The Meeting~ 3: Methodology About The Link-up Part 2

"WOWWW!" "HOW?!" "NICE HOLOGRAM SIMULATION!", exclaimed Bellatrixe, Céllistáh and Faljha at the same time when the whole process was done.

They all startled when the three ladies exclaimed at the same time. One was pure amazement, one was pure confusion while the other was cause by recognition and excitement.

Bellatrixe jump out of her seat and went closer the table beside Thashie. She then tried to touch it but to her disappointment her hand just went through. "Eh?", she frowned. "Why it slip through?"

Upon seeing Bellatrixe whose hand just went pass the moving images on the table Céllistáh couldn't help but did the same copying the young girl. She wave her hand on the images bewildered looking at it and her hand. "But how?", she asked.

"It's just a holographic.", explained Faljha while walking towards the table. "It's a dimensional graphic illusions that makes you believe its real." She also did the same as Céllistáh and Bellatrixe has done and just like what they saw happened on Trixxy and Céllistáh's hand, hers too went passed the images. "Its a realistic illusions. A three-dimensional projector of images from interference patterns which produced by a slit coherent beams of radiations."

Aaliyah chuckled hearing Faljha explaining the empire's holographic map infront of them. "Though you're much younger than me you have the knowledge of which even I couldn't grasp.", she said looking down at the busy land of MacQuíd harbours, shores and towns. "I just knew that its a miniture fabricated landscape of this empire... How come you know, even the definitions?"

Faljha gave a smile and said, "Well, being gone and missing for half a century in society's eyes brought knowledge, I guess... You should try it too."

"If I did that my father would be more distress than he already was. Worst, crying like a child without any shame.", said Aaliyah shaking her head remembering the past. "It would be a good riots at the mansion, much more than when I leave for eight years of compromise journey."

"Oh. Uh, I think you're right...", Faljha nodded. "But this...", she said gesturing at the alive holographic map astonished, "I just knew about the holographic images, but this...this were moving and alive."

"Its a "Fabrication Holographic Map Animated Simulation" or the "FHMAS" which simulated in real live.", said Karlt explaining to them. "Thus, as the word imply "Live simulation", and what we are seeing right now here was what's been also going on in each lands of this time."

"The third elder, my dear one doesn't really that good about direct action and rather put some important thing into consideration. And with that in mind, we came up to as much thoughts of how we would be explaining it the easiest way which comes to these now.", said Kyrios Leo to them. "It is to and for preparation of explaining the methodology process to his Highness. And not just him but to some others as well whom we need to explain this stuffs further for its deeper understanding, and consideration of the past King's well."

"Uh, I've heard about such term from my mother before,", said Ulysses tapping his chin with his finger, "But I never knew that it was something like this. Amazing, indeed!"

August then said while holding at the table edge, "Indeed amazing.... But it is so tasking to make, and yet we only achieve the ninety percent of its fruition which not that bad at first try."

"But how?", Céllistáh asked again. She's been racking her brain for something she might find out, but none could come out other than, which she believes when she was young. Magic! "What kind of trick or thing did the both of you used? How can you make this holographic live simulation map, and I think its only possible if I get the answer through the impossible which is magic?"

Lady Marvella and the other who came in with her were amaze by how she, Céllistáh concludes the possibility of it being magic, that some of them also thought of. Though, they might be friends and acquaintances but only that, no direct or deeper connections of the third elder except for maybe one or two of them, so they also doesn't know about some thing because there were limits closeness with the third and second elders, and their underling is as well. Lady Marvella and the others are merely like an acquaintances unlike those who were around the table. She and the others too were amazed and couldn't believe what they saw. And yes, they couldn't seem to thought of others other than "magic" that the second-in-command of the Prince also said.

"This is not a simple thing as magic, Lady Céllistáh.", said Miss Faljha indifferently. "Though I haven't know what categories of-"

"Arcane Magic."

They looked up hearing their Prince suddenly said interrupting Miss Faljha while staring down at the living holographic simulation map.

