
~What am I doing here?~

I'm sitting here waiting for Luca to come back and get me, like some damsel in distress.

I hate him. I hate everything he brought into my life.

Yet, My feet don't move. they keep me seated here, wondering when Luca will return.

My eyes dart nervously around the room as Travis dabs at my neck tenderly with a wet paper towel; wiping away the dried blood.

I'm not sure if Travis feels awkward about this, or maybe he feels burdened to do it, because Luca told him to. Either way, he's been pretty quiet since he took me back to the club room to help me clean up. We're the only two in here, us and the ping pong tables. He seems like the quiet-type, but the silence is itching at me and making my heart race. Or maybe he's blood shy... Although a blood-shy vampire seems a little weird.

"erm," I try to talk to him, "You really don't have to help me. My roommate will be more than willing to-"

"They didn't bite you, did they?" Travis asks the first question since we entered the room, and cuts off my earlier words.

~Bite me?~

The question turns my stomach.

"n- no." I answer timidly, the bold anger I felt earlier has dried up and honestly I feel embarrassed about all the things I said to Luca.

~Did I really tell him to stop acting like a Knight in shining armor?~

I feel like face-palming at the memory.

"That's good." Travis says, and releases a shaky breath that makes me nervous.

"Are you-" I begin, "are you alright?"

Travis stands quite abruptly at this question, "Yes." He says, then crosses the room. "Luckily, it's not a very deep cut." He says, "It should heal quickly." He goes to a wooden cabinet that hangs from the wall by a single nail, and retrieves a white box from inside. "Luckily, Hezi showed me where we keep the first aide kit."

"I didn't even know we had one of those." I say, as Travis walks back toward me. He's looking at my neck as he approaches me, and I hope it's just because that's where the cut is.

He sits down beside me again, and I get a glimpse of his eyes. They're dilated. So dilatated, that I can barely see the iris. It surprises me so much that I scoot away from him when he reaches to touch my neck again.

"Don't worry." He says, and tips my chin up so I can't see him, "I'm just gonna put a bandage on the main cut."

I swallow hard when I feel his finger run along my jugular.

~Don't panic, Tia. He's just helping. Stop overthinking it.~

Travis wraps a strip of gawz around my neck, and when he's finished I stand to my feet hoping to get some distance between us. His eyes are still dilated when I look at him, and he stands when I do.

"You should be careful," He warns, "Don't stand too fast, You lost a lot of blood." he takes another step forward and he's looking at my neck again. It makes me nervous, I can't help but be uneasy with a vampire staring at my neck.

My dad went to so many extremes to keep my neck covered my whole life so that vampires wouldn't see it. But now its open and vulnerable. And even if Travis has no ill-intentions, I'm still nervous.

"I- I should get going." I point behind me and back up toward the door, but my back runs into something hard. I spin around and find myself standing in front of Luca's chest.

~When did he get here!?~