Chapter 87: Animal Abuse

(Einar's POV)

I could see Scáthach standing there and staring at me with mouth wide open. Well, she was not in the wrong as I finally left my humanity to become a Fairy God and achieved True Spirit from.


[Name: Einar Sirius

Race: Fairy God

Age: 33


Strength: B+++ -> A

Mana: EX

Endurance: A -> A+

Agility: A -> A+++

Luck: EX+++]

[Divinity A+++: An active ability that you could use separately to apply special effects on your attacks against any enemy considered evil, corrupted, or judged to be wrong. It also increased the intensity of your attack by 800%]

[True Spirit Form: A temporary form that you have achieved by combining true fairy blood with the Divinity Rank A+++. The host can use this form for a day. It increased Speed and magic attacks by 100%]

Though my parameters didn't seem better except for my luck and agility the divinity and privileges of using True Spirit form far surpass those trivial matters.

I was also feeling great but there was a certain cost.

Anyway, I walked towards Scáthach and gently closed her mouth. I then fixed her clothes which were torn from the fight and whispered in her ear, "Shishou, wait for a little. I will deal with that mutt in no time."

I smiled and without waiting for her response I came out from Pollen Garden that was didn't even take a single scratch from the energy beam the beast just fired.

As if snapped out from her stupor, Scáthach knock the wall of Pollen Garden and spoke, "Wait, how you are going to face it while protecting me?"

Just as she asked, the beast leaped towards me but then received a solid punch from 15 meters giant stuffed bear with six hands.


The beast few and crashed on a boulder like a bullet.

I turned my face and looked at the shocked expression on Scáthach's face. "You were saying something?"


"Hehe, don't worry. As I said earlier, I got this." I assured Scáthach who nodded and just decided to enjoy the show.


I heard a howl and saw the beast sanding up.

"You are a persistent mutt. I think it is time for some animal abuse."

I smirked then materialized hundreds of glowing swords.

"Chastiefol True Spirit: Increase."

I smiled and then turned my finger down.

The swords shined and rained straight on the white beast nailing him on the ground.

"I am still warning you; don't you care about the future of humanity?" Alaya appeared beside the white beast whining in pain.

I didn't listen to a thing she said and snapped my fingers.

A giant 30 meters stem raised from the ground, the bud on top bloomed revealing beautiful sunflower.

"Chastiefol True Spirit: Sunflower."

Just as I called the name, the flower charged itself in no time and fired a devastating energy beam on the embedded white beast.


Like a nuke erasing everything from its existence, a giant dome of energy surrounded the area where it was fired.

I was still sensing the mutt and knew that it was still alive and trying to absorb energy to heal itself but I didn't want to give that mutt a chance so I snapped my fingers again and materialized 20 meters long spear with a flower-shaped blade on its end.

I then poured maximum energy on the spear that made it covered in intense golden flare and then pointed my fingers at the mutt.

"You know what?! Fuck future! Fuck Humanity! AND FUCK YOU! CHASTIEFOL! "

I roared as the spear vanished and clashed with the mutt like a thunderbolt.


I hurriedly dematerialized every form of Chastiefol and entered the Pollen Garden to avoid being sucked in the explosion.

Soon the whole atmosphere turned white due to nuking the area but Pollen Garden still protected both of us.

"What?" I saw Scahatch looking at me like I was some kind of alien.


"You are not seriously thinking to be killed like that, are you?" I asked dryly.

She shrugged her shoulders and looked away.

Then after few minutes, the energy began to dim down as another view started to get clear.

What greeted our eyes was a complete annihilation of land out of its existence.

The land around 3000 kilometers wide turned into nothing less. The explosion was so disastrous that even shook reality itself.

Land of Asgard was gone with one tremendous attack and now in the void, only chunks of land were remaining.

I soon found a dry land around 20 meters and landed the Pollen Garden on it. I then dematerialized Pollen Garden and my True Spirit From.