He then looked up too looking straight at his front where Karlt and the other stood looking also at him. His eyes first went to Thashie and August who preform the insoluble mértier, and to Eilwe and Karlt who just stood there, then his eyes narrowed at the last person who's lips twitching while staring at the live holographic simulation.

"Oh, have you heard such thing, Your Highness?", questioned Kyrios Leo while looking his eyes up at him. "The arcane thing, I mean?"

"A friend of mine from my distant past...", answered Chervil still staring at Leonard. "My friend told me about a strong and strange like unusual fields... that my friend said has a deep arcane enchantments of which shouldn't exist. My friend also said about the mysterious barrier surrounding the specific places in the empire, and there were those six magnitudes' stars living with us but we don't even know or notice. Well, I don't really believe at such, however, my friend does. And that friend of mine was a sensitive one of almost everything."

"Your friend must be one of a kind.", Leonard nodded acknowledging what Chervil has said, he then said, "Arcane Magic? Though almost the same but no. This is not what you understand and thought it was, Your Highness. However, I could not say the specific understanding of what it is that they used. The words I can say of it is "Endowment" or "Inborn Gifts " just like some of your kind, Your Highness."

"Some human also has the gift you remember, right?", said Ulysses referring to his aunt Chervil's grandmother. "Though not the same as your kind, Your Highness."

At that, he remembered when he was young his grandmother could call the untamed animals of the forest with just the sound of her flute which made him and his siblings amazed.

"That aside-", said Karlt and stopped. "Whoopsy... That was close.", he said while catching and supporting August from falling on the ground. "Are you alright, August?"

"I could just ask someone to send you on the mansion so that you can have a rest.", said the second elder walking towards them.

Trying to steady his stance, August just waved his hand while shaking his head, "No. This was just the after effect of what I've done. And its only because I used something I wasn't that acquainted yet. Combining both and all without synchronization properly with the four forces was tiring."

Karlt and elder Avis then helped him to sit on the couch with Lady Marvella as he asked them.

"Hey, everyone,", said Thashie gaining everyone's attention and she turned to Leonard who nod at her and stepped forward, "Let's continue with the matters at hand. Sir August will be just fine."

Leonard then said, "Let's now start with the solving methods for the first exams. Thashie."

Thashie who moved back and sat on top of the elder's table sipping tea which she asked Eilwe to hand her one. "Yeesss...", she sang answering. She then raised her left hand infront, and the whole landscape at the table changed suddenly to the west side of the empire.

They could see the sceneries of the holographic map changed from a whole land of the Southern Empire to a specific area of landscape. The busy harbor, the merchant's ships from the west, the sailoring people's boats, the people at the bays, towns and villages could also be seen: And yet, it changed again into more specific and remote place where they saw a vast area and a stone mansion on the hill, and behind it was a high cliff overlooking the vast horizon of the ocean; At that, it changed again, however, the place was the same but they were like looking at the mansion and the cliff from the ocean as they could see under the high cliff there's a huge hole-like-cave, and inside were boats and a two big ships full of cobwebs and dust.

The scene on the holographic map was actually divided into two separate places, one was the high cliff hill, while the other one was on the not so remote area of the harbor where only few were permitted to be there: And on the secluded place of the harbor were a big ship just like the two ships on a cliff cave, but this one was of aristocratic design and with almost on the same conditions, full of dust but no cobwebs unlike the two ships at the cliff cave.

"That whole vast area along the hillcliff was and is owned by the Élburgh family, so does the two big ships under the cliff's cave,", said Leo pointing at the cliff holographic simulation and then at the one on the harbor holographic simulation, "And these one ship over there was owned by Arch-Grand Duke Alphonse Viéche."

"Everyone, those three were the ships we shows here are the ones we'll be using for the first test,", Karlt said walking from the couch and stood beside Kyrios Leo, "The first test which is solving will be done on a ships in the middle of the sea, and three council personnel encluding the elder shall be accompanying the participants on each ships for the test scoring."

"The exam scoring shall depends on the elder who accompanied them on the ship, whether the elder decides it to be an individual scoring, be it a groups' scoring, or even as a whole group scoring,", Leonard said, "Either of the three which was mentioned or even all of the above as long as it does carry out and have the solving category, then it's fine."

