Chapter 26

After Alex wins the battle easily it is Luke's turn. Jack is interested in the level of Luke's ekans because it is the only light blue in this competition. After Luke took his ekans out Jack immediately check its information.

Pokemon: Ekans (light blue)

Gendar: Male

Level: 20

Attribute: Poison

Characteristic: Intimidate

Holding items: None

Hereditary Abilities: Fire fang, Ice fang, Thunder fang

Basic Abilities: Leer, Wrap, Poison sting, Bite, Glare, Screech, Acid, Poison fang

TM: Protect, Rock tomb, Dig,

When Jack saw these information, it does not surprise him very much. Both the levels of ekans and zubat are the same but with the experience of Jack, he is confident to win. "But those TMs, that guy must have use his father connections to get them." Jack thought to himself silently and watched the battle.

Luke opponent is one of the strongest guy in the orphanage apart from Jack. Although Jack saw him during the time of orphanage, he does not know his name. His pokemon is level 15 poliwag. Although he knows he has no chance against Luke, there are still fighting spirit and hope in his eyes.

But the reality is very cruel, the battle is over as soon as it starts. Unlucky for him, Luke is a cruel person who likes to torture other. With the characteristic of intimidate, as soon as poliwag faces ekans in the battlefield it seems scare. Seeing this Luke smiled cruelly and amplified that fear by using leer and glare moves. This makes the already scare poliwag to stiffen due to fear.

Although Luke can end it quickly at the moment as Jack did, he chooses not to do it. He lets ekans slowly approach poliwag and constantly use glare and leer. He intends to give poliwag a mental trauma. After ekans got near, it wrap itself around poliwag and use poison fang to solve him.

Jack sighed after seeing this, he knows that after this battle poliwag will not be the same as before, with this trauma it will be very hard to train and raise his level. That guy life is probably over at this point.

"Haha, What a trash, come back ekans." Luke laughed out loud and mock his opponent after the battle. He then looks at both Jack and Alex, and left the battlefield.

Seeing their friend from orphanage humiliated, Mary tremble in anger beside Jack. She bites her lips so hard that even some of the blood can be seen. She knows that even if it her on that battlefield, the result will not be no that different because her pidgey is only at level 17 and only slightly stronger than that poliwag. The next is her battle and although she wins at last, she had struggles a bit in order for that. She clearly understand now. The gap between her and the other three are obvious whether it is by level or by commands.

Jack does not comfort her or anything because she has to overcome this by herself. Only then she will grow stronger, if not she will get left behind. Jack lost interest in other battles and left the battlefield to train his zubat. After the battle with spearow he got very close in breaking through the threshold. It took a whole day for all 75 battles to finish. During this day, Jack triple the zubat training hoping for a breakthrough and zubat does not let him down. Now he has broken level 20 and reach level 21.

In the next morning, Jack and others got called back to the square. By the time they arrived, 5 people from the losers bracket has already chosen. Jack saw his opponent, the guy with spearow, in that group. There are only 80 present and others are no where to be seen. They must have already sent out of the island yesterday to become agents of team rocket. Now it is time to announce ranking among the winners to distribute rewards.

The main judge for that is Cobra after all he is the strongest in this island and has the most experience. It does not take long before the results are announced. As expected Jack got the first place because his battle is the most quickest. The second place is Luke and Alex is third. The results does not surprise him very much because of Alex and Luke were to battle right now, the chance is Alex winning is small. But Alex still can't be underestimated because Jack know at the last trial he somehow got a powerful pokemon and beat Luke and take first place.

"These results are not different from what I remember." thought Jack after seeing the results.

"Those who are not satisfied with the results can challenge top ten. Whoever beats the opponent will get rewards." Cobra loudly said.

Hearing this Luke took a glance at Jack, seeing that Jack makes provocative looks towards him. But after a while, Luke snorted and looks away.

Seeing this Jack shakes his head and said in disappointment , "Spineless bastard, only capable of bullying the weak".

The reason Luke choose to back down is he cannot guarantee his win against Jack. If he win he might gets the rewards but if he loses he will lose his image and followers that he has built up for so long which is not worth it.

There is a gap between top ten and others so there are no challenges. "Humph, all of you are fucking useless. I gave a chance and nobody is willing take it." Cobra shouted angrily and left the square directly.

Those who does not dare challenge stronger will not become strong themselves. Jack knows about this and if he were in others situations he would challenge. Even if he does not win, there is nothing to lose. It will even gives him more experience.

Jack does not think about it any longer and go to gets his rewards. After getting 30,000 as rewards, he goes to the store one more time to purchase some more. He uses all of his rewards integral points to purchase all the things he needs which includes pokemon foods, most suitable pokeblock for both pokemons, calcium tablets, milktank milk and beedrill honey for growth as well as training materials for feebas.

The only different thing he bought is an egg incubator for pokemon egg. Because it is the time to go get the egg he wanted. All the preparation are completed and with the zubat breakthrough Jack has reached the basic requirements of regular trainers. It took him only over a month to get where he his.

"Now let us go get our third partner." Jack said to his zubat and feebas.