Symbol & Poisonous Plants

Chervil helped his aid to lay down in the bed on the last room which belong to Dion as he just left them to go fetch something and to talk to an elderly woman.

"How come your wounds and scratches didn't heal faster?", asked Chervil looking at the wounds that had fresh blood coming out on Fanies chest as he leaned himself on the wall near the opened window while folding his arms on his below chest.

"The girl stabbed me using an unusual knife...", grunted Fanies as he could feel the wounds isn't healing but instead it's more likely increasing the pain. "And it seems coated with those poisonous plants."

"And why did you bite the girl?", asked Chervil narrowing his eyes at his aid.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Your Highness, to not put your trust on that man!", said the aid in heavy breathe, "And that girl isn't normal at all as you thought they were, my Prince. She even nearly killed me."

"Because you attacked her. And you didn't answer my question.", said the Prince as he looked at the night sky and turn his head to Fanies whose lying on the bed. "You know that you shouldn't bite that girl right?"

Chervil gritting his teeth trying to hold himself to get more annoyed. They were just a guests in this place, so he felt embarrassed over what his aid had done. "And who are you to decide as to whom should I put my trust on?!"

"Your Highness, I'm just concern. This place is pretty unusual too.", said the aid closing his eyes as the pain on his wounds was too much for him to handle, "And yes, I did biten the girl, that's because she's a human and a humans is our food. Their blood is what we need as a creatures of the dark."

Hearing those words, Chervil chuckled darkly then pushed himself to stand and walk towards the bed, "How low of you to think that way. And if you have forgotten, my grandmother was a human."

He gritted his teeth and speaks as he stood at side of the bed looking down at Fanies, whist controlling his anger, "They can live without our kind but us, we cannot live without their kind... the animal blood isn't sufficient for us to help our thirst, however, that doesn't meant you can attack anyone when you're thirsty! You could just ask if you were that thirsty, there in the kitchen!"

Fanies was terrified when he felt the atmosphere in the room were getting heavier, he suddenly forgotten the pain on his chest and sat down immediately.

"I haven't forgotten that your grandmother being a human. Please forgive my words,", he apologized hurriedly afraid of the consequence when they got back to the palace and felt abit of pain again but he just ignored it, "As well as my actions awhile ago but I think you need to be careful with Sir Dion, Your Highness!"

Pain were nothing compared to his life. As he was sure that when they went back to the palace his life will be at least, barely in a death sentence.

"What do you mean out there 'bout the plants being poisonous?", asked Chervil while looking down at Fanies with a serious expression, "And how did you know that the plant was poisonous to both kinds?"

"Um... I have... Ahhh... Because... I know because I read it on books.", the aid answered nervously. "And some of them doesn't even exist in our kingdom nor on this empire, Your Highness. Please believe me this once.". begged Fanies while his voice cracked, "My Prince, please be careful of Sir Dion... he might just be waiting for the right time to strike. After all his a human..."

He wasn't able to finish his sentence because a light knocked on the door that slightly open was heard, and enter Dion into the room holding a basin with hot water, the aid didn't even bothered himself to hide his dislike and distrusted of the human who came in the room as he glared at Dion like the man was responsible of what happened to him.

While Fanies was glaring at Dion who entered the room, Chervil knew Dion was already outside when his aid talked about human were just their food.

And yes, he agreed that humans is sufficient for them because human blood was much more satisfying than those animal blood, nonetheless, there are some who would attack without consideration of the law. Like to some vampires, it's like growing an animal in a farm.

Dion looked at them and walk forward to the side table near the window and put the basin.

"I'm sorry if I only got here now. I have to talk to Mrs. Alze, the elderly woman whom you two met awhile ago about what to do with the plants that was destroyed.", said Dion he stood there ignoring the glared coming from the aid. And walked toward the other side of the bed, commanding the aid while bending down to open the drawers on the far end of the bed, "Take off your skirt. I'll try to undo the wounds pain so that it can heal faster."

"Just who are you to order me?!", shouted Fanies he had totally forgotten about his wounds and the pain on his chest, "Who knows what ruse were you thinking now. Not to mention the variety of poisonous plants that was planted on this place!"

"I am but only a human.", said Dion and smirked before hesigh deeply whist opening and closing the drawers still searching for something while he murmured sadly, "You destroyed the plants that's very important to them, to me and does to this empire..."

While Chervil went back to the window side when he heard his friend ordering Fanies to take off his clothes and his aid snapped back, he could only sigh while thinking what's wrong with his aid whist looking outside the window as he could see the front of the place. He turned around and lean on the windowpane as the breeze soothing him, and looked at Dion whose still rampaging the drawers when he heard his friend murmured sadly, hence, Chervil couldn't help but wondered about something.

Dion calmly says while he took something from one of the drawers and walk to the table where he put the basin, "Those plants ain't poisonous as what you thought they were. And how come you are so sure of it when its nighttime?"

"What are you referring to?", asked Fanies back still glaring.

" the meantime.", said Dion calmly and put something on the water.

Chervil just watching them whist observing the two talked, then he saw Dion added something on the basin which has a hot water. And to his curiosity, he walked towards his friend and saw a light blue crystal that has a dark red like drops of blood and looked up to meet his friend's eyes as Dion was already looking at him.

He doesn't know why but whatever Fanies would make him believes, he couldn't bring himself to believe his aid and suspect his human friend for anything.

Dion stared at the Prince dark red eyes and his gaze went on the bowl infront of them as he stir it reversely using his hand with the crystal, he then took it and wrapped it on a towel.

"Chervil, if you don't want your aid to perish, you better convince him to take off his clothes and let me see the wounds before it worsen.", said Dion without any expression and took the basin then went to the bedside where a wounded man was still glaring at him.

'What, perish?! What's this human talking about?', thought Fanies nervously He could now feel a much more pain on his chest, and he bite his lower lip to suppressed the pain. 'Just what the hell?! Why the pain like its increasing every second rather than healing?!'

Chervil looked at Dion trying to make sense over the words his friend said as he knew Dion was a playful man, however, when someone's in danger Dion would become a person who he don't know.

" You're a crazy human!". hiss Fanies while glaring at the man who only stared back at him. "Why would I die because of this wounds?!"

"You won't die because of the poison that you thought was the reason of your wounds ain't healing fast...", said Dion as he sat down on the side which cause Fanies to be alert while panting. "But because your body cannot take the pain that you would just rip off and kill yourself in the process."

The aid looked at the human infront of him as beads of sweat were running through his forehead down to his face and body that soaked his clothes, narrowing his eyes he ask in a whispered, "How did you know what it feels like?"

"I was once stabbed by the same knife before because of my older sister asking me to try them. Fortunately, someone who had the skills was able to control the effect of the knife.", said Dion and shrugged while a faint smile appeared on his lips like he remembered the event whist unbuttoning his shirt and reveal a horizontal scar on his chest. "But since I'm a human and you're a vampire, especially of a lower bloodline, it would affect differently."

The two men looked at his chest with a shocked expression on their faces when they saw the big scar on his chest, in which they thought was from an early accident when they saw it before.

Then, a loud cry was heard coming from the aid while holding his chest and scratching the wounds like he wants to rip it off because of the pain that he couldn't withstand, which Dion immediately rushed to help by pushing his hand to prevent him from ripping off his chest that oozing with blood.

"Just take off your clothes already, you idiot!", shouted Chervil and walk toward them to help by assessing his friend who gave him an instruction to hold his aid's hands while Dion was unbuttoning the shirts to take it off and reveal the wounds.

Hence, after the wounds was revealed, Dion couldn't help but sigh deeply while closing his eyes as he felt pitty at his friend's aid, and Chervil also sees the wounds while holding his aid hands and screams echoes through the whole cottage.

He couldn't help but narrowed his eyes as the wounds on his aid right chest was two holes with a thing that he couldn't explain what is it, however, it looks like the flesh was being eaten or something like its digging inside.

"Would he be able to survive this?", he asked looking at Dion who's trying to make his aid steady and he look back at the wounds which like its digging deeper inside.

"I think he can.", replied Dion. "Since he's the one who put himself into this."

"You better calm down, steady your body and don't you dare move or else I'll kill you myself!", Chervil aghast his aid and Fanies quickly tried himself to calm down and try not to move.

While the aid tried himself not to struggled, Dion took the towel with the crystal wrapped into it , and put it on the wounds slowly.

"It would be more painful for him as the knife goes in two times and much deeper.", said Dion while he get another towel from the drawer on his side bed table and spread it on the bed, "But I'll try my best to make it less painful as I am no expert."

The towel that Dion spread out on his side has a silver thread of crescent moon like protecting the star while a yellow thread of an eight pointed star was inside the crescent moon that's also inside of an embroidered rose center which blue in color.

Chervil saw the spread towel on the bed which he notice the design and recognized it as it's like what he saw on the dresses.

However, he wondered what's the blue rose signifies?

He knew it was use on the council and for what reason behind it is unknown, as the book of symbols on each empires and the kingdoms under its respective ruling has never stated nor mentioned anything about the rose symbol that was used in every council of the four great empires aside for the symbol that represent you are from the empire of South Council which was a white magnolia flower.

And the magnolia flower was also used to identify the seal of Southern Empire ruler.