"Are the other personnel and the elders left in waiting at land would be doing something like this holographic simulation thing to monitor the going on test?", Chervil asked Leonard and Karlt but they don't seem to answer to his question as the two man only kept silent. Not all bothered.

"It shall depend, Your Highness.", Thashie replied instead sipping her tea. "As what you observed, Sir August became weak after using what he did as he was not that acquainted with what he does.", she said.

"But not you." Chervil narrowed his eyes at the girl on the table.

'His sharp!', thought some of them in the room.

At that, Thashie grinned after sipping from her cup. She then jumped down from the table and put her cup down on its saucer, then she lift her long skirt after up to her knees. "I may appears to be alright, but as you can see Your Highness I couldn't barely stand properly. Mine might be different but it still takes a tool on my energy and physical state. Consequences is a must for the thing I used, Your Highness."

They saw how her right leg never stops from shaking ferociously after she lifted her skirt to show them what she meant. And they looked shocked looking at her. How could she stand like normal without a struggling look shown on her face? How can a girl on her age didn't even say about her condition? She even acted normally and just carry out her tasks? Even make a smile, and she was like playing around?

"If it weren't for the preparation and the hard training that we need to acquired, then I would likely probably have collapsed after using the "land replication" which an energy consuming thing.", she added leaning on the table after she lowered her skirt.

Leo turned and walked toward her, sans words he lifted her up and made her sit again on top of the table. He then pull something from his trouser pocket and put it on the tea cup that was hers to which Eilwe poured more tea into it sans any instruction. And in a voice so calmed and yet a little stern, Leonard said after, "Sit. Thy task has finished, thus thou art now is to sit and rest while drinking tea. Thy shall just change the holographic views if we say so. Sit and don't stand."

He handed her the cup of tea which she took without words or even argue that she always does. Then he walked back standing beside where Karlt was who just stood there looking at them expressionless and just made a short nod at Leonard when their eyes met.

"Does what Miss Priselz showed answered your question now, Your Highness?", asked Karlt.

Chervil calmly nodded. "It did."

Thashie sipped her tea in silence while looking down averting everyone's gaze in the process. And on her side, Eilwe who's holding back his chuckles knowing they were in a meeting coughed lightly and then smirked glancing at Thashie.

"Then, let us continue explaining,", Karlt said proceeding on where they left, "In addition to what Kyrios Leo had said, the solving too would be expected to have different characteristics but within the same solving category. For example: the first ship would to identify the riddle given to them which we'll be able to assist their knowledge in books, the second ship would have to solve some mystery that shall be happening within the ship which we'll be able to assist their sharp minds, and the same thing would be on the third ship as I explain with the first and second ships. Or it shall be the same in every ships, it depends."

"How many days will the whole test be proceeding?", asked the scarred man tapping his lips with his four-finger. "The estimations of it to end?"

"One thirty-two hours...", said Leonard unsure, "Or maybe less than that, Snithy."

"Almost six whole days!", exclaiming he slammed to his chair like losing his strength. "Less a week but almost a week... Haaahh."

"Its still shall depends on the elders and council's personnels of both empires.", added Karlt. "It was just an estimation for now."

While Chervil and the others were continuesly grasping what they heard and understand the system of the council examination that was part of the link-up methods with the Western Empire;

Céllistáh, however, was having a strange feeling that there was something happening somewhere like her instinct is telling her to go home which she doesn't understand.

She couldn't understand the unsettling feeling as she tried her best not to be notice. She pulled out a chain from her pocket that has a half of the four pointed star pendant and just touching it to calm herself. It's her way of calming her nerve by touching her half four pointed star broken pendant since the accident happened fifty more long years ago which gave her a sence of comfort at certain times. She tried her best to calmed her uneasiness as she listened not too attentively at what was it which they discussed.

"A week is fine tho,", said the eye patch man. His helping August by massaging the hands whose lying at the couch, "than it is waiting for a months, a years or even a centuries without certainties."

August hearing his friend couldn't help but chuckled, "Stop reminiscing the years ago, will you? Your lady was just journeying herself to find her way back to us. You'll see her again someday, Herdille... Perhaps?"

