Chapter 84: Alaya and The White Beast

(Einar's POV)

It was 3rd day in an unknown place.

I have no idea how I get pulled myself. For the information, I always had my defensive buffs active even can neglect spatial magic. So the magic of any kind doesn't work on me.

In short, I am immune to magic.

As for the culprit of this event, it was no hidden cause since it was Alaya. I was unable to find it even after spending three days.

Although I didn't face any immediate danger other than the copycat hero, I was still feeling eerie since I came here.

Only three days here but I knew that a mess would begin in the outside world. At that time, I discarded any fact like that since Artoria was not like she used to be plus even if Mordred is mad, she won't take hasty decisions so I was hoping to avoid a battle of Camlann at all cost.

As for this place, it highly resembled the Land of Shadows since fossils of ancient civilization existed here. I also saw a few low-level undead and monsters in this place so I deducted this place existing in the reverse side of the world.

It was a place related to the Scandinavian peninsula of Norse Pantheon since I saw some old runes written on walls.

Except that it was almost deserted.

"Almost done."

In a cave, a person sitting while was holding a book. His book was surrounded by Primordial Runes and he was constantly chanting different runes on the book with complete concentration.

"Elaine, can you hear me?"

It was me who asked.

For the past three days, I was constantly busy fixing the AI of Chastiefol. Elaine's data was completely gone with few fragments of her message. So I had to decode the system then create whole new intelligence on the basis of previous memory.

It is like installing new windows on a PC without losing all the data.

Since I was not able to create any teleportation point to the real world, I put my focus on restoring Elaine and making Grand Spell.

I had to construct Divine Runes for my Grand Spell as it was still incomplete.

[Yes, Einar, I can hear you.]

Yes! It was a success.

Although I modified her personality to a serious one, I was just hoping for her to retain her memories.

"Elaine, can you tell me what happened to me and what is going on?" Without beating around the bushes I asked.

I absolutely didn't want to spend another day in that place.

[Einar, bad news. It is Alaya, the will of humanity.] She answered shortly.

"I know but tell me what the hell happened? I am pretty sure that whatever method she used, it was not magic or at least a normal one."

I was resistant to magic but there also exist some methods that, although looks like magic, were called phenomenon or Mystery.

[It is correct. When you were sleeping, 'it' used an ancient artifact and tried to pull your soul to oblivion where you won't survive even for a millisecond before shattering into pieces but Chastiefol's auto security system reacted on time and pull your whole body here.

However, the cost of it was that I sacrificed Avalon and myself to make your body intact and make this place suitable for you to survive.]

I turned my head down as I was disappointed in myself.

What the hell was the use for being a god and having so many cheats when I could easily be toyed by Alaya who didn't do a shit when the whole Fuyuki was burned to ashes in the series.

Even my Grand Spell was incomplete but considering the amount of mana I had left, it would be hard to complete the spell and fight a powerful enemy that I was fearing would come soon.

[Einar, please don't look down on yourself. It is Will of Humanity that is after you and since it is still the age of mystery, you were able to avoid Alaya for so long is still a feat.]

Elaine tried to encourage.

I nodded and decided to cry about my weakness in the future.

"Now Elaine, tell me more."

[Yes, you see this place or this land is former Asgard of Norse God and was roaming with phantasmal beasts. It was the only place that could favor you so I also have to clean some phantasmal beasts by transporting them to other reality.]

I was ready to cry and for the first time in my life, I was so grateful for her/Chastiefol and my luck that I escaped death at such a crucial time.

[Einar, the real bad news is time dilatation. I don't know exactly but one day could be a week or even a month outside.]

I was astonished when she revealed this news. I was absolutely unaware of this kind of spatial principle.

I never encountered something like that in both other realities i.e. Rhongomyniad and Dun Scaith or Land of Shadows.

How could something possibly exist? But then again with what kind of shit I went through my whole life, anything is possible.

"I have to escape from here." I knew that Alaya was forming some kind of plan behind my back. I don't think few weeks could turn the world upside down but months would.

"Escape to where, bug?"

I heard a feminine monotone voice and immediately took my guard.

