Wolf slowly enters the bar looking to see if he can spot someone there. He spots a slim and tall woman with short black hair, with two tufts pointing upwards and is always seen smoking a cigarette. She was wearing a pink, V-neck t-shirt that exposes her stomach with a black spider on it beneath a black jacket with pink lines running down the sleeves that has a collar with wing-like cuffs. She also wears a yellow beaded necklace, pants that have a giraffe-like pattern, and a belt with a white cardigan tied around it. She also wears white shoes and has painted fingernails. Wolf recognizes her as Shakky, wife of Silvers Rayleigh. While not stronger than Rayleigh, she is still strong enough to defeat pirates quite easily. He quickly sits down and asks for whiskey that Shakky delivers after a few mins. Wolf is a big fan of whiskey even though he only drinks on joyous occasion. He sips on the whiskey and sighs in bliss which does not go unnoticed by the amused Shakky.
"So what do you want marine kiddo." Shakky asks with a smile on her face. She is surprisingly nicer than he thought she would be to marines. Wolf knows she is really good at information gathering due to the fact she knew about the Eleven Supernovas and she is always able to make the assessment based on how the news react to the movements of pirates. So no surprise she was able to find out that he is part of the marines.
"I am looking for your husband, need to talk about something." Wolf replies not all hiding that he is part of the marines looking for the Pirate King's Right Hand Man "Dark King" Silvers Raleigh.
"Ahh, he is gone at the moment but should be back in a few hours. Want to order something, I'll give you a discount." Shakky says as she looks at him a mischievous smile when he remembers her prices. He tries to deny it but his traitorous stomach chose that exact moment to grumble making a smile on her face to widen a bit. Shakky took his order and started to make it. After 20 mins, she placed 2 plates pasta and 1 plate of Seafood Risotto making Wolf's mouth water at this. Wolf quickly dug into his food and then sighs in delight at the food made by her. Shakky looks at Wolf's reaction and starts laughing at Wolf making him feel embarrassed a bit.
"So tell me kiddo, what do you need my husband to do." Shakky asks Wolf curious why a newly instated Vice-Admiral would seek out a retired pirate. She had thoughts about him trying to capture but she just laughed at that notion, after all even admirals had trouble fighting her husband.
"I will tell you both when he arrives." Wolf replies in a monotone voice not revealing anything. Shakky was about to say something when the bells jingled meaning someone was coming inside. Wolf looks over to see Rayleigh standing there looking at him with a critical eye. Rayleigh is an elderly man of relatively tall height with a very strong and defined build. Two of his most distinguishing traits are his round glasses and facial hair, which is arranged embattled across his lower jaw. He also has a scar over his right eye, which he has had for many years.
"So Shakky who is our guest." Rayleigh looks him recognizing him as the newest and youngest Vice-Admiral. Shakky goes to tell him but is interrupted by Wolf.
"I want you take me under your wing and teach me." Wolf exclaims as he goes down on his knees. Rayleigh is surprised by his action and Shakky is shocked. After all, no marine will go on their knees in front of a marine.
"And why do you want me to train you. I am a retired pirate and you are marine, we are enemies." Rayleigh as he goes dismiss him when he feels a pressure. Rayleigh is shocked at this recognizing this is as Conqueror's Haki. Rayleigh turns back to look at Wolf recognizing that expression as the one Roger had one when someone had hurt his crewmates. Rayleigh could see similarities between his partner Roger and Wolf. Rayleigh just shakes his head and decides to see what his answer on why he wants training from him.
"Tell me why do you want training from myself. You have many people in the marines like Garp and Sengoku." Rayleigh saying this because he was curious of his answer. Wolf with no hesitation exclaims,
"Most marines are either corrupt or their views on justice are so butchered that they will destroy an entire island to satisfy either the celestial dragons or the higher-ups from the marines. Some marines are either in league with pirates or just greedy about power or riches. I joined the marines to gain strength but now I want to protect the innocent civilians. I want to drag the celestial dragons from their thrones and show them that they are not anything special. I want to rebuild the marines into those who protect those who cannot. I want to take down pirates who simply benefit on the misery of others or kill for their enjoyment and pleasure." Wolf says this with such enthusiasm making Rayleigh smile at this.
" Very well, I can teach you for 9 months, no more no less. Come here tomorrow so I can test your level and see what I want can teach you. Also I want a favor so I can cash in later." Rayleigh says this with a smile making Wolf rapidly nod his head up and down. He can get taught by a legend making his haki training improve smoother and faster. Wolf finishes his meal and leaves to go back to the marine base.
" Why did you agree to his request Ray." Shakky asks as she puts down her cigarette to look at Rayleigh with a serious expressions.
"He reminded me of Roger with all of that determination. Too bad the marines scooped up him up but getting that favor means that other 2 golden egg is safe." Rayleigh explains with a serious but as the conversation goes on, his eyes soften and a few tears leak out.