"Why perhaps turn a question?"

"Because it is a question. Remember when she said you need to take care of everything while she's not around, and you also shall taking care of her younger brother until she comes back-"

Herdille raised his brow. "Is that also why you're still waiting and even watching over the young master?", he asked interrupting what August has to say, "You know my lady would gladly accept your offer of going along with her if you just say so before she vamoose unto the unknown-"

"Ahemm-Ahemm!", clearing his throat Leonard then narrowing his gaze while looking at them, "If I may, this is not the right time for story telling, gentlemen."

Herdille grinned and said, "Apologi-AWW! HEY!"

"What's WITH YOU GORMLESS SON OF-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY SHIRT, YOU DARN IT!!!", said Elder Avis angrily looking at August who only grinned at them espiègle.

Looking up Herdille grinned scratching his head and appeared to apologize, but when August who immediately sit upright causing him to hit Herdille with his leather shoes by the chest, and elder Avis's coffee that he asked Eilwe to gave him while sitting on an armrest at the head side of August was also hit by his hand causing it to spilt on his white long sleeve shirt and Herdille shirt and trouser which caused a little commotion that also caused Lady Marvella and some others to gave a light laugh.

"I wonder if he does that on purpose,", wondered Eilwe looking at the scene with raised brow, "Or he just acted because of how mischievous he is."

"Yap! Mischievousness, no doubt about that.", amused Thashie said at his side, "I wonder if his one of us... Or we are like him."

"Ain't they embarrassed?", whispered Miss Brooklyn.

"I don't think embarrassment is what they should be concerned about.", said Zamier in a low voice glancing at the head of the table. "That, if they have some mindset which I doubt now."

Faljha, Ulysses, Trixxy, Aaliyah, Snithy, Céllistáh and the two human councilmans were all having the same thought as Zamier when they saw Leonard's smiling expression which told them that those three were in huge trouble because it never reached his eyes or his genuine one.

Karlt then said after ignoring the little commotion, "The time we said now were just an estimation since it was also the time spent on the Western Land, and base on the examination characteristics the solving and the survival test were the longest time spent than the writing skill which can be done within just a few hours or day. But, ladies and gentlemen, please do keep in mind that the writing and the solving can be exchange with one another. And the explanation, the methodologies will remain still, about the use of the ships will remain be, whether its a solving or a writing test which would be done on MacQuíd Kingdom."

"Then, how about at Dylarianion? What kind of methodology does the tests of the council be there?", Chervil asked instead. He watched what was unfold infront of him which he found them unpredictable, like their all are the highest and most respectful people in the empire and yet they're all acting like a fools now. Their like ordinary people in his empire who without position or having any ranks in society. "Where would the examination be proceeding there?"

"The place of the exam consist of three lands at Dylarianion Kingdom. And the participants on the exam would be the ones to make a choice by voting individually with a majority rules.", Karlt who seems not bothered with his side and everyone answered the Prince's questions.

Kyrios Leo added ignoring the little commotion like they never exist, "Thus, all of them must choose where they would like to be taking the exam within the three selection places, and the highest voting of the three places will be the selected place of their examination."

"Where's the three places?", asked Bellatrixe curiously looking at the holographic map waiting for it to change again.

"Okeey-dokeey.", Thashie said suddenly. She was just talking to Eilwe about the experiment that she and the others were conducting, and possibly be done within a few years to come. She then raised her hand again and flick her fingers this time three times which made a clicking sound as she said, "Change..."

The holographic simulation views changed obeying her commands, which shown three separate locations that the participants must select by voting individually, the people in the room were having a strange expression like they were trying to figure out why its the preferred locations which the council wants the participants to chose from.

As the location changed in to its next phase, and when the third location was seen Chervil recognize that the third location was an old mansion background of his uncle's family portrait who's one of an earl and living in Dylarianion has on one of his painting collections, hence, he remembered that the painting family portrait

was a special gift from someone important his uncle's wife said to him before.