As Dion put his hand on the wounds with the cristal wrapped and push it which made Fanies flinched and screams louder then lost his consciousness, Dion's other hand is on the sheet that was on his side whist he continued the worked with his other hand that still pushing the aid chest.

Chervil let go and looked at the aid who has a much paler complexion as he stop struggling.

Vampires may have pale complexion but not all vampires are the same as the bloodlines and generations is to be considered and observed whist vampire are the same and are different from humans, nevertheless, a pureblood vampire like himself of a fourth generation are different from those turns vampires and those half vampires bloodlines as they have a heart that's beating, a blood flowing in their vains and a warm temperatures just like human and other creatures that walked the land.

Chervil turn his gaze on his human friend who looked like another person to him as Dion was concentrating while pushing the object on the wounds and the blood stopped flowing, and there was a light shown in the sheet that Dion had his other hand on, and as the light appeared on the sheet cloth Dion retreat his hand and took a deep sighs, sweats streaming down on his face from his forehead while his other hand was still on the wounds.

"What's happening?", asked Chervil shocked and look closer on the sheet that has a bright light.

"It's absorbing the knife bacterias.", explain Dion which he too looked at the sheet. "The knife has no poison coated on it but its the knife that can kill your kind...", said Dion trailingly and turned his head to the side and looked up the Prince.

"How could that be?", Chervil was shocked and look at Dion who had a serious expression, "It can kill our kind?! What about the other kind- what about humans, your kind?", he asked as disbelief was on his glorious face.

Dion could feel the Prince aura that wasn't like any other vampires he in counter as disbelief and shock was formed on Chervil's face, and he could only sigh as he understood his vampire friend's facial expressions.

Dion answer after he thought what and how to explain it to his friend who he guess never heard of it yet, "It also can kill us as human beings but not as effective it is to vampires especially for those from the lower bloodlines and generations, such as turn or from a half vampires bloodlines."

"What about the poison plants that this idiotic was talking?", Chervil then asked Dion after he heard the explanation and processing it while pointing at the unconscious man on the bed. He's still confused whist he remembered about the poisons that his aid was babbling about.

Dion just looked at the Prince in the eyes and a smile appeared playfully on his lips that made Chervil even more confused as he could see Dion usual behavior was back.

"Chervil, did you heard of a saying that goes, a poison can be cured by another poison?", asked Dion on Chervil who just stared at him, and look back at the sheet which the light slowly disappearing. "Though, there's no poisonous plants on this place, there are similar form, however, not the same used and properties."

"This's why Fanies always told me not to trust you because of your unusual self that made him very much weary.", stated Prince Chervil and shook his head as he looked down at Dion who had a playful smile tugging on his lips.

He now understood why his aid adamant on making him believes, and if he didn't know better about his human friend, he would believe his aid and make a misjudgment of the situations.

Dion just chuckled when he heard Chervil, take his hand that was on the aid right chest as the towel cloth that was white, now socked with blood as its absorbing.

"Someone said to me before, Chervil...", said Dion cleaning his bloody-hand on the basin and also put the towel cloth with the cristal to clean it, "Being unusual isn't what should be worry and be weary about. Particularly, the peculiar one are the genuine one, for most of them didn't bothered themselves to hide their true self while letting others misjudges them and their behaviour, than the ones who's trying to be picture perfect infront of you or others just so they can get a favor then lure and make their victims believes then make their move."

He narrowed his eyes when he looked down again onthe sheet and notice something on it that caught his attention.

As when the light that was on the sheet cloth completely disappeared, a black dirt was seen as a bird form.

Chervil nodded over what his friend says. "I've heard of that from someone before.", he said.

This was why he made Dion his third-in-command even though his a human because of his grandparents influential beliefs, and when he met Dion more than ten years ago because of his grandmother who introduced Dion to him at one of the gathering, he felt different about Dion and also his grandparent trusted Dion so much.

Dion quickly grab and fold the sheet cloth when he saw the pattern and place it aside as he looked at the wounds that's regenerating slowly.

'A black bird pattern...', thought Dion, 'a black bird... could it be...'

He didn't wait for Chervil to see it and ask him what is it as it's something he doesn't want to explain in the main time.

"You just stay here with your aid or do you want to rest on the sofa downstairs?", asked Dion while holding the sheet cloth and put it on his pocket then took the basin and walk toward the door, "As for me, I just go to the cottage where the others are resting now.", he stop turn his head to the bed as his friend standing there like a handsome statue looking at him. "I'll be explaining with you tomorrow 'bout the bacterias that I said and the methods that I used now as it's almost midnight and I am exhausted from my adventures within one whole day. Have a good night to you, Chervil."

Dion left the room after saying those words, leaving Chervil who could only shook his head while looking at the closed door.