Amethyst Eyes & Peculiar Shop

Crickets could be heard everywhere. The people were heading back on their home whist some are heading somewhere as time approached deeper into the night, the lamps were beaconing on the street side as carriages were on the side waiting for passengers and some were just passing by the towns.

One particular carriage that has a willow tree leaves carved on its door are passing by the towns and villages. The carriage destination were on the very remote place before one could go in the mountain that's on the west part of the kingdom of Questillia.

The carriage was looking black in color since it's night time, and two people were riding inside: A woman who's a pureblood vampire and a boy. She wore an apron overlapping her expensive dress that has a moon butterfly brooch on its right side, looking outside the carriage window. And a young boy who looked like a pauper because of the way his clothes were similar to one, whose eyes were similar to an amethyst gems while looking at the lady infront of him. Curiously.

"Miss,", called the young boy. He looked at the lady infront of him who keep smiling while looking outside the carriage window. "You seems amused of something... What is it, Miss Lyn?"

The woman turned her attention on the young boy and said politely, "I'm just delighted to have encountered the man whom Lady Priselz mentioned on the letter that she sent. He's really somethin..." She chuckled as she remembered the man's expression.

"Oh, I've heard of that story four days ago after arriving here. Its a good thing that Mr. Leonard was there to prevent massive casualties...", said the young boy. He took something from his side pocket which is a bag of pebbles like small stones with different colors.

When the woman saw what his holding and she couldn't help but smiled. "Is that the reason why you asked me to go on my way as you had some place to be?", she asked while looking at the young boy who nodded and grinned. He took some and put it on his mouth. "Aren't you going to give some of that when we arrive there on the mansion?"

"Of course, I do.", he answered in a matter of fact tone. He pulled a bigger bag that was on his side and showed it to her which make the woman laughed out loud. "Say, I'm prepared if you must know.", said the young boy proudly.

"Indeed, you're prepared Sir. And I'm sure those children will to love such treats, and the young miss would be thrill to have you visit her.", the woman said after she laughed and the young boy nodded.

The boy was from Dylarianion Kingdom which part of the empire. He's there because of his father who wants him to be the one who would represent on the upcoming meeting, and also, to deliver a words to an elder council about their previous investigation which was the elder asked of them to do. Nonetheless, he also wants to go and visit someone there who he acquainted with whenever they would go and visit his homeland, and that was one of the reason why his so thrilled to be on Questillia Kingdom, thus also to look around the place.

The woman sigh in silent and noticed the direction of their carriage that were heading which was not the same way as what she remembered when she last visited the estate as she looked at outside. She wondered if the coachman didn't knew the way or the boy infront of her was responsible for the change of direction. She also wondered where he went a while ago if all he wants was to buy some sweets.

Then after sometimes she asked, "Say, are we heading to the estate directly or do we have to stop elsewhere before heading there?" Turning her head and look at the young boy who has his eyes closed whist leaning back on the carriage seat. "And can you tell me where did you go earlier when the candy shop were just three shops ahead the boutique before we could head on the very last shop to buy the wools?"

"Just looking around.", answered the young boy whose appearance weren't accurate as what other saw of him, he then open his amethyst eyes like gem and sit properly then looked outside the carriage, "It's not everyday I could go and venture here in Central Kingdom, you know. And yes, we'll have to stop and pick those three up at the next village before we head to their mansion as per the lady asked of me."

As for the woman, she was there to accompany the boy on his way to the estate where everyone of the family resides. Also, there are things she needs to deliver on the mansion that was requested on the last letter that was sent two days off the time as one of the elders assistant who lives on the estate, who had asked her to buy the stuffs and send it personally to the mansion. Therfore, she got no choice but to go even though the mansion was far away from the main town.

The carriage took a halt at their destination. The coachman went down and open the door, then a two girls and a young man entered inside the carriage, and after that the carriage went on their way. When the three people got inside the carriage, exchanged their look at the young boy, and confused about his clothes that was tattered as they sat.

The woman who was with the young boy greeted them, putting her left hand on her right chest and bowed her head slightly as she said respectfully, "Greetings and good evening to you Ladies and Sir,", then she rised her head. "It's my pleasure to have this ride and to be acquainted with all of you again."

"Likewise.", said the two girls in unison and looked back again on the young boy who just ignored the stare.

"Still polite as ever, I see.", said the young man while smiling and nodded. He wore a black suit with a blue thread designed on the edge. "So how's the council doing after the event on the village happened, Miss Lyn?"

