-Prologue 2, Hope-

Sure, they are powerful, but on the other side, there is also the king of the clan together with the elders and others of noble blood so now they should take advantage of time.

"Are you sure? This could generate big changes, you don't know if it will be a disaster or a blessing, or if it will go as planned" - said ten tails with some tension, but also with great expectations.

"Do we have an alternative?" - The beautiful woman answered with irony. They could teleport, but then what? Keep running away?

Then, the princess released from the dimension the 3 members of the Otsutsuki clan who were with their bodies sealed but intact.

The Juubi with Kaguya began to release their energy on the bodies, then the goddess released strange seals with rapid movements of her hands and just a few seconds later the men began to emit loud screams when their bodies began to tear apart while they were fusing. little by little until it becomes uniform. The process concluded when the mass condensed into the size of a soccer ball.

"It's the time!" -shouted the woman as she threw blood essence through her mouth, the same did the huge beast, thus, the energy already condensed together with the 2 blood essences began to integrate while Kaguya made the final seals of it.

The princess's body turned pale and with her body and mind tremendously exhausted from the high demand of the seals along with the loss of blood essence, while the 10-tails was exhausted due to exerting great pressure on her body. But she could not recover as the mass of energy erupted with a great roar as if it were warning the universe of the birth of a supreme being that could generate important events in the future. Suddenly there were openings in space, fierce and noisy lightning as if the dimension could explode at any moment, finally, earthquakes and a great red haze invaded the entire planet.

After a few minutes he finally calmed down and what he could see was a naked child with an incredibly white complexion that if you saw him quickly you would think that it was an innocent baby with nothing besides his appearance, but if you carefully look it You can see that each cell radiated incredible majesty.

'this ... a baby? This was really strange, it will not be a good immediate ally, but it will be easier to communicate '- the Juubi was tremendously surprised, she thought that a kind of mutant or a beast would be formed but never a newborn and like the race of the princess.

Kaguya who all the time had the same cold face finally showed a strange softness. She wanted to get closer to him, but she hesitated for a moment. All the life she has lived in loneliness and sadness for her fate. She had doubts about him but when the little boy opened his beautiful eyes and looked directly at her, her heart began to pound, she put aside any thought and approached with weak steps.

But soon the worst happened.

He appeared in one of the space openings caused by the baby, a huge eye that contains several blades and strange symbols. The eye began to observe the surroundings until he saw the princess, the demon, and finally stopped at the beautiful white-haired baby.

"All this time we were wondering with the council if something had happened to you, but now I see that you dedicated yourself to planning against your family, you will pay bitch!" -After his words that traveled in the void with a majestic and somber tone, the huge eye began to bleed as it formed a huge ball of black energy that is released towards the child.

"Heavenly father stops!" -said the princess as she watched in despair as the energy hit the child forming a huge shock wave. With her body without her energy, it was impossible for him to even put himself in front of the baby.

"I see that your experiment failed JAJAAJAJAJAJAJ, you better take care of yourself, you finished with the brothers, soon I will send for them to look for you, at least I will be able to use your body when I seal your conscience" - in a chilling tone the huge eye expressed while the sky it eliminated the cracks by pushing it away.

The princess with great sadness knelt as her blood-soaked her due to the impact of the previous energy added to hers and her state of weakness. Kaguya looked at the ground with a strong feeling of sadness and loneliness since she had a special affection for him.

"Look again!" - Said the excited Juubi as the cloud of power disappeared, the beauty quickly looked towards where the little one was and saw him in perfect condition as if the above had only been a nightmare.

When she saw the baby, she felt as if the soul returned to her body, she did not even notice the strange marks on the baby. It was the first time that she felt the sensation of losing and regaining what was most precious as if her blood was beating with joy from her. But again she couldn't enjoy this feeling for long.

She looked into the baby's eyes. A dark-gray wave pattern formed within the Byakugan, spreading along with the eyeballs, with finely cracked irises that contrasted with the mauve white color of the Byakugan. His eyes absorbed the energy released by the huge eye, but His body could not resist, it is growing rapidly as if they were inflating his body.

She did her best to walk towards the baby trying to solve the problem, but in just a few steps her body was about to fall, it seemed an eternal path. However, when there was still a way to go and the child seemed to be about to explode, the beast's body turned into a small being that looked like a tiny version of the divine tree and entered the baby's body through the navel.

"What are you doing?" - the woman asked cautiously as she struggled to reach him.

"Relax, I will unite my inner body to prevent his energy from making his explode"


"I will form a space inside to store the received energy and release the received power little by little through a bridge where my roots will connect to the energy channels of his chakra.

"... Then you" - the beauty looked at the baby in a complex way.

"Sorry, I'll leave the rest to you, I need to enter a hibernation stage and now regain my energy" -she said weakly as everything fell silent again.

She had confidence in the beast, after all, she would also look for the little one of hers to help her clan from his divine tree of hers, besides that she also shared part of her cells, so she felt a Great Connection.

The woman, after an intense effort, finally reached the body of the baby while internally thanking the Juubi, she knew that if she had not done so, most likely she would have died, she sacrificed her physical body when entering the baby.

"This feeling is ..." - she said as she made him a small white kimono and stroked his beautiful hair, after years she finally formed a smile showing a clear show of affection whose expression managed to hypnotize the world by the beautiful image they gave. She did not know the name of the feeling she had of him now, but of one thing she was sure, it was the best of her in more than a thousand years in her life.

"Your name will be Zetsu ... no, it will be Suzetsu, Suzetsu Otsutsuki" -she said as she lifted him in her arms and turned to make the little boy smile.

But nothing could be eternal, after a few minutes when she was able to mobilize a little of her powers, she decided that she had to leave the place or else some of the old farts from her clan could cause serious problems. Her eyes flickered as she finally stopped in one place and through spacetime ninjutsu she finally teleported along with the baby.

As soon as she reached an area with beautiful landscapes, the woman concentrated her senses and left the baby in a basket at the doors where she could feel the strongest powers within the territory until she finally disappeared when she felt the presence of an individual.


Again, teleporting somewhere in the universe, the woman made her last decision, to avoid being captured, and that through some methods used in her they realized where the baby is, she decided to seal herself through a < Chibaku Tensei> that had been developed in her training with the Juubi, thus, she, floating in the void, looked towards some distant point of space with a soft smile thinking of the dear child, until the rocks sealed her inside.