Chapter 20 Artoria is ill

Two individuals could be seen exchanging strikes with wooden swords in an open field.

"Ha!" Artoria swung the sword vertically but I dodged it successfully by crouching down and then took some distance but she leaped forward in the blink of an eye and before she could deliver a strike, I swung my sword.

"Take this!" I swung but she blocked it effectively with her wooden sword.

It was the usual day when both of us were having a light spar to polish our fencing skills. She, who was practicing from a very young age, was way better with her skills so she had the upper hand. Whereas I was also keeping with her by using my analysis skills to full extent and agility which increased drastically from several months of training.

Both of us could have won in our own ways with Artoria delivering finishing blow with mana burst and me using my magecraft by forming a strategy for certain victory but neither of us had any desire to use mana and gain victory over each other since the objective of the spar was to polish skills.

"You have gotten better, Einar!"

"Haha, and you too."

Both of us smirked and then leaped forwards for final strikes but then I noticed Artoria was slower than before. I didn't know why her speed decreased but I could tell that she was exhausted and was not using her full strength even from a light spar perspective. It was a little weird since she had stamina way better than anyone in the house so I was a little confused.

Anyway, I saw a slight opening then adjusted my sword pointing at her chest and deliver a thrust just between her abdomen.

"Kuh!" Artoria groaned and pushed back then fell to the ground.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ran after her and without asking her, I immediately cast a healing spell on her.

"Huff* I am fine… Just a little tired… no need to worry…" She was clearly exhausted which was my first time seeing her in that state.

"Idiot, don't push yourself." I was a little worried and annoyed with her since she was very stubborn with her way of doing things at the cost of her bearings.

"Thanks, Einar…" She smiled and I nodded but my worry didn't get away.

Later night on the same day.

Loud thunderclaps could be heard outside the house and heaving rain was falling. It was a rainy season like this was not unusual on the island of Britain.

"Brother Kay, I should come if it is the state of emergency," I asked Brother Kay who was preparing to go outside in stormy weather.

"Yeah… I could also accompany you." Artoria also offered her help but she was looking a little pale.

"Thank you two but it was just some matter related to merchants I could handle it. Hey, don't look at me like that. I am strong you know." Brother Kay said nonchalantly then climbed on his horse.

"But you always lose to us." I chuckled to which I only receive a click of the tongue and annoying glare from him and then I asked, "Are you sure to leave me with her?"

At that time, there were only three of us siblings in the house. Marie was in the town and trapped with paperwork while Sir Ector was outside the town to meet some noblemen. And then an emergency came that required Brother Kay's presence so he was also leaving.

"You two are grownups and besides even if you are a pervert, you won't do anything weird to your 'brother' and 'best friend', right? It is just gay so bye!" He uttered those words before leaving quickly.

"You fucker! Come back here! Who are you calling a pervert when you are the one who was chucked by three women already?!!" I yelled but he was already left. "He is such a douche, right Artoria? Artoria?"

She was pale and huffing cold air not responding to my call.

"An~ Einar, I am feeling hot…" She said with a heavy breath. If there was any degenerate in my place, he would have guessed a lewd scene but it was a concerning matter for me.

I didn't say a thing and place my hand on her forehead when I realized that she was boiling and suffering from cold fever.

"Oh My God!!!"

After some time.

"Einar, Einar, Einar... I want to go for a pee. Accompany me!" Artoria was acting weirdly delirious from her fever and lying on the bed.

I, on other hand, was quite tensed about how to look after a patient. It was not my first time looking after a person with a cold but she was different and acting weirdly so I didn't know if normal methods of humans would work on her.

'What the hell I am thinking?'

I then realized that she was after all a girl so I shouldn't be treating her like an alien.

If you ask, why shouldn't I use my healing spells on her? But the answer is a denial since there was no spell against diseases like a simple cold.

"Einarrrrr! Why are you not listening to meeee?" Artoria was annoyed and called me with half-opened eyes. "I will pee on the bed if you don't take me to the toilet."

"Why do you need me in the first place?"

"Beeeecause it's scarryyyy."

"Sigh* Fine."

In the end, I accompanied her to take her toilet. Of course, she was clinging saying that I need to come inside the toilet and I go with her demanding. Of course, I didn't go but sent my guardian Mono with the same appearance as me.

I loved her but it doesn't mean that I would go to such lengths to take advantage of her weakness and do something perverted to her. I refused to become a scumbag who was loyal to only her with nothing but pure love and respect.

She came back from toiled and as I dematerialized Mono into Chastiefol. She spread her arms with a silly smiled and spoke, "Hug."

She really became a pain in the ass. I shook my head and took her in my embrace. She was taller than me so it was a little weird that a child taking a teen girl in his embrace. She also didn't mind such attitude of a pedophile as she wrapped herself to me like a Koala then started rubbing her cheek to mine while saying perverted words.

"Guhee! You are very soft and smells good~. No wonder women are so hungry after you. Fays are unreasonably cute!" She uttered those words then licked her lips.