"Only on the outside, tho."

One of the girl said who wore a commoners dress as they noticed she was in a bad mood and looked at the man who raise his brow at her behavior. In question.

"Just like the one who's with us now. Am I right, big brother?"

The young man just smiled at her and said calmly, "Whatever do you mean, little sister. If you just restrain yourself that night then you won't be having such chasten waiting for you on the mansion, my dear sister. Hence, the punishment isn't my fault." He smirked after.

"The councilors are still trying to track down the culprits that's responsible for everything,", Miss Brooklyn said slowly after the girl turn her head to look outside the window, watching the houses and people on the road as they passed. "The elders of the empire are working on it as we speak, and the master's finding that was written on the letter which was sent yesterday on the mansion will be discuss overmorrow with the lady.", she informed them as they just silantly nodding over what she said. "The head council and the subordinates that's under her, the master and of course those who are under you three will also part take in the upcoming meeting."

The other girl just keep silent listening to them. She keeps staring at her front where the young boy sat there quietly while listening too.

However, the way the girl keeps staring at him which he couldn't help but noticed the girl intimidating gaze that makes him feel uncomfortable, like she was thinking of skinning him alive, and therefore he asked, "What is it?"

His looking at himself through the girl's brown eyes like she's looking into his deepest part. A deepest secret which he, himself doesn't know about. Nevertheless, the girl didn't say anything and just keep on staring at him that made the young boy feel less comfortable. Afterwards, he saw the girl turn her attention outside the carriage window, and he heard her say in almost a whisper which in turn made the boy's amethyst eyes to also looked outside, and he felt like a veil is being lifted as they were heading towards the mountain top.

"Revelare semita quae abscondita est ex, et conquisitor."

The boy knows and understands little of what the girl was saying, what it means though as he was studying about it at his homeland not long ago, which means: "Unveil the path which is hidden from, and to the seekers."

The girl was wearing a black turtleneck dress and her hair was tied up. She also wore an earing at her right ear similar to the other girl which also at the girl's right side; the shape of the earrings was an eight pointed star that has a ruby gem stone on it center.

"The coachman can't see the path and the path to the mansion when it wasn't lifted.", said the girl to no one in particular, she turned her head on the boy who raised his one eyebrows in question. "I really hate that child face of yours, Ulysses. It kind of reminded me of that certain men whom I really want to kill."

When the other two of her companion heard it they couldn't help but laughed because of the young boy's reaction which was confused, the woman whose with them was shocked over what she heard coming from the girl.

The two of her companion knew exactly who she's referring to, and couldn't help but to chuckled. Controlling their laughter.

* * * * * * * * * *

After Fanies took the letter that was handed by Céllistáh. He proceeded on going to the next town which the second-in-command instructed him to go that was next to the main town where the royalties, nobilities and aristocrats mostly lives, with his horse.

All town folks of the kingdom mostly gather at the center town where the higher-ups mainly resides where they can have their business, and it's quiet more lively these days than usual because of the incoming festival as the other merchants moved their stall businesses at the side streets to accommodate more customers. There's also a traveling merchants from other Kingdoms and Empires which are the only ones who could enter freely.

The town that Fanies should go were not that full of noise, not like the center town. As only the carriages that would stop and go while others would just passing by. The town people are walking on the corner of the road, and some are glancing at the slaves as some nobles brought their slaves with them to help carry some stuff while others just to show they have money to buy slaves, and the merchants mans and womans are entertaining their customers with different things.

At the far end of the many shops. There was one particular shop with a peculiar name which was read "MOON ENDURANCE Shop" on its door. He looked down at the list he had with him to check if the shop name was correct that was on its back.

He frown staring at the door of the shop name which was very weird. Nevertheless, he needs to go and buy the stuffs that was listed on the parchment gaven by Céllistáh on these small peculiar shop. He went down of his horse and tied it on the corner.

He walked toward it wondering why a shop so small was on a place like this whist it still part of the town, but the thing was that its so far away from where the crowds should be and its so small. And for some reason the shop name was a bit odd for him.

"Welcome and good day, Sir! May I know how can I accommodate you?", a voice of an old man was heard when he open the door.

While opening the door of a small shop, he was greeted by a sweet peculiar scent and an old man who greeted him.

He looked around closing the door behind him and saw variety of things; from silk fabrics to wools, from face to feet ornaments and essentials, from highest to lowest quality products could be seen and bought from there.

