Chapter 25 Chastiefol vs Caliburn 1

(3rd person's POV)

The day when two holy weapons would clash was happening.

Einar could be seen standing with the floating spear in front of him. He was wearing his trademark white robe made of exquisite fabric. However, it was also meant for defense as garments were enchanted with advanced magecraft that works in similar ways to normal metal armors.

On his opposite side, Artoria was standing with full plate armor to block any attack. Although some may find it troublesome but it was made to have a good defense against weapons while providing better flexibility. On her hand was her soon-to-be-legendary sword Caliburn with the tip on the ground.

The other was a blond-haired man in his sleepwear yawing and standing outside the battlefield acting as referee. Thanks to his siblings, he was now awake early in the morning. Before the journey, he wanted to take one final sleep but due to a sacred duel between two holy weapons, he has to keep an eye on the match. He was Sir Kay.

Merlin could also be seen watching the duel between his two students sitting on the top of the roof.


"Artoria, should I use only my spear or magecraft? You are going to lose either way." Einar said with a smirk rotating the levitating spear.

"Einar, you should use your full force. I want to see how much I am capable of. If you don't then I would never know where my strength lies." Artoria said then took the stance ready for any minute.

She wanted to fight Einar who was both tricky and strong with tons of skills and magic so she came in full armor which was ideal for defense from unnoticeable attacks while she focused on the front attack. She could only polish her skills by testing herself against a tough opponent with magic.

"Very well then. I will show you that just drawing a sword from a slab will not make you strong. You are my beloved but this time I will not hold back!" Einar then firmed his stance and start casting buffs on himself and his spear.

[Custom Spell: Arrows of light] He cast a spell where two magic circles appeared behind him.

It was a spell where Einar could shoot arrows of light from one position continuously but they will disappear once you move from your previous position.

On paper, Artoria seems to be weak since she only had her sword technique and sword of selection. She also knew [Mana Burst] a skill where she uses her mana to boost her physical parameters within few seconds.

On other hand, Einar seemed to have the upper hand since he knew a bunch of magic and had a versatile weapon that could act both in offense and defense.

However, the reality was different. Artoria has a slight upper hand.

Although Einar had a bunch of tricks in his arsenal, he simply lacks one special technique that he could use in close combat against a master knight like Artoria who was now become stronger from drawing Caliburn.

In short, Einar is a jack of all trades and master of none. Einar also has low defense so his only choice is to keep Artoria at bay by range attacks.

"Okay, so the duel will be of two rounds. Whoever wins the final round wins. Both of you are ready?" Kay raised his hand ensuring if both the players were ready for the duel. "Start!"

Einar was the first one to commence the attack as arrows behind him started to shoot multiple arrows at Artoria.

Boom* boom* boom*

Artoria also dashed toward Einar since her only choice was to close the distance and then strike her opponent.

When Einar shot the arrows, she used her intuition and dodged some of them while reflecting others from her sword.


"Kugh!" She groaned when one attack was able to strike on her joint spot where armor was not covering the body.

Cling* Cling*

She was running at him with full speed head-on while deflecting arrows.

Just when she was about to set foot on in next moment, her intuition rang and she jumped in the air and then deflected an arrow towards the place where her intuition was a warning.

The arrow hit the spot and an explosion took place


"Trap?" Artoria realized that Einar was not playing this time and this might be his best way to fight.

"Hehe, you have just activated my trap card!" Einar as usual smiled and keep attacking Artoria through magic circles.

Artoria soon realized a mistake she was making. A mage's biggest support is the area around him and traps and tricks are their main combat style.

She stopped running and then took a deep breath. She then used her mana to spread all around the place. She knew this technique to detect anything hidden. Her tricked work as she was able to ascertain the places where traps were laid by Einar.

"Good technique you got there that you learned from me." Einar clapped when Artoria used a technique that he taught to Artoria.

Although Artoria didn't possess enough brain cells to understand complex magecraft, Einar taught her some magic techniques that didn't require any kind of chanting or spell casting to trigger. Artoria was not a mage but she possessed mana so it was not a problem to learn some tricks.

"Kuh!" Artoria groaned again when another light arrow was able to hit the critical spot. She charged again but this time she was able to detect the traps with ease and avoided them.

Just when she was 3 meters away from Einar, she flicked with incredible speed to finish the match soon. In the blink of an eye, she was in front of Einar.

"You are finished!" She swung the sword vertically

"Not so hurry dear~" Einar chuckled and dodged her strike with ease. His two magic circles behind him dispersed the won't move with the host.

"Huh?" Artoria realized that Einar was able to trap her successfully as she put her foot where Einar previously was standing and stuck her foot in a bog. She tried her best to pull her foot from the sticky mud and she was able to do it but it was too late.

"Chastiefol second form: Guardian! Finish her!" Einar transformed his spear into a big stuffed bear that charged at Artoria and punched her face.


Artoria flew in the air before landing and then rolling several meters away.

"Kuh!" Artoria groaned and couched and was about to get up when she felt a pointed spear on her neck and saw Einar a meter away controlling his spear.

"You lose, Artoria," Einar said with monotone as if showing how pathetic the rightful king looks.

That hurtled Artoria's pride and she delivered her best in this fight yet she was miserably defeated without Einar even using his full power.

"First round goes to Einar Sirius. Both of you take your positions." Kay announced the result and asked both of them to take a stance for the second round.

"Artoria, you asked me to fight with full power and yet you are playing like a little girl. Are you mocking me?" Einar uttered those words mocking Artoria who was still on the ground. Einar looked at Artoria for one final time before going back to his position.

'I see…' She realized her mistake. She realized that she was taking Einar's sacred weapon too lightly. She got up from her and then removed her helmet as well as lessening the armor on her body leaving only a chest plate to defend critical attacks.

She then walked to her position and took the stance.

"Sacred sword Caliburn: Awaken!" She spoke and the sword on her hand started to glow. Not only her sword but she herself was glowing with a bluish aura.

"Now that's my Artoria!" Einar smirked and raised his spear with one hand while chanting magic spells with the other.

"Now then second round of the duel, start!" Kay announced the second round and both, Artoria and Einar, disappeared leaving just dust.


Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.4k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

Thank you~


Omake 3

Soon Einar stopped in front of Mash and stared at her coldly. His gaze was so different from his previous eyes filled with warmth and charm than cold and stern.

Einar raised his hand on Mash who closed her eyes, afraid of being hit but…

The slap didn't come.



Her body jolted as she opened her eyes and saw the same hand on her chest fondling her breast.

"Galahad, is that your tit? Are these freaking boobs?! The fuck is wrong with servants!?!" Einar was questioning Mash while his hand was till on her breast.


If you want full omake and advance chapters then check out:


P.S: Omake has spoilers.