne or Gems, it was Louis. He was wearing a black suit together with a black button-up and black tie. He looked so fucking good, Harry thought.

He immediately tried to close the door but Louis stopped it with his foot. "Wait, Haz. Give me five minutes, I swear I will leave, just, let me explain." His voice sounded as soft as always. "Please." Harry hesitated a few seconds but then let the boy in. "Listen, I know how must it look to you but-"

"You said you weren't gay. So what was this? Was I, I dont know maybe a good game? Enjoyment?"

"What? Haz, no. God, this is all a huge misunderstanding. The coach offered me a scholarship for the UCLA, and, and everyone knows how homophobic he is. I just didn't want this opportunity to slip through my fingers just because he can't understand-"

"And this is also the reason I didn't take your hand in the hallway or didn't kiss you when we were at lunch break, even though I wanted to. I know that I made a mistake. And I'm sorry." His look was so soft as he looked up through his blue eyes, and yes, Harry was angry he was filled with so much anger he wanted to punch Louis right into the face at the moment but... he couldn't.

"I am not asking you to just forgive me," He reached out his hand, Harry eyed it for a second before his eyes flicked back up to Louis' again. "Then what?"

"Let me take you to the prom and give you the night you deserve."

"You should go," Gemma said from out the kitchen, she and Louis smiled at each other. She was home? "Wait, was this planned?" the two just shrugged. God, why was he so influenceable. He sighed "fine,"

It took about ten minutes for Harry to put his suit on, slip into his boots and walk downstairs where Louis, Gemma and Anne were already waiting. "You look gorgeous," Anne brushed a curl out of Harry's forehead. "Don't you think it is a little too much?" All the other lads would wear black or navy blue suits he would be the only one spread with flowers. "No, it suits you perfectly," Gemma said giving him a soft smile.

They took pictures because Anne wanted to, so badly and then got into the car. Harry was busy pulling his trousers up so they would cover his stomach a little. He noticed Louis' eyes glue on him. "What?"

"You look so incredibly beautiful," Harry slightly blushed, but then playfully rolled his eyes. "Just drive," he chuckled.

The hall was filled with people, some dancing some once in a while holding a speech and others just laughing with their friends about some old story that had happened during their time at this school. It didn't take long until they found the other lads, they have had a good time together, just jumping, dancing and celebrating their achievement and success. And of course, they took their last 'last day of school picture'.

It was such an incredible time they had and Harry was so thankful for each of those lads for making this part of his life so incredible. After everyone got tired of all the partying the DJ had put on some slow music and Harry watched Liam dance with Zayn and Niall with Amilia while he got himself a drink. "May I have this dance?" Louis appeared in front of him in the middle of the crowd.

"But the people are looking at us," as Harry looked to his right he saw the coach and to his left some students staring at them. "I don't care, even if the whole world was watching, I'd still dance with you," Louis then took Harry's hand and pulled him close to his body, Harry still wasn't sure what to think. Louis made a mistake, but he loved Louis, more than anything else, the last few days showed that.

As he and Louis were rocking back and forth in the middle of the dance floor, all eyes on them, Harvard suddenly came into Harry's mind. He didn't know why Johnson had changed his mind but he did and now Harry had to make a decision. The college he dreamed of since he was a child or the one where all his friends were and he was able to picture himself happy.

"So, UCLA?" Harry murmured next to the older boy's ear. "UCLA" Louis repeated, Harry didn't want to be the reason that Louis wouldn't live his dream. "You should take that opportunity,"

Louis shrugged, "I don't know."

"But you love Football," Harry looked down into Louis' face confused.

"I know but what if they are all like the coach? I just don't want to go to a college when this means I can't be with you then."

Those words were so honest and at this moment Harry felt this feeling again, the feeling he had when he first saw Louis and that's when he realised that he never wanted to be parted from Louis like the last few days. "Listen, Harry, I'm so sorry for what happened, and-" Harry stopped him from stuttering with a kiss. God, he was so happy to feel that again. The two days had been way too long.

"It's fine I forgive you," He muttered watching a white smile grow on Louis' face and he could swear he was blushing. He leaned his head against Harry's shoulder again, looking up to him with sparkling eyes.

"What did Mister Johnson talk to you about at the ceremony?" He asked curiously, Harry smirked, he knew Louis had watched him up there the whole time. "About, uhm Harvard?"

"You got in??"

Harry nodded, Louis took a step back, he looked more excited about the news than Harry himself. "But that's great, why aren't you happy?"

"I don't know." Louis took that as an answer and snuggled his body against Harry's again. Actually, he did know. The only thing that made him want to go there was that it had been his dream. But dreams change.

"Hey, Lou?" Louis lifted his head from Harry's shoulder. "Yeah?"

"Do you still have the list?" The boy raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" He answered and pulled it out of his pocket, Harry knew that Louis had it with him. He always had. "Can you add a point?"

"Well, sure." Louis took a pen out of his pocket Harry chuckled, what else was he carrying around in there??

"Add Harvard to the red side."

"What??" Harry, as an answer shrugged, his mom had always told him to listen to his heart and Harvard wasn't where he saw himself. "I choose Manchester." Louis hesitated but then did as told.

"Do I get to know the one thing you added in the beginning though?"

"Maybe later," Louis quickly folded the piece of paper again and was about to put it back in his pocket when Harry snapped it out of his hand and read the only thing written in different handwriting.

'Make him mine' it said. Harry raised his eyebrows at the blushing boy in front of him. "You're such an idiot," Harry chuckled, Louis smiled at those words "I love you too," he whispered just before Harry leaned down and kissed him. His favourite person in the world.

Crazy, how Louis was the person Harry hated the most only a year ago, but now couldn't think of living without.

Louis pulled away, "Did Niall just smack your ass?" He was already drunk? God this would be a long fun night. The boys burst out laughing. "Enough of this romantic stuff let's have some fun," Niall yelled as the music turned into loud blasting party music again and pulled them all five together.


Soo, that's it. That's the end hehe.

Feel free to tell me what you think (since I love reading any kind of comments)

Thank you all so much for reading and the support... luv ya all :))