'For such a small shop, this is really unexpected.', he thought.

Fanies walked on the side looking at the shelves where there's so many glass tubes and bottles with different colours and sizes, looking at the old man who was patiently waiting for a response from him who adjusted his eyeglasses on his nose by pushing it back.

An old man was a human at his late sixties who greeted him. The man walked near to entertain him as the old man could tell based on what he wore that was of a noble.

"Does you already found what you're looking for or do you want me to look for it as you just sit down on the chair over there while waiting?", asked the old man gesturing at the couch on the far center and the seller's table are where he could pay his bills.

He walked to the couch and sat crossing his legs and lift his hand that was holding the small parchment. "Here's the list of things that you need to get for me. Prizes is not a problem."

When the old man took and read what was listed on the parchment he looked back again on the man infront of him and asked, "Does Lady Céllistáh's the one who gave you this?"

Fanies frown staring at the old man because of how he guessed by just looking at the hand writing. He wondered if Céllistáh was his old costumer since the old man could tell by just reading the items on the list whist he nodded and asked to conform his mind, "Does she always come here to buy stuffs?"

"Yes, Sir. She does always come here to buy different color of wools for knitting, high quality fabrics for clothes and other necessary equipments for woman.", answered the old man. He's now searching for the things that was listed.

"Is it magnolia flower fragrance that I scents? Why is it like there're something sweet in the air I smelled?", Fanies asked in wondered as he sniff the air.

The old man nodded and replied to him whilst looking through the shelves that was on the left side, "Yes... it's a magnolia flower with honey fragrance on it, M'lord."

Minutes passed and the old man was still looking for the things that is on the list. Fanies who was just seating there got bored and decided to stood up and went out of the shop, and just come back moment later to fetched and paid the things when the door suddenly open as the doorbell rang.

"Hello, Mr. Qatero.", said the lady who just entered the shop. She has dark red eyes and her blonde short hair was style on the side while waring a black long dress with white apron.

Fanies assumed the lady was part of an aristocrats family because of the dress she wore but the apron on her waist tells him otherwise.

But he wondered if she isn't part of an aristocrats why is waring a fine dress, and if she is from an aristocrats family why is she waring an apron.

The old man look at the entrance and saw the lady who smiled at him while she closing the door behind. "Uhh, Miss Brooklyn... Good afternoon. Been a while I guess. What brought you here this time to my humble shop?", questioned the old man named Mr. Qatero.

"I just came to buy wools since the Young Miss wants to make some sweater and gloves as a gift I suppo-", she said and stop midway when she realized there was someone with them and looked at the man who stared back at her.

"Oh, right. I still have customer that need to attend. Miss Brooklyn, if you like you can just go and see the supplies of wools I have at the back?", offered Mr. Qatero.

Nevertheless, the vampiress shook her head and smile. "No, it's fine. It isn't that I need to go back there immediately tho. I'll just choose a good fabric over there for Sir Leonard since his older sister asked me to."

She pointed the shelves where the other fabrics are and made her way like she wasn't bothered herself about the man who keeps staring at her since the time she entered the shop.

* * * * * * * * * *

Birds were singing on the trees whist the other animals at the surrounding were making different kinds of tones that could be heard outside the opened windows as the curtains are being swayed by the wind.

In one particular room of the huge mansion, two maids are attending the young lady who sat on her bed looking outside the window as the sun has begun to go down whist listening to the sound of the forest animals that surround the mansion. One of them are arranging the books that was on the table and some were on the bed, and the other maid was combing the young lady's long wavy hair that was spread in the bed.

"Wonder when will big brother Rai come back and visit me again? I'm kinda bored here.", the young lady said at no one in particular. She hugged her knees and rested her chin on it while looking outside the huge window as she wondered. "And big sister was gone for her work leaving me behind. Why couldn't I just go with her?"

The two maids couldn't helped but smile because of how she's complaining. The one who is combing her hair said gently, "Wasn't it your fault? You went out here yourself without permission, escaped elsewhere the previous week, and involved yourself with danger. We all glad that you're fine after that. However, it didn't set well with your big sister, and thus grounded you up for a month because of what you did."

"But all I did was hel-"

"And if your big brother knows about your little venture last week without any of them with you, which we assumed he got some inkling by now. Do you think your punishment would just last only a month, Young Miss?", said the maid cutting her words. "You escaping here is a good trouble. Why not ask to go? You should know how your siblings feels and cared about you alot about your safety, Young Miss."