I was creeped out and took her to her bed. I didn't want to do the deed in this way when one was drunk with fever while the other was a child. I still want to marry her then do it then being forced one or the other way around.

'I need to prepare something for her.' I thought and then stood up to leave but stopped by her.

"Where are you going, Einar? Will you also leave me?" She asked with teary eyes.

I smiled and placed a gentle hand on her cheeks then wiped her tears. "I will never leave you, Artoria," I said gently and smiled. She sniffed and nodded. "I am going to cook something really delicious for you."

"Really!? Then I will let you go but don't be late… I will be angry, ya know?"

I nodded and after a light pat on her head, I left. I first came to the kitchen to prepare porridge with chicken flavor and some hot water to wipe her sweat.

After a while, I came holding a bucket of hot water and a towel while my guardian was carrying porridge soup.

"Yay! Einar is back! I love Einar!" Artoria cheered like a little girl when I arrived.

"Haha, but first, lift your shirt," I told her but forget to convey my full message.

"Guhehe! Einar wants to see my body, desu?"

"Desu?" She was uttering some words that I used to say sometimes.

"Yeaha, I am otaku degenerate now, DESU WA?" She said then lifted her shirt without even thinking for a second.

"Wait!" I wanted to stop her but it was too late as I could see her bare breasts in a growing stage. She was similar to Artoria in the Fate series so, although they were small but still visible. I felt a warm liquid that could come out from my nose from just staring at her breasts. It was not my first time that I got to see a naked girl since I used to live with Merlin and catching him with women was usual for me but it was my first time that I could see her without any clothes.

"Guheee! Einar no ecchi-Desu!"

I saw her looking at me with a smug face. I shook my head to get rid of dirty thoughts and sighed. I then wiped her back and belly with warm water without thinking much and let her wear lion pajama with the help of my guardian.

"Now then say ah~," I asked with soup on the spoon. She was only looking at my eyes with a burning face while opening her mouth and taking the sip. I then fed her the rest of the soup with a smile while she was only staring at me like she was feeling guilty.

"Can you tell me stories about something?" She asked looking at my eyes.

"Haha, anything for you. Just get well soon. It would be troublesome if you remain this way."

"Then… I want to dream of a lion running across plains…" She looked at the sky and spoke.

I smiled and took out a book from my storage and told the name of the story to her.

"Wanna hear the story of The Lion King?"

She smiled brightly and wiped a tear from her eyes. She then made some space on her bed and tapped the woolen mattress indicating that she wants me to lie beside her. I knew that I would catch her cold if I do that but I was too lazy to go against her request and blinded by her demands.

I lie beside her and opened the book to tell her story but before I could start, she moved closer and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, Einar…" She said then put her head on my arm and wrapped her hands and a leg around me.

I only smiled then start telling her the story.

"So the story starts with a lion running across the plains…"


(Kay's POV)

I came back from the work after weather calmed down but didn't see anyone. I knew that Artoria was a little ill but bearing with her was not in my hand so I used the timely excuse to escape leaving the troublesome dragon human hybrid to half fay who was a blind lover.

What a unique combination?

I slowly opened the door of her room and saw an unfamiliar view. Both of them were sleeping peacefully like there is no war outside their world.

Einar was holding a book probably a new book he wrote for Artoria since the title of the book was The Lion King. I smiled then adjusted the blanket before leaving with the book to read and release some stress.

At that time I was the only one among them, no in the world who knew that they would suffer utterly that could break the will of any person but I was too human and powerless to tell them and stop them from their stupid play.

I knew my beloved siblings would suffer but they were inhuman who were living with similar ideologies on the surface and different beliefs from inside, they were bound to be defeated.

I didn't know at that time- no I knew all of this at that time and could have asked them to understand each other; a half-fairy who was too human and kind for his own good and a person with twisted fate leaving towards her demise.

Then what?


(Einar's POV)

Cough* cough*

I was coughing the next morning the next day suffering from the fever.

"I am so sorry…" Artoria was apologizing while feeding me soup. She also regained memory of what she did last night and was quite embarrassed about it.

"As I said it's okay and focus on feeding me properly, okay?" I said with a smile to which she nodded and so the next day was spent with Artoria taking care of me. It was nice to be taken care of.

"By the way Artoria, this soup is trash. Who made this?"



MC replaced Kay in this part which is a different from VN. I hope you like the little slice of life chapters. Plot will start from next chapter. I will try to convey what happened in her life with minor changes.

Many people were asking if MC will enter throne of heroes. The answer is...

…To be continued.

Just kidding. I will think when the story enters final stage. It depends if I wanted to continue this or write new story with different route. Nothing is certain.

Many also asking why not MC change anything? I am writing this fic as a way to tell you what happened to Artoria and MC's role will be that of an observer. Of course I will change some minor things where MC will replace some other characters but plot will be the same... probably.

Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.4k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

Thank you~

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