Chapter 82: Einar Vs Counter Guardian

(Einar's POV)

For five minutes, I was still wondering where the hell I was. I just got up from bed to take a leak and reassume my sex night again but I found myself in a different place.

The sky was radiating with mixed color and it was safe to assume that it was not the natural sky.

The land appeared to be some kind of ruins of ancient civilization since the buildings were made completely of stones.

Except for the small amount of mana in the air, everything was fine.

"Am I dreaming?"

For the moment, I was confused and was sorting out my situation.

"No, impossible. I would have dreamed of Artoria having big boobs or nestling my head between Scáthach's thighs than seeing these ruins."

I know myself well so it was hard to assume that something was going on that I was not sure of.

"Elaine, can you hear me?"

I asked the spirit of the book since it was the only thing that was with me but I received a broken message.

[Ei--- Ti…e is- s---- in t---- dim----]

"Elaine?!" I yelled and called her but did not receive a clear message but I got the hint that she was warning me.

I was also not able to access mini Avalon in my reality.

In the middle of my thoughts, I just tilted my head instinctively when an arrow shot on the stone in front of me.

"Who is there?!"

I then put some defensive buffs on myself to find out the culprit and found a person holding a bow and arrow.

Shing* Shing*

He shot two more arrows but easily deflected them with my spear.

When looked closely, I immediately recognized the person shooting at me.

"Well, it isn't the wannabe be Ctrl C + Ctrl V hero?"

I smiled and called him.

He then jumped from the roof of a house and walked near me before stopping few meters away.

A tall handsome figure, wearing a tight red and black colored top and black pants, and his head was covered with a hood. However, I could see his tanned skin and his silver hair on the back of his neck.

"Emiya, is it?" I smirked.

"How do you know me?" He asked with a hard voice and removed his hood.

Tanned skin and silver hair standing back, my memory didn't take even a second to sort out the identity of this person. Shirou Emiya or simply EMIYA, the wannabe hero.

"I know more than you, Mr. Hero. So are you here to fight for the waifu because the joke's on you I have already slept with her and she loves my dick so how about you scram." I narrowed my eyes.

"Waifu? The hell you are talking about? I am here to stop you from committing evil and destroying the world."

"The hell?! Since when having sex with gendered bend King Arthur considered evil? If you are talking about having a long dick to sex with 15 years old looking girl then I guess you can call the police." I said and pointed at my bare-hanging beautiful and magnificent dick, a dragon with 5.5 inches in length even in his slumber.

"I will talk but can you wear some clothes first. I hope Mr. Einar doesn't mind fighting with dignity."

"Come on, you are just jealous of my little brother but it is true, I would like to chop your neck and then stand on your head, just give me a second."

I said and then went behind a wall to choose suitable clothing for combat.


(3rd person's POV)

A girl was watching the two men from some distance.

"The Counter Guardian No. 764 won't last long. Little time needed to take 'it' out."

Alaya said and then vanished.


(Einar's POV)

I came out wearing a black jacket and pants not too loose and not too tight to fight easily. My hair was also placed flat on my forehead and I looked like Bully McGuire.

I smiled raised my spear in the air that clashed with two swords on Emiya's hand.

"So you have a sense of pride but not too much to give the enemy too much time."

I said and swung my spear with enough force to send him few meters away.

"You are correct, I don't think it would be wise to give you time to prepare, assuming your strength." He stood up and said.

"Now less talk and more bitchin'!"

I smirked and disappeared.


(3rd Person's POV)

Einar disappeared before reappearing in front of Emiya and a clash between two swords and a spear echoed in the wasteland.

"Khh..." Emiya gritted his teeth before pushing Einar away and created some distance.

But Einar didn't give him any chance as he leaped forwards and swung his spear breaking Emiya's twin swords into pieces.

Emiya then dodged other strikes before slipping backward and taking some more distance.

"Your style kinda reminds me of a hero with a crimson spear," Emiya spoke and materialized another pair of swords but this time he made them much sturdier than before.

"Because we have the same master," Einar said and leaped forward.

Both of them engaged in close combat with each of their swings destroying the land near them.

In the start, it seemed to be a fair duel until Emiya began to lose the edge in the close combat.

"Khh!" After another cut in the fingers and his ribs, Emiya jumped in the air and shot a sword that exploded after contracting Einar.

A big ball of flame engulfed Einar while Emiya leaped backward.

"What, you wanna cry?" Einar came out from the fire giant just fine and smiled at Emiya.

"I was correct to assume that you are indeed trained by a hero creator," Emiya said and created projections of swords around him with their aim at Einar.

"Fight me a little and I will also remind you of a Goldie hero with treasure fetish," Einar smirked and changed his spear into many small kunai.

As if sensing the time of combat, both of them released these projectiles that clashed.

However, Einar's small kunai didn't seem to be any less sturdy than the blades that Emiya created and easily destroyed swords.

"What the!"

Emiya then made more than 15 different swords and shot them too but Einar easily cut all his swords in midair.

