Chapter 13 Light trial

Sorry for not uploading chapter yesterday. Reason, I was having a fever teacher!! Of course I wont tell you that i forgot to put in draft and place a timer.

By the way, I read some fics and saw that some authors were adding quotes from trash- I mean some good anime so I also decided to do the same.

"When you love someone, that means that you also love the dirty stuff about her."

Gintoki Sakata (Gintama.)


Ector and I came to the open field followed by Kay and Artoria who seemed to like my cooked dish as she was constantly chewing fishes. I left my Book of Chastiefol in Kay's hands since I wanted to convey my full potential only as a warrior.

Ector picked two wooden swords and gave me one.

"You do know how to fight with a sword right?"

I nodded since both Vivian and Merlin taught me swordsmanship to an extent.


"Then come and charge at me with full might."

He said and took a stance.


I screamed and charged at my full strength but he, with a boring look, simply blocked my sword like I was holding a stick.

"Sigh* don't stop and continue."

He looked a little disappointed since my strength was not much.

I nodded and then charged at him using all the tricks and techniques I learned from Vivian and Merlin but he blocked my all strikes using a single hand and didn't move from his position even once.

No matter what I tried, I couldn't even pass his sword let alone making a strike, and not to mention he was just stood there testing my skills and only blocking them.

No wonder, he was known as the top knight of the previous king.

"Let us stop this." After not getting any desirable results he suggested stopping. "It is evident that you are a pure mage and definitely not made for direct combat. Although your techniques of swords are good, power and precision are very low."

I looked down since it was indeed the case. My physical prowess sucks and I knew it. As a mage, I have dedicated a greater portion of my life to learning magecraft and then completing tasks given to me by Merlin so I had very little time to polish my swords play or spears play.

Knights usually begin their training from the younger age of 10 but how much time I spend polishing my skills? Barely 2 years.

"I know… that's why I want to learn." I looked down.

"Ah don't be disappointed, kid, it was a given. Considering you are mage and young on that, you are very good at combat."

He tried to comfort me since my sad face was unbearable to everyone. Ector, not getting any result sighed and changed the topic.

"Now, how about I test your spearmanship, your signature combat type?"

"Got it."

I nodded and raised my hand towards Kay who was holding my book. The book suddenly rose from Kay's grip and few directly on my hand.

They were shocked to see the real magic but their surprise went next level when a spear came out from my book.

Yes, previously my book changes into a spear by I invested some points to separate spear from the book. From the book, it is easier for me to cast a spell directly without chanting while also using spear separately.

The spear was floating in the air as I could control it with the levitation ability.

"Hohoho! That's something new. You have your own magic weapon?" He looked excited and from the aura of my spear, he knew that wooden swords can't handle it so he took out a metal sword from the stand.

"Indeed Sir Ector. Its name is Chastiefol, a weapon made from Tree of Life." I decided to tell the name of my weapon. I didn't want to disrespect his trust by hiding such minor details.

"Really now? You have some relations to fairies?" He asked.

"I will tell you my origin some other time. How about we start the real fight?" I said holding a spear in my hands and taking a stance to strike. My control over levitation was not perfect so I didn't want to rely on it while leaving my body defenseless.


"Whoa! Arthur, did you see that?! He took that spear out from that book. It was my second time seeing his spear but I am already envious."

Kay said looking at Artoria who was also looking at fight while eating dried fishes.

"Hmm… yes… He is a mage so the magic of this caliber is a given."

Artoria replied while munching fishes and looking at Einar and his 'spear'.

"Hmm… can I have some?"

Kay asked but Artoria seemed to not hear it or ignore him and continued to watch the fight.

Kay sighed and also decided to watch the fight hoping for his dad to make Einar lick some dirt.


I charged at Ector and strike my spear only for him to block it with a sword.

"Now that's what I am talking about!"

He said excitedly and pushed me away. He then delivered a vertical strike which I blocked with the spear but the power behind it was immense making me flipping back.

"Brat, your power lacks."

That is true but not speed.

I charged again but he blocked and pushed me back. We repeat the same techniques but then-


He stroked again knocking my spear and kicked me on the abdomen making me roll on the ground.

Cough* cough*

I coughed few times and then saw Ector pointing his sword at me.

"You lose."

"Oh really?"

Feeling confused, he saw my hand and then looked back to see a spear on his neck levitating in the air.

"Haha, then it's my loss."

"Hehe, no need to be kind Sir Ector. I would have been finished in seconds if not for you holding back."

I said shaking off my clothes.

"Good analytical skills. Well, do what you want. In meantime, I will arrange a room for you." He said then went inside the house.

I also put a spear inside Chastiefol when I heard footsteps.

"That's some good spear skills. I am so envious of your magical spear." Kay said looking at the book.

"Thanks. If you want then I will prepare a magic weapon for you too. I may seem like a kid but my mage craft in creating weapon is not lower than Merlin."

"Then I will be receiving some favors, Einar."

"And I will seek your training methods, Kay."

We both smiled and immediately became friends.

"Don't worry Einar, you will get better. I am sure of it." Artoria also decided to participate in the conversation.

"Thanks, Artoria."

I also smiled and then saw her hopeful eyes. I chucked and patted her head. 140 cm against 154 cm, it was a little hard but I managed to give my love, the legendary anime head pat.

"Don't worry, I am good at cooking. I will make anything of your demand."

I then went inside the house without waiting for her response.

Artoria cutely put her hand on her head and tried to find the meaning of head pat while also following me instinctively.

"Why am I even here…?"

Kay felt terrible and a little envious of his brother, who is a girl, who found a life partner before him.


I realized that this piece of fine art is lacking some power stones so how about this, if this book gets 800 power stones in the end of this week then i will upload 3 chapters.

Thank you~

If you want advance chapters then check out:
