Suzetsu vs Sairaorg

"Fine HAHAHAHAHAHA" - he replied with a big smile, he always felt like a warrior and wanted great battles, although he was twice the age of the other, he still felt expectant, after all the man in front had many peculiarities.

"I could overdo it. I won't say don't hold a grudge against me if I hurt you badly, but be prepared for that" - Suzetsu also replied smiling.

"This is how it should be, or else it would be too boring and pointless" -he replied with a big look of confidence and emotion.

"Come on, I can't take it anymore ...!" - the Otsutsuki was also very interested and eager to start.

"Please do not exaggerate too much, it's just a friendly showdown, also cousin, you are much older than him and only yesterday did he recover from his last injury" - Rías said a little worried, but the excitement of the pair of young people did not diminish.

The battle between these two ... no one can stop it.

The match is about to start, the nearly fifteen-year-old demon wore beautiful golden armor, meanwhile, the eight-year-old was only wearing his common outfit consisting of a white T-shirt, black shorts, and sandals (Hashirama type).

The younger one got into a fighting stance with his back slightly hunched for greater concentration, after a few seconds of staring duels, he heads towards Sairaorg head-on. But the one from the Bael house covered his body with Touki and jumped kicking the ground.

Their fists struck each other frontally causing them both to take a couple of steps back. They both laughed out loud and exploded again in a series of kicks and punches.

"GO ON!" - They both said after having done a bit of warm-up. They were attacks without any elegance, just brute force.

Even though the older boy was wearing armor, each blow he received caused a certain numbing sensation in his muscles. Suzu could also feel some pain, but contrary to the expectations of the public, he seemed to be with more and more energy and with increasingly powerful blows.

Sairaorg infused more Touki into his body to give harder attacks and his speed increased.

-the young man also increased his abilities.

He quickly reached behind Suzetsu and used his elbow to fiercely punch him on the back. But the other managed to anticipate thanks to the skill of the Dojutsu and the 360 ​​° vision. The youngest held the incoming elbow attack with his hands making his palms turn red from cushioning the powerful blow, but still, he performed a roundhouse kick managing to hit him in the chest and sending him crashing into the wall.

The surprising power of the blow surprised the women, they all knew that Rías's cousin stood out in his body and no one from the same generation could hurt with his physique alone, even with weapons they had a hard time affecting him.

Suzu did not miss the opportunity. Immediately, as if there is no pain in his hands, he ran towards him and gave rein to his movements again, impacting with his legs.

Sairaorg blocked the kick with his powerful arms but was still damaged by the fierce impact to the ground.

Suzetsu raised his leg seeking to smash him to the ground leaving no room for him to recover, but Sairaorg caused surprise to the audience. They all thought he was in no condition to defend himself, but he sent an uppercut trying to surprise Suzu, but he had already anticipated it, he even showed a small smile.

Of course, the light-haired young man knew that his opponent was powerful enough not to be seriously injured by the above, so after dodging his uppercut he prepared a Youjutsu that Yasaka taught him called .

His right hand was surrounded by an intense red flame that rapidly increased the temperature around him, his opponent did not think that he would pull out the sudden ability and was hit directly in his face.

~~ BAAAAAAAAANG ~~ -Suzu took such an impulse that he managed to deliver such a good blow that the sound of the impact reverberated throughout the environment. Even the helmet he wore as part of his armor was shattered.

Blood spurted from his nose and spilled from the edge of Sairaorg's mouth. His body also trembled a bit and part of his upper armor also suffered some burns.

"That hit right now was interesting, it was great that it landed on you" -Suzetsu said laughing as he moved away a few meters to get some air.

After he said that, Sairaorg wiped off the blood and stood in front of Suzu demonstrating why he was one of the geniuses of the younger generation, most of them had already been knocked out or would have given up.

"It's a strong blow…! It feels like your spirit enters my body. In such a short time you became a demon, how much burden have you put on your shoulders !? It is a power that cannot be attained normally! I felt like you were taking me lightly because you didn't use the new ability that you showed yesterday. But I was wrong ... this is so much fun HAHAHAHAHA "

"Like you, I have also spent a lot of time training my body"

"I can only congratulate you, keep doing physical training with such intensity despite having a great quality in your magic, let me show you my respect" - Venelana's nephew said with admiration, who was a bit shocked at the moment. He decided to exert to the maximum the Touki that he could exert on his body.

'Perhaps I should also use a greater amount of magic, but thanks to the struggle with my physique, I discovered that I can damage Sairaorg who is covered in Touki, something practically impossible for other demons of this generation. Anyway, for now, I will only increase my defense when they receive their attacks and maintain a slightly more passive attitude. But if I keep doing this, my stamina will also decrease, it will be interesting to know my current limits' - Suzetsu thought with a small smile. His goals weren't just to win but to see what was the most he could do with his current ability.

After thinking to himself, he started the fistfight with Sairaorg. It was a punch and a kick at point-blank range. The truth was that his martial arts were better than Suzu's, there was a limit to what he could do with the martial arts he learned in a real battle, he had a huge experience gap between them, but thanks to his innate quality he was able to stand his ground against Sairaorg, Suzetsu was able to defend most shots thanks to his 360 ° vision, but there are still shots that were beyond his ability. He had left him the defense only in case of more powerful attacks and for weaker attacks, he counterattacked in a great way.

"An attack that is still green in real combat, I see, but you have incredible qualities, you are able to hit me without thinking twice" - he laughed

He was being serious. After exchanging a few blows, he stepped back and looked at the opponent while making a decision.

"When will you use your eyes to the fullest?"

"For now I want to use my body, I have not mastered them yet"

"Then get ready" -suddenly he changed his posture to that of a horse giving a feeling of greatness.

The teenager's body began to transform when he made a noise. His body gradually began to enlarge and transformed into something else. A black armor began to appear after making use of one of the pearls contained in his body. his limbs grew thicker and more imposing. His mouth fell open to reveal sharp fangs.


What appeared was a gigantic young man. He had a large body that was between four and five meters tall. He had something like a jewel on his forehead. He stood in front of Suzu as his hair flapping in the wind.

"Well now the second round, I must admit you make me frustrated, after all, I have trained my body my whole life and instead you are only about eight years old, but now I will get serious, this is a device that Ajuka gave to our clan in exchange for numerous riches and, after showing the leaders my strength they decided to give it to me.

The problem is that I can't fully control it, after all, it wields more power than I can control and I will even end up with sequelae and injuries after this fight, so even if I win, I will take much more damage than you. Better use your eyes Suzu or don't blame me if you get hurt a lot"