Chapter 10

Although Jack knew that guy is not from orphanage but he does not know his background tho. After seeing that guy approached him he takes a look at his pokemon and scan it.

Pokemon: Mareep (deep green)

Gender: Male

Level: level 9

Attribute: electric

Characteristic: static

Holding items: none

Hereditary Ability: Agility, Electric terrain

Basic Abilities: Growl, Tackle, Thunder wave, Thunder shock

TM: none

Jack's eyes suddenly shranked, deep green aptitude mareep. Both Hereditary ability are also very good, one is electric terrain which is same concept as weather ability other is Agility. It is no wonder he got first place in the past. Pokemon like Mareep live in groups so catching one and taming is skill in itself and it is a deep green one on top of that. Maybe luck got involved but luck is also apart of skills.

It is very obvious that guy wants to talk to him,maybe he wants greets or provoke but Jack still waited. If they were to fight right now with the attribute restraining and lower level, Jack has the lower chance of winning. But he is confident that his experience of two lives will make up for it so he is not scared.

"Hey, you are the first place!, I thought I be the one Its a shame." he stopped and said. "Hi, my name is Alex, Nice to meet you." Hearing this Jack nodded and said' "Jack, your mareep is pretty good."

Alex proudly laughed and said, "Actually I want it to battle with you but this guy is just caught. Although it is tamed it will still a while to get used to commands. How about we will fight in a week before the first trial end. I don't like attention right now so we fight at this place where nobody can watch us." Alex took out the map and pointed. The place is relatively large open space so there will be also less pokemons.

Alex agreed and they both shook hands. Having rivalry is good, it will push both and they will be benefited from this a lot.

During this week Jack needs to train three things. One is to train zubat body mainly its speed and attack for that he needs to start developing his wings. Other is ability training and the last but the most important thing to train is the development of zubat attribute. This will also breakthrough his aptitude from deep green. Training will also improve mutual understanding between pokemon and trainer.

After seeing Alex leave, Jack saw other guy walking out of the forest each with their pokemon. The guy took a glance at Jack with killing intent but after seeing Jack does not seem to care or pay attention to him he coldly snorted and left. Jack knows about him because he is one of the guy he hates and if the opportunity rise, he will solve that guy. Jack secretly took a glance at his pokemon and the result shocked Jack.

Pokemon: ekans (light blue)

Gender: Male

Level: level 7

Attribute: poison

Characteristic: intimate

Holding items: none

Hereditary Ability: fire fang, ice fang, thunder fang

Basic Abilities: poison sting, wrap, leer

TM: none

"What the fuck! Pokemon with light blue aptitude." Now I remember his name. His name is Luke and he is not from orphanage but the son of the elite captain of team rocket. Jack knows instantly that this ekans not the one he tames by himself. The ekans is one of the vicious pokemon and inherently untamed. Not to mention with light blue and three versatile fangs abilities and he got it under control just in one day which is impossible for normal kids. He must have pulled some strings to get the first price since be missed it he will probably target Jack. As for Alex because of his mysterious background Luke doesn't dare to provoke him.

Now that he is already targeted by him so if you don't want to suffer you have to take initiative and solve him first or he will come bite you the minute he gets the chance. Jack already knows him from the past that he is very cruel and bully the weak but fears the strong type of person.

He better pray to not meet me in the wild alone or else he won't even know what kills him.Being an archer and owning the best assassin pokemon it is very easy if Jack wants to kill other especially at night with his night vision. The only issue after killing him is his dad. His dad is one of the best elite captain under an executive Archer and is the right hand man. Otherwise owning a light blue as starter is hard even for the son of normal elite captain. Thankfully they are in this island and here death is not uncommon. Even elite captain wants to investigate it will take some time. Although he would know sooner or later, it will already be too late. By that time Jack has confidence to that he will surpass elite captain threshold.

Jack decided to train in the forest so first he need to find a save place to live. He just knows a relatively safe one and perfect position for training low levels pokemon. It is his hideout from previous life. Decided Jack takes off into the wild. On his way, he saw two others going in the direction of headquarter which means they have complete first trial. The first one he meets is the girl who he knows. She is Mary and they greeted when met and Jack scan her pokemon. Her pokemon is pidgey as expected because the one she bought is a bird trap is pidgey is common and mild easy to catch. The final evolution Pidgeot is very strong as well with mega evolution. Her pidgey is also deep green aptitude.

Pokemon: Pidgey (deep green)

Gender: Female

Level: level 5

Attribute: normal, flying

Characteristic: keen eye

Holding items: none

Hereditary Ability: Feather dance, Steel wing

Basic Abilities: Tackle, Sand attack, Gust

TM: none

That girl is the luckiest person he met in his two lives. Although pidgey lives in colonies sometimes one of two stray from the packs and wander around. If you want to catch pidgey you have to catch the stray ones , if you want to catch pidgey from colonies you will most likely end up death. Pidgey and Pidgeotto are usually mild but when they are provoked, they can be very cruel.