On the entrance of the gate standing was a girl with long hair and glowing rainbow eyes. She was wearing silver Japanese Yukata with a long katana in her hand.

"Who are you?"

"Who am I? I suppose I tell you my name, bug."

"My name is Einar!"

I was kinda pissed since she was calling me a bug.

"Then Mr. Einar, as a human courtesy I will call you Mr. Einar, is that alright?" She asked with a monotone.

"Yes! Now tell me who you are!" I didn't know if she was mocking me intentionally since it was hard to read her nonexistent expression.

"Very well. I am what humans called Alaya or Will of Humanity."

She introduced herself. I was also interested to ask why the hell Will of Humanity is a Japanese girl but considering this universe as based on Japanese fiction, I held myself back.

"…And why are you here?" I asked with my eyebrows twitching with anger. She just answers what she was asked.

"To eliminate you."

"Miss Alaya, can you please elaborate your business in one paragraph so that my author and I can avoid useless stuff to fill word count?"

"I am called Alaya, a collective force created by huma-"

"I know! Why the fuck is this happening to me!?"

"Because you are a threat to humanity."

"How the hell I could be a threat when I didn't even do anything?"

"First Mr. Einar, you are someone from another universe, not parallel reality but a whole different universe that shouldn't exist so your existence is itself a threat to humanity according to the law of this world.

Secondly, you are a fairy and now a divine being so your presence in human history is a thorn for the age of men.

Third, you have changed end events so it won't end well for the age that is slowly based on the law of physics and science."

"You bitch! Do you think I care from where I came from? I have the right to live however I want.

Second, I know I am a fairy but how the hell would it affect the age of men?

Third, what is wrong with protecting people you love?"

"None. However, their course of action has changed because of your involvement."

I get it.

"You bitch! You just want to make their end tragic so that they could enter Throne of Heroes and become your slaves, is that right?"

"It is correct with your perspective. And I don't see anything wrong with that since they were moving according to the legend that is the basis of age of men until you appear and messed everything for humans."

Fucking hilarious and disgusting at the same time. Just because I am someone who doesn't originally belong to this universe, doesn't mean that I would just sit and watch people die.

She just wanted Artoria to suffer like the original series so that she generates a desire to correct her mistake and enter Throne of Heroes in search of the Holy Grail.

If I came here with cheats like Chastiefol then the fault lies with the Root of this universe.

[Careful Einar, her eyes are perceiving unseen flaws in your physical body. It is possible that she could cut anything as long as her blade touches your body.]

'I know…'

Even without Elaine, I have already figured her out.

It was a little hard to assess her but I was calculating the flow of magic in her eyes and blade that could cancel even divine magic. It is not much difficult if I keep my distance and fight in the air but the problem is she was not a human and I have no idea of her abilities.

"Can we negotiate?"

"Yes, since Throne of Heroes of my dimension will face crisis so you can enter there and forget about all the people of this world."

"Go to hell!"

"Very well then." She said and snapped her fingers.

My instincts rang crazily when she snapped her fingers. I immediately used Chastiefol Pollen Garden Half Spirit form and covered myself with the further defensive barrier.

"Since you are still a human, I have someone else to deal with you."

Just as she spoke those words and whole cave got covered in intense light.


The whole place was wiped clean where the explosion took place.

The impact was so great that even managed to crack the shield of Pollen Garden which was even further strengthened by my defensive magic.

"Arg!" I didn't know how but I felt a little pain from the impact of that explosion. The pain was also abnormal as it affected my soul!

After the dust was cleared, what emerges within the shadows was the most dangerous existence I had ever seen after Vortigern.

It was 9 meters big Siberian wolf-like beast standing on four legs. It had silver fur with dark stripes on its body but the most terrifying object was its face.

Just by looking at it, a normal person would run with tails between legs.

Even I, who was unfathomable in the face of Vortigern, felt fear in my heart just by looking at the thing.

It opened its mouth and made a deep howl that could even kill a normal human.



Main boss is here.

Anyway guys, I am thinking of doing a Q&A section where I will try to answer all your question.

So ask anything in the comment now.

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