"Could it be called an escapes if I ever asked for permissions then you were to agree? And would you all allowed me to?", said the young lady. She looked at her side where the maid was combing her hair who just shrugged because she couldn't answer what was being asked of her. The young lady smiled sideway.

She then took the book from her side and read the title "The Essence Guides To One Life" and she put it aside and continued complaining, "Another thing, why am I being grounded for a whole month really when I was just went out for five hours. And besides, its not that I'm really allowed to go outside without any of them with me. This is so unfair!"

"Your big sister would brought you with her whenever she goes around the towns and when she felt you're safe to come along. Your big brother would let you travel to Dylarianion and McQuaid to visit your friends there with just us. How's that unfair, Young Miss? They even brought you to the council with them.", said the maid on her side.

"Come now, M'lady... We need you to change and freshen up.", said the one who was done arranging the books. She chuckled and went on the bed infront of the young lady, blocking the view outside. "Lady Priselz and the others are coming home and might be arriving this evening before dinner."

When the young lady heard about it she jumped out of bed and hugged the maid infront of her whist both the maid were startled because of her sudden moved. "They're coming home! Yey-hehh!", said the young lady excitedly and take hold both the maids hand dragging them with her to the powder room, "Come, quickly! Riry! Zaza!"

* * * * * * * * * *

At the time being on the shop, Fanies couldn't take his eyes off of the woman as he still keep looking at her.

"You know... It's rude to stared at people like you're accusing them or something."

He heard the woman spoke while looking at her back. She was searching the shelves where there's so many different kinds of fabrics. He wondered if the woman was aware of him and he smirked. He then walked towards the couch. "It isn't rude when one is mesmerised by someone such as yourself, M'lady.", he said and sat down.

"Oh, I see... Then, you won't mind if I sit down with you, M'lord?", said Miss Brooklyn carrying two each of four different kinds of fabrics in her hands and walk to where the couch were.

"That quite a lot.", commented Fanies. He just watched the woman until she sat down comfortably beside him. "Don't you have someone with you to help you out? That's a lot."

"There's no need for that. Woman can do alot of things...", said Miss Brooklyn and look at the old man who's having some trouble closing the five bags full of goods. She pointed her lips before saying, "But it seems you're the one who should needs some assistance. That's more than a lot compared to mine."

Fanies turn and saw the bags. His expression could not be explained as he was lost, shocked and confused about why would there's so much bags.

Miss Brooklyn chuckled at the man's expression. She could tell that the goods ain't belong to him and that he was just tasked to buy it all for someone.

The wools that she needs was already on the table, she was just waiting to be check out by Mr. Qatero; earlier Mr. Qatero son came to deliver his mother's message and because of that Mr. Qatero asked his son to help her out by bringing up their wools supplies out so that she could choose what colors she'd like.

Mr. Qatero look at the wools that was on the table and said to Ms. Brooklyn as he walked to the counter after securing the items on the five bags. "That alot of wools and fabrics... anyway M'lady, it would be twenty-four gold coins and five silver coins." Then he turn and look at Fanies while holding a parchment papers and wrote down something before he said, "And yours, Sir... all would be thirty-two gold coins in total."

Fanies saw the woman pulling something out from her apron pocket and put it on the table which was a two bags of coins. He does the same and though his bag is much bigger than the woman, when he looked inside it has only few gold coins and many were silver and bronze coins. His in conflicted because he already knew it wasn't enough to pay the bills, and he hasn't bring extra coins and tried to compose himself but unknown to him that his face expression gave it all away.

His alright earlier because he thought since the shop was small and unpopular, then the items would cost lower than the other, but who would have expected that it would cost too much higher, and the money he has with him wasn't enough to pay off the bills.

Then he heard the woman whose name and face he remembered just now from the regale he and the Prince attended five months ago. One of the councilman's daughter, her father was a noble blood from McQuaid.

"Give the extra coins to the gentleman here, Mr. Qatero. The man who's so proud of himself hasn't bring enough money, it seems."

Miss Brooklyn suddenly said as she carried three bags and walked towards the door, and glanced at Fanies whose mind was in conflict. She walked out the shop as a young boy opened the door and helps her carried one of the bags.

Fanies gritted his teeth because he was being insulted for not bringing enough money when he was just tasked by the second-in-command to bought it, and who would have thought the items would cost a high priced in such a lousy shop while clenching his hands. But he was too late to decline her as the woman walked out and entered the carriage with the young boy and the coachman helping them.