Chapter 6

(Thank you for your nice comments. I am happy if you guys wants to critique my writing skills or plot to help me make it more enjoyable for other people. I just want you guys not just barrage me if that happens. I have many problems IRL so I will be doing my best to make sure this fanfic survives long enough. I might open patreon account if my fanfic gets in the top rankings for more people to help me keep this fanfic running. There will be perks with patreon like maybe bending the plot with adding OC characters with original devil fruits. Anyway thank you for your support and hope you enjoy chapter 6)

He quickly sailed his wooden ship to the port of Loguetown and put the anchor down. He grabbed his marine coat signifying him as a Vice-Admiral and his money. He could not forget to grab ingredients for cooking and a fridge so he could store in it making it more preserved. He could make decent meals on the island and in his previous life so it was too much of a problem. He first wanted to get Yubashiri from Ipponmatsu and leave Sandai Kitetsu for Zoro. He also wanted to swing by a restaurant to get something to eat. He even wanted to visit the execution stand where Gol D Roger(Gold Roger) died. As he was walking towards the Ipponmatsu' shop, he heard shooting and screaming sounds of women and men. He quickly ran towards the location but not before making a clone in order to sneak on them. A clone could use a tree bind making them perfect trappers to trap pirates. He moved around to see a bunch of pirates being surrounded by marines. The marines could not do much since the pirates were holding a bunch of civilians hostage. Wolf saw that some of the women's clothes were a bit torn-up and were a bit bloody. Wolf was getting angry at their behavior as they were simply laughing at holding hostages.

"Advent of a World of Flowering Trees" Wolf mutters as he uses the branches to grab hold of the hostages and pirates alike making them get surprised at their actions. The pirates try to break out of the bind but they are unable to break free. The pollen produced by these flowers is then released into the atmosphere and inhaled by the pirates. rendering them unconscious. The marines looked shocked at the intrusion of someone else. They were about to reprimand him for stealing their glory when they got a good look at him. He was wearing a marine coat signifying him him a headquarter vice-admiral. They quickly gulped at this and saluted. They all had one thing going through their brain rightnow. "What the hell is a Headquarter Vice-Admiral doing here."

"It's alright now you are safe, marines take them to a safe place. Understood and someone tell me what pirates these are now and how much bounty they have. Also place them in seastone cuffs and take them to the marine base." Wolf shouts as the marines scramble to do what they are ordered to. Some of the marines quickly brought seastone cuffs and put them. A marine came forward and informed Wolf that these pirates' were knows as the "Yes Pirates", led by the Billy The Orca Killer with a bounty of 3,000,000, berries. Wolf smiles at his luck and thought he would have to wait around 4 years more to get Yamaoroshi( 50 Skillful Grade Sword).

"Get me a den-den mushi to headquarters and get the sword in possession of Billy now." Wolf shouts as he slowly walks to get the sword from a marine recruit's hand. The marine looks at him awe and respect making Wolf smile at him. He looks around the age of 12 and Wolf pats his head. He quickly gets a den-den mushi for emergency purposes or when luffy reaches water seven so he could go meet them and have duel with Zoro with swords in 4 years. Wolf has a goal, he wants to be a admiral in 4 years meaning he has to tie with a current admiral and have a good amount of military merits.( I am going to increase the 3 admiral limit to 4 when Wolf joins cause I am can. Comment if you want me to or if you want me replace the current admiral in the future.)

Wolf goes to the shop where Ipponmatsu was looking at him with a smile.

"Welcome customer, please call me if you want help on something. We do everything like sword maintenance and sell any kind of weapon like axe, cutlass and katana." Ipponmatsu says with a bit of greedy smile as he looked at Wolf. His eyes widen when he identified Yamaoroshi hanging on the waist of Wolf. He tried to find ways to scam him but stopped him when Wolf looked at him releasing a bit of his Haoshoku Haki making Ipponmatsu sweat and take a step bit back.

"If you don't mind me asking what is the best sword you have." Wolf says this with a fake smile as he wants to see if Ipponmatsu will lie to him about Yubashiri. Ipponmatsu thinks for a few secs about his family heirloom but banishing that thought.

"No sir, these swords are only one I have." Ipponmatsu lies through his teeth making Wolf get a bit annoyed at him. He can't lie well everything from his posture to the shuffling of his feet erratically shows his nervousness like a deer about to get chased. Wolf nods and walks towards the bin where Sandai Kitetsu lays. He knew he would not take the sword so he did it the Zoro way which meant having the chance of Sandai Kitetsu chop through my arm. I don't care Shanks was still strong without the use of his right hand and I can maybe grow one out wood like Kuzan did with his leg after the fight at Punk Hazard. He picks out Sandai Kitetsu and can feel something inside the sword and soul connecting but not like a permanent more like a temporary. This sword understood his intentions as being temporary until Zoro came and claimed it. It was scary that a sword has some kind of consciousness.

" That is the 3rd Kitetsu, it is cursed like all of other his brethren swords. In my good conscience I cannot let you choose this sword." Ipponmatsu says with a serious tone making Wolf laugh. Ipponmatsu look confused at his then turn indignant that this man is laughing at his warning.

"Well this sword is cursed, then let's see if it accepts as it's owner." Wolf states as he throws the sword up and puts his arm out on the course of where it was going to land. Ipponmatsu gasps at his actions and screams at Wolf for his carelessness and how "It will take your arm off". This made him more determined afterall how can he become a swordsman if a sword rejects him. The sword slowly descends spinning back and forth drawing nervous, yet determined gaze of Wolf and the angry, yet worried gaze of Ipponmatsu. The sword looks like it is able to about cut when suddenly it swerves to the side not even putting a scratch on the skin of Wolf.

"Wait right there, don't go anywhere." Ipponmatsu mutters as he quickly runs through a door behind his counter. Wolf could hear shuffling of feet and sound of something breaking as Ipponmatsu brought something to the table. He took of the cloth and showed it to Wolf.

"Sorry for trying to lie to you but this is my best sword. It is a family heirloom but I think I can give it you. You have true spirit of a swordsman. This is one the 50 Skillful Grade Sword Yubashiri(Snow Chaser) just like your Yamaoroshi(Wind Blowing down from the Mountain). And I want to give it you." Ipponmatsu, he may fit the typical cynical, unscrupulous, and money-grubbing but he still holds a genuine passion for swords and swordsmanship. He gave it to the one who knows how to truly use a sword. Wolf picks Yubashiri and feels a connection between them just like between Yamaoroshi when he had it. He admires the craftmanship on the sword and thinks one word "Beautiful". Wolf thanks him and tries to pay him but Ipponmatsu refuses it. Ipponmatsu is confused when he puts Sandai Kitetsu back where it was.

"There will a swordsman who will have a better connection with Sandai Kitetsu than me and will wield it to his true strength." Wolf says as walks out of the shop leaving a confused Ipponmatsu pondering over his words. Wolf was excited since he finally got a good pair of swords and was

wondering if he should go and get Enma or Shusui from Wano and Gecko Moria respectively but decided to leave it. He did not care about some stronger swords, he would become strong without them. He then decided to treat himself in a restaurant as he quickly dispatched another hopeful pirate crew of entering the grandline about worth 15,000,000 berries. He caught them and sent them to the marine base. He hated pirates but respected (Akagami) Shanks and Edward Newgate(Whitebeard). He wanted to quickly find a swordsmanship teacher and then go fight higher level pirates in order to break through his haki limits so he could train it more. Wolf was interrupted through his thoughts as his den-den mushi was called.

"Who is this and what is the order." Wolf says this and is wondering what the people back at marine headquarters want.