Chapter 5

( Everybody thank you for your support and comments on improving this fanfic. English is not my first language so please bear with me. I shall be doing my best though the this fanfic shall slow down a bit since my exams for school are coming soon. I need to prepare for them but I can learn things quite fast so not too much problem. So the comments say they want MC to learn Soru and Geppo so it shall be done. I want him to learn all of the six styles or at least Tekkai, Rokugan and Kami-e. Anyway hope you enjoy chapter 5 and hope you try to spend your power stones here.)

In the morning of the Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

Sunshine shined through the windows waking up Wolf. Wolf woke up then went to do his regular training. He knew he needed to get stronger so he can get a decent foothold in this world. After all in this world, only strength is valued and respected. Wolf had made plans which included earning military merits and redeem them for teachers. He already had chosen what teachers he wanted to teach him but some of them are pirates. The question is how will he convince them to teach him their respective styles. He also wants learn " Ryuo" or the haki luffy learned in Wano which allows him to emit his Haki a short distance without a medium. It was a great counter against Kaido and was used by Whitebeard, Roger and Oden. He wanted to imitate a few of their moves and create a few of his own.

Wolf wears his clothes and walks towards the Fleet-Admiral office to receive his rank and and reward he earned after his fight with Doberman. As he walks to the office, he could the whispering around him as he walked. He was able to hear a few bits of whispers like "Monster" and "Freak". He instantly got angered as he remembered his previous life ridicule. Wolf wiped all of his emotions on his face as he knocked on the door.

"Come in" came the muffled, annoyed voice of Sengoku and loud, boisterous of Garp. Must be the same comedic routine as in the anime. Garp annoys Sengoku for some reason before the latter smacks him, reprimands or eats his food. He was surprised to see another person sitting there and raised his eyebrow when he figured who it was. Sitting there was Vice-Admiral Tsuru also known as "Great Staff Officer" and was revered by the female marines.

"Fleet Admiral, I am here to receive my rank to officially join the marines and hunt for pirates." Wolf says in slightly lazy but attentive voice. Sengoku showed a small smile at this and threw him a Marine coat with epaulets of Vice-Admiral and a envelope containing a 100 million berry.

"Here you go, your rank is Vice-Admiral, the third highest rank you can get making you in charge of anyone below of you. You also will accompany buster call with along with 4 other admiral. The money you received is pay so you can buy equipment and clothing. Do you have any questions." Sengoku tells him with a smile. Seems like he is in a happy due to getting a strong seedling.

"I have hit a roadblock in my haki practice and need to a teacher to develop it further. I was wondering if I could be trained by anyone strong like Vice-Admiral Garp." Wolf says as you could hear a bit of nervousness in his voice. He was waiting for an answer thinking maybe he was a bit too hasty since he officially joined like literally for a min.

" Haha, you want be trained by me, then you need to quickly accumulate a bunch of military merit in order to learn more." Garp exclaims in a loud, boisterous voice annoying Sengoku but getting a smile out of Tsuru .

"Calm down Garp, but Garp is correct you need to earn a lot of military merit which you earn by catching pirates. Instead of getting their bounty, you get military merit which you can redeem in order to learn Rokushiki, Swordsmanship and Haki. It can also be used to climb to higher ranking in the marines." Sengoku gets irritated at interrupting him but then uses a neutral tone to tell him.

"Thank you." as Wolf turns to leave but then is stopped by Sengoku.

"Oh before you leave, here is the copy of the rokushiki. You may choose 2 to take with you but you may not show it to anyone." Sengoku puts a copy of each rokushiki and tells him in a serious tone to pick one. Wolf puts a excited face and quickly picks Soru for speed which he lacks and Geppo for when he is fighting on the sea.

" Thank you again, I will be taking my leave to go do my job." Wolf responds with a neutral face but you hear excitement in his tone. He proceeds close the door and leave from the office. Sengoku, Tsuru and Garp smile at his excitement making them remember their youth.


Wolf was walking wearing his new Vice-Admiral coat when he bumped into someone. Wolf looked down to see a young girl wearing glasses holding one of the Grade Swords "Shigure". Shigure is a normal katana with a green handle and a green guard with a four-petaled design. The blade itself is normal. The sheath is elaborate, with the first half with a green and bumpy design, while the second half is white and smooth. There are circular designs embedded on the entire sheath. Next to her is a girl with pink hair wearing aviator glasses on her forehead. The former's name is Tashigi and in the future will be serving Smoker as a marine officer in G-5 base. The latter is Hina or in the future known as "Black Cage".

