Bettina looked at herself in the mirror, incredulous. I couldn't believe that hair color made such a difference! The dye had changed its blond tone to a brown with golden highlights. It looked completely natural and she was a new woman.

The transformation was aided by the fact that Bettina decided to cut her hair. At the first blows of the scissors, he looked with some regret at the locks that fell to the floor. As the weight of the long strands was removed, the hair curled naturally, framing the face and making it even more delicate. Bettina examined the final result in the mirror, unable to say with certainty whether she liked it or not. The new cut made her look fragile and feminine.

A knock on the door interrupted his inspection. When it opened, Travis gaped in.

— I can not believe! How could such a beautiful blonde become a fabulous brunette?

— Did it look good? I don't think anyone will recognize me now, do they?

— Certainly.

— So can we start looking for Ralph? — Bettina was anxious and didn't want to miss a minute.

— We have to take care of some things first. Let me look at you. — He put his hands on Bettina's shoulders, making her take a walk. When his fingers touched the curls on the back of her neck, she shivered. — You did a fantastic job!

— What things do we have to deal with before starting the search?

— Clothes, for example. I find you very attractive dressed in my shorts and shirt, but I imagine you would get a lot of attention if you went out on the street like this.

— Oh, it's true.

— While you were doing your hair, I went out and bought some clothes.

He left the room and returned minutes later, loaded with packages.

— Travis, what an exaggeration! Why so many clothes?

— I had to buy everything. You only have that transparent harem outfit, remember?

— Of course, but we won't have to stay here for long, will we?

— Never know. I hope you enjoy my choices.

— How do you know my size?

— I had some precise opportunities ... I know everything about you, except the size of your shoes. — His eyes lit up as he scanned her slim figure.

Bettina's heart started to beat faster when she remembered how he had gotten such information. She was almost naked when he had taken her in his arms for so many hours in the desert and then he had seen her completely naked in the shower.

― How about you change and we go out to dinner — Travis suggested. — I'm starving, aren't you?

The mention of dinner almost dispelled Bettina's indignation. She suddenly realized that she was hungry, as if she hadn't eaten in days. The food in the nomadic camp was horrible, and besides, she had been too anxious to eat. Even so, he was reluctant to leave the security of the house.

― I could prepare something for us to eat right here ... — he suggested hesitantly.

— I don't know if there are any groceries, Bettina. It is the employees who take care of this and they will not be here until tomorrow. I didn't want anyone around until you completed the transformation.

— How are you going to explain my presence?

— I don't think that is necessary. Let them draw their own conclusions.

— Comprise.

— Excellent. — Travis had a wide smile on his lips. — So I wait for you in the room.

He left the room, leaving Bettina to his thoughts. In addition to losing her clothes, money and freedom, she would also lose her reputation, she concluded, discouraged. But since there was nothing else to do at the moment, he decided to put the problem aside and started opening the boxes.

The content proved that Travis knew women's needs well. In addition to dresses, shoes, and bags, he had bought panties, bras, socks, and a thin nightgown that was too beautiful to wear. But, perhaps, that was not the use he had in mind. It was likely that the fate of the nightgowns he had bought for other girls was folded at the foot of the bed. Bettina's eyes shone with indignation. Mr. Hunter was going to find that some stories involving a man and a woman ended differently!

Bettina felt much better when she found Travis in the room. It was the first time in several days that she was fully dressed, although she would never choose that set of green linen skirt and blouse alone, whose cleavage was too exaggerated. However, I had to admit that the outfit was quite chic. The white high-heeled sandals suited her perfectly and gave her appearance a special touch.

Travis's expression of admiration was already becoming commonplace.

— After all, I don't know if I made a good choice. The idea was to avoid drawing attention to you.

— It's a beautiful set — she replied, shyly.

— Your body values ​​any outfit. — Travis walked around her, watching every detail.

— Stop this! You make me feel like I'm still at that auction.

— Excuse me. I didn't mean to be so heartless.

She knew that. Although he teased her so much, Travis had been extremely kind. Few people would face so many risks for a stranger, or be as solicitous as to their well-being.

