I saw a dream

in the dream, I saw a rectangular piece of paper in white and red, which looked like a first class's plane ticket, which would take off at 8:30 pm which was going to a location that was overseas, Macau, which known as the largest gambling venue in the world nowadays.

in the dream, I was also shown a picture of several slot machines with a certain sequence of numbers. I also saw myself playing poker and some other gambling games.

"ALL IN !!!"

words that sounded and were repeated many times throughout the dream.

the last thing I remember from the dream was a gray Atm machine that was displaying a sum of money with a pretty large number of zeros. I don't even know how much it's worth because it's worth dollars.

Suddenly I woke up from a dream!

I sat down and turned my head to the right and left repeatedly to look around, remembering that I fell asleep as soon as the man who claimed to come from the future and had whatever power his name was put his hand on my head to "give" his strength to me.

I saw the man lying about 1.5 meters to my right. it looks like he's not moving.

I crawled over to check on him. I put my hand on his neck to check his pulse.

not throbbing ...

no signs of breathing, movement, or pulse. he's dead.

"has he given me that power?" That was the question that was in my head.

I flicked the shabby cloth that covered his face to see his face. if viewed properly, the appearance of the level is very unsuitable for this bad appearance. with his soft white skin and his golden yellow hair, he should be the category of woman's dream man.

"Stop, don't move !!!"

there was a shout from the end of this narrow alley. I immediately turned towards the voice.

there, there was a policeman in his 50s, with a height that was a little taller than mine. her skin is neither black nor white. brown hair and eyes.

he was my neighbor ... a few days ago.

"Ah, Tatsuya!" he said with a shocked expression and ran towards me. either because of this corpse or because of me.

"hey! where have you been missing for 2 days? have you eaten? or taken a shower? and also who is lying next to you? did you kill him?"

question after question was asked non -stop. he seemed to be worried about my condition. I feel grateful to have such a caring neighbor.

"N-no! I just saw someone lying here so I came to check on him. I've tried to check his pulse ... it looks like he's dead."

I answered in a panic. I can't say that I caused this man's death.

"oh ... so that's it. all right, let's help me get him in the car to be taken to the police station."

"a- all right"

I helped him shove the body into the police car he was driving to patrol the area designated by his superiors.

After that, I got in the car, then we went straight to the police station.

my neighbor who is categorized as "old" is constantly scolding me relentlessly for disappearing all of a sudden.

our journey from the place to the police station took 20 minutes.

when we arrived at the police station, we took the man's body to the place ordered by the officer there.

after that, I was also interrogated for more information on how I could have been at the scene and what had happened.

after finishing the interrogation, we came out of the police station together because my neighbor's work time was over.

"hey ... want a drink?"

"eh? er ... um ... all right, uncle choose the place."

"Good, uncle will treat you."

after hearing the word "shopping" I smiled and my face looked more cheerful and enthusiastic as if seeing a mountain of gold. we went straight to the cafe chosen by the uncle.

Yamato silver, an adult male in his 50s. He is my neighbor, as well as the person who took care of me since childhood. I don't live with my family but with him for some reason.

When I turned 18, I chose to have my own house so as not to bother them.

but, because at that time I just got a job, my income was not much, and also I did not know how to choose and buy a house that suits my income and comfort.

in the end, uncle helped me or more to arrange all the preparations for me.

in the end, he chose an area that was close to his house because there were many unoccupied rental houses.

to give me the atmosphere of "my own home", he chose a house a few blocks from his house.

I'm grateful to know or even be nurtured by him since I was a child.

we walked to a nearby cafe from the hall.

the distance is only a few buildings from the police station which makes the cafe a stopover for the police during breaks or after returning from work.

"ring" the bell that rings when the main entrance of the cafe is opened, then the fragrant aroma of coffee fills the enclosed cafe space plus air conditioning and air filters that are both branded

makes the atmosphere of the cafe feel calm and comfortable.

we chose a seat that was right next to a large glass window overlooking the outside of the store overlooking the city center.

we sat facing each other. Moments later, a waiter came to take our order.

I saw the cafe's menu. no doubt, this "classic" themed cafe specializes in coffee. there are various variations of coffee on the menu.

