Life or Death

The next morning Rías woke up with a big smile, but she soon froze when she opened her eyes, she was sure that she had laid down in her sleeping bag, but now she was hugging Suzu, apparently, at night she moved unconsciously.

"Good morning Rías" -he said with a wry smile.

"I... I ...I'm sorry" -she intermittently and with an increasingly red face that looked like she was about to bleed.

"Don't worry, but… could you let me go? We have to prepare to continue "-apparently the beautiful young man began to have some reaction, in the eyes of heaven he saw a bit of surprise.

Rías saw that he was still holding him, she quickly released him feeling a slight sense of loss, but also with happiness since he could see the changes in the young man's face, for the first time Suzetsu had lost his composure a bit. She tried to be calm and proceeded to wash and prepare the meat.

Suzu decided not to use the Byakugan, he did not want to be dependent and thus improve his senses, in addition to the expense of his for using it meant a great effort. They continued through the day and when they reached the foot of one of the great mountains Suzetsu really knew the true meaning of the word "spacious". In his line of sight, as far as he could see, the surrounding region was filled with majestic peaks and mountains, seemingly endless.

At this instant, a light mountain wind began to pick up and passed the couple. As it was the summer season now, the light wind from the mountain was a welcome change to ease the heat of the summer sun beginning to break through on the mountain path.

It was already the end of the second day, in this time period they knew exactly how far traversed. They climbed five mountains and killed more than 50 wild and ferocious beasts albeit the vast majority of low levels. Of these fights, there was a particular battle with a Giant Elephant that filled them with a lot of emotion.

They were initially nervous about facing such an opponent. The 'metallic elephant' had a body size of three meters in height and ten meters in length and as the name suggests his body is covered in metal. Running into him directly was insane. In terms of strength and body size, there was no way Suzetsu was comparable to him and Rias's magic was not his opponent.

Although the elephant was colossal in size and with skin the hardness of steel plates, there was no obstacle to its movements. With a speed one would not have expected from that massive body, his muscles flowed together in perfect harmony as the elephant accelerated towards Suzetsu causing tremors that shook the ground with every step he took.

By measuring his opponent who was a mid-peak level beast and his own strength, Suzetsu knew that the current one did not have the power to seriously injure this ferocious beast. If he wanted to prevail, he had to use his wits instead. Advancing with the appearance of retreating, using quick steps and the magic of the young Gremory who was cornering him, they led the Giant Land Elephant through a series of wild dances before strategically placing him at a point near the cliff.

Using his swiftness and agility, the little golden-horned man executes one of the abilities of the fire element. This corresponds to a Youjutsu.

Youjutsu is the Youkai form of spell and is primarily unique to Youkai. Yasaka taught him one of the most used skills for the second level.

- In this, the user makes small movements with his hand, as if he was writing in the air, then different Japanese symbols appear in the place and a burst of small spheres of fire is released at high speeds.

~~~ Brraahh brraahh !! ~~ - He aimed directly at the head causing the huge beast to go blind and bark hard.

Seizing the opportunity, he appeared to the side of the elephant and with all his might he threw a fist aimed at one of his huge hind legs, succeeding in his attempt to push the elephant off the cliff.

~~ Kacha ~~ - The sound of bones breaking echoed as the elephant beast collapsed with a tragic cry filled with rage and misery.

After taking a look at the giant corpse at the foot of the mountains, Suzetsu silently looked at his own hands, even though the young man had a very high strength from his body constitution, he still needs all his strength to deliver a hard blow. , I knew that if it weren't for the cliff it would have been impossible to eliminate it.

Rías was also proud of her work but was aware that while she had high magic power, she was still in short supply before a medium-level peak with the characteristics of this beast that was almost comparable to a high-level (due to the physical constitution of beasts, they were more powerful than subjects of the same level).

Suzetsu had a smile on his face as hints of wild victory filled his heart. This was how he felt like the ruler of the jungle. By using his own strength and ingenuity alongside the girl next to him, they had caused the 'Metallic Elephant' to be crushed beyond recognition.

Due to the euphoria, he hadn't even realized that his body had several bloody cuts still gushing out of them and his clothes already looked like a beggar's. Rías was a little better since he specialized in long distances.

After that confrontation they decided to stop to prepare for the last day, after all, they were exhausted after so many battles and had to recover, especially Suzetsu after using the , but they were both very happy to win, such an experience even if you are in a dangerous situation. They will stay on one of the mountain tops and after eating and washing they got ready in their sleeping bags.

Perhaps because he enjoyed the night before, he asked her to lie down next to him. Her on the outside keeping a serene face, but on the inside in her agony of shame, she nodded as she slipped between the sheets.

"Today was a special day, I'm glad I came with you" -said the young man as he looked into the beautiful eyes of his partner.

"For me, it has been too, I really enjoyed sharing with you outside the home" -she relaxed him little by little, he replied with a big smile.

"Thanks, Rias" -he said suddenly as he changed to serious eyes.

"Why are you thanking me silly?" she said, puzzled.

"During all these years, both you and Venelana and Grayfia have been very important to me" -said the young man, remembering the time they had spent together.

"You talk like you're saying goodbye, I don't like this"- Rías shook her head as she grabbed Suzu's arms.

"I was thinking about today's fight, unlike you, I am not comfortable with demon magic and I know very little about my natural energy, I must change my training method so it is necessary to go exploring or else I will stay stagnant "- he said after reflecting for a while.

"I'll accompany you" -she said without hesitation as he approached his giving her a hug and resting her head on the other's chest.

"I must go alone, only then will I be able to temper myself, but don't worry, it won't be long before we meet again" - He shaking his head as he stroked her hair.

"I ... ... I understand, I don't want to bore you, but promise me that when you arrive we will be together again and that you will never forget me" -she said a little hesitantly after sighing internally, she knew he was a stubborn man.

"Of course Rias, now we go to sleep, today has been a hard day" -said the man while he caressed Rias.

The next morning they both opened their eyes at the same time, being surprised in the act, Rías hugging Suzu while she lay on his chest and the pale boy also hugged her, thus showing an image of a couple in love. For the first time, Suzetsu experienced great changes in his face and suddenly his heart began to beat rapidly in sync with hers. Almost involuntarily, he drew his head closer to the beauty.

"mmm?" -Just when he was tilting his lips towards Rias, he suddenly raised his head to the sky as his face showed a shocked expression, and quickly afterward, his expression changed drastically for the worse.

A gigantic shadow blotted out the sun and the skies as she savagely approached them. The power of the wind force generated by the flapping of those huge wings was tremendously powerful, to the point where huge rocks weighing a few hundred kilograms on the nearby ground were also rolling chaotically as if they lacked gravity.

Just when the high-level beast was about to pierce Rias's back with its claws, Suzetsu flipped his body over her and protected her. Soon, large amounts of blood overflowed from his mouth and chest causing Rias's body to redden from the thick viscous liquid that fell on her.