First shown location was a graveyard, but this graveyard was not for the royalties, nobilities or aristocratic families, nor it is even a graveyard for commoners the lower class people in the empire, as the shown graveyard was of slaves. Slaves who was killed, abducted, abandoned; slaves who were tortured and ended up dead by their masters, mistresses, and those from slaves house were being buried in this graveyard.

The slaves graveyard was located at Dylarianion near the border of the Eastern Empire. An Arch-Grand Duke of Dylarianion Kingdom took the initiative and made a request to the council to provide and approve a graveyard only for slaves since the higher society doesn't want to take slaves into burial and just dumped them in the forest or some other places to be rotten and be eaten by the forest animals; thus, the council implemented a new laws, however, the grave of a slaves must only have a cross and not even a coffin is allowed, and mustn't have any gravestone or any names on it.

Through the holographic map they were able to see what's happening at the graveyard location: Nine man slaves were digging holes after holes as the personnel assigned to overlook them were hitting them hard when they are to rest or stopped digging, and two of the slaves couldn't take it anymore collapsed to the ground with no sign of breathing. And when the personnel finished checking conforming the two collapsed slaves man are dead, the personnel then kicked them off in one hole they were making and he angrily ordered the other slaves there to cover the hole, which the slaves obliged immediately but with hesitation by the way they're looking at each other.

"Bella...", Zamier said realizing that his younger sister was with them. However, when he look for his sister to remind her not to tell about what she saw here when they go back on the mansion as one of their companion would probably don't like it; but she was already has her eyes blocked by Faljha.

His youngest sister was like a sheltered child who doesn't know about the shadiness of the society they lived in with, unlike his other younger siblings who's already on their age to fulfilled their respective duties: Bellatrixe, however, was always accompanying their friends and acquaintances, and thus she wasn't aware and allowed to explore the ugliness of their empire yet, because of such person whom they couldn't afford to let know of.

"It's better not to see this, and you know why, right Trixxy? Just wait until they finish explaining that certain area." Faljha whispered.

Chervil could hear what Faljha was whispering on the girl's ear while covering Bellatrixe with her hands whist pulling the girl with her to where elder Avis and the others were sitting, and blocked the girl from seeing the unfold event of the graveyard.

The second view was like a forest with a huge and the most longest living tree ever of their empire. A huge ancient tree inside the forest of the palace ground at Dylarianion is believed to be both sacred and notorious place there is, and only a handful of people could enter and ever a few was able to be where the ancient tree. The place is like a living dream as many wild animals, wild mushrooms, wild plants and wildflowers blooming around there with different colours illuminating lights; that even under the falling leaves of autumn, and the innocent slumbering white covered skeleton trees of winter, the heart of the forest where the ancient tree was standing tall would not be swayed by the cycle of season.

"That was the place where we welcome the opening ceremony of the festival...", murmured Céllistáh to herself and when realisation hit her she looked up meeting Chervil's gaze.

"It's a forbidden place for some reason.", confirmed Chervil. "And the only person who knows the right pathway towards the center where we'll be able to find that sacred place was the former Arch-Queen, my grandmother."

The third one was an estate. A beautiful and yet small white old mansion stood inside the place adorned with the most poisonous flowers there is in the land of Dylarianion and empire. The estate has many unique postures of trees and so many treasures scattered around the place like gold bars, gold, silver and bronze coins, precious gemstones, pearls, trees with gold as its leafs, blooming flowers with diamonds inside, and many others which is very tempting to have.

"Isn't that a place we visited years ago along with your sisters, and the third elder right?" Lady Marvella asked Zamier.

"Indeed... That's the place.", answered Zamier looking at the mansion which he smiled remembering the time they visited the estate, and almost like they wouldn't be able to get out of there. "The blissful curse estate...", he said.

Elder Avis snort, "It's not a curse estate for the love of the moon and stars, Zamier; It's because you're a vigilant visitor who wants to touch everything you ever laid eyes on."

Others who have heard about the place looked up at Zamier and elder Avis, and at Kyrios Leo who smile mysteriously hearing it, thus he said to them explaining further about the method that they are using for the council examination link-up with the Western Empire.

