I know what you're going to say. 'there is no variation to these books. It's all so cliché. Pathetic even.' Well before you judge me for starting you at school l, just know this story is mine. If you don't like it then go write your own.

I walk down the narrow crowded hallway. Nobody was paying any attention to me which, to be honest, is a blessing. I tightly cross my arms across my chest and take a deep shaky breath, briskly make my way over to my locker. People bump and push me with every step. I don't mind them though, I just grit my teeth and keep pushing on. 'Almost there.' I think to myself. And as if a saint were watching over me I made it without meeting with the terrible trio. I open my locker and start taking out my books and stuff them into my bag just as the bell rang. I let out a sigh and start thanking whatever god up above that allowed me to at least start the day out nice. I listened to the sound of feet striding down the hallway to their respective classes. When there are no more I closed my locker but before I was able to leave I was met with all three of them. The Terrible trio. The Terrible Trio is a group of three people who are hell-bent on making me suffer. let me introduce you to them.

First, there is Lindsay. she is the ring leader of the TT ( Terrible trio) and the biggest reason why I hate school. She is absolutely cruel and will do anything to humiliate me.

Then there is Angel. Let's just say she is anything but what her name suggests. She is the biggest gossip queen and specializes in spreading rumors.

And, last but not least there is Michael. He is one of the most popular boys and a huge jock. He unsurprisingly specializes in physical abuse.

These three are the rule of the school and they all hate me. Yay me. Did you catch my sarcasm? I hope you did.

" Hey there Mittens, are you going to Brianna's party tonight?"

Angel, who is typing on her phone like usual, stops long enough to shoot Lindsay a look. "Oh wait I forgot, you aren't invited!" Started off Lindsey with a fake frown.

Not wanting to say anything I just looked at her.

"Well, aren't you going to ask what going to happen?" Lindsay asked.


"What Is going to happen?" Angel asks for me.

"Brianna is going to choose someone to go to new york with her for three days."

"Cool. Can I go now?" I asked rolling my eyes. Lindsay narrows her eyes at me.

Michael smirks and grabs my bag turning it upside down dumped everything onto the floor. Lindsay snickered and the pair turned to leave. " Hurry and Finnish this," Lindsey said as she turns her back to me.

I don't bother to pick up anything knowing what would happen next so I just stood there still waiting for the pain that would follow. I didn't have to wait long before there was a sharp pain in my ribs that quite literally knocked the air out of my lungs. I went straight down to my knees cradling my injured ribs.

"Get up," he ordered.

And I did slowly. As soon as I was fully up he pushed me into the janitor closet a little down the hallway. Once inside he roughly pushed me against the metal chemical rack; pinning me there with his own larger one. I tried to push him off with all my strength but he didn't even budge.

" Please don't do this " I weakly begged him. My voice not being any louder than a whisper. As if he didn't hear me he continued to press his lips onto mine. I could feel his tongue pushing against my teeth demanding access that I wasn't granted. Getting even more frustrated. He bit my bottom lip making my mouth open enough for him to invade it with his tongue while his hands simultaneously began to explore my body. First running over my hips then up to my back. Slowly he moves his lips down to my neck just above my collar bone. I can't help it. My breath becomes more ragged and I have a sudden urge to dig my fingers into his dark brown curls. I lean my head back to allow him more room for his abuse. Suddenly the janitor door flung open and who would have guessed that no one other than Brittany and Lindsey WITH A CAMERA.

"Ooh look at Mittens. This will make some interesting news. Is that a hickey?"

After some embarrassing pictures were taken Michael finally let me go. "If I catch you again I am going to have to finish what I started," he said in a low voice.

I can't say the pictures were the worst part. No the fact that I wanted him to finish is. And according to his junior, he did too.