"I am so sorry about that, I did not watch where I was going. I'll be more careful next time." Tashigi says as she cradles her head looking up at him with those watery dark brown eyes. Her and Hina eyes widen in recognition and fear as they remember him defeating Vice-Admiral Doberman and the burst of Conquerors haki in the hallway. Wolf frowns at this and tries to comfort them.

"It's fine, it was my mistake. I was not looking where I was going. Haha, guess I need to be more careful in the future." Wolf says with a bright smile making Hina and Tashigi have small blushes. On the other hand, our dense MC is showing a bright front outside while sweating bullets on the inside." Ahhh!!, Did I mess up somewhere. You do it like this right, they make it so much easier in anime than they in real life. I never had to comfort girls."

"I was going to going to the docks to get my boat and sail to catch pirates." Wolf says interrupting the girls from their thoughts. They look at him in amazement since a person their age or in hina's case a few years younger already catching pirates. This causes Tashigi and Hina to blurt out one the first things that come to their mind.

"Teach me swordsmanship and the way you were able to dodge Vice-Admiral Doberman attacks without looking at him." Tashigi exclaims with a determined expression. Wolf swore he saw a fire burning in her eyes.

"Teach me that black armor thing you covered your arm with and how to use my devil fruit better. You ate a similar fruit to me." Hina exclaims not wanting to be left behind. She shot him a look" You better teach us."

" Uh, well you could wait until you are fighting the pirates. Right now you are " Wolf exclaims as he is overwhelmed by their questions but shows seriousness about haki.

"Okay, but what is this haki you speak off. Both Hina and Tashigi look at him confusion in their big eyes and in their tone. Wolf thinks only one word at that time "Cute".

"Haki is a mysterious power that allows the user to utilize their own spiritual energy for various purposes. It can be used to sense people's spiritual energy and predict their actions, give the user a protective coating of spiritual energy, and, for a certain group of "chosen ones", overpower the willpower of others. It can also bypass devil fruit requirements and hit them. Like this." Wolf says this with a serious face as he then slightly flicks both Tashigi and Hina. It makes them puff up in anger and glare at him.

"Alright, I shall see yo ladies later. Who knows when may meet each other." Wolf exclaims as he slowly walks away from the ladies. If he looked behind him, he could see their faces a bit red.

Wolf smiles at the conversation they had erasing his bad mood he had before. Wolf enters the docks as many look curiously at him when they freeze in a shocked expression. They quickly stand up and salute him. Wolf looks at this and has a small smile in his face. His hard work for 10 years has finally paid off but he must quickly get stronger. First he must learn Soru and Geppo and find pirates to catch. He is going to Loguetown to get Yubashiri and Yamaoroshi from Ipponmatsu and Billy" The Orca Killer" respectively. It was really triggering when one of the 50 Skillful Grade Sword got destroyed instead of the Grade Sword Sandai Kitetsu.

Wolf mutters "Wood ship" making a boat that he could control with his devil fruit. He used the wind blowing and made his boat with the lightest wood but strong enough to tank a few cannon shots. It would take a week before he could reach Loguetown. In that time he wanted Soru and Geppo to be used in battle. It would most likely take him a month to master both Soru and Geppo due to him having a good build, stamina and muscles. His body was a lot stronger than regular human due to him weight lifting and the nutrients of the food provided by the Sea Kings and Giant Animals on the island. Though he forgot food, he could get it at Loguetown when he arrives there. For the time being, he could imitate photosynthesis to a certain degree before he starting hurting his cells. It would not fill him up but sate his hunger for now.

Wolf opens the Soru book as he looks on how to learn it. The principle behind this move was to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye. It allowed users move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power. When Wolf tried to perform it, he immediately smacked himself into the mast of the ship making a man-shaped bump in there. Wolf cries in pain and grumbles in anger of smacking into the mast. Wolf performs this multiple times before he finally being use it. It was more of a swift run than a vanishing speed from Soru but it was progress so he did not mind too much. Wolf went to his cabin room and fell on his bed in exhaustion and bit of hunger. He performed this routine of getting up, washing himself before performing Soru and then going to sleep in exhaustion. On the 3rd day he finally able to master Soru and now include Geppo in his routine but he still focused on Soru like for an hour but mostly he focused on Geppo. After a entire week of working hard and mastering Soru and Geppo, he finally reached Loguetown where he will start his journey of being a marine.