"What the hell are you?" Emiya gritted his teeth. He was assigned to eliminate a person who was dangerous to his world. Although he accepted the assignment from Alaya without any question he never expected the person in question would be that strong who was not even fighting properly.

"Hey man, I know you are pathetic and a freaking simp with hero fetishes but don't lose morale just yet. I am not even using 10% of my total strength." Einar smiled.

"Are you mocking me?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I since you came here and pulled me when I was in the middle of making out with my wife?"

"I am Counter Guardian of humanity and I have no qualms on anything other than my assignment to eliminate you."

"In short, you are Alaya's bitch!"

"I have no regards in arguing with you but tell me one thing, what makes you be a threat to humanity that I was summoned with my complete strength?"

"Threat to humanity? I have no idea that I am this harmful."

"Then tell me your real identity. Why such a strong person is never appeared in proper human history? You use 'du lac' as the last name but I have never heard the lady of the lake fostering second child other than Lancelot."


Einar looked at him Emiya dryly then shook his head.

"We both know your inquiry means a shit for both me and Alaya."

Einar then smirked as his appearance began to change

A right-wing on his back and a half-crown began to manifest. His outfit also changed and silver attire with exquisite fabric befitting for a noble.

It was his half-spirit form.

"What?!" Emiya was shocked not only because of the change of appearance but also the combustion of dense mana that Einar released upon taking that form.

It was already hard to even put a good show for Einar and now in this form, it was next to impossible to even think about beating Einar in close combat.

Emiya didn't know if Einar was as strong as or even stronger than the certain king of heroes but even if, Einar didn't seem like a cocky man with high pride that he would lose his guard in battle. Even if there was a smile on his face, Emiya knew that Einar was controlling the flow of the battle.

"Hey, don't give up," Einar spoke when he saw the shock on Emiya's face. "How about this, I will give you 5 whole minutes so use that boner of my sword thing."

"Its Unlimited Blade Works! And I even lost the will to use it after what you called it…" Emiya shook his head.

"It's not my fault that it sounds to cringe. Just hurry up, my dragon is dying to eat my wife."

Emiya closed his eyes and sighed.

With a nod, he raised his arm and began his chant.

"I am the bone of my sword."

"Oh, yea? C'mon, c'mon, you can do it."

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood."

Einar took out his popcorns.

"I have created over a thousand blades."

Einar was reading Jojo while eating popcorns.

"Unknown to Death,"

Einar completed the first volume and onto the second one.

"Nor known to Life."

"Damn, Shisho's thighs have no match." Einar was sorting Scáthach's photos.

"Have withstood pain to create many weapons"

Einar was taking a dump and reading the newspaper.

"Yet, those hands will never hold anything"

Einar finally stood and start stretching his muscles.

"So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works!"

From below Emiya's feet, a new reality emerged until it covered entire ruins into a different reality. Gears were moving in the dark sky while numerous blades were nailed on the dirt of this alternate reality.

"Dear Lord, finally!" Einar took a deep breath and thought that it was a bad idea to let Emiya use that chant.

Emiya opened his eyes and then materialized 15 swords around Einar.

"You are a worthy opponent who is unparalleled even in this situation and would have loved to talk some more about what you know but let's see how can you face this!"

Emiya smirked and clenched his fist.

Swing* swing* Swing*

"What the hell?!" Emiya was shocked as not a single sword was able to even scratch Einar let alone harm and passed him few millimeters away. Einar didn't even move to avoid them.

"Ever heard of luck so good that could even bend 1% of success in my favor?" Einar said standing in the middle of the garden of swords. He then started to move slowly.

Emiya gritted his teeth and made hundreds of swords and shot all of them towards Einar.

This time, however, Einar used 'Increase', and by using long golden daggers, he deflected all of them while moving forward.

Emiya then materialized two swords and ran towards Einar since he was using his weapon to deflect Emiya's swords but-



Out of his book, he took out a sword and blocked Emiya's strike.

Without even thinking of a second, Emiya jumped high and materialized a long crimson spear.

"Gáe Bolg!"

He called the name of his projected weapon and charged the spear towards Einar.

"You can even copy that?! I will sue you copyright- OH SHIT!"


Einar was about to be dodged when the spear directly pierced his heart.


Emiya landed on the ground and looked at Einar who was clearly stabbed in the heart and from the looks of his mana, Emiya knew that he landed a clear strike until-


A hand pierced Emiya's chest.

"Wh… khh…"

Emiya coughed a mouthful of blood and looked behind just to witness Einar perfectly fine.

"Did you forget that I was also trained under magus of flowers Merlin who specializes in illusion magic?" Einar smirked and then pulled his hand out of Emiya's chest.

Emiya didn't even say anything and fell on the dirt like a puppet whose strings have been cut.

Reality also began to disappear and replaced with old ones.

"Cheh, I have to leave this place. I am having a bad feeling." Einar scorned before leaving the site in search of a place to restore Elaine and find his way out.


Rereading it, I don't think I have done a good job writing a proper fight. Can anyone suggest me some light novel to inspire fights?

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