"Urgg…" I fell on my knees just as made certain of my safety.

"Hang on there, disciple. I told you several times not to push yourself too hard in this kind of situation." Scáthach came and gave me a shoulder but I refused her assistance and stood up.

"Haha, it was the first time that I went all out. But worry not, the fight is over. Victory is mine." I chucked and said.

To be honest, when I came out of Avalon, I had only 8% mana left and I used almost every mana point I had in that assault.

Scáthach was also exhausted since I was couldn't see Gate of Skye anywhere.

"Skadi is angry for destroying her homeland," Scáthach spoke.

"Wait, I thought she died?"

"Yes, she died in a sense of eternal sleep. I have to wake her up to save your ass." She said with a monotone and somewhat sarcastic tone.

"Sorry, I will talk to her later since we have a company here," I said as our sight fell on Alaya's glowing eyes and her katana unsheathe.

"Since I can't act against a human, I don't have to stop myself now," Alaya said and leaped forward straight towards me with the blade pointed straight at me.

"Watch out!" Scáthach also ran to try and protect me but I didn't move an inch.

"As I said the fight is over and victory is mine," I smirked with my hands crossed.


Alaya's blade stopped by another blade of crimson color. Alaya opened her eyes wide when she saw the person holding a large crimson blade.

The person appeared to be another girl around 15 years old with pink bob cut hair and was wearing Japanese bloomers with 'Tanaka' written on them.

"Sister…?" Alaya opened her mouth and called the person opposite to her.

"This is enough, sister." Pink head girl, Tanaka spoke with monotone.

"Why are you defending this bug? He is a threat to humanity. The age of men will hinder or even be halted due to this unwanted existence." Alaya then put away her blade and asked the reason why her sister Tanaka was defending me.

"Everything may sound correct but if you don't stop here then the whole world or even universe could collapse," Tanaka spoke and pointed at me.

"What? How?" Alaya looked at me with questioning looks.

I smirked then materialized a purple orb, Aldan in my hand. It was glowing brightly.

Everyone was confused until Tanaka spoke, "The earth itself left the orbit. There are only a few months or even weeks until the whole world gets destroyed."

Now Alaya and Scáthach widened their eyes.

"The second noble phantasm that I named after my own fate, Fate: Against Fight! My greatest spell, my Grand Spell."

I pronounced the name of my second noble phantasm and my ultimate weapon.

Yes, Fate: Against Fight.

The grand spell that I constructing using Divine Rune to stop Alaya.

The Will of this world is divided into two forces, Alaya and Gaia. The pink head girl was the manifestation of Gaia, Earth's counterforce, and the opposite of Alaya, Humanity's counterforce.

So how could I stop Alaya? There are two ways, either wipe out humanity or bring something of equal force so my bet was Gaia.

How I did that?

My noble phantasm is directly connected to ROOT, the core of this universe where every record of the universe is being kept. I just have to make a command that triggers the ROOT just like I brought Gaia to help me.

I put a command to turn the direction of Earth's moving force from its orbit. Give few more days and the whole earth will soon die down.

Although it is based on the luck factor and looked like suicide bombing, I don't have to worry about it since it worked.

That was my whole plan. If you have to fight something that you can't defeat with normal means then bright something of equal force.

And guess what, it was only one of several functions of my Noble Phantasm.

"Very well. Mr. Einar, I admit my defeat here and I won't try to eliminate you now but please fix this problem." Alaya, as if devoid of any shame, requested.

"Very well." I nodded and snapped my fingers and put another command to fix Earth's rotation and stopped Earth from destruction.

Many people including my beloveds would die and I had no desire to go for genocide if the problem is solved.

I also didn't need to worry about trust since Alaya was not a human and there was no need to worry about something like betrayal.

Alaya stared at me for one final time before disappearing from the spot.

With her final leave, my victory was assured.


Finally! Comment on your thoughts on the final arc.

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