"Why of all many places you higher-ups could've chose you choose the most dangerous, and even the most shadious parts of this empire." Faljha then asked returning to the table after the explanation was done.

"Its because hiding the ugliness with false beauty isn't going to solve things." Chervil said to her in a low voice.

"And thus, that shall conclude with this matter about the link-up and its methods,", Karlt said to everyone but his eyes were on Chervil, "For any of you who wants to ask anything about something regarding what we've discussed here, please just go to the head council or elder Avis for some informations."

Leonard suddenly clap his hands again for the second time upon arriving as he said, "With that, this meeting is now done.", as he is about to make an exit.

He and some others was about to leave as they stood up and walked behind him toward the door, but he stopped and turn his gaze back at Chervil whose staring at them and most pecifically at him.

"Ye must be not trusted us, my Prince... But fear not for we not here to harm this land, and nor we thine foes... Ye shall see me again as me now in near tomorrow when everything fall into chaos. We, the Rose Paladines ain't under this empire's commands, however, we're here to improve and to fulfill the promises we made to thine ancestors.", he then said to him before leaving the room along with Eilwe who's helping August, Faljha, Aaliyah with the cat in her arms, Herdille, Zamier and his sister who only greets their Prince and Céllistáh then excuses themselves.

* * * * * * * * *

"You're old enough to have that pouting face, Céllis."

"I am eight years younger than you, Your Majesty!", said Céllistáh trying to calm herself.

They were on their way back to the room where they would and shall be staying for tonight as Chervil prefer to leave the Q Court tomorrow before dawn. Céllistáh, however, wanting them both to leave the Q Court immediately after the meeting about the methodology of the link up with Elder Avis and the representatives of the third elder ended as she feels something unsettling in the mansion which she doesn't understand.

"I don't like your tone of speech.", Chervil told her in a hard tone.

Céllistáh knows him well that he doesn't like the title "Your Highness" and "My Prince" especially the "Your Majesty" thing being addressed to him by his closest friends and relatives; In which she would use to annoyed him everytime she wants to get the point out.

"Céllis... Tomorrow we shall be, but we'll rest here tonight."

"I told you...", Céllistáh said to him pouting. "We have to leave now! I'm having a bad feeling."

They are about to turn left where their room were when a man, a human councillor ran towards them, asking them to wait while waving his hand that's holding something.

"What is it?", asked Chervil as the man heave for breathe.

The man hand over the letter as he catched his breath while speaking. "The letter... It arrived a couple of minutes ago... From... From the man named Gelax. He said... His your... Butler."

Chervil read the handed letter and after doing so, he told the councilman to prepared their horses at the back exit of the council. His aura and expression is some what dangerous after reading the content of the letter, Céllistáh observed. He went to their room and gather the paper which is important along with the other documents there.

Céllistáh too did the same, but she doesn't know why Chervil change his mind after reading the letter that cause to change his decision suddenly.

And his demeanor turn sharper which she only seen twice. Before.

"What was the letter is all about?", she asked wondering.

But Chervil doesn't answer her and just walk out of the room went to the back exit where their horses are waiting, thus before he start the horse to run he pass the letter to Céllistáh who is already done claiming her horse and was about to start.

She took it and watch just as Chervil's horse started galloping away leaving her there. She sigh. Chervil only done this kind of stuff if something dreadful happens at the palace or at his own mansion. She read the letter and saw why Chervil was so haste a moment ago. Céllistáh then ride her horse after reading the letter to catch up with Chervil.

{Your Highness, Prince Chervil

My Prince, your young head maid miss Daisy are in critical condition right now. She has wounds allover her body and her body back has more because she was whipped more than a hundred times by your guests as she was trying to protect the little girl Ellvinah. She warned me not to go near while your guests were there. She also said not to write anything and not report to you as she thought it'll be just a disturbance to you and your meeting, but her conditions are worsening every second.

Therefore, I write to you Your Highness to make sure you know what happened to her, and for you to come back immediately after your meeting on Q Court.

Another thing, the little girl Ellvinah was taken by your guests somewhere to Isle Valley.

Hence, I'll be waiting and will accept your punishment the way you see it fit for this situation.
