Chapter 36 1st of 12 battles of King Arthur

"An apple a day keeps any one away, if you throw it hard enough."

Marie Mjolnir (Soul Eater)


(Einar's POV)

The first battle of King Arthur was against the army of King Arthuis of the Pennines. At the mouth of river Glein, two armies could be seen ready to raise their swords.

On one side was the army of King Arthur. His army was composed of 100 cavalry and 400-foot soldiers.

Whereas King Arthuis was standing proudly on the other side with his 500 cavalry and 1200 foot soldiers. There were also some magical beasts like Giants and Direwolves.

On paper, King Arthuis has the greatest advantage over the tiny army of young King Arthur but the reality is far ahead of anyone's imagination.

King Arthur was carrying the sword of selection and was reinforced by the best knights and mages.

Merlin was also there with his dream-like charisma and magical reinforcement painting the safe victory of Arthur's army.

I was also here standing with Merlin on his horse acting as support of the army.

Artoria was the tip of a hill in full armor and glowing sword on her hand. She was on her favorite horse Ito who was now the partner of the king and now called Dun Stallion.

Her girlish features were visible from her face but she was not perceived as female to others. You could only see a majestic King Arthur who was on his path of victory.

"I am Arthur Pendragon, the sole heir of the throne as well as your rightful king!"


She addressed her army which was efficiently answered by knights.

"False King didn't answer my right on this island and so he called his rebellion. However, as we have the right to rule this island, none shall stand in my way. Men! Are you with me in this quest?!!"


Artoria finished her speech. Even I was moved by her words but I had control over my emotions. The opposition had a large army but they were fellow Britons and not Saxons. Artoria's goal was to defeat King Arthuis and take the State of Pennines. It was not the annihilation of the people but the blood was necessary.

She nodded in my direction to begin the first part of the operation.

I nodded and rose in the air and called my spear. It soon turned into an orb of light before falling on the ground. Cracks opened on the soil and a huge bale emerged with a big bud on the top of it. It then peeled and a giant sunflower bloomed from the bud facing the army of King Arthuis.

[Form Four: Sunflower - A gigantic shoot emerges from the earth, towering over enemies, as a flower bud blooms and shoots several projectiles that are capable of a great amount of destruction.]

I was just waiting for the opportunity to use this against someone and now was the time. It was King's best long-range energy weapon that could destroy even a city in minutes. Except for its little long charging of 10 seconds, there was not much drawback if you want a one-direction area of effect damage.

I pointed my finger at the army who were terrified upon witnessing such a gigantic flower and spoke a word, "Bang!"

The light brightened from the mouth of the flower and shot a devastating beam of light towards the large army of King Arthuis reducing the army of orderly men of 1700 into mere 1000 soldiers in panic.


With a big explosion, the knights in the middle of impact vanished instantly while surrounded knights were killed from the devastating blow.

I then dispelled the Sunflower and nodded at Artoria who was also shocked by the impact of the magical weapon.

Caliburn is a strong weapon but if you consider all forms of Chastiefol and huge firepower then Caliburn is mere a straw against a sword, Chaestifol.

Even the army standing behind me started to show fear towards me. Gawain and Bedivere were visibly trembling but they soon calmed down.

I was also a little shocked by the firepower it showed but also a little sad since I killed a lot of innocent people who were just obeying orders from their lord. Families whose loved ones vanished from the surface won't even receive the dead bodies of their loved ones.

I can only sympathize with them for standing on opposition regardless of intention.

"Charge!" Artoria cried the charge towards enemy forces. Both armies soon clashed against each other.

One was the short army of King Arthur in an orderly manner and high morale and the other was still a thousand men army with an already defeated will.

I could see that knights with great mana had necklaces. They were the magic jewels that I prepared for them. It gives users a huge attack and defense boost while also healing them. They don't need other mages for the support in that sense and what's more, those gems could be used again.

Of course, I only prepared the quality jewels for Artoria, Gawain, Bedivere, and Brother Kay since they were leading the front forces while others were carrying gems of lower grade. Other foot soldiers were buffed from me and Merlin.

I didn't involve myself in the combat and remain in the air to observe the situation only. I have already killed a lot of people so I was not in the mood to spill more blood uselessly.

However, my eyes caught up with an enemy general who was fighting our forces bravely. What caught my interest was the red spear he was using. Unfortunately, the one who was close to him was the knight under me, Bedivere.

"Argg!" Bedivere groaned when the enemy general sliced his chest and kicked him away. However, his wound soon started to heal.

"How weak-willed are you to use magic artifacts in war? But no worries, this General Wan will send you hell soon." The man named General Wan said pointing a red spear towards Bedivere who was still recovering from the severe wound and charged at Bedivere to finish him off. "Gáe Bolg!"

"Did you say Gáe Bolg?"

General Wan heard a voice and before he could respond, his spear was blocked by a transparent barrier encaging Bedivere while also healing him.

[Form Eight: Pollen Garden: A large barrier is formed around a person and is capable of withstanding even the most powerful attacks. The barrier is made of pollen from the Sacred Tree which has the capabilities of slowly healing and subsides the pain immediately.]

"What the…? How could my unblockable attack be blocked?"

"Yeah, I heard something similar in the past…" I landed between General Wan and Bedivere who was fully healed in no time with the help of Pollen Garden.

"I am sorry, Sir Einar…" Bedivere apologized since I have to come to his rescue.

"Don't be. You are still not a proper knight, Bedivere. Now leave him to me and make sure not a single pest gets in my way." I ordered him. Bedivere nodded and then engaged to fight with other knights.

I then looked at General Wan who took his guard against me.

"So you are the little monster who destroyed our army with magical sunflower of yours?"


"How about you join our side? King Arthuis will reward you handsomely."

"Are you done?"

"So that's how it is? Then there is nothing to talk about!" He was about to charge when four soft hands grabbed his limbs. "What the…?!"

He was immobilized by Mono, the guardian before he could even move an inch.

"I will ask you once, where did you find this spear?" I asked holding the crimson spear.

"Do you think aarggg!"


He was going to retort but Mono crushed his left leg.

"I really don't want this way of asking since I could simply take your head and read your memories but I enjoy a little from torturing you."

"I got it from royalties from Irish Island! Just kill me already!" He spilled the beans the moment I tried to crush his second leg.

"Very well," I said and without looking at him, I performed hand signs and my spear sliced his head.

He told me what I want and I didn't want to humiliate him further by torturing him or forgiving him. A true knight's best reward is to die from the hand of a strong enemy. Forgiving them would be considered an insult so I didn't pester with useless stuff like forgiveness and such.

Of course, my ideology of being a knight is different.

[Einar, this spear is very important in finding the god you are looking for.] Text appeared on the book. It was Elaine who could communicate with me now.

"I thought so. If my memory is correct then this spear if not then very similar to Gáe Bolg of certain blue-haired dog with full-body tights."

[It is the same spear but its ability is reduced to only 20% of its full capability. It is just a spear with some special magic ability but nothing much.]

I was surprised holding another weapon of the servant of stray night. The first being Excalibur.

For the moment I stored the spear in the inventory and saw Artoria raising her sword high in the sky after achieving her first victory. It was the first battle of King Arthur's twelve battle.


I wanted to write full war but it will be pointless in the end. I will write some interaction with Artoria a little more before I could move MC to become a little more strong.

Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1.4k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.8k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

Thank you~

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