mana Contro.

after i woke Up i drank som Brest Milk and after dat i treid to Control my Mana it was very hard but after 5 days i was Able to sense and control my Mana.

{ passiv Skills acquired }

meine Sens LV 1

mana Control LV 1

yes!! finally i can Control my Mana!! ahham Menü

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Name: Robert dragonheart





first steps

passiv skills:3

x2 XP LV 1

mana Sens LV 1

mana Control LV 1


slow Mana Regeneration LV 1

extra mana pool Small LV 1

slow HP Regeneration LV 1


HP 7/7

Mana 2/4

mana+ 0/1

stamina 4/5

Strength 2

speed 2

dexterity 0.1

damage 0,02/0,03

hmm i Wonder wai the skills slow Mana Regeneration extra mana pool Small and slow HP Regeneration Ar skills and Not passiv skills? let my try Mana Regeneration. i begin to feel Mana flowing tru my body. i say Menü

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Name: Robert dragonheart





first steps

passiv skills:3

x2 XP LV 1

mana Sens LV 1

mana Control LV 1


slow Mana Regeneration LV 1

extra mana pool Small LV 1

slow HP Regeneration LV 1


HP 7/7

Mana 3/4

mana+ 0.1/1

stamina 2/5

Strength 2

speed 2

dexterity 0.1

damage 0,02/0,03

it is Like a small Mana boost but it costs my stamina and slow HP regen probably also costs stamina and wat abaut mana pool Small?? well i don't nou. Nau my next goal is to geht appraisal and to continio working on my Magic skills.

and sou Robert begon working everyday on hi's skills and leveled dem Up. after 5 days hi acquired the Skill appraisal at LV 1.

{ Skill acquired }

appraisal LV 1

yes i finally have appraisal. letz jus it on my Mother appraisal


Ook letz du it Agen


and Agen


and Agen


{ appraisal Level Up }

AA my head i Just appraisal tu much but my appraisal Leveld Up. i say skills


slow Mana Regeneration LV 3

extra mana pool Small LV 2

slow HP Regeneration LV 1

appraisal LV 2

alright dat is Verigut and Nau stats

HP 7/7

Mana 5/5

mana+ 2/2

stamina 2/5

Strength 3

speed 3

dexterity 0.3

damage 0,03/0,04

alright that's weri gud. Nau i Just nee to continue working on my skills. and so the dead.

3 months later. Nau that my Strength is high enaf i am Able to crawl around the Haus.

Julien. häi Robert komm to Vater. and Up Whit you. Julien pixup Robert and juses appraisal on Robert.

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Name: Robert dragonheart





first steps

passiv skills:-

x2 XP LV 2

mana Sens LV 3

mana Control LV 3


slow Mana Regeneration LV 7

extra mana pool Small LV 4

slow HP Regeneration LV 1

appraisal LV 6


HP 9/9

Mana 7/8

mana+ 5/6

stamina 8/8

Strength 6

speed 5

dexterity -

damage 2/4

wow hahaha my Baybi Boy is already dis Strong at your age den hau Strong Wil you bi wen you Ar an adult hahaha dis is ausom i am Gana make you in tu a very strong Warrior and Juhr Marthar Wil teach juh Magic juhr Gana by a wery Strong Boy. Leonie. yes master you Kold my. Julien yes Bring my son to hi's bed it is very late. Leonie. yes master and good night master.

next day.

john hmm waht to du today letz Go to the library and read some books yes dat sounds like a good idea. in the library. Robert she's a book nehmt Skill/passiv skills list al the skills/passiv skills known to mankind.

Robert takes the book and begins reading.

the book is by difficulty to get an Race sorted

there are 9 Races


Beast man

Dragon man







onli a specific race kann get som of the skills and the Rest of the skills everyone is capable of get them. Robert read through the back there are some skills that catches his eyes like.

fire breath, iron skin, tailwhip, cooking, crafting, smashing, flying, Elementles magic, space Magic and item Box. but fire breath is a Dragon man Skill and tailwhip is a beastman/Dragon man Skill. at that Moment Rose Kame and picked up Robert Schi Fed im den chains his diapers and Schi put him to sleep. the next day .

Robert made his way to the library and continue reading the books.

4 months later.

Nau i am 7 months old and i am able to walk. Nau let's have a look at my Menü

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Name: Robert dragonheart





first steps

passiv skills:3

x2 XP LV 2

mana Sens LV 16

mana Control LV 15


slow Mana Regeneration LV 13

extra mana pool Small LV 8

slow HP Regeneration LV 1

appraisal LV 19


HP 17/17

Mana 15/15

mana+ 8/8

stamina 15/16

Strength 9

speed 8

dexterity 3

damage 5/7

yes i am growing quite nicely. today i have sword training with father in the afternoon.

Julien. Rose today i am Gana teach auer son how to use a sword. Rose. isn't hey too young too train? Julien. yes but hi's very strong at hi's age hi's stats Ar


HP 17/17

Mana 15/15

mana+ 8/8

stamina 15/16

Strength 9

speed 8

dexterity 3


and Hi has the passiv skill x2 XP sou i think that it is a good idea to trainng him as soon as possible sou that in The future hel bekom very strong. Rose. sigh yes datlbi very good If hil be

strong. Albright train him den i'll teach him Magic. Julian. yes dhat sounds good.

in the afternoon.

Julien. komm on Robert hit harder. Robert. yes father!

{ Skill acquired }

swordsmanship beginner LV 1

at dat Moment i started moving faster hitting harder and my Stans was much better than before and my father was flabbergasted.

Julien. Robert did you geht the Skill swordsmanship beginner LV 1? Robert. yes father i Just Gott dat Skill Julien. that was very fast normali it takes almost a year but you just took an afternoon you Must haw a afinity with the sword and you haw that Skill x2 XP sou that would explain wai it ounli tuk you one afternoon.

Robert. sou you nou that i haw a Skill Colt

x2 XP? Julian. yes i nou i haw appraisal after all

Robert. aha alright father letz continue training Julien. alright letz continue and we are finished you must tell me at what level you are.

Robert. alright father.

at the end of the day.

pfiu that was wery exhausting father. Rose. Boys dinner is ready please go and take a bath and com eat dinner! Robert/Julien. yes we are on our way!!

on the way to the bath Tab.

Julian. Robert at was Level Ar you right now. Robert. my swordsmanship is at Level 5.

Julian. !!! what already Level 5!!!

Robert. yes.

after the boys Take a bath Thai Go and eat dinner at the dinner table Julien teils Rose what happend and Schi is flabbergasted. Rose tolld Robert that tomorrow is Magic praktisch.