Chapter 6 Day arrived


[Name: Einar Sirius

Race: Human/Fay

Age: 14


Strength: E

Mana: A+++

Endurance: E++

Agility: D++

Luck: EX]

Some wild chickens were roaming in the forest when an arrow pierced one of them.

I came and picked the chicken.

"Rest in peace." I prayed for the poor creature then took it to my campsite.

After coming to the campsite, I cleaned the chicken before putting it in the new section of my book, Storage.

Yes, just like some famous isekaid MCs I also unlocked a mini portable space where I could store anything.

Before going home, I sat on my campsite and opened the book.

"Sigh* It has been a year and I didn't notice."

A year has passed and I didn't even notice. I have become proficient in enchantment magic and sealing magic to the point that I can make a holy sword on my own.

"Let's see…"

I then wrote my experience of the day on my Book of Chastiefol.

[You have earned 10 experience points.]

Yeah, it was still better than nothing. Making experience was harder than I thought. I have to record something new or noteworthy to get more experience points or I would get this kind of points.

Finally, I was able to stack 1000 EPs to unlock Weapons.

The reason why I took this long was that I didn't have any adventures over the past year since I spent all my time with Vivian with little to no interactions with the outside world.

I went to my previous town but because of my angelic features, I end up being targeted again. Sigh, being cute is a pain in the ass.

And so I become fellow shut-in following the footsteps of my mother.

Without waiting any further I put those points to unlock Weapons.

[Congratulation for unlocking the Weapons section. You have been awarded Chastiefol-Spear.]

I saw the text and then pages flipped automatically before it stopped flipping. A long spear was drawn on the page with the description.

[Form one: Chastiefol-Spear

A long spear made from the tree of life. It can withstand any kind of element while the holy element being the dominant side.

Side ability: Levitation (Locked)

Ability bestows you to levitate Chastiefol at will.

Requires 1200 experience points to unlock it.]

This is BS.

I thought that I will finally get to use Chastiefol like King but I didn't expect another BS requirement.

"Hold on…"

'If I remember correctly then levitating objects was King's own ability not Chastiefol's. That means that it is a boon.'

I was also a big fan of 'Seven deadly sins' anime and watched the whole series. I knew that how King used his weapon and how many forms it has.

'How can I get the ability of levitation?'

I asked the book.

[Host can acquire this ability for 2000 experience points with the additional cost of making you pure fairy and sacrificing your human side.]

"No thanks!"

It was the last thing I want. Being a fairy has many good points like longevity, no need for hunger or sleep, and excess to the fairy realm but the downside is that you can't be exposed to the public as they will all hunt you down. They not only include humans but all sorts of other creatures too. The worst part is that you will stop aging making physical growth even slower.

I decided to grind more points to unlock this sub-ability of the spear.

I clicked on the page and then the book transformed into a long spear.

"Damn, it is hard…"

It was harder than steel without any kind of enchantment. It was also not very heavy as I could easily carry it.


"It is better than swords made by mother."

I have used some swords that Vivian made for me but as expected I am a spear guy so I like to use a spear.

"Alright, that's enough. I have to get home or mother would come out to the human world with a storm."

I was spending time in the forest for 5 days and if I wait for one more day then Vivian would come out and it would be a disaster for the poor animals of the forest.

I swung the spear several times before reverting it in the book again. Good point was that it didn't cost anything for the period of use.

"Let's see how much I have grown…"

I took out measuring tape to measure my height.

"140 cm huh… it is better than 138 cm a year ago…"

I hope that I grow big soon and confess to a girl and marry. I didn't want to remain shota my entire youth.

Vivian always comforted me by giving lap pillows that I will have time to have a wife in the future, probably in the next 60 years.

I asked, isn't that called pedophile?

She told me that Merlin fools around with girls all the time even after being older than 100 years old along with some other supernatural creatures.

I didn't want to discuss Merlin with her since she became hostile and foul-mouthed whenever he was being mentioned.

I guessed if she was one of his charm's victims but I didn't want to anger her by asking that.

"Let's get going."

I packed my stuff and then started walking towards the lake. Once there I came to the reverse side and open the door to see a new guest.

"Ara Ei-chan is here."

Vivian said waving her hand before asking me to greet a new guest.

"Ei-chan, meet Merlin, the sage and court mage of King Uther Pendragon."

She pointed at a man with a silver robe and hair with a bewitching fair face complexion. He resembled a lot with FGO Merlin, the series I watched last time.

"Hi~ little boy. I heard a lot about you from your mother. It's good to see a fellow half breed."

He waved his hand.

"Thank you Merlin-sama."

I bowed my head with respect. Though Vivian hates Merlin, she also respects him the most as he taught making kinds of magic to her.

He indeed has some kind of charm in him. Not only his face but his aura was also very pure and gentle.

'But why do I felt like punching him?'

I had a sudden urge to punch him but controlled my emotions. One of Fay's drawbacks is that you could get easily carried away with your emotions you should have great control over them. Thanks to my human blood this side effect was nullified but it still existed.

"My~ what an honest kid. Hearing about your for three days paid off."

'He is here for three days?'

I looked at mother who averted her eyes with a whistle before asking me to cook something but I stopped her since today's menu was chicken and she sucked at cooking meat.

After parting with Merlin, I went to the kitchen to cook.

30 minutes later.

"Hmm~ this is the best chicken dish that I have ever eaten," Merlin said enjoying the chicken leg. Not one but two! Now I know why mother seem pissed as he was kind of an innocent monster.

"Because you don't need to eat food."

Mother rolled her eyes. Yes, he feasts upon dreams of humans to love humans and understands them. Mother told me many of his scummy side but also his gentle side. He loves humans and wants to understand them.

She also mentioned that he raised many kings of Britain for many years.

After the meal, we came to the living room to discuss something serious.

"Einar, it is time for to apart." Mother said with a serious tone, "It is time to set foot in the real world and make your adventures. You will go with Merlin-sama to explore the human world."

At that point my heart clenched and I ran to my room.