
Suddenly the huge tree began to transform, it began to take the form of a cyclops creature with the appearance of a shell with long spikes and protrusions on its back.

"Now what do you think of a brat?"

"Wow, you are impressive" - despite her impressive appearance, the young man was still excited and unafraid to be in front of her, Suzu's behavior was because he could feel the connection with the beast and he knew that it would not hurt him.

"Since I saw you, I feel a great connection with you, can you explain?" -Suzu calmed down and asked the question he was thinking about.

"HAHAHA that's because your body is made of my cells so that feeling is not strange"- Juubi described simply and the young man jumped with enthusiasm when he heard it, but then he thought about her strange words.

"Formed ... what do you mean by that?" he asked nervously to know his own identity.

"Basically your body is made up of my cells as well as four other beings" -after listening, the young man fell to the ground feeling in shock, after all, he knew that he had not been born as an individual, but rather as a laboratory product. But that wasn't what made him down, it was because he had very, very vague memories of a woman who had carried him for the first time and who knew it was related to his pendant, but apparently, he was wrong.


"Don't worry so much, after all, you could say that you have a mother, although I don't know where she is, I think I can understand her situation" -said Kirisu after seeing Suzetsu's downcast face who was grabbing the pendant.

"... Well, before you said that just because your roots reacted you managed to wake up, that's my first consultation and ... can you tell me about my existence and who gave me this pendant?" -were some of the questions that he had pondered so much.

"It is something very simple hehe. When you were born you were attacked by a terrible subject and activated an eye technique similar to the one you used against that little bird. But on that occasion, it was too much power that you swallowed and for your small body, it was impossible to bear. Even now it is impossible for you to use that ability correctly. "

"I see, so that's why I felt a 'deja vu' ..." - muttered the brat. Suzu was very attentive to Kirisu's words, his eyes wide as a plate as he listened to a bit of his own story.

"When you were a newborn you absorbed the energy that was projected by the eye of 'that man, although you were lucky, he treated you like garbage, or you would have died if he had used a little more power. He probably thought that the little energy he hit you was enough to eliminate you.

Now with this bird at least your body could bear it despite being seriously injured in the battle, although it is not to rejoice, after all, it was too weak a beast"

"This ... you're right, I can tell that I can't change my eye power at will, except on limited occasions" - Suzu shook his head bitterly.

"Idiot and what do you want? Your growth method is different from the rest, remember that you have me blocking your Chakra points, naturally, I will teach you a correct method for you to cultivate" - Kirisu said indifferently but Suzetsu was filled with joy.

"That explains why Yasaka's Youkai method was not very efficient for me ..." - the young man was moved by the words of the beast. He also felt strange that he couldn't cultivate at the same speed as the other Youkai. He even used his Byakugan to check himself but was unsuccessful, his Dojutsu control was still in its infancy for a self-evaluation.

"But don't worry, these years have not been in vain, your physical power is far beyond the norm, it will be very useful for your training"

"I'll try a lot harder" -he answered with determination as he clenched his fist. The Juubi nodded and then continued with her words.

"Then after you absorbed the power of that subject I sealed myself inside you connecting my roots to your energy channels and chakra points to prevent you from exploding, I was in hibernation until you swallowed the energy of the bird"

"So you ..." -Suzetsu was moved by the story, basically trading years of her life in exchange for protecting him. The Juubi continued speaking, interrupting the young man's words.

"For the second… as you will realize, you belong to the Otsutsuki clan, whose main members can be considered Gods. So that you understand his story ... "- Then the Juubi told him about the harvest of the fruit and how they left the planet devastated after consuming it. Kirisu recounted indifferently, but the young man became more and more shocked by the various revelations, so much so that even he, someone who was generally stoic, his face was constantly changing.

"The acronym that you have on your pendant corresponds to Kaguya Otsutsuki, she was called by the villagers of the place where you were born as the 'princess who came from the stars', she sought to become independent and follow her own path, but because this did not he was seen with good eyes by her people, she was considered a traitor, so I joined her and we finally managed to defeat our enemies.

Later Kaguya used three warriors in order to generate enough energy to form a new individual that would share the powers of the three along with her cells and mine... that's how you were born "-Juubi stopped speaking so that the young man could process all the information and come out of your shock.

"And what happened next? - After several minutes the young man spoke again.

"In the clan, there are very powerful beings so once you were born you were found by one of the family leaders, you were almost on the verge of death but what I already mentioned happened" - the young man upon hearing the last thing, looked at the beast gratefully, knowing that even she had sacrificed her freedom in exchange for helping him.

"Do not look at me like that, I did it for my own convenience, do not forget that I will need your help in the future" - she replied proudly, but deep down she had certain esteem, after all, she felt a great connection with the brat.

"When I have the ability I promise to help you, as long as it does not affect my people," he promised solemnly and the beast nodded slightly at his words.

"So ... what happened to the woman?" - Suzu looked down, nervous at the divine tree's response. The young man never met her, but somehow he felt accompanied by the woman, either because of the pendant that gave him a strange but sweet consolation and also because he has a slight sense of awareness about the moment she looked at him outside of the Gremory Mansion, although he does not recognize her if he can feel the affection that she had for him.

"For the time that we share, I suppose that for fear that they would find her and that they could find your location through her, she is sealed somewhere in space ... I remember that she was always a cold and indifferent young woman, but with you, she could prove that she was a woman with feelings after all "- Kirisu wanted to stop, but seeing that the young man's reaction was growing, she knew that he was close to awakening a new power. One perfect for his current level and that does not cause him greater complications.