— I think it will take me a while to get back to trusting men.

There was a thoughtful look in his eyes as he watched the delicate features of Bettina's face.

― Perhaps it is even the best attitude. It is the type of woman that men cannot stay away from. — In an instant his expression changed and his lips parted in a smile. — But at the moment you are safe. The only thing I have the strength to attack is a good steak.

Bettina felt tense when entering the luxurious restaurant that Travis chose. His apprehension increased when the maitre d greeted him by name.

— Why did you bring me to a place where you are known? — she asked in a low voice as they were led to the table.

After sitting down, Travis replied:

— It was the safest thing to do. It is very likely that soon there will be news that there is an American girl with me, since, unfortunately, I am well known here. If I tried to hide it, everyone would start to wonder why.

Bettina agreed with the explanation, but she still felt a little uncomfortable. She only started to relax when Travis made her drink a glass of wine.

— Do you know this country well?

— Yes. I did a long research on Yahren, for my last book.

— You are an amazing person.

Bettina watched the man sitting across from her. The dark hair was perfectly cut and the clothes were impeccable. He would be at ease in any major European capital and yet he had passed for a nomadic boss just as easily.

— I hope this is a compliment.

— And is. I was thinking how wonderful it must be to be able to walk around the world and adapt to any culture.

— Anyone who stayed in a country long enough would adapt. Most tourists try to get to know everything in one trip, which is totally impossible. In addition, they only follow the itinerary that travel agencies provide, staying in luxury hotels. They do not capture the atmosphere of the places they visit.

— It is true. Is that beautiful house we are in yours?

— No, it is rented. I had stayed at it in my previous stay and luckily I got it again now. Even the employees are the same.

— You mean you weren't in the country? Did you come here just because Greg Watson asked?

— That's what friends are for. I wasn't writing any books, and I was very bored. When Greg Rat said that I would need all my cleverness against the Yahren government, how could I resist?

— I don't know how you managed to find me in the middle of the desert. It looks like a miracle.

— We were lucky. First, John Hazelton immediately alerted Greg. But the most important thing was that Akmed was so ambitious. He could have sold you the day after the capture, but he decided he would get a higher price if you did an auction. It took some time to notify and get the buyers together and that gave me the opportunity to come here and ask questions.

— Who could you ask questions to?

— I have some contacts, people who owe me favors. After I found out what was going on, it was easy.

Bettina sensed something else that he didn't want to tell. He remembered the way Travis looked back from time to time when he left the nomads' camp and how he was in a hurry to get to town. He also realized that there was a pistol in his pocket when they ran away on horseback. A tremor shook his body.

— Don't think about it anymore — he said, holding her hand. — It's over.

She looked down at the warm, masculine fingers that covered hers. Was it really over, or was it just beginning? He recalled that Travis had a reputation as an adventurer and conqueror and that, from that day on, they would live together under one roof. He realized, suddenly, that he could be as endangered in the mansion as he had been in the desert. Travis would never use force to force her to give in, but he had an enviable track record of successful seductions.

— Since you acquired a new image, we have to get a new name as well — he commented, interrupting Bettina's ramblings.

— Because?

— How am I going to introduce you to people?

— I don't want to meet anyone!

— It is not a matter of choice. Sooner or later it will happen that we meet someone I know and I will not be able to say: "I would like you to meet my friend, but I cannot reveal your name".

— Yeah, I understand the problem — she reluctantly agreed.

— How about we shorten your first name for Tina? That way we will be less at risk of you not answering when someone calls you.

— He is well. Some friends call me that.

— Now, as for the surname ... It has to be something that matches. Tina ... Dale! What do you think?

— Yeah, it sounds good.

— So, a toast to the newborn Miss. Dale. By the way, you're a miss, aren't you?

— Yes.

— Excellent. — When she glared at him, Travis made an innocent expression. — I was afraid there might be a desperate husband waiting for you.

— No, there is not.

— It's hard to believe. Normally, my next question would be about how such a lovely girl escaped the clutches of marriage. But this is considered sexist these days.

