Punch & Vomit

The man who rode the black horse arrived first and saw the situation on the village, he pulled the rein of his horse to stopped and went down while he could hear the waterfall nearby, he looked the surrounding and observe while the six people who arrived there first are scouting the village, trying to find some survivors and some clues on what really happened.

They are part of the council investigative personnel who implemented the laws and balance of the empires, and four of them among the group were vampires while the other two are humans.

While he watch the surrounding, he could smell a queer scent on the air then he start walking around trying to follow the peculiar scent.

"Oh, it's you, Your Highness!", called the woman as she saw and greeted him with a slight bow then walk towards him elegantly. "Been awhile, Prince Chervil. How have you been?"

Prince Chervil rolled his eyes when he saw the woman's behaviour and smile charmingly, "Yes, it's been awhile. I am quiet surprise to see an elder such as yourself here, Elder council, Lady Rose Hibiscus.", then he took her hand when she got near and planted a kiss that made the elder council woman blushed. "You look more gorgeous than before, I see.", he said after.

The elder council named Rose blushed even more upon hearing the complement of the Prince, she wore a white hooded cape that represent the council of the Southern Empire while the symbol of white magnolia flower was inside the embroidered blue rose at the right side of her chest, and she's a vampire of fifth generations.

Chervil looked at her expression whilst he let go of her hand and smiled then he looked around again trying to decipher the familiar scent, and he heard the sound of horses galloping while its gotten nearer to them and they could hear a loud laughed from a distance.

"What's that?", asked the elder council woman while she turned back to her sense. "What a disgraceful manners."

Prince Chervil looked the entrance while ignoring the woman's comments, "Looks like he's having fun with Dion.", he said and put his hands on his pockets and chuckled. "I just hope it doesn't backfired later."

"Well, Chervil. I see the party is already been started.", he stated upon arriving then jumped out of his horse and waved his hand that was holding the letter as he chuckled. "Looks like I pissed him off.", he commented upon hearing the horse coming nearer the village entrance and minutes later they saw Dion's expression as the man went down of his horse and walked to where they were like his about to drag someone to its grave.

"Looks like that.", commented Chervil upon seeing the look of his friend face. "What did you do now?", he asked while narrowing his gaze at his aid.

Fanies quickly got behind Chervil and explain, "He asked me to give him the letter and I said the letter wasn't with me then I speeded up and took the letter out then waved it at him while laughing."

The council woman looked at them with disbelief on seeing the man was hiding behind their Prince while the Prince was suppressing his laughed and the other one who just arrived got down on his horse while looking like he wants to murder someone.

"Even though he's a human, there is something about him that I don't want to cross.", he once again said while Dion was ten steps away from them.

"Well, now you crossed it.", said Chervil nonchalantly as he looked at Dion's expression whist suppressing his laughed.

And when Dion was about to throw a punch on him, he vanished from there and the one who got hit on the face is Fanies who was then thrown away.

Chervil laughed out loud when Fanies was hit on his face and was thrown away as he appeared at the side of the council woman who looked surprised and disbelief then he walk to Dion side and asked, "Satisfied?", while patting Dion's shoulder.

"Much better. I feel like quite refresh.", Dion replied and the two of them laughed then he asked, "So, where's the party that you're talking about awhile ago, Your Highness?", as he looked around and noticed the quietness was out of characters of the village.

Lady Rose was shocked and lost at what she just saw. 'How it is even possible?', she thought as she looked at the man who's a human and the Prince, Even so the aid of the prince is a lower class as he's a seventh generation, it couldn't be even possible that a human like these one can punched him and even threw him away. She could not believed.

"Yeah, I am thinking about what you've observed.", Chervil said while looking around as well. "Let's go to Fanies now.", and they then walked side by side. "Hey! Are you really a human or what?", he asked while looking at Dion who was at his right side.

Dion looked up the sky while he reply, "I am a human, Your Highness.", then looked at Chervil and says, "But if your talking about something meaningful like my strength...", while he looked up again. "It's better to keep it for now."

Chervil chuckled looking at him and pat his back. "It's really a mystery how you become terrifying sometimes."

Lady Rose is about to say something when her fellow council member went to her side to report.

A male council member bowed his head as he report, "Lady Rose, there's nothing on this village. It's been deserted for awhile now based on the looks of it."

"And the people?", asked the elder council Rose.


Another council member came and bowed, he is a human and it looks like he was about to collapse as he had a pale complexion. "Lady Rose, the...the villll... the villagers are there, dead!", he said while pointing towards the middle of the village.

Chervil and Dion stopped walking when the first council member came to report, and the second one came as well to report what they saw and when they heard the reports, they didn't wait for the elder council and just went to the middle of the village to see what was in there.

While they're on their way, they could smell a strong queer scent as they got nearer and heard the crows making noises while walking to the center, and they saw Fanies laying down on the ground unconscious due to the punch he received from Dion, the two look at each other and went to where Fanies was lying to woke him.

