Arrival of the Maou

They were forming a beautiful painting, the 2 oldest remained the same, while Rías, who was already 10 years old, was beautiful, and it was also seen that she was acquiring certain qualities from her mother.

"Ototo, every day you train until you are exhausted, how long are you going to do this?" -Said the little her making a slight pout while she looked at the young man.

"Rías, I feel like I'm close to waking something up, that's why I'm training so hard" - he said with a smile while stroking her red hair.

"Uhhhhhh I'm older than you, Ototo, I should do that to you, it's my responsibility" -the girl complained, but her expression said that she enjoyed it.

"Awwww they look so cute" - said the brown-haired woman while the other young woman dressed as a maid nodded and smiled slightly.

The youngest of the Gremory had a slight red on her cheeks as she looked at the side of the young man who was pouting.

"Your grimace only increases your tenderness" - said the older as she pinched his cheeks.

He turned his head and crossed his arms believing that a man should not be cute but handsome. Such comments were insulting his pride as a man, even if he was only 8 years old.

" let's continue with a serious topic, in a week there will be a meeting of the teams that will participate in the hunting festival, Rías will be one of the participants, as heir to the clan she has to fulfill her obligations, this time Grayfia will be in charge of the security of our group " - the oldest told Rías so that she could prepare properly.

She just finished with the information, the young man got up with great emotion while his eyes shone with enthusiasm, he thought it was a good opportunity to measure his physical level and the few skills that he was taught in the family and in the Youkai world.

"Venelana, please let me go"

"Unfortunately, only members of the house can go so you could not be part of the official team" - she answers while stroking her hair.

"That doesn't matter to me, I just want to have some experience" - he said with great determination.

"Okaasan, then let him be one of my companions, as the main member of the team I can take a person" - implored the young woman.

"But that would mean one less member as a bodyguard."

"Isn't Grayfia in charge of security?"

"Do not worry Venelana, I will take care of protecting them" -said the woman dressed as a maid while she straightened her body as if she were showing her firmness.

"Thank you, please trust me, I will protect Rías with my life" - continued the beautiful young man with an unwavering attitude while the girl looked at him with stars in her eyes.

"Idiot, you are our family too, we want you both to be safe" - the older woman ruffled his hair with great love.

"Well, you are my family" - he said with her face lit up and with a big smile as he hugged the 3 women who had a slight red in their eyes.


Time passes and after seven days the different families reached the territory of the Gremory house.

The young Suzetsu preferred to train in his yard than to attend the meetings that were organized between young people, Rías repeatedly invited him to participate, but he preferred to stay away from others, perhaps because he did not feel from those groups or simply had other priorities. So with most of the people who would attend this time, he was not in contact but had knowledge of the different clans of the demon class.

The first to arrive was the Sitri family, the group was made up of a beautiful elderly couple who were Lord and Lady Sitri, followed by a group of young people in which two stood out. The first is Sona, she is a young woman who has matured a lot in these short years but still retains the feeling of nobility and intelligence. The second was Serafall is a beautiful woman with long black hair tied in two tails on either side of her using two fuchsia ribbons and her eyes are purple. She has a body like that of a girl (albeit with large breasts), she dresses in magical girl clothes and carries a star-shaped magic wand as an accessory.

The pair of women together with the 2 adults were heading towards Rías's group.

"They're early" - Zeoticus greeted them with a small smile.

"Hahaha Hi Lord Gremory, I hope you are well since the last time we met" - answered the older one with great enthusiasm.

"Sirzechs Lucifer in no time the other two Satan will arrive to discuss angels and fallen angels, is everything ready?" -Said the magical girl with a serious tone, contrary to her character.

"Don't worry Serafall, I've already been in contact with the others, we'll discuss it"

"Very well, ahhhhh Dona Venelana and where is that little boy you were talking about so much?" - Shifting to a cheerful tone, the beautiful Satan asked as she looked at the different areas of the room.

"humph" - the red-haired older man snorted as his face mixed with a bit of coldness.

"Our dear Suzetsu is in his room, Grayfia please show the sisters the way" - Venelana said with a tone of love and a radiant face as if the mere mention of him gave her great happiness.

The magical girl and Sitri's older couple were curious as the little one was mentioned in many previous conversations, as well as some wonder at the disgust Zeoticus emitted. Sona adjusted her glasses while giving a small smile, 6 months she didn't see him, so she was a little excited, something that was seen by Serafall that pouted in her thoughts as she thought about the brat he wanted to take her sister.

"Yes Dona Venelana, please join me" - she replied with a big smile, surprising even the others in the room since she generally maintained a touch of indifference.

The group of 4 went down the hall while they chatted one thing or another, after a few minutes when they were outside a room, they heard metal knocks and screams that were given inside.

They opened the door and could see inside, soon the Sitri sisters opened big eyes when they saw a young man brandishing a sword, they observed a boy who was already 8 years old but seemed to be an adolescent body, his upper area was discovered and despite his age, he already had marked muscles, they were not bulky, but they were perfectly chiseled to his body, showing great power contained in them.

The young man felt the presence of others in the practice area and when he looked at the arrivals again, they fell a little stunned, even the magical girl fell into a small trance, while the young Sona changed her calm face to a big blush while she saw the sweat that accentuated his figure. They had small stars in their eyes while they saw the perfect face of the young man, they marveled at the tone of his skin, the color of his hair that looked like silk, his strange golden horns that gave him a mysterious touch and, above all, his eyes that they seemed to contain the sky.

Suzetsu gave a small smile as he looked at Sona, after all, they had not met for quite some time, she was an interesting girl with whom he could discuss various topics, she even taught her various strategy games such as chess and others. Although he felt strange that after having dominated the board and winning almost unilaterally, she began to stutter, and her face seemed to burn.