— I could ask you how such an attractive and famous man achieved the same feat.

Travis received the compliment with a faint smile.

— I'm not really the ideal type for this. Most women want a permanent home, two cars and a husband who works fixed hours.

— Many women love to walk around the world like you. I think this generalization is pure prejudice.

— Yeah, maybe. I admit that my criteria are very strict. I want a special type of woman, a companion and not just a wife. Someone with a sense of adventure, who doesn't panic and burst into tears when things get tough.

— Like me — said Bettina, looking down.

— Not at all. You kept your head up when you needed to. Anyone has the right to a few tears after the moment of crisis passes.

Bettina was flattered and could not hide the pleasure that was revealed in her smile.

— Well, if so, there must be a lot of girls who could meet the requirements.

— I forgot to mention that she also needs to be beautiful, have a strong presence and be terribly in love with me. Except for the last requirement, you would be perfect for the role.

— I don't want to get married — Bettina responded firmly, without giving herself time to think about the idea.

— Any specific reason? An unpleasant experience? What would Travis say if she said she had never had any experience? Surely he would not believe it or offer to correct the flaw.

— No, it's just that I'm happy. My job is rewarding ... well, there is nothing I want to change.

— What does an archaeologist do when she is not being kidnapped by bandits?

Bettina smiled sweetly.

— My life is usually much more peaceful.

— What do you do on a normal day?

— Well, I list the latest research results and put them in the files; I prepare reports to be read in different scientific societies, and ... things like that — she concluded, knowing that her job description didn't seem very exciting.

— Come on! Is that what you want to do?

Any archaeologist dreams of participating in an excavation like the one that revealed King Tut's tomb. We would all like to be doing fieldwork, but there are not many chances. There is little money and several archaeological sites are found under current cities, which is why this work in Yahren was so exciting. I did not come to accompany the excavation, but just the opportunity to examine the tomb was already a fantastic experience.

— Do you think you'll be able to get back to bureaucratic work?

— I have no other choice.

Bettina loved the profession, but there were times when she wished she had chosen another; periods when he felt similar to the fossils he studied. The diffuse feeling of discontent crystallized when she tried to explain her work to Travis. Seen through his perspective, his life was quite bland.

— There are always choices, Bettina. You don't have to be a model employee if that's not what you want.

— I like my job a lot.

Travis raised his eyebrows, but did not discuss the statement.

— And your social life? What do you do for fun?

— The same things as other people.

— What for example?

— Sometimes there are parties at the college and I also go to presentations by the symphony orchestra and theaters.

— Bettina, you are like Sleeping Beauty waiting for a prince to wake you up with a kiss.

— Have no ideas, sir. Hunter! I am twenty-six years old and I know how to take care of myself very well. You have been writing stories for so long that you are beginning to believe in your own fiction. My life may seem monotonous to you, but it is perfect for me!

Before he could answer, they were interrupted by an elegantly dressed couple approaching.

— Travis, honey! — greeted the insinuating redhead in a melodious voice. — I heard you were back, but I couldn't believe it. Are you going to write another book here?

— Hello Monique. How are you, Ted? No, I'm just on vacation.

— I didn't think you would do anything that ordinary people do — quipped Ted.

— I try not to do it. Tina, these are Monique and Ted Fletcher. Ted is the president of the branch of a major American firm, Robesco. Monique can tell you everything that happens in Yahren. I would like you to meet Tina Dale.

Monique's avid eyes roamed over Bettina, watching every detail of the haircut, face and body type.

— It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Dale. Are you here on vacation too?

— Not me... — Bettina looked to Travis for help, but he remained unmoved. — I'm here to work.

— How interesting! What do you do?

— Well, I ... I work with antiques.

— An antiquarian! I have some wonderful pieces and I would like you to take a look at them. Ted says I was cheated, but I'm sure they are authentic. Would you come to my house to give your opinion?

— Tina will be happy to do you this favor — Travis intervened. Bettina gave him an indignant look before addressing Monique.

— Everything has a certain value. I always say that the most important thing is that we like the piece.

