Chapter 48: Excalibur Vs Chastiefol Part 3

"Aaaaa!" With this painful cry, she was blown tens of meters away before colliding with a rocky hill and destroying the hill.


After the dust was settled, Artoria could be seen grounded buried with some debris.

Cough* cough*

She slowly got up and coughed some blood. It was her first time that she spat some blood from the moment she received Avalon. The kick was so powerful that it nearly wrecked her skull if not for Avalon's timely defense.

"Are you going to give up?"

She then saw Einar a few meters away from her and a smile on his face. Artoria knew that she was at disadvantage and any tactic was not gonna work of wicked Einar.

She realized that she got no choice but to go all out against Einar. Every second she came up with a new tactic that would deplete her mana only. It would be foolish to even think about trying to exhaust Einar's mana reserve since she would have to spend an entire day to just halve his mana reserve.

'It's now or never.'

So she stood up, raised her arm, and materialized Avalon in the air.

'O image of utopia, protect your king.'

She prayed.

Blue lines on Avalon soon started to form like ripples and surrounded her like a barrier.

She took a breath of calm before raising her sword straight.

'O holy sword of humanity, show me the power that is being held in this sword, not against an enemy or evil but to gain victory over my friend with respect of this duel.' She mentally prayed as golden ripples formed in the atmosphere and began to be absorbed by her sword.

"Oi, is she serious?" Einar panicked as if guessing her intention. Although the attack couldn't be at the caliber when she used it in anime since he was neither an enemy nor evil, it could still take down since it was called Sword Of Promised Victory for a reason.

He then desperately tried to crack the barrier that has been formed around Artoria but it was of no use.

A golden pillar of light can be seen, piercing clouds, which was emerging from Artoria's sword.

Einar also didn't waste any effort to summoned Chastiefol -sunflower to tackle Excalibur and also started to charge it.

Without waiting for Artoria to move, Einar immediately fired the Sunflower's solar beam straight at Artoria while destroying anything that was coming on its way.


Artoria also opened her eyes and announced the name of her sword. "Exxxxcaliburrrrr!"

Piercing the clouds like butter, the pillar of light from her sword also fell and clashed with the incoming attack from gigantic sunflower.


A big ravaging ball of light formed from the clash of two superpowers and shattered anything that was coming in its way.



Both of them were using every last-ditch effort to push the opposing beam of light. However, the one who was getting overwhelmed was Einar. The beam of light was a compound of rays of the sun and a little bit of holy element of fairies whereas Excalibur was producing the holy light that could vanquish anything as long as the user gained the victory.

'I am glad that she was now a new Artoria, not stupid as before but a person who is a king. Looks like this is it for me.' Einar praised his waifu one final time with a bright smile on his face before he was overwhelmed by Excalibur and engulfed in heavenly light.

BOOOOM* Crack*

With another explosion, the pillar of light stood again as if signaling the victory of Artoria.

Artoria slowly opened her eyes and what she witnessed jolted her spine. Seven meters of the hollow and tens of meters long pit was formed followed by another large crater where Einar was positioned. The sky was also cleared from the impact and bright sun could be seen again.

"Huh? Einar?" She immediately forgot about the duel and her heart started to fill with fear when she didn't sense or see Einar anywhere. She was also exhausted from using her mana completely that she couldn't even call his name properly.

She tried to stand but then felt something pointed at her neck. She widened her eyes and turned around to see bloody Einar.

He was wounded and was bleeding from all over the place while pointing the spear at her neck. With one eye close and rough breath, a smile could be seen on his face while barely hanging. "This is my win."

If not for him placing a teleportation circle behind Artoria before going for the final strike and teleporting right before getting critically wounded, he would be a goner for sure.

He was not some typical hero to be defeated easily with a one-way attack.

Artoria smiled brightly when she found her love alive and nodded admitting her defeat.

"Now catch me…" Einar said and fell on Artoria's arms lifelessly.

Artoria was also weak and tried to hold him but both of them end up falling in each other's embrace.

Both of them looked at each other and then burst into a laugh.

Einar also summoned Pollen Garden to heal both of them. Soft rays began to fall healing, not only couple in each other's embrace but the wasteland underneath too. Flowers and grass also started to bloom.

However, it didn't matter to either of them as they were only staring at each other with affection in their eyes.

"So what do you want in reward?" Artoria asked while slowly caressing Einar's charming face. She knew that a lot of girls and women confessed and sent marriage proposals to him but he rejected all of them since, in his eyes, there was only one woman for his love and that was Artoria Pendragon.

"Just remain on my side and never betray me." Einar told his wish to Artoria.

"Naturally, in the eyes of Artoria Pendragon, there is only one man, Einar Sirius. I won't betray you."

"Then, for the time being, I want a big smooch." Einar then broke the serious atmosphere with his silly wish.

"Ugg fine…." She nodded since, in kissing, Einar always won against her whenever they go for smooching.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, their faces closed the distance with their eyes close and lips meeting each other. They forgot every worry for the time being with love for each other in their heart.

'Einar, please trust me a little. I will make a world for us where we could live with each other.' With this thought of an uncertain future in a split of a second, Artoria again dived in pleasure.


Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1.4k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.8k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

Thank you~

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