Remembering my uncle's word, "treat", I chose the coffee I wanted the most.

Immediately after we made the order, my uncle asked me, "so, tell me what happened" with a serious tone and eyes.

I told you everything that happened.

Of course, I didn't tell him about my meeting with the man. I'm sure it will cause bigger problems.

"huff ... so that's it"

he let out a sigh of relief as soon as he heard my story. there is no doubt that he worries me as much as a father worries his son.

"So ... where have you been staying for a few days?"

"err, that's ... I just slept on the side of the hallway"

"Then why didn't you call me?"

"As I said earlier, my phone fell into the lake."

"Why don't you come to my house right away. Isn't it only a few blocks away?"

"I don't want to bother you"

"what do you mean by not bothering! yourself wandering like a crazy person is even more troublesome! what will happen if ... blah ... blah ... blah ..."

I was lectured for hours non -stop. a little hard to enjoy the drink I had ordered but at the same time, I felt happy because there were still people worrying about me.

the clock shows 4 p.m. I don't know how many drinks I've ordered.

"O townspeople !!!"

heard an announcement from the direction of the city center.

"Today, we will present punishment for those who oppose the king!"

My eyes were glued to the voice. I hurried out of the store to head towards a place where many people gathered while my uncle paid for our order.

I saw a stage in the middle of the crowd. although a little difficult, I could see several people being handcuffed in the corner of the stage and a man dressed in a red and white robe.

"Wait a minute! That ..."

I saw a person I knew among one of the handcuffs.

"erm ..." the uncle standing right to my right said it to me in a whispering tone while nodding and looking down.

"I'm the one assigned to hold her so it's not wrong anymore that's the woman you mean."

the person my uncle and I mean is an old woman in her 60s. the old woman is the person who manages the orphanage in the city.

When I was little, the woman often took care of me to replace Uncle Yamato when Uncle was having a job in a distant place.

"But why?!"

I whispered as I looked at my uncle.

"the woman was guilty of disobeying the nobleman's order. her orphanage or more to the land in the area was desired by one of the nobles. despite being given a high offer, the woman still refused it."

uncle said it in a sad tone and expression.

"In the end, the nobleman decided to punish her. Even when I handcuffed her to be arrested, the woman kept smiling."

I looked at my uncle with an expression that did not want to believe his words.


"The woman said to me 'take care of the children because they are the ones who will bring a future whether bright or dark to us' while smiling."

Uncle turned his face away from me.

then I also turned my face towards the stage.

even at this moment, the old woman was still smiling.

"they are guilty people !! people who will be an example as the punishment to be received if they disobey the king's order! and the king's order is to obey the words of the nobles! on this sunny Thursday, we will execute them!"

every Thursday is a day where all those who disobey the king's order will be put to death in front of everyone right in the middle of the city as it is now as an example for those who disobey the king.

head after the head was beheaded in front of a crowd after each of them had said their will.

red blood dripped in all directions, the stench of corpses grew stronger and made my nose ache.

it's the old woman's turn.

"So, is there a last word?"

the words were asked by the robed man to the old woman with a cynical smile.

The old woman nodded.

"The last words I want to say may not be important to you but, I still want to say it. The future will come. Age will also increase. The old at this time will die while the young at this time will grow old. The future depends on it. to the leaders and who will lead in the future are those who are young today. whether it's a brighter future, or even a darker one, it all depends on you young people. so please take care of yourselves. "

"Is there anything else?"

the question was asked to the old woman from the robed man.

The old woman shook her head and smiled.

the disgruntled -looking cloaked man's face turned happy as he smiled cynically very quickly while the face from the head to be beheaded was still smiling.

the large, sharp machete that had been used to decapitate the head was ready to be swung.

again, for the last time blood splattered in all directions. just for today.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"that's all for today. please come again next week!"

the man let out a scream with a cynical smile.

on second thought, the old woman's words were true. the future is in the hands of the younger generation.

and I was one of the younger generations that the old woman meant.

plus, if it is true that I have received future strength as the man says, then the responsibility given to me is quite great.

I, will make a better future!