— Not for Ted. Would you be convinced by the opinion of an authority? — Monique asked her husband.

— This tactic is unfair. I would believe anything that Miss. Dale would tell me.

— You can trust me, Ted. Tina is really an expert — said Travis, laughing. — And very smart.

— Smartness is essential when you can't count on anyone but yourself — Bettina replied softly, although she gave Travis a menacing look.

— This shouldn't be a problem. You just showed how self-sufficient you are — he commented, looking innocent.

Ted spoke to the waiter and took his wife's arm.

— Come on, Monique. Our table is ready.

— Wait! I still haven't figured out how long Miss. Dale intends to stay here. — She turned to Bettina anxiously. — When do you think you can look at the pieces? It would be quick, and then we could have lunch at the club.

Bettina knew that Monique was just looking to make friends, since, for sure, women's lives must be monotonous in that country, with husbands working all day and few acquaintances to talk to. However, he had neither the time nor the disposition to start a social life.

— It sounds interesting, but at the moment my schedule is full.

— I wish I could say the same — sighed Monique, confirming Bettina's theory. — Well, you might want to relax a little when things calm down. I will call you. What hotel are you in?

Bettina was starting to feel desperate when Travis seemed to be touched by his situation and decided to help.

— She is at my house. In fact, it works for me. I was not very sincere when I said I was on vacation. I started a new book and Tina helps me with my research.

— Interesting. — There was a tone of disbelief in Monique's voice. — I thought you did your research yourself.

— It used to be that way, but I found out that Tina has an incredible aptitude for getting to know people I would never meet alone. — The look Travis gave Bettina was full of humor.

Monique looked at her with a strange expression.

— Since you're staying here, Miss. Dale, I'm sure we'll see each other again.

After the couple left, Bettina was able to express her nervousness.

— I imagine that now everyone who speaks English will know that we are living together.

— It is a pity that the rumor got ahead of reality, but since we have gained fame ...

— I'm serious! You have hinted that Monique is the city's spokesperson. Now she is going to tell everyone and the news that I am here is going to spread.

— I told you that we couldn't keep it a secret. However, finding the Fletchers may have been a good thing. If people think we're having an affair, they'll never call you Bettina Hill.

— Because? Wouldn't you be able to have an affair with a fugitive?

He received the acid question with a sly smile.

— I could make an exception in your case.

Bettina gave up arguing with him and went back to her initial concern.

— You don't seem to realize that the danger increases as more people learn of my existence. The news could reach the authorities and ...

— It is likely to arrive. But we will worry about that when the time comes.

The feeling of being in a cul-de-sac grew inside Bettina.

— I hope you have a good plan to get me out of prison.

— I will think of one, if any. Bettina, I told you I would take care of you, didn't I? Don't be so distressed.

He inspired so much confidence that Bettina relaxed a little.

— Do you have any idea where we can start looking for Ralph?

— I did some surveys this afternoon. Tomorrow we must have some information.

— Do you know anyone to whom he could try to sell the amulet? — asked Bettina.

— I know people who would buy it, but I don't think that helps. The problem is that Ralph Kernit is an amateur. He saw an opportunity to become rich and he grabbed it.

— What difference does it make? He remains a thief.

— Yes, but unpredictable. In normal situations, I would contact all the major collectors and receivers in the city. They are the places where an object like this, by logic, must appear. But Ralph has no idea where to sell it. He did something silly after another. My informants told me that he started offering the piece in small stores that were unable to pay the required amount. However, the news went from one trader to another.

— Was that how the authorities found out that there had been a theft?

— Exactly. The police have blocked all exits from the city, so he is being held here. Do you know if Kernit knows someone in Yahren who could hide him?

— I think not. He never mentioned anyone.

— So things shouldn't be easy for him. It's only a matter of time before we catch him. I hope we can do it before the police.

— It may be lack of generosity on my part, but I don't care what happens to him.

— Me neither. I'm thinking of you. From what you told me about Ralph, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to compromise you to get rid of part of the guilt.