Chervil looked at his aid on the ground unconscious then at Dion who shrugged as they crouched down, and Dion stretched his two arms infront while Chervil was following his action with his gaze as Dion took hold of the aid neck with both his hand and shook Fanies forcibly that had him to woke up frightened, then Dion let go of his neck and stood up.

Fanies open his eyes and stood up quickly whist holding his neck while glaring at Dion like dagger, "Seriously, are you even human or what?!", he shouted while rubbing his neck. "You punched my gorgeous face, and now you're trying to choke my slender neck!"

"It's your fault!", Dion then covered his nose with his hand. "What with this smell? It looks like something is rotten for long now.", he complained while looking around and saw the crows flying everywhere.

"Hey, look up there.", Chervil said as he pointed above them, and when the two looked up above them they were shocked, the heads of the villagers was hanging. He walked pass them farther to the center as the two following behind him, and there they saw three piles of dead bodies while above are more heads being hanged.

Upon seeing it, Dion covered his mouth. "Looks like I'm going to vomit.", he said and touched his gut as he feels like he would throw up.

"So, this is where the queer scent came from...", said Chervil to himself while clenched his hands, he looked at the piles of people that are burned while the heads were being hang above them and the crows are feasting on the folks.

Fanies looked around and saw the other council member was there now, "Looks like the party happened three to five days ago based on the body, Your Highness." He could see Dion's expression becoming paler while trying to hold his breath and covered his nose.

"Seems that's the case.", Prince Chervil said, he looked at Fanies who was suppressing his laugh and around them where the elder council and her group that is inspectioning the burned body while the humans with them could not take it anymore and vomit.

Chervil glance at Dion who was trying his best not to vomit. "Good luck. We did say the party required not to eat much.", he said and went to help Dion.

Dion reply while covering his mouth, "You two just dragged me here without informing me about this.", and hold his gut again, "How would I know that upon arriving, this is what the party... Corpses party.", then he could not hold it anymore and vomit there.

"Hah, yuck!", said Fanies and laughed as he looked at Dion helpless state and Chervil chuckled.

The elder council woman Rose looked at them from distance and think, 'Is this some kind of play to them?', she then looked at the prince, 'I thought His Highness is ruthless like his grandfather the former Arch-King but I can't see it on his character now and his companions was like a child.', she thought as she instructed her group.

"You stupid, you laughed while I...", said Dion and vomited again, then he shook his head. 'This two are trying to kill him, what a problematic situation he's in now.', he thought while crouching down on the ground.

The aid stopped laughing and said, "You punched my face and you choked me—"

"That wasn't choking, that was trying to woke you up!", Dion replied as he wept his mouth with the back of his hand.

Prince Chervil ask, "Do you have some extra clothes to get yourself clean?", while he give Dion his kerchief and Dion took it as he vomit once more.

"Do you think I have when you just dragged me.", said Dion and stood up. "You two are trying to kill me.", he weeping his mouth and hand with the kerchief Chervil gave to him.

"As I love too, I can't.", Fanies went near and helped Dion by supporting him.

Dion looked at Fanies who helped him while grinning then he smiled back at him and vomit again on Fanies clothes this time.

Fanies look shocked and push Dion back to the ground while he look at his cloth full of binges, and Dion was then caught by Chervil who's on their back.

"What the DAMN WRONG WITH YOU?!", exclaimed Fanies angrily and glared at Dion while his trying to took off his clothes.

Dion lean back on Chervil who was supporting him while suppressing to laugh at them. "Revenge for laughing at me!", Dion said as he covered his nose so that he couldn't smelled the stink scent around them.

"Actually, Fanies. It look good on you.", said Chervil whilst nodded his head.

"Your Highness...", exclaimed Fanies at the stated of his Prince. "I need to clean up.", he said and walked back to where they left the horses which was at the entrance.

"We'll be at the waterfall nearby! Bring extra cloth too for Dion, please.", Chervil said and chuckled then he looked at Dion. "Can you stand, huh?", he asked as Dion was leaning on him.

Dion nodded and stood up while still covering his nose and walked fast without looking at anything towards where the waterfall was located.

Chervil could only shook his head and become serious while he looked at the pile of corpses and the heads that was hanging above them as it has a strong stink smell and the birds were feasting on the villagers corpses.

The other council members just looked at them then got back to their works like they haven't heard or seen anything and just focus on inspecting the corpses body and scouting the area while the elder council woman are instructing them.

Vampires has strong sense of smell and so did on tasting, hearing, seeing and felling; while they have tolerance of seeing deaths, after all that was a vampires life, unlike humans and other being out there.

Chervil then spoke to the elder council and instructed the other to get the heads down for inspection and after awhile of talked he left and went to where Dion was at the waterfall, where the villagers could get their water for washing and cleaning.