Bettina's eyes widened.

— You mean I'm in danger even if we find him?

— This will not be difficult to resolve — he assured.

— If Ralph doesn't know the places where criminals tend to hide, how do we know where to look for him?

— For starters, we can eliminate all major hotels, as they require guests to show their passports.

— This does not make it much easier.

— We know that he must be in one of the poorest parts of the city, where people don't ask a lot of questions.

— So are we going to have to wander around aimlessly? We may never find him! — she said, discouraged.

— You are right. That is why we are going to let other people do this work for us. I've taken care of everything, rest assured. What we have to do now is to wait and have fun.

— How can I have fun?

— I can think of a few ways. — When she looked at him indignantly, Travis laughed. — I meant that we have all the comforts at home, including a beautiful swimming pool. We can also do a little sightseeing, since you still don't know Yahren.

— I could spend the rest of my life without having this pleasure.

— This is not a sensible attitude. Everywhere has something good. For example, you would never discover what it is like to be a brunette if you were not in Yahren.

— It is not a big advantage. Hair color makes no difference.

He took Bettina's hand, stroking the soft skin.

— In this case it does, and a lot. As a blonde, you wouldn't have the peace of mind to go unnoticed ...

Bettina dropped her hand sharply, as if it were burning.

— You are great! Don't let me forget that everyone's after me, huh?

— And yet you want to go out and face the bullets?

— It's needed.

— He is well. If this is what you want, this is what we will do. Bettina's face lit up, anxious.

— Can we start early tomorrow?

— I'm surprised you didn't suggest it tonight.

— I imagine that the night is really the best time, but I am very tired. Today seems to have lasted two weeks.

It didn't seem possible that earlier that morning she had been a prisoner in the desert. Bettina didn't even want to think about what would be happening to her if it weren't for Travis. She looked at him, surprised to find no sign of fatigue.

— It's time to go home — he said, calling the waiter.

They were silent on the way back, both deep in thought. Bettina didn't know what was going on in Travis's head or what he expected to happen when they were alone. The anticipation left her with nervous nerves. She was sure Travis wouldn't physically threaten her, but what was in danger was his peace of mind. As much as she wanted to disguise it, she was attracted to him. Besides, there was something very intimate about going home together. The place would be quiet, with no employees around to disturb them ... Bettina felt a shiver of anxiety.

Trying to contain her fear, she chastised herself for the childish attitude she was taking. She had always been able to handle situations and even Travis had already complimented her on that ability. The fact that she now lived a moment that she had not gone through before did not mean that she was not able to face it.

Upon reaching the mansion, Travis opened the front door and stepped aside for Bettina to enter. She passed with rigid arms along her body, trying to avoid any contact. If only he didn't radiate so much masculinity! Never had a man made her feel so vulnerable! When he closed the door and tried to grab her arm as he led her into the living room, Bettina stiffened.

Keeping his hands on her shoulders, Travis turned her to face him.

— You are as nervous as a bride on your wedding night.

— I ... I think I'm just too tired.

— Is that it, Bettina? She looked down quickly.

— It is clear! What did you think it could be?

Travis held her chin with a firm hand, forcing her to face him.

— I think that despite everything I said, you still don't trust me.

With a sigh, she decided to give up the pretense, which was doing no good.

— You have to understand that we live different lives, Travis. I read some of your books. In all of them a man and a woman in our situation would ... well, you know what they were going to do.

— Yes, I know very well, but my books are fiction.

— From what I've heard, they don't stray too far from your life. You have been everywhere you wrote about and had many of the adventures described.

— And so I had all the sexual experiences that I put in the books.

— Is not true?

He did not respond directly.

— I am not an inexperienced boy, Bettina. I have already enjoyed the company of many lovely girls. But if you really think my novels are autobiographical, then you should know that I never forced a woman to go to bed with me.

— I know that.

— So what's the problem?

How could she explain that it might not be necessary to force her? There was no doubt that making love to him would be a very special experience for her. For Travis, it would be just one more achievement among so many. He would possess her with passion and affection, fulfilling the needs that just beside him had begun to feel, introducing her to pleasures that she knew only through imagination. Then it would be over. I didn't have enough experience to win over a man like Travis. Even so, it could be worth it ... if, on leaving; he didn't take her heart. That was what I was afraid of.

Travis waited for the answer and she was careful to choose the words.

— I am very grateful to you, Travis. I know how much I owe you.

— You can't be thinking that I hope to have you as payment! There would be no difference between me and those bandits who kidnapped her!

— Of course not. However, I think you expect there to be some more intimate relationship between us, a natural involvement. I am attracted to you, Travis, I cannot deny that fact. But I ... I'm not interested in passing novels.

He caressed her face, seductively.

— There is nothing fleeting about the way I feel now.

— You may even be honest, Travis. But it turns out that men like to tell themselves that their latest interest is something special.

— Um ... I didn't know you were so knowledgeable about men. It seems that someone has hurt her terribly. That's it?

— No.

— Well, I can't even imagine someone in their right mind hurting you.

— Stop it, Travis. You must have repeated the same words to dozens of women!

— Why are you worried about the others? Does my past bother you that much?

— I don't want to be part of it.

— What about my future? — he murmured. Bettina looked down, her face flushed.

— At the moment, I can't even count on my future. He took her hand and traced the lifeline with his index finger.

— You will have a long future. And it seems to me to see a tall, dark man in him.

Bettina closed her hand tightly.

— You asked me why I was nervous. It is because you are not able to take "no" for an answer.

Travis released his hand and his voice softened even more.

— I have always been after what I wanted and I will not deny that I want it very much. You have stunning beauty. I would like to take you to bed and make love to you in a hundred different ways. I want to hear you murmur my name when I give you more pleasure than you ever imagined.

His voice was hypnotic. Bettina could almost feel Travis's hands caressing her until she was hot.

— I might be able to seduce her, but I don't want her this waya — he continued. — You have to come to me of your own free will, because you want me as much as I want you.. — He looked at her steadily, while his fingers traced the contours of her trembling lips. When he noticed that she was looking at him without knowing what to say, he lowered his arm and put a playful tone in his voice. — As you see, sweet Bettina, you have no reason to be nervous. Good night, and have pleasant dreams.

Unable to move, Bettina watched him walk away. Minutes later, he entered the room and undressed in a stunning state. Was it true that he had no intention of seducing her, or was that just a clever trick? She had never been subjected to such an emotional conflict and was afraid of being caught in a trap that she would not know how to get out of.

With a sigh, she pulled on the nightgown that Travis had bought. It was a delicate and elegant outfit. The pale pink satin gave an air of seduction, subtly revealing the slim figure under the transparent fabric. The low-cut lace bodice barely covered her pink nipples, showing the curves of her light breasts.

Bettina hardly recognized her reflection in the mirror. The sophisticated person he saw was light years away from his usual image. That woman full of self-confidence, who could keep up with a man like Travis ... But before the idea took shape, she realized that it was an illusion. Under the new haircut and expensive sweater, she was still Bettina Hill and not Tina Dale.

She was so distracted by her thoughts that when she heard a knock on the door, the answer came out automatically.

— Come in!.

Travis appeared with a cup on a small tray. He stopped suddenly when he saw her.

It was too late when she remembered that she was wearing only the revealing nightgown. Motionless, Bettina tried to find words to ease the disturbing silence that invaded the room while Travis looked over her body with an admired look.

— I didn't know ... I mean, I just was. — She wanted to make him understand that the invitation to enter the room had been thoughtless, but the voice did not come out.

After a brief hesitation, Travis moved again. The expression of desire on his face had been replaced by a polished host air. He passed Bettina and placed the tray on the nightstand.

— I brought you a chocolate to help you sleep.

— Thanks. It's very kind of you.

— Drink while it's hot.

She remained in the same place while Travis hurriedly left the room. When he heard the door close, he ran to the bed and pulled the blanket up to his chin, although he knew he was unlikely to return.

Despite the hot chocolate, it was a